• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Total Drama Characters ::CLOSED::



New Member
This is where you post your OCs if you have them!
I really have nothing to say here other than please be respectful to everyone's characters. And uh. If you have questions just ask them!

You DO NOT need to make a sheet for canon Total Drama characters!

Relations (you can update this throughout the roleplay, it's friendships or couple.):
Intentions (what they would do with the million):
Favorite things (things they like):
Most-hated things (things they don't like):
Face Claim/appearance:
Voice Claim:
Team (don't fill out yet):

If there is something you would like to add, go on ahead!
I'll add a link to the official roleplay page when it's made!

Every single person participating in this roleplay can have up to 3-4 characters! Both OC and past contestants.

Total Drama Characters that are open
Alejandro, Amy, Anne Maria, B, Beardo, Beth, Blaineley, Brick, Bridgette, Cameron, Cody, Courtney, Dakota, Dave, Dawn, DJ, Duncan, Ella, Eva, Ezekiel, Harold, Heather, Izzy, Jasmine, Jo, Justin, Katie, Leonard, Leshawna, Lightning, Lindsay, Max, Noah, Owen, Rodney, Sadie, Sam, Samey, Scarlett, Scott, Sierra, Staci, Sky, Sugar, Topher, Trent, Tyler, and Zoey.

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Name: Akane (second a is long)
Nickname: Candy Kane
Age: 16
Relations (you can update this throughout the roleplay, it's friendships or couple.):
Sexuality: Pansexual
Intentions (what they would do with the million): Charity for cancer research
Bio: Lives with her mom in Ontario, Canada. Wanted action in her life so she signed up for the show
Fears/phobias: Spiders, death, backstabbers, heights.
Hobbies: Painting, sketching, art in general
Strengths: Making decent art, can push heavy things.
Weaknesses: Phobia challenges, paying attention, cannot swim well.
Interests: Art
Favorite things (things they like): sweet guys, sweet girls, bunk beds
Most-hated things (things they don't like): Girly girls, typical bad boys.
Personality/attitude: Sarcastic, rude, sweet if she likes you enough.
Face Claim/appearance: Baby face, long curly brunette hair, pale skin, blue eyes, pear figure.
Voice Claim: If high pitched has a deep, that’s her
Team (don't fill out yet):​

face claim.gif

Name: Devin Hillis
Nickname: Fae or sometimes Dusty by Garrett.
Age: 16
Height: 4'9
Relations (you can update this throughout the roleplay, it's friendships or couple.): friends with Garrett, unfortunately.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Intentions (what they would do with the million): She still hasn't decided what she wants to do with the money just yet, but she probably
plans to donate the money to homeless or research charities or possibly using the money to pay for her four-year college plans.
Bio: Devin was born in Cannes, France. She lives with her family consisting of her mother, father, and her two older sisters. They all think
that her decision about being on the show is absolutely ridiculous, but they probably cheer her on anyway.
Fears/phobias: She has an irrational fear of roller coasters and ornithophobia (a fear of birds)
Hobbies: She normally does photography, taking pictures of wildlife or flowers. She also enjoys cooking, gardening, and writing.
Strengths: Her intelligence and technically how sweet she can be sometimes. It lures people to her.
Weaknesses: her phobia of birds. She also has anger issues
Interests: Gardening and writing
Favorite things (things they like): ASMR (specifically the sound of rain or snow crunching under someone's feet), she gets super flustered when someone compliments her or gives her gifts.
She is someone who would normally give someone a gift and would rather give a gift then get a gift.
Most-hated things (things they don't like): She doesn't really like working with other people in groups
but she can't avoid that on Total Drama.
Personality/attitude: She can be a little distant from other people and normally wouldn't talk to them unless they started the conversation first.
Normally, she would also open up to her friends a little bit more. Normally, she will hum to herself when alone and doesn't like it when people sneak up on her when she is.
Face Claim/appearance: Above
Voice Claim: Hayley Kiyoko with a thick French accent.
(this is just a video to show what her voice is like, you don't have to watch it.)

Team (don't fill out yet):

If she had a song it would be:
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Name: Willow Tipton
Nickname: Wills, Will, Tip.
Height: 5'6
Relations (you can update this throughout the roleplay, it's friendships or couple.):

Intentions (what they would do with the million):
She would use the money to help get her through medical school.
She lives with her mother and brother in Chicago. She basically auditioned for the show without her mother nor her brother knowing, therefore, she just left without telling them. I can only imagine how much they are going to panic over this, Wills.
She is afraid of losing those who are close to her. Friends, family, just anyone she loves dearly.
She knits sometimes.
She normally is very positive and open to everyone, she is also very blunt and honest when meeting new people and sometimes that can be both bad and good.
How blunt she is, and also how sarcastic she can be at times.
She likes to make small things for her pet rats.
Favorite things (things they like):
Willow likes having close friends that she can rely on. Also small animals like mice, rats. and rabbits.
Most-hated things (things they don't like):
Spiders, snakes, really anything like that. She isn't scared of them and wouldn't kill them, but she doesn't like their company.
She is super sweet and extroverted, she opens up to people she has barely met.
Face Claim/appearance:
Voice Claim:
Meredith Godreau
(below is just a voice claim you don't have to watch it)

Team (don't fill out yet):
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Name: Charlotte Holland

Nickname: Char
Age: 17
Relations (you can update this throughout the roleplay, it's friendships or couple.):

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Intentions (what they would do with the million): I'll complete my father's research. I'll need to fund the expedition though.

Bio: Charlotte grew up in a small town, and constantly spent time in her backyard in her own treehouse, she used to pretend to go on adventures.
Her father was an archaeologist who would always tell her about his adventures growing up, which sparked her own imagination growing up.
She often viewed him as some kind of adventurer and was heartbroken when she heard news that he died while off in a jungle in Africa.
As she grew older she got into music, something that helped her cope with her father's death. She became a huge fan of cinema as well, getting into Indiana Jones.
Early into highschool she discovered that he was doing research on a lost ancient artifact.
For years she has vowed to complete her own father's research. This will all begin with her expedition to Africa.

Fears/phobias: Heights, Being buried alive, Scorpions.

Hobbies: Partying, Listening to Music, going on adventures. She loves to listen to music on her old ipod, owns many classic movies and has an active imagination.
She is a huge fan of Indiana jones.

Strengths: Charlotte is competent and extremely intelligent. She tends to think fast and adapt fast. Whether or not she'll end up good at something is it's own story but she gives everything her best try. She often is quite good at flattering others and telling them what they would want to hear

Weaknesses: Charlotte's personality makes it difficult for people to understand her. She tends to come off a bit weird and tends to forgot to tell important details
Especially with her own silver tongue she is often quite incomplete in social interactions. She also tends to be terrible at doing things logically, often listening to her own instincts or doing things for fun.

Interests: She loves music, reading books and movies.. She is a huge fan of cinema and the music industry, something she somewhat takes inspiration from.
She loves

Favorite things (things they like): Ice Cream, Books, Movies.

Most-hated things (things they don't like): She tends to hate obnoxious people and disgusting things. She dislikes things that are revolting or gross. She isn't quite a germaphobe but she isn't being near anything unsanitary if she has to.

Personality/attitude: She is often sarcastic or mysterious. She is very charismatic and is very competent and has a lot of confidence. She may be a bit weird but she is very good at talking her way out of situations. She is abit of a daredevil, and often uses her quick wit or bravery to push her way through situations.

Face Claim/appearance:
Voice Claim: Teresa Palmer
Team (don't fill out yet):
Name: David McGill
Nickname: Dave, just McGill
Age: 17
Height 5'10
Relations (you can update this throughout the roleplay, it's friendships or couple.):
Sexuality: Hetero
Intentions (what they would do with the million): Leave home, and travel the world.

Bio: David grew up in Seattle Washington . He lived in a disorganized house. His parents fought almost everyday. Over time he felt like people didn't like or care about him, including his parents. In middle school after his parents divorced he became a delinquent always starting fights being the stereotypical bad boy. He acted like this so people won't ignore him anymore. That all changed when one day he became genuine friends with a classmate named Phil Grant. During the summer before high school the Grants became his second family. His attitude in school changed becoming more of a strong silent type of person having built up muscles the previous summer. in their Junior year He and Phil both auditioned for a spot on Total Drama thinking they could become the brains and brawn duo of the season, but only David was picked.

Fears/phobias: Being forgotten, drowning, any bug that's more than four inches tall.

Hobbies: Playing baseball, reading, working out, and listening to music

Strengths: He is strong and fast able to run a mile in six minutes, He's a team player, due to his behavior problems growing up he learned how to read people

Weaknesses: do to his looks most people would find him unapproachable, He does some stuff without thinking about it leading to problems. Not the brightest person out there

Interests: Sports, books primarily mystery, country and rock music

Favorite things (things they like): Baseball, books, pretty girls, working with people, Having a purpose
Most-hated things (things they don't like) self centered people, unnecessary long winded speeches, Big bugs

Personality/attitude: He's a quite person around strangers usually only speaking when spoken too. He is friendly when you get to know him.

Face Claim/appearance: Caucasian short slicked back brown hair, Green eyes, He has a slight scar above his lip which has a permanent scowl. His body is athletically built very muscular, He usually has on a blue T shirt and pants as well as a leather jacket.

Voice Claim: while not growing up in the south he ended up with a bit of a southern accent from his mothers side.
Team (don't fill out yet):
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Julian Park.jpg
Name: Julian Park
Nickname: Jay, Jules
Age: 17
Relations (you can update this throughout the roleplay, it's friendships or couple.):
Sexuality: Homosexual
Intentions (what they would do with the million): Donate half to the adoption agency that helped him find his parents. Use the other half to help his parents.
Bio: Julian was adopted from South Korea at a young age and lives with his parents in Houston, Texas.
Fears/phobias: Being in complete darkness. Old people (It's something about the wrinkles.) Being hated.
Hobbies: Running, Dancing, Baking
Strengths: Self-preservation. He doesn't always know the best course of action but he's good at choosing the one he thinks will benefit him more.
Weaknesses: Cries under stress. Sometimes doesn't hear things correctly when he's anxious.
Interests: The Arts, DIY projects, Astronomy
Favorite things (things they like): Flowers, Books, Nature
Most-hated things (things they don't like): Snakes, Chocolate, touching strangers
Personality/attitude: Julian comes off as super friendly and loves to be around others. He'll even go out on a limb for those he considers friends, but at his core, he is obsessed with protecting himself and wants to be liked by everyone.
Face Claim/appearance: (Mark Tuan)

Voice Claim: James Marsden

Team (don't fill out yet):
Awesome you guys! But could I encourage a few of you to also claim an official TD character? You don't have to, of course, but it would be appreciated!
Roxie Heart




Alice - Cousin


"My parents plan on kee-ow!...I mean uh because me and family are already blessed with such wealth we plan on donating all to a special charity."

Roxie comes from a very rich family in fact she is even related to the Evermore family. Her mother is sister to Alice’s father. Roxie’s father runs a very famous talent agency and her mother is a fashion designer. Also her older sister happens to be a model. Roxie never really fitted in with her family. In fact she use to be the super shy nerd type and her mother would always fuss at her for not being more like her older sister. One day though something happened to her at school which made her change her entire personality. She started to become a bully ditching school getting in trouble, going to parties and getting into a lot of fights. Of course this did not go over well with her parents and her older sister just got even more praise. Alice is the only person Roxie trust mostly because she’s the only one that showed she even cared.

Thunder and lighting ( No one knows this accept for Alice)


Not afraid of anything (except thunderstorms)
Good fighter

Has weakness for booze


Favorite things:
Flowers (though she wont admit it)
Messing with people
Getting into mischief
Rock Concerts

Most-hated things:
Older sister
Weak people
Looking/Being Weak

Considered as the bad Apple of the family. She doesn't let anyone push her around. She is a jokester, prankster and a bully. She has quite the reputation and people tend to stay out of her way. She also tomboy and not very trusting the only person she really trusts is Alice. She is also not above revenge. There is another side to her that she keeps hidden. But you would have to become pretty close to her to ever see it. Even though she tends to get in trouble a lot she is actually very smart and has straight A's.

Voice Claim:

Team (don't fill out yet):
Alice Evermore




Roxie - Cousin


"Because me and my family are already blessed with such wealth we plan on donating all to a special charity."

Alice come from a very rich family. Her father does oil and her mother is famous singer. Alice was raised and taught, mostly by her mother, that perfection was always important and there were no room for failure. Alice always was always good at anything she did. She had to be this family. Even though her mother is pretty strict her father is more of jolly man but can be very scary if the right button is pushed. She also has a little sister who doesn’t get pushed like she does. She actually is more spoiled. Which does get to Alice sometimes but she would never admit it.



Quick Learner
Good at persuasion
Leadership skills
Good with animals



Favorite things (things they like):
helping others

Most-hated things (things they don't like):

Alice is always referred as the perfect child. She gets straight A’s and is perfect in everything she does. She never disobeys she follows the rules and on top of it she’s a good person. Not a evil bone in her body. She doesn’t even get angry or mad. The most you’ll ever see is sternness. Though it can be a lot of pressure and she is only human. Makes you wonder how long she can keep up this perfect little princess image before she finally snaps.

Voice Claim:

Team (don't fill out yet):​
Plant.Obsessed Plant.Obsessed Okay, Is this good? I feel like I'm forgetting something but IDK what it'd be ...
Kristopher Clefsong

Nickname: KC, Kris

Age: 17

Height: 5'9"

Sexuality: Gay as fuck boi Homosexual

Face Claim/appearance: Sean O Donnell

Voice Claim: Also Sean O Donnell

Team (don't fill out yet):

Relations (you can update this throughout the roleplay, it's friendships or couple.):

Intentions (what they would do with the million)
Use the money to help out his family and to invest in his future (college, publishing company, etc, etc). It's a lot of money though, so he might split some of it as well...

BioThe oldest child in a family of 13, having 11 siblings, Kris' life was relatively normal up until his 12th birthday. A year after his youngest sibling's birth, his father died in a car accident. Ever since then, his mom has been working her hardest to take care of Kris and his siblings on her own, and despite doing so by the skin of her teeth during some situations, they've always had all the necessities. As the oldest, Kris and Christina, his 16 year old sister and best friend, they've been doing their best to help out with the care of the youngins. One such duty Kris undertook was working at a theatre.

At this theatre, Kris found out many things about himself. The first was that he had perfect pitch. The second was that he could put his eidetic memory to use if he did plays and such. The third was that he was a sucker for the performing arts. In his free time, Kris would learn all he can: singing, dancing, acting, and even playing various instruments. Fortunately for him, it turned out that his father was a bit of a musician himself in his childhood, his mother revealing that he had a galore of musical instruments in the attic, giving Kris free reign to them.

This discovery cemented an idea in Kris’s head. He wanted to be a composer. I mean he loved the idea of performing for a living (he has experience in each of the different arts due to his job) but he liked the idea of creating much more. As such, he started working towards that dream.

When high school came, he auditioned for and was accepted into a performing arts high school, and through hard work (and luck since the eidetic memory comes in handy) he’s trying to get a scholarship to (insert college name) for Music Composition. Why he auditioned for the show? Mainly for inspiration, hoping it’ll give him some ideas for new material. Though winning would be pretty awesome.


Losing his voice
Losing the ability to move freely (paralysis, coma, breaking bones, etc)
Something happening to someone he care about
Bees (He has a mild allergy to bees and a big allergy to honey (as in fatal if consumed and breaks into hives if touched)

Hobbies: Perofrming, Particiapating in various activities his younger siblings participated in.

Strengths: Creative, Pretty Smart, Hardworking, Eidetic Memory, Team Player, Musically-Gifted
Weaknesses: A bit gullible, Refuses to go anywhere without his jacket, Insomniac, Self sacrificial (Tends to put others before himself)
Interests: All the performing arts, Helping Out Others, Music in general (He’ll listen to ANYTHING)

Favorite thingsMost-hated things
Making FriendsAs you could probably guess, bees
PerformingPeople who give up
Making Others SmileWhen people dislike him
Being InsideThe sun
Being active (Regardless of what it is)Sleeping
PersonalityA responsible, and extroverted individual, he cares a lot about making sure whoever’s around him is happy and taken care of, no matter what he has to do to ensure such results. He forges bonds quickly and believes that everyone is a good person until proven otherwise. He is also ambitious, in the sense that he’ll stop at nothing to accomplish his goals, and he expects the same from everyone around him as well. He also seems to be full of energy at all times of the day, even in the middle of the night when he should be sleeping. He always gets at least an hour though so it’s fine. Interestingly enough, he never goes anywhere without a jacket on, regardless of the weather. He’s been known on multiple occasions to refuse to leave his home until he found a jacket to wear.

Other: N/A for now

1. Christina - 16, Female
2. Harry - 10, Male
3. Lenny -10, Female
4. Princeton - 8 , Male
5. Priscilla -8, Female
6. Johnny - 7, Male
7. Sarah - 5, Female
8. Jack - 5, Male
9. Samuel -5, Male
10. Jenny - 3, Female
11. Maxwell - 3, Male




Name: Ashlynn Hayes
Nickname: Ash, Ashley, Asher, Miss Hayes
Age: 17
Height: 5'6"
Relations (you can update this throughout the roleplay, it's friendships or couple.): Duncan potentially? They were friends in the 'juvenile rehabilitation program'.
Sexuality: Pansexual Panda
Intentions (what they would do with the million): Start a self harm hotline called 'fallen angels'.
Bio: 2 nd oldest of 7, she knows a lot about responsibility, and takes on many challenges that she wouldn't if she were normal. But she's not. She had lost nearly 95% of her family, due to various reasons. Friends too. 19 people in a year and a half. She self harmed, but stopped due to a deal with another suicidal friend. She is stronger now than ever, but is mildly ashamed of her scars. Only Duncan knows.
Fears/phobias: Social injustice. Prejudice.
Hobbies: Writing. Reading. Music. Anime. Manga. Being LGBTQ+.
Strengths: Loyal to a fault. Kind to everyoen, especially minorities. Generous. Friendly. Honest. Ect.
Weaknesses: Self deprecating. Suicidal. Shy about her scars.
Interests: Writing , music, reading, anime, manga, ect.
Favorite things (things they like): See interests and Hobbies
Most-hated things (things they don't like): Abuse, harassment, or assault, of any kind.
Personality/attitude: See strengths.
Face Claim/appearance: Google Image Result for https://data.whicdn.com/images/301341631/superthumb.jpg?t=1510558425
Voice Claim: Jenna Moreci
Team (don't fill out yet):

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