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Realistic or Modern Tokyo Panic


Pretty in Pink


The Rat: Yeon Jae Kim

The Dog : Kota Sturgess

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Name :

Alias [if your character] :

Age :

Gender :

Sexuality [Optional] :

Nationality :

Occupation :

Affiliation :

Appearance :

Personality :

Crimes [if applicable, of course.] :

Biography [Optional] :

Skills [6 max] :

Allies [if you have any before the roleplay starts. Can be other characters of yours, NPCs or other user's characters.] :

Enemies [if you have any before the roleplay starts. Can be other characters of yours, NPCs or other user's characters.] :


Additional Information :
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"Lie to me all you like. In the end, I will always have the truth in my hands."
The Rat

Name Yeon Jae "Nezu" Kim

Alias The Rat

Age 22

Gender Female

Sexuality Demisexual

Nationality 3/4 Korean, 1/4 French

Occupation Hacker

Affiliation Satsuma Family



Personality Quiet at first, but slowly more and more open as you get to know her, Yeon Jae is a mature, calm female, preferring to be more of an observer and a listener. Whenever she opens her mouth, she speaks in a tranquil, polite and concise speech pattern that often surprises people, given her intimidating gaze. She is described as intelligent, skeptical and straightforward by those around her, with an open yet bitter outlook on the world. She easily lets out comments and remarks, blunt words that cut straight to the point. To Yeon Jae, there's no need for formalities nor complexes, given the simple individual that she is. She can turn out to be a reliable once you get close to her, given her perfectionist and headstrong nature, though it may backfire at times. Awkward and with a keen lack of empathy for those around her, she is a a steady and unflappable young woman that believes that honesty is the best policy. Responsible and intuitive, she can turn out to be quite the exceptional peer and despite her lack of charisma at times, no one can deny her role as a valuable asset despite her flaws. Yeon Jae is also extremely observant of others, noticing small details that most people don't see and easily reads other people's faces. Whenever she is focused, her actions reveals a bit more of herself than most people perceive it. She can be quite wary around others however, with a judgemental and psychologically tense mind, as well as impatient. An example is shown as she does not get along with people she perceives as disgusting. Even she if he does make an effort, it is blatant to see how much she dislikes them. Yeon Jae can also turn quite violent when angered, as well as scary, which frightens even herself as well, given her collected and seemingly relaxed attitude.

Crimes Cybertheft



Possession of Drugs

Involuntary Murder

Ties with Mafia

Biography Despite Korea being the place where her birth took place, Yeon Jae never expressed desire to associate to it, as she always considered Japan to be where her home lied, having moved there at the age of 3 by the occasion of her father's job. Being a middle child among her family was never really something that she cherished in her life, as she was constantly compared to her siblings and so on, but she could not really complain. Her life was simple but stable both psychological and financially. When Yeon Jae reached her teenage years, things began to take a turn for the worst, to say the least. Perhaps out of rebellion, perhaps not, one thing was certain: Yeon was not the same girl that had arrived at Japan 10 years ago anymore. Gaining habits such as drinking, smoking, vandalism, skipping classes, she would find this choice to be a way of escaping her routine, to regain her freedom, even for just a matter of seconds. Soon enough, her family would eventually give up on any chances of her "recovery", instead leaving young Yeon Jae to make her own decisions, to wander aimlessly with no objective in mind and to simply be a disgrace for society. She would then move in with an apartment she shared with a friend in the center of Tokyo, never fully straining away from this path. She would eventually find her way into the criminal world of Tokyo, engaging in even more dangerous activities along the way. Her talent with computers, though you could call it precocious by her displays at a young age, revealed, during this time, to be her most prized way of achieving profits. But Yeon was still young and naive, she could not survive with just skill. And she learned this from the hard way...Escaping the authorities for quite a while, she would find herself years later joining Tenshi Satsuma's gang, gaining both experience and ways of protection while contributing to its course of actions.


Skills If there is one thing no one can rival Yeon Jaw is when it comes to her hacking skills. Or basically anything that involves electronic devices.

She is quite handy with light guns.

Though she may not be the best fighter out there, she is able to defend herself at the least, with quick and agile reflexes despite her lack of strength.

She is known for her mostly accurate judge of character thanks to her observation and deduction skills.

Yeon Jae is not someone to be heavily influenced by stressful situations, instead not letting it cloud her judgement and appraisal of the situation.

Allies Satsuma Faily

Kota Sturgess

Enemies Any Threats to the Satsuma Family

Additional Information

She is fluent in Japanese, Korean, French and English.

She has prior ties with the Yakuza thanks to certain events in the past. As such, she had a rough start when she joined the Satsuma...

She has a IQ of 187.

She only wears glasses whenever she needs to read, as she is slightly short-sighted.

She dyed her hair blonde, while her original hair color is actually black. Her blue eyes, however, are of her French heritage.

She is addicted to Lunesta, a brand of pills for insomnia.

Over her time at the gang, she has developed a slight tendency to make quite the sassy remarks.

Nezu comes from the Japanese term for Rat, Nezumi.

Concerning Yeon Jae and Kota's relationship, one could only describe it as a junior-senior one at first glance. Though Yeon Jae is not sure if he does consider her a friend, her approach to wars him seems to be friendly at all times. She still is cautious with whatever she says around him, however. He was aso the one, at Tenshi's command, that "rescued" from suffering the consequences of being involved with the mafia and the one who took her to the Satsuma headquarters.

She is known to be a terrible cook, for the exception of making riceballs.

She has quite a good voice for singing, if it wasn't for her timidness regarding it.

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Name: Kota Sturgess

Alias: The Dog


Gender: Male

Race: Mutt (That's what he is)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: American/Japanese

Occupation: Unaffiliated Freelance Hitter

Affiliation: On the surface no one, but truly to the Satsuma family.


This picture shows Kota at age 17 when he was forced to fight, and treated like a dog. He's now 23 so quite a bit older, a bit more built and usually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt with a jacket over it to hide his pistol. So in essence, he looks a little something like this now: (yes he has the tattoo but it's the now extinct Sakai family yakuza tattoo, which he sees more as a brand than a choice)


Course he doesn't smoke, pill popping only, kids. Smoking's bad for you!

Personality(Try to make it a paragraph):

Kota is soft spoken, probably more akin to a machine than a person he quantifies things in his life and carries himself in a calm almost docile fashion unless provoked. His eyes look uncaring and his demeanor is typically dismissive, but despite this he still performs actions somewhat thoughtfully,but when challenged or provoked a different Kota comes out. You see Kota loves violence, he absolutely adores it, reveling in every hit, every stab, the breaking of bone and mashing of sinew is an orchestra of wondrous music to his ears. Truth be told Kota is nice, and he's always a gentleman, always making subtle often underwhelming kind gestures whilst not involved in violence, but can he really help it if people are scared of him, after all there's really no telling what will flip his switch.

Crimes: Assault, Assault with a deadly weapon, Battery, Public Indecency, Attempted Murder, Jaywalking, possession of illegal substances, and Murder

History(Optional): Kota is the son of an american soldier and a Japanese mother. Born in Japan while his father was deployed as a Marine on the local American base Kota was well taken care of. In fact when his father retired and moved the family to a small house on the outskirts of town Kota was thrilled, his papa and mother were finally together without his father leaving for tours of duty. Together the small family would make it by alright, doing things happy families did together, and growing as the years went by. Or at least they did until they didn't, you see Kota's mother wasn't exactly just any young girl, she was the daughter of a crime family boss, a family that just so happened to have arranged for her to marry into an ally family.

But Kota's mother fell in love with a soldier, and so with the US government on their side the two eloped on base, and were protected from harm for years. Only when both families were destroyed in a war did Kota's mother return to Tokyo proper and start her life together with Kota and her husband. But not all was as it seemed and one night remnants of both families attacked the home. Kota's father fought bravely but was ultimately killed, while his mother was raped and killed in front of him. Kota once happy life was over, and as he was thrown into a van and captured by the now united remnant family it would become clear that nothing would be the same again.

Over the next few years Kota would be raised by the family, not as an heir, but as a dog. He was molested, abused, fed scraps and forced to fight over and over again. All the while the remnants of the two proud families began to grow, larger and larger, their territory growing until finally they had carved out a small but sizable chunk of Tokyo. The boss of the two families grew attached to Kota, loving his dog, abusing him more and more, and yet rewarding him for his efforts all the same. At age 12 he was being entered in dogfights, and by 15 Kota was regularly being entered in bare knuckle brawls. Unfortunately as the youngest to show, he was often defeated by much older, seasoned combatants. His bones would break, his body would fall, but all the same he'd always get back up until he turned 17. By 17 he'd stopped losing, by 17 Kota was certifiably an animal, an animal that had no remorse, and no limits. Pushed to the brink over and over again had taught Kota to hit first more often than not, and strike with the intention to kill in every contest. It earned him a spot at the side of the gang's leader and a nickname to boot. The "Savage", it was what they called him, what he was when he fought, an animal with the mental foresight of a man, they couldn't think of a more fitting title. So for a while Savage was all Kota was, enforcing the rules of the family, and following the leader around like a trained dog to intimidate and beat down opposing gangs and their top fighters.

Kota would be trained in table manners, and learn how to shoot and do things properly, heck he even had an uncanny knack for it, but in the end things always resulted in bloodshed, and when the chips were down they could all count on Kota getting up close and personal. Kota would remain the chief's bodyguard for the next few years, until an ambush organized by traitors resulted in an unarmed Kota killing 6 armed men. The incident known throughout the underground as "The Last Supper" had Kota slaughter 6 of his former brothers without batting an eye, and while the chief was shot in the knee, his life was saved.

After the Supper Incident, the chief now partially crippled by the incident, and shocked by Kota's lack of remorse or hesitation in killing the family's formerly most trusted brothers, decided to take out an insurance policy to make sure Kota would remain loyal. He'd have Kota hooked on drugs and become his only supplier, making sure Kota could go nowhere else, and thus ensuring his own safety.

This only seemed to exacerbate Kota's unstable side though as he became even more violent when under the influence of uppers, and even less human when on his downers or sober. For a while it was ideal but soon the family lost it's corner on the drug market, it having been bought out from under them by a rival. With the supply gone, Kota became erratic, and while the boss still had a fairly significant supply, Kota decided to break the chain, securing an unhealthy dose of painkillers and stealing sake from the kitchen, he'd numb himself through the pain of the withdrawals of his addiction, and proceed to kill his master.

Systematically Kota would kill everyone asleep in the main house, and move onto some of the more significant others, before finally succumbing to self inflicted blood toxicity and kidney failure. He'd wake up to find himself in a hospital, hooked up to a dialysis machine and glancing down at a scar where his kidney was. It appeared as if he'd been rescued, heck he may have even gotten a new Kidney, and as Kota wondered why a man would step forward. This man was none other than the rival gang's leader Tenshi Satsuma, a man that held the most stake in the fall of Kota's family, and who was starting to win the drug war prior to Kota's slaughter.

Tenshi thanked Kota for eliminating his enemy, and told him that his prior family, the Sakai were now being wiped up by his men. The new Kidney was a present, and Tenshi assured him he would be free to go after he recovered. But Kota didn't have anywhere to go, and as he watched this man leave his room he'd stop him, speaking for what felt like the first time. "I want work" he'd say, to which Tenshi assured him he'd find it, "No.....I want to work for you" he'd say with no small amount of conviction. At this Tenshi would smile and sit down with Kota, filling him in on his vision of the future.

So there you have it, Kota is now the free lance or unaffiliated enforcer of the Satsuma family,never formally initiated or adopted, being unaffiliated officially means he takes jobs for other families but anyone in the "know" in the underground has a pretty good understanding where his loyalties will lie if the wars get real. Kota is a one man operation with connections in drugs, weapons, and illegal fighting, and he's loyal to Tenshi personally, not necessarily his family.

Close Quarters combat, killing, intimidation, fighting (with knives and fists), shooting sh*t, breaking and entering.


Kota doesn't have any friends, though he is loyal to a select few. Yeon Jae, Ume, and Tenshi are especially close to him, though he's still cold outwardly. No one knows if Kota interprets these close few as friends or merely targets to be protected.


  • Kota didn't exactly get a formal education, so there is still plenty he still needs to learn.
  • Kota loves American spirits over any liquor the Japanese make, he hates Sake with a passion.
  • Kota can't stand the smell of cigarettes
  • Oh and Kota can't hear out of his left ear, a side effect from a gun going off by his head during "The Last Supper" Incident
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Name : Ran Giang

Alias: The Snake, The Mamba

Age : 31

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Aromantic/Asexual

Nationality : Vietnamese

Occupation : Mob Boss

Affiliation : Huang Giang Cartel

Appearance :

Personality : Giang is very seclusive, staying shut in until the time is right. When talking, he is often monotone and rarely jokes around when speaking, deciding rather to act serious and stoic. When working with the men of the cartel, he treats them like strangers with jobs, giving them only an order, then the silent treatment. But with all men who'd rather not speak, he has a lot to say on the inside. He lives in a constant battle with the world, and that comes with a lot of negative emotions towards people and humankind itself. But unlike other people, he never does open up eventually. There's many people who are quiet, angry, and generally have a negative attitude towards people until you get to know them. Not him. He never opens up, and continues to attack the world itself. There's reason behind his aliases. He attacks silently, precisely, and often without warning.

Crimes : Assault, murders in the first and second degree, drug trafficking, possession of illegal substances and weaponry, procuring, general theft.

Biography : No one necessarily knows how the Mamba rose to power. All that is known is that by this point, he runs a crime ring efficiently and does it mostly on his own. His first name is rarely spoken, and when it is, it's done in whispers in a back alley at night. The men of his crew refer to him by his last name, or by his unofficial nickname, Mamba. This is the name whispered by the civilians. The name whispered by other gang members. Giang himself gave them his original alias, The Snake, and they made it more specific. Mamba's are killers. Quick, deadly strikes that cause fear throughout Africa.

But that isn't his only feature. The Snake is notorious for running such a large crime ring on his own. Drug trades being made all over the city and even being sent out across the Pacific and towards inner Asia. Weaponry going along the same routes. Contracted hits, prostitutes on street corners, theft. All these crimes coordinated by the snake in the shadows.

And this one man is often out on the town, but his face is just that of another man to the general public. A killer among men.

Skills [6 max] :

His signature weapon are small knives, concealed in sleeves, shoes, pockets, anything.

He's known to wield a small, concealed pistol, and know how to use it well.

He's able to get connections to near anyone with enough time.

His skills in micromanagement and organization are phenomenal.

Allies : N/A

Enemies : N/A


Additional Information :

Never seen in anything other than a white suit with a red tie.

Has no known family.

Fluent in Vietnamese, Japanese, and English.

He has one record in his desk. Side A and B both have "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire" by The Ink Spots on it.
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