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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: The Old Blood


A Man With No Face

Investigator Name:

Age: [19+ For Quinx/20+ for general Investigators]


Investigator Rank: [Max of Rank 2 for Quinx, max of First Class for regular investigators]

Investigator Gender:



Body Type:

Height: Preferably in Metric

Notable Details/Features: Scars, tattoos, strange prosthetics, anything that would grab attention.


Personality: An optional piece for any who wish to reveal their character's personality in character.

Background: [Preferably a paragraph or two. That doesn't mean give me a paragraph of your characters life in elementary school and one half describing several years of life. There is no max, so make it as long as you'd like.]

Reasons to be in the CCG/GGET12: Can be a paragraph or bullet-point style. Why is your character a part of the CCG/GGET12?


Athleticism: An overview of how the employee handles feats of athleticism, including general information.

Combat: An overview of employees prowess in physical combat. Ranging from hand-to-hand combat, to combat against a ghoul.


Quinque: List its name, rating, and which kagune it derives from. A picture of weapon is optional, but a description of it will be required if none can be provided. Its abilities, and any notable information should be posted here.

Kagune: For Quinx units only. List which type of kagune it is. Note how it looks, and how the user uses it and its overall functions.

[div=background: url() fixed; background-size: cover; border-radius: 25px; border: 2px solid black; padding: 5px;]
[center][font=courier][size=100]EXAMPLE CS[/size][/font][/center]

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[/div][/div][/column][column=span5][div=position: relative; width: calc(100%  - 20px);height: 400px; overflow: hidden; background: #000000; border-radius: 25px; border: 2px solid #ffffff; background-size: cover; padding: 10px; opacity: 0.8;][div=width: 100%; padding-right: 150px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; font-align: justify;]
[size=20][center][font=20]EXAMPLE CS: HAISE SASAKI[/font][/center][font=20][/font][/size][font=20]

Name: Haise Sasaki

Age: 21

Quinx/Human: [ACCESS DENIED]

Investigator Rank: Rank 1 Investigator

Investigator Gender: Male



Appearance: See left


Notable Features: Black and white pudding hair.


Personality: Haise shows a very kind and rather cheerful personality. A fine mentor to the prototype Quinx unit.

Biography: [UNAVAILABLE]

Reasons to be a part of the CCG: [UNAVAILABLE]


Athleticism: Haise displays an impressive athletic ability, ranging from running after ghouls to incredible feats of acrobatics.



Quinque: Yukimura 1/3, a B rating Koukaku quinque made to be a long blade lacking a guard.

Kagune Type: A Rinkaku type with a distinct red color, Haise is capable of forming several tendrils and manipulate them with ease; even using them with his quinque. NOTE: Investigator is to rarely utilize said kagune unless greatly needed. If investigator suddenly suffers from abrupt psychotic break immediately inform any Special Class to deal with the issue.

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Name: Haise Sasaki

Age: 21

Quinx/Human: [ACCESS DENIED]

Investigator Rank: Rank 1 Investigator

Investigator Gender: Male



Appearance: See left


Notable Features: Black and white pudding hair.


Personality: Haise shows a very kind and rather cheerful personality. A fine mentor to the prototype Quinx unit.

Biography: [UNAVAILABLE]

Reasons to be a part of the CCG: [UNAVAILABLE]


Athleticism: Haise displays an impressive athletic ability, ranging from running after ghouls to incredible feats of acrobatics.



Quinque: Yukimura 1/3, a B rating Koukaku quinque made to be a long blade lacking a guard.

Kagune Type: A Rinkaku type with a distinct red color, Haise is capable of forming several tendrils and manipulate them with ease; even using them with his quinque. NOTE: Investigator is to rarely utilize said kagune unless greatly needed. If investigator suddenly suffers from abrupt psychotic break immediately inform any Special Class to deal with the issue.

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Investigator Name: Ikiru Kuutake
Age: 20
Quinx/Human: Quinx
Investigator Rank: 2
Investigator Race: Japanese
Investigator Gender: Female

Body Type: Athletic, Thin, Well-toned
Height: 5'7"
Notable Details/Features: Pale-blue dyed hair and fingernails usually painted to match.

Background: The oldest of six children, Investigator Kuutake's involvement with the CCG begun of her own volition. An exceptionally perceptive child, she noticed during her childhood that her father, made into a widower after his wife's death in her sixth childbirth, was financially and physically struggling to support the household. She and her siblings would reportedly go extended periods of time dining far more thinly than what could be called healthy, with their father sometimes not eating at all. Before long, he'd begin to deteriorate both physically and mentally and in the face of this ,the then thirteen years old, Investigator Kuutake made the decision to seek entrance to the CCG Academy's Junior School.

After an indeterminate amount of time spent convincing her father to okay the idea, she'd begin to attend the Academy as an official Cadet. During her time there, she managed to match her peers with surprising regularity, performing well in both her practical and academic studies; while lacking the drive born of tragedy that spurred so many of the other students on, Cadet Kuutake was often noted as being an exceptionally motivated young girl, and a generally positive influence on the other Cadets.

Riding the wave of her exceptional performance at the Junior School, Cadet Kuutake showed little pause in her decision to then move into the Academy's main branch, only taking a brief break from her studies in order to sort out some family matters. Her performance there remained as upstanding as it had previously for her first few months, but about halfway into the school year it begun to deteriorate. She'd miss classes, at first rarely but with a frequency that quite steadily begun to increase, and her grades would likewise begin to drop; at the same time, her lecturers would often report the Cadet's usual lack of attentiveness during the classes she did attend, claiming she'd often seem too tired or distracted to get anything out of her lessons.

Upon questioning, she'd reveal that her father's condition had finally worsened to the point where he was outright unable to support the household through his own efforts, and that she'd picked up a part time job to compensate. Not long after, she submitted a letter of intent to cease her studies so she could fully dedicate herself to supporting her family. However, as the until-then standout student that she was, she was offered a compromise. Should she participate in an experimental new study and test positively, they'd not only offer her a tidy lump sum in payment, but also afford her an early addition to the payroll to properly cover her final year of schooling.

As decisive as ever, the Cadet soon returned to her classes with a confirmation of intent to participate in the study, and was overjoyed to receive news of her acceptance into the 'Quinx Program' a few weeks later. Her remaining time in the Academy was spent with a renewed vigor, the girl being apparently undaunted by the fate that awaited her at the end of her study. Finally, she'd graduate not at the top of, but definitely in the upper echelons of her year, and undergo the Quinx Surgery not long after.

Reasons to be in the CCG: Originally, her sole reason for enrollment was to lighten the financial load placed upon her single father; during her years of study however, she's developed a genuine passion for her position, wanting to help the victims of Ghoul incidents after seeing so many of them in the Academies.

Athleticism: Investigator Kuutake has displayed herself as a very physically competent individual, both before and after her Q Surgery. She has the stamina to pursue suspects for extended periods of time, as well as the agility required to navigate after them effectively. Her physical strength greater than that of the average Quinx, thanks to her personal training routine, likely to compensate for her lacking Kagune.

Combat: Due to the situation concerning Investigator Kuutake's implanted Kagune, she is considerably less effective in combat than her fellow Qs when unarmed. While she is able to better defend against a Ghoul than an average person without a Quinque, her Kagune has very limited offensive capabilities in the state that it is in, and the most of them are ineffective against higher-ranked Ghouls. To compensate for this, she's shown a heightened dedication to mastering the use of her Qinque, taking advantage of the increased physical capabilities that the surgery has given her.

Quinque: Ichishoku, B-Rank Koukaku - A fairly standard club Quinque, that measures about two meters from base to tip. It is an effective weapon on its own, but in light of the particular nature of Investigator Kuutake's Kagune, it has been modified for utility purposes. Ichishoku has a Q-Steel framework built into it, which can have a number of 'Quinque-Frames' attached to it. These are Q Steel molds that can be filled with the liquid produced by Ikiru's Kagune, temporarily transforming Ichishoku into a range of different forms, such as a sword, pole-arm or axe.

Kagune: Koukaku - An imperfectly integrated Kagune, Investigator Kuutake's Koukaku does not form into a blade, shield, wing, or any of the typical Koukaku forms. Rather, it weeps from her shoulder as a thick, black stream of unhardened RC Cells. The stream is easily malleable when it first emerges, bubbling out in a liquid state before gradually hardening into a gelatin, and then finally a proper Koukaku-like shell. Even after it is hardened, Ikiru is unable to control it like the third limb that it is for a proper Ghoul, but she makes up for it by taking advantage of its time as liquid to apply it in creative ways. She can clump it over parts of her body to form a rudimentary armor, or even remove it from her body entirely to create steps or obstacles. Any detatched Kagune, however, will destabilize and die within due time, usually melting away into a bloody puddle after a minute or two.
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Investigator Name: Hualing Fan

Age: 19½

Quinx/Human: Quinx

Investigator Rank: 2

Investigator Gender: Female


Body Type: Ectomorph, Athletic

Height: 5'7"

Notable Details/Features: Freckles and steel-gray eyes.

Background: Hualing was born in Hainan, China, the only child of Chenguang and Jing-sheng Fan. Her father, Jing-sheng, was an obscure First Class Investigator who presided over the area. Somewhere between Hualing's first and second birthday, Chenguang disappeared on her way home from work. Her father was optimistic and hopeful about it at first, until bits and pieces of her body washed up on shore for several months. This caused a change in Jing-sheng. His optimism turned to an obsession to find her killer, his old hope driving him to have a lack of trust in those around him. He became a cold, bitter man, who did everything he could to make sure his daughter wouldn't meet the same fate.

Jing-sheng raised Hualing to view ghouls as being less than people, even less than most animals. He treated her more like an investigator-in-training than his daughter, and so when she was encouraged to take the entrance exam to join the Academy, to Hualing it wasn't a choice, but the next step in a linear path. Her first year was spent at the RCCGD (Republic of China Counter Ghoul Division) training academy, where her pre-knowledge about ghoul physiology and eating habits pushed her to the top of her class. In Hainan, the RCCGD academy was small, lacking both enough teachers and motivated students to create exceptional Investigators.
Most never rose about Rank 3, and had no reason to, as any graduates of the Hainan academy would just be relegated to oversee a section of the island.

Hualing's instructor, seeing her potential and how it would be wasted in Hainan, recommended her transfer to a much bigger, competitive academy. Only a few considered the request, and only one was well-known for producing above-average Investigators. So, Hualing attended the CCG academy in Tokyo.

It was Jing-sheng who recommended Hualing for the Quinx program. Though he knew very little about it, he saw it as an extra layer of protection for his daughter. To Hualing, it was another inevitable stepping stone. When she was approached with the offer, she accepted without hesitation.

Reasons to be in the CCG/GGET12: Her lack of empathy for ghouls, her high physical scores (she never hesitated to use deadly force, even in Hainan), and that, to her, the CCG was and is the only path for her to follow.


Athleticism: Investigator Fan has shown to be quite knowledge about both ghoul and human physiology, and uses this information in battle. In a mock battle, for instance, she has attempted to disable a 'kagune' before it could fully form at the start of a battle, or attacked the few known soft spots on a ghouls body (like the eyes) with little hesitation. She makes up for her lack of strength in evasiveness and adaptability, having honed her reflexes to compensate for her limited agility.

Combat: Due to the defects found within her kagune, Investigator Fan is known to use it very little for physical combat. Instead, she uses it for 'mental combat'. She has been observed discussing the possibility to use it as a method of deception at-length, preferring to use it to surprise her opponents with her Quinx status who otherwise might have been under the impression that she had no such capabilities. Though Investigator Fan has shown mastery over her quinque, she also has a heavy, near detrimental reliance on it to make up for her bodily weaknesses.


Quinque: Sǐwáng Wǔdǎo, B-rating, Ukaku. A set of four daggers, each blade is approximately a foot long and narrow, smaller than the width of a finger at the tip. Each blade can crystalize, except instead of thickening the blade itself, the crystallization spreads outwards, changing the shape of the blade to resemble a traditional Japanese fan, but one with all sharp-edges. In its crystalized form, Sǐwáng Wǔdǎo becomes a tool for defense, able to deflect projectiles and buffer most kagune attacks (except Koukaku). The razor-sharp surface makes it a formidable weapon in close-range combat. Some speed and mobility is lost in this form however, due to the added weight and stiffness of the crystals. Hualing is able to switch between the crystalized form and the blade form at will by detaching the crystals on the surface. Once detached, these crystals can't be manipulated by the user and quickly revert into a liquid form.

Kagune: A "delayed reaction" Bikaku. The defects in Hualing's kagune are not a physical property, but a mental one. Her mind and her kagune are delayed and uncoordinated. If she has the thought to attack her opponent, her kagune does not immediately follow the command. Instead, the action will happen several seconds after, independent of her wanting it to happen. Her bikaku takes the form of a single, thick tail extending from her tailbone, split at the very end into two short tails that make a ‘U’ shape.​
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Age: 19

Quinx/Human: Quinx

Investigator Rank: Rank 2

Gender: Male



Body Type: Slim, Toned, Athletic

Height: 155

Notable Features: One of the first things people notice about Shota is his size. His appearance doesn't suit a person of his age, often causing others to mistake him for a child. Shota also has quite a few scars that can be found all over his body, each varying in size and shape. The ones on his back are particularly bad, but nothing can be found above the neck.



While Shota may look like a child, his appearance belies his horrible personality. He is a detestable person that can only be described as a sadist. The boy takes great pleasure in messing with others and watching them squirm. He loves to get reactions out of people, but anger and horror are the absolute best. Harmless jokes like threatening to eat someone are one way to get weaker people to start shaking their knees, but those who have thicker skin need a little extra push. He'll learn things about people just for the sake of using it against them, taunting them with personal fears and traumas just to see if their stone-like faces crack. When they do, it provides a sense of superiority and satisfaction. Of course, this tends to create friction between him and other people, but he'll always act like the horrible things he says are no big deal. For him, it's nothing but a game that he loves to win.

Ghouls see the worst side of his sadistic tendencies. While he has no problem killing humans that deserve it, there's no need to be concerned about rules or morality when Ghouls are involved. They're nothing but disgusting little insects that need to be stomped on. He hates the people-eating creatures, but he wouldn't say that he has a vendetta. He understands that they need to eat, and it isn't any different from what humans do with cattle and other animals. It's just a tiny grudge that adds a little extra motivation to kill them without mercy. In some ways, they're more fun than humans. They cry and beg in much more interesting ways, and taking down the confident ones is great entertainment. Although, he never forgets that he's still doing a job. Whether they're men, women, or children, he'll kill them without remorse. After all, they're just Ghouls.

While he does love a little friendly teasing, Shota also enjoys being pampered. In this way, his behavior matches his appearance perfectly. He likes to be spoiled and doted on, receiving attention and affection. He loves be hugged and have his head rubbed, just like a child seeking warmth from their parents. While he's not opposed to having a rivalry with someone who has an equally sharp tongue, having someone treat him kindly also has its benefits. Of course, this doesn't go both ways.

Shota likes to be loved, but he doesn't love in return. He may appreciate someone, but only because of what they offer him. His wants and desires always come first, and everything else is an afterthought. No matter how nice he is to someone, or how much he says enjoys their company, his idea of liking a person is different from the norm. Still, he isn't rude enough to tell someone that he isn't their friend. Friends are nice to have, even if his view of friendship is skewed.

Normally, he acts quite cheerful. In his own way, at least. He can usually be found with a cheerful expression, but whether it's accompanied by a twisted smile depends on who's around. While he usually doesn't hide who he is, or how he feels about things, he's not above doing so if it benefits him in some way. He's also not averse to playing up his child-like image, even though he already acts like a kid who's constantly in a world full of his favorite toys and candy. Lying can also be pretty fun, and he considers himself to be a marvelous actor that could definitely make it big in the movie business if he wasn't busy slaughtering Ghouls.

As childish as this rotten person can be, he's still good at his job. He takes situations as serious as he needs to, and does all the boring business stuff dutifully so that he doesn't get fired. If he wasn't such a horrible person, Shota could be considered a splendid employee. Although, being serious and focused on work all the time isn't fun. It's one of the reasons he doesn't like people that are too uptight. Unless he can break them, there's no point in talking to someone like that.

Shota likes bouncing between a sweet little boy and the scummiest bastard on the planet, but even he has a breaking point. Having fun and enjoying life is his primary goal, but he can put those that aside to focus on things like anger. At those moments, he takes no joy in his cruelty, acting purely out of necessity or contempt for something. He doesn't laugh, yell, or cry. He just focuses on hurting what he feels needs to be hurt.

The most unsettling thing about him is his complete lack of compassion for people. He doesn't go out of his way to be unreceptive to love and sorrows, simply being how he was raised. Even if he tried, he couldn't feel an ounce of sympathy for another human being. Unless they provide him with some sort of joy, he just remains indifferent. The only sign that he isn't completely heartless would be how much he likes animals.

Shota's story isn't very uncommon among investigators. Like many, he suffered because of Ghouls. Not long after he was born, both of his parents were killed and eaten by a pair of Ghouls. At the time, all he could do was cry. Because of that, they were able to notice him. Although, neither seemed interested in making him their next meal. Instead, he was taken, his cries calmed as he was gently cradled in a pair of arms. It was impossible to say whether their actions were motivated by any sort of compassion or guilt, but that didn't matter at the end of the day. It didn't change the fact that he had been taken.

In place of his parents, Shota was raised by the Ghouls that killed them. While he was never told the truth about what happened to the people he was originally born to, they never kept their identities a secret. It was impossible to keep something like that hidden, especially as he grew older. However, he was never too concerned about that.

Shota was raised by Ghouls practically since birth. He was taught what made him different from them, but he never feared the monsters that ate people. They didn't tell him anything about his parents, but knowing the relationship between Ghouls and Humans made him think about the possibility that they could've been eaten. Even with that idea floating around his mind, there were no grudges. He had no memories of his parents, so there was no connection between them. It was impossible for him to love someone he never knew. So, despite the possibility that he was living with his parents' murderers, he never displayed any resentment. The Ghouls were the only people he had ever known, raising him for years. As far as he was concerned, they were his mother and father.

Ghouls couldn't digest normal food. The smell and taste were disgusting, enough to make his parents sick just by looking at it. There was no reason to have something like that in their home. There was only one thing that had a place at their dinner table, and everyone always got a plate, including Shota. He was aware of his humanity and the fact that cannibalism was wrong. However, it was the only thing he was ever allowed to eat. It was the only thing he had ever tasted. In the beginning, it was impossible, the flavor being absolutely horrid. Eventually, he learned to live with it. It was either that, or eat nothing at all.

Shota never saw his parents very often outside of meals. It was only when they ate together that he could get a good look at who they were. Through the food they ate, his mother and father showed the differences in their personalities. His father was something of a glutton, always taking the biggest pieces of flesh that had the most meat. He wasn't big on sharing what he liked, and Shota was usually left with smaller scraps when there wasn't much food to go around. Even after he learned to tolerate the taste, he still dreaded having to eat what was served. The texture of bones and raw skin was unpleasant, and the sensation of eyeballs bursting between his teeth was especially awful. At times, it was enough to make him stop eating altogether, going without food for days. Although, he would always come back, unable to deal with the pain of hunger.

His mother was significantly kinder. Compared to his father's harsh's voice and cold attitude, she always spoke to him with some level of affection. Even if their time together was limited throughout the day, she would do small things to show she cared. Whenever it was possible, she'd prepare food in ways that made it more palatable, taking the extra time to make sure he was satisfied. Despite realizing the immorality of it all, he still found himself looking forward to those special meals of hers. Having an awful taste replaced by something delicious made things easier on him. He was always thankful for that, but even as a child, he doubted that this kindness was motivated by genuine concern for his well-being. Even so, he didn't mind. It was mutually beneficial. He was able to eat somewhat normally, and she was able to keep his health from worsening. He was a valuable resource to his parents, so it would've been a loss for them if he starved to death.

Shota wasn't ignorant of where his food came from. Every time he ate, he knew it came at the cost of someone's life. He knew his parents had killed someone so they could live for another day. His emotions were a complicated mess, but he never felt any remorse or guilt. If he thought that killing humans was wrong, it would have made him a hypocrite. After all, he was just as guilty as any other Ghoul. He ate every meal while only being selfishly concerned about the taste. He also shared the responsibility that came with taking lives.

As soon as he was old enough, his parents made him earn his keep. Just like everyone else, he had to work for his next meal. Although, it was more like his parents just using him as bait. He always assumed that was why they decided to raise him. A child was able to attract many people, regardless of their motivations. His mother always told him the people they targeted were bad, trying to assure him that they didn't hurt good people. He wasn't sure if he believed that or not, but after repeatedly luring humans to their deaths, it was easier to just take her word. It was even easier to stop caring.

He always did his job properly, acting as bait whenever they told him to. The work he did was never free of danger, as there were many people just as dangerous as Ghouls. His parents wouldn't always be able to act in time, so he was taught how to defend himself as best he could. He was even given a knife, something that had to be used on more than one occasion. Both of his parents were paranoid about being tracked, so they didn't take any chances with him, making sure that he couldn't be traced back to them. Just like any other Ghoul, he had to hide his identity. He couldn't be considered a human during their hunts, so he had to look the part. He was given a mask to hide his face, one that became known to the local Ghouls that were aware of what was happening.

Shota wasn't always able to do a good job, so he was often punished. If he didn't learn from his mistakes, he would never be able to improve. Incompetence would never be tolerated. If he hesitated when he had to hurt someone, he was hurt instead. If he couldn't bring home something to eat, they'd take a bite from him. If he cried or asked for them to stop, it only made things worse. He was only allowed to nod or shake his head in response to their questions. They let him know that if he couldn't do his job, then he wasn't needed. They'd get rid of him, one way or another. He had to be their bait, and protect their grounds from Ghouls and humans when they weren't around.

He never complained about anything, but his silence concealed the mess inside his head. He couldn't tell if he hated his parents or not. Shota definitely didn't love them, but he wasn't sure if he could describe what he was feeling as contempt. However, there was something negative brewing inside of him. He repressed it for his own benefit, worried that he'd be punishment if it slipped out. He just allowed it to quietly develop as the hunts continued.

Out of the many humans his parents had killed, one of them was an investigator from the CCG. Just like several other people, he approached him while crying for help, only to lead him to his death shortly after. His parents taught him about the investigators that killed Ghouls, but they only ever had horrible things to say about them. Naturally, the doves qualified as the bad people they killed, but Shota questioned that. Instead of voicing his doubts, he simply kept quiet. He didn't tell them about his opinions. He also didn't tell them about the weapon that he found in the man's coat.

It was a small knife similar to the one that his parents had given him, but he knew how they were different. He knew that investigators could hurt Ghouls with these things. Having something like that in his possession made him even more aware of his unstable emotions. When the opportunity presented itself, he tried to discover something about himself. Instead of arriving during another hunt, that opportunity came to him when he was free to act like a human.

During the day, Shota's life wasn't too different from a normal child's. He went to school and never displayed any horrible behavior. He did his work, and settled in with his class as just another student. Of course, like any other school, there were bullies that enjoyed torturing their peers. The meanest of them was a boy named Mihara. Shota lived in the same area as him, so he was frequently targeted.

On one occasion when they were walking back home, Mihara decided to brag about being a Ghoul that ate humans in an attempt to scare him. It was a childish remark that his parents had probably warned him about, having consequences greater than what the boy could understand. Nobody else was around to hear it, but they probably wouldn't have believed him if they were. Shota didn't believe the claim either, but Mihara didn't like to be called a liar. Maybe it was because of that and the fact that they were alone that he was bold enough to expose his red eyes. He didn't do anything else after that, only laughing about how he would eat the people he didn't like. They were empty threats, but they were enough for Shota to make a move.

His classmate was still a child, so he didn't put up much resistance when Shota pounced on him like he had been taught. They were alone, and a dead Ghoul probably wouldn't shock people. He considered those things, but when it happened, he didn't really feel anything. Even after it was over, he was still trying to understand himself. It was the first time he had killed someone he wasn't planning on eating. He didn't hate him for being a bully, or doing things like making kids eat bugs, but knowing that he was a Ghoul was enough to make Shota take his life. He didn't stop there, deciding to act a little rebellious against his parents. It was like a form of revenge against the Ghouls that ate people and forced him to do the same. He bit the Ghoul in front of him and struggled to not spit out the chunks in his mouth. It tasted a lot worse than humans did. He never told anyone about what he did, content with letting some other Ghoul or investigator take the heat.

Eventually, his parents' actions caught up to them. A missing investigator was enough to warrant a deeper investigation, especially with other disappearances in the same area. It was only a matter of time before the CCG kicked in their door, bringing an end to the life he had lived so far. He couldn't see anything from his room in the attic, but he could recognize his father's voice as he was taken down. He didn't feel anything as the screams penetrated the damaged walls. He just continued to listen until the small door opened to reveal his mother scurrying inside. She put a finger to her lips, begging him to be quiet until the "bad men" were gone.

While his mother peeked through the floorboards, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Her cheek was pressed against the rotten wood, unable to see anything except for the white coats through the tiny gaps. She exposed herself to him, and he couldn't pass up the rare opportunity. Still, he kept his word and didn't say anything. He only acted.

When the CCG found him, he only told them things he thought they would want to hear. He hid the details that made him look worse than he would have liked, but said enough to gain sympathy. He told them about how he was raised to act as bait for humans, but twisted bits and pieces of the truth to benefit him. He didn't want to take the chance of being sent to jail for things he didn't get to decide.

After being rescued by the brave investigators, Shota was able to learn a few things as they tried to figure out who he was. As he thought, his parents were killed by Ghouls. He still had living relatives, but none were willing to take him. He didn't blame them, considering that he was raised by scary monsters. Honestly, he wasn't bothered by the rejection. He wasn't interested in going with anyone.

Not being able to lead a normal life and stay in foster care, Shota entered the CCG's academy. After living with Ghouls his entire life, he knew many things about them, allowing him to take to the lessons fairly easily. His performance was exceptional, but it didn't do much to improve his social standing. Rumors spread fast, and his past eating habits were no secret. As far as the others were concerned, he was no different from a Ghoul. He disliked being compared to something so disgusting, but he couldn't argue with them. He also found some joy in scaring people by threatening to eat them. Those jokes only became more frightening after he volunteered to become a Quinx.

His decision to go through with the experimental procedure wasn't motivated by things like financial compensation. Even after hearing about all the risks and what could go wrong during the operation, Shota never thought about backing out. It just seemed like the natural thing to do. The CCG needed volunteers, so he volunteered. If he became a Quinx, he'd be able to kill more Ghouls. It didn't require a lot of thinking. As long as he could do better at his job, then that was all that mattered.

Shota had already proven himself as an investigator by showing his skills in the field, but his performance improved dramatically after the Quinx operation. He displayed high levels of competence and a high kill count to match, earning a promotion to Rank 2. Although, he never really cared for money or ranks. It was much more satisfying to do the things he liked, which included killing Ghouls. Being an investigator made that easy.

Reasons to be a part of the CCG: Aside from certain circumstances placing him in a situation where he didn't have many options, there's no profound reason behind joining the CCG. It's simply fun for him.



Athleticism: Shota is lacking when it comes to stature and brute strength, but he has confidence in his other qualities. The boy places more focus on stamina and speed, possessing great agility. With quick reflexes and a rather flexible body, it almost looks as if he's putting on some kind of performance during a fight, moving around as he pleases and often annoying Ghouls with how slippery he is. He's also quite durable, able to take punishment without complaint and keep things up for long periods of time without rest.

Combat: Even with the strength of a Quinx, Shota isn't quite as strong as the others on his squad. As a result, he focuses on overwhelming Ghouls with the force of his kagune, as well as his quinque. With a sharp mind filled with knowledge of how Ghouls work, he plans things out as he puts on the pressure. He possesses great skill with his weapon, and he wields his predatory organs quite well for a new Quinx. Even if he may not have the most force behind a punch, he knows how to operate in close quarters, avoiding hits and quickly striking back. His main strengths lie in his mobility and diverse actions.



Quinque: Bloom, A-Rank Koukaku: The Koukaku weapon resembles a short pole arm with a large grip in the middle of the shaft. When needed, the grip expands to form a hexagon-shaped shield, each side collapsing to the center when it's no longer needed. If necessary, the shield can be separated from the main body.

Kagune: Rinkaku: Five tendrils that extend from Shota's lower back. While effective when it comes to brute strength and striking power, it's usefulness shines through when the kagune changes shape. While nothing too complex,the tentacles can morph into forms such as sharp blades or claws for grabbing. Combat aside, they are very useful for maneuvering, allowing Shota to dig into walls for scaling, or simply balance om them. Despite the Rinkaku's regenerative capabilities, the RC cells are soft, making them easier to break. While binding the tentacles together can help deal with this issue, it reduces their number.

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Investigator Name:
Hayashida Hitode



Investigator Rank:
3rd Class Investigator

Investigator Gender:



Body Type: Slender

Height: 165 cm

Notable Details/Features: Large scar running down the center of her chest from the base of her neck to her pelvis, does not seem to be an operation scar


Hayashida Hitode is what some may call an extremely lucky person. At the very least, she’d like to believe that. Some would say she lived a very unlucky life. When she was five, she slipped and fell down a whole flight of stairs, only to spring back up with nothing more than a bruise on her thigh. When she was seven, she climbed up a set of monkey bars, and, while skipping across the rungs, slipped in between two, and got her head caught between them. She left with a bloody nose and little else. When she was fifteen, she caught a ghoul right through her chest, leaving the scar that she now bears. Her friends thought that this would be the end of the luck that Hayashida had. They would be mistaken. Somehow, some way or another, whether through providence or pure dumb luck that she was known for, Hayashida survived long enough to be operated on, and only went through six months of hospitalisation. It was official to many that Hayashida Hitode was a blessed child. Of some sorts anyway. Sure, she had a pretty ugly scar on her chest now, but she survived a ghoul attack, which was certainly more than anyone could say.

Hayashida didn't bear a grudge against the ghouls. This was just nature, running its course. She couldn't blame them for being cannibalistic beasts. They didn't ask to be this way. She knew how instincts worked. Sometimes, you just can’t control it. She COULD have not skipped around the top of the stairs. She COULD have not tried to play hopscotch on top of the monkey bars. She COULD have not tried to play with fire and hang about a ghoul-infested area, trying to discern just what they were. She couldn't help it. She just LIKED doing stuff like that. Now that she had glimpsed the ferality of a ghoul, she wasn’t going to let something like a grievous wound stop her. What was she but intrepid? So the moment she recovered, she went back to her ‘research’. She called it research, but it was more like a child’s curiousity, poking at ants on the ground. In this case, giant fire ants that could bite her head off. But what’s a little danger to the little starfish? Just lose a limb, confuse the dumb bastard, and run.

Confuse she did, but not really the way a starfish would. She realised that, even after all their hubris, all their augmentations to their physical capabilities, ghouls were just like humans after all. Greedy, selfish…stupid. She preyed on their wants, their desires, their deepest fears. She didn't even know half of these people, or half of what went on with their lives. All she did was make educated guesses from watching them, telling them what they wanted to hear, told them their fears, again deduced conclusions, and many were willing to throw themselves off a building, or tie a rope around their necks. Her favourite one was the one that willingly fell into her knife. Her hypothesis was correct. Ghouls are just humans, just a little bit physically stronger. And had the kagune thing. By that reasoning, this just implied that ghouls were just the next evolutionary step to humanity. What a pity then, that she was born a human! She agonised over this fact for weeks, and tried her own ways to replicate the lifestyle of a ghoul, but eventually threw up at the idea of cannibalism. How could she, a lowly human, be worthy of consuming the human flesh like the apex predators that were ghouls?

It was around then that her luck began to shine once more. She was handpicked, out of the hundreds and thousands of people to attend a unique compatibility test with Rc cells, a test only usually for those in the Junior Academy. The money wasn't even a concern, her need, her want to be a ghoul was what drove her to immediately accept. To, perhaps, no one reading this entry’s surprise, she tested positive, and would be inducted into the Quinx programme as a special case. After her Quinx Surgery, she was assigned a rank of Rank 3 Investigator. She would just have to learn the ropes from her seniors.

Reasons to be in the CCG/GGET12:
Boredom, for the most part. At least, with the CCG, she’s earning money doing something. The kagune is an added bonus.


Athleticism: Inspector Hayashida is capable of athletic feats that require immense amount of finesse, balance, and flexibility. Her experience as a gymnast has surely contributed to her limberness. While the surgery augments the subject’s physical capabilities, it does not alter a person’s natural flexibility, making Inspector Hitode just slightly more unique. The surgery has improved further on her natural agility.

Combat: Due to Inspector Hayashida’s special circumstances, she is understandably the least experienced in combat amongst her peers. She wields her quinque with nothing short of an amateur’s skill. That having been said, she has shown much progress in synchronising with her kagune, being able to essentially use it as a third hand and perform actions that require much finesse, as well as force.


Tsunagi <plain>: C-rank bikaku-type. Mass-produced quinque that resembles a guardless katana. Due to Hayashida’s special circumstances, she has been given one of the many mass-produced weapons as a loaner.

Bikaku-type. It appears as five white tendrils with red tips connected to a singular stem. When retracted enough, it can bear a resemblance to a rinkaku-type. Hayashida’s kagune focuses on strength and flexibility more than anything else, being able to act as a third, giant hand to hoist herself up obstacles, pick up and hurl large projectiles, swipe and even stab at targets with considerable force and speed. It is capable of joining its tails together to form a spear-like shape, allowing it to spin and act like a drill. She would need to do this since due to both the regulation of Rc cells and the slipshod surgery, the cells making up her branch tentacles are extremely soft and brittle, more so than even rinkaku-types. Though they are strong enough to punch a hole through most materials, they aren't durable enough to survive clean cuts, giving them a glass cannon-like quality. Only the tips of the branches and the main stem are somewhat exempt from this detriment, due to the focus of Rc cells on these samesaid regions.
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Eiichi Yujima


Name: Eiichi Yujima

Age: 20

Quinx/Human: Quinx

Investigator Rank: Rank 2 Investigator

Investigator Gender: Male



Body Type: Lean/Athletic

Height: 6'0

Notable Features: Remarkably tall for a Japanese man; Sky-blue eyes, inherited from his maternal grandmother

Biography: In the context of a CCG investigator, Eiichi's background is hardly what you'd call especially uncommon. Born from the unsanctioned-but-loving union of a relatively famous associate special class from a prominent family and a half-japanese first-class investigator from the same squad, his childhood was remarkably normal for the son of people who regularly put their lives in the line for their job. He didn't receive any abnormal training for an early age and most certainly didn't receive a systematic raising to learn how to hate ghouls or anything of the genre, having an overall normal upbringing whose only abnormalities was the regular absence of either one or both of his parents, who were far too often engrossed in their job to properly participate in the upbringing of their young son.

Even then, Eiichi's life wasn't particularly bad because of his parents' absence. He always studied in good schools and never lacked resources to do any external activity that he felt like engaging in and received all the love and care he needed from an especially close maternal aunt, who pretty much raised him as her own child due to often babysitting him for the days or even weeks where his parents had to be absent. Unluckily for him, though, it didn't take all that long for this relatively normal life to come to an abrupt end.

It was by age 8 that Eiichi's peaceful life crumbled as the direct result of a single failed mission: As the direct result of a mistake in evaluating the enemies' numbers during the extermination of a ghoul hideout suspected to house a binge eater in the 17th ward, his parent's ultimately passed away together with the rest of their squad, terminated before their soon even got to reach puberty. As a direct consequence, the then orphaned Eiichi suddenly saw himself alone and in the middle of a rather fierce judicial dispute for his guard between his paternal family and maternal grandparents, leading to him being in the care of his aunt for long 2 months as the two sides reached a standstill. It was there that, while sensitized by his parent's recent demise and confused by the sudden dispute for his guard, he was first introduced to the idea of frequenting the CCG boarding academy by his aunt, who not only knew she wouldn't be able to keep his guard herself but was also convinced that Eiichi's paternal family only wanted the kid for their own ulterior designs and would only prejudicate his growth.

Motivated by his Aunt's suggestion and lacking the proper awareness to make any other decision, it was only natural that Eiichi quickly agreed when she suggested submitting a boarding request to a different academy than the one he already frequented, using his aunt's connection and CCG's authority to pretty much go over judicial problems and directly enroll to another district's academy as a boarding student. It was there that, at the young age of 9, Eiichi started his training to become an investigator for the organization that his parents served for most of their life, driven to put all of his efforts there to succeed the idealized image of his parent's legacy that he formed due to the stories his aunt told to justify their long periods of absence.

Having as much motivation as most of the other boarding students and enjoying the advantage of inheriting his father's abnormal physical prowess, it didn't take long for Eiichi to climb his way up the academy ranks, quickly establishing himself as one of the few top students of his year both academically and in the ranks of extracurricular preparatory training. After a few years, he graduated with honors as the Salutatorian of his class and, as a direct result of his rather complicated familial background, was immediately offered a spot in the recently sanctioned quinx project under the promise of quick financial independence and the opportunity to stand out in a fairly new squad, with multiple opportunities to stand out and climb through the ranks easier than he would as a normal investigator - both rather important steps to following his parents steps - all of that while facing little to no demerits other than perhaps suffering a bit of prejudice from other investigators. Naturally, he didn't have to think much before accepting the proposal.

Reasons to be a part of the CCG: Being inducted into the Junior department of the Ghould Investigator Training Academy from a very young age due to the loss of his parents and being further motivated by the urge to follow his parent's legacy, it was only natural that Eiichi would follow the path of becoming a ghoul investigator once he graduated.


Athleticism: As a rather direct result of the methodical breeding by his father's side of the family, Eiichi was, just like his father was before him, part of the 0.01% of the human population that has physical strength rivaling that of a ghoul. While this was originally limited to being roughly equal to your everyday B ranked ghoul while lacking the same regeneration and durability as them independently of how hard he trained, his conversion into a Quinx has seemingly allowed it to progress even further, allowing him to gradually reach a realm of strength superior to what any human could hope for.

Combat: Being trained with his abnormal physical strength in mind since a relatively young age, Eiichi is naturally highly capable in both hand to hand and quinque-based combat specializing in polearms. As such, he naturally has a combat ability comparable to even a higher ranked investigator when coupled with his abnormal physique even when considering his complete lack of ability to use his kagune in combat. He's especially capable when it comes to directly taking advantage of his technical skills and martial arts training in conjunction with his abnormal physical strength to quickly overpower the generally self-taught ghouls.


Quinque: Tomobumi, B-Rank Koukaku - A Qiang shaped quinque measuring roughly 2 meters in length, the sole unique properties of this weapon are the unreasonable durability and weight it possesses - the second being the main reason for it not to be used as standard equipment, as a considerable effort is needed to lift it and its poorly distributed weight makes the act of maneuvering it fairly tiring for normal human investigators. As expected of a Koukaku quinque, it isn't especially sharp.

Kagune: Much like his fellow Quinx, Eiichi has recently acquired access to an undeveloped, poorly integrated kagune. In Eiichi's case, his bikaku kagune manifested in the form of a thin, reptilian tail-like construct. Perhaps due to his how most of his attention is diverted to enhancing his physical skills rather than training its use, his manipulation of his kagune is painfully clumsy, making the already fairly flimsy bikaku fairly useless in combat since it lacks the physical strength needed to directly pierce through muscles or properly support his fighting style in any feasible way.

Additionally, perhaps as a result of the unstable nature of its fusion with Eiichi, the "scales" that compose this kagune are quite flimsy in nature while attached to the equally unstable main body, often falling from the tail even without any external stimulation, but quick to demonstrate an unusual stability once detached, taking nearly 30 minutes to disappear after falling from the main body. As of now, it doesn't seem that they're triggerable or controllable in any way after leaving the main body of the kagune.

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Name: Dieter Krause

Age: 23

Quinx/Human: Human

Investigator Rank: First Class.

Investigator Gender: Male



Appearance: See left

Body Type: Ecto-mesomorph

Notable Features:Long lashes. Portion of hair braided. Always seems to carry a rose with him.



Personality: A narcissistic womanizer. Dieter is a man full of confidence. His looks, his wealth, his talents—all worthy of praise in his eyes. He believes himself to be god’s gift to women. Of course, outwardly, he maintains a genteel behavior as befitting of his status. The fact that he joined the GGET12 to protect the innocent and impress the ladies should say enough about his personality. He’s 3x more likely to be involved with a case if a lady is involved. He’s…a bit of a dramatic peacock. Righteous. Idealistic. Spoiled (to a degree). Dieter has a butler carry his suitcase, as well as handle other other trivialities, because he can’t be bothered to waste his energy unless it is needed against a ghoul. Also because he's used to it, being the rich boy that he is.

Unlike many of his fellow investigators, Dieter doesn’t have any pressing hatred towards ghouls. No killed family. No driving need for revenge. However, he does believe them monsters as they feast on human flesh. And Dieter is for humanity. He considers himself a protector of the innocent potential ghoul victims.

He also likes animals.


Biography: As the second child of the Krause family, an old, wealthy German family that had always seemed to have a dip in the country’s politics, Dieter was expected to make something of himself, even if he couldn’t inherit his father’s wine-making business. The boy had a lot of options before him. In the end, he’d chosen his profession based on an elementary school crush who had said she thought GGET12 Investigators were cool. His parents (Friedrich and Emeline Krause) paid for everything. GGET12 Academy. Personal trainers. Even before he’d graduated high school, they’d networked to ensure he got the very best seat in the academy, along with the best instructors money could buy.

That’s not to say Dieter didn’t work hard.

On the contrary, the boy proved a bright, talented student, both in athletic abilities and textbook studies. Graduating the top of his class, he worked with some of Germany’s finest investigators who reluctantly admit he’d be a decent partner if he wasn’t so self-absorbed. His promotion to First Class following the extermination of the ghoul group Hundesser wasn’t completely unfounded either, though some argue that he’s too young for the rank (lacks experience) and that the Krause family had a hand in his early promotion for PR purposes.

Regardless, the newly minted First Class Investigator continues to do his duties in his typical flashy fashion unmindful (or perhaps unaware) of the gossips surrounding him. What he lacks in experience compared to others in his rank, he makes up for with sheer charisma and unshakable faith in himself. Saving innocent humans (mainly girls) from the horrible monsters that would eat them is a calling he takes up quite readily.

Interestingly, his records indicate that he’s successfully hunted 3x more female ghouls compared to male ones, an oddity which gave him the nickname ‘Lady Killer’ amongst his peers. He is also known by names such as ‘Rose Investigator’, ‘His Highness, Krause’, and ‘Wannabe First Class Krause’. The fact that he always seems to have an attendant/butler with him at all times to do little things for him is a running joke amongst those that have worked with him.


Reasons to be a part of the GGET12: To look good for the ladies. Saving innocent people is as well, though the ladies take priority.




Athleticism: He runs a mile in 5 mins, can do 89 pushups in a minute, and his long jump distance is 27.32 feet.

Combat: He’s a master at using the whip (or is relatively good). More often than not, his method of killing a ghoul involves strangling. He uses his whip quinque for defense, offense, or simply to grab hold of things that are further in distance. Rapid lashes of his sharp-thorned whip are quick and precise. He's also been known to his weapon tactically--ensnaring his target by their ankles to trip them, moving them to a better position, using it to trigger a trap, etc. The fact that he tends to vary the length of his whip mid-battle (adjusting his swing as needed) makes its crack hard to predict. If he ever loses his quinque he does know some Deutscher Jujutsu, but he prefers not to use such an unrefined method of attack if he can help it. His physical strength pales in comparison to a ghoul's anyway so more often than not he'd be using strategy to out maneuver them.

Oh, and he has a tendency towards drama, even in combat.




Quinque: Rosette is thorny, 15-foot, red whip made from the rinkaku kagune of Dieter’s first kill (an A-ranked female ghoul named Rosette). It is flexible, retractable from the handle, and able to shoot out a barrage of sharp thorns when swung a certain way. However, that is a one shot attack. In order to shoot out more thorns, he would need to get his quinque repaired…or retrieve the thorns. Normally Dieter keeps it at 10 feet for regular combat purposes.



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Investigator Ebner
[import]9010974[/import] [class=values] --tabStyle: row wrap; --contentStyle: column nowrap; --tab-txt-align: center; --tab-txt-color: White; --bg-color: #243d42; --fontFamily: 'Play'; --fontSize: 20px; --tab-hover-color: White; --tab-hover-bg: #3f6a74; --tab-select-color: White; --tab-select-bg: #3f6a74; [/class] [div class="tabContainer values"] [div class=tabHolder] [div class="tab selected"][div class=tabID]1Tab
General Information
[div class=tab][div class=tabID]2Tab
Physicality[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]3Tab[/div]Personality & Background[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]4Tab[/div]Action Reports[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]5Tab[/div]Weaponry[/div] [/div] [div class=tabContentHolder] [div class="tabContent 1"]Investigator Name:
Aleksander "Sascha" Ebner
Investigator Rank:
First Class
Investigator Gender:
[/div] [div class="tabContent 2"]Body Type:
Wiry (Ectomorph), Able-bodied, Slightly effeminate.
Notable Details/Features:
A long, black ponytail would likely be the most defining feature Sasha has to offer. A few scars have been located around the subjects ribs and down the sides of his body, rarely have any gone past the knee or above the clavicle.
[/div] [div class="tabContent 3"]Background:
Sasha didn't really have the worst upbringing, and he earnestly believes that. Born to a middle-class woman he had been a bastard child, one who was birthed into an unforgiving world while his father was unknown to him. This wasn't that big of an issue in all honesty, the true problem was that his mother still desperately wished he had been a girl and this led to him being forced to grow his hair out. Despite the strangeness of it he still managed to have a rather cheery childhood, his mother and her siblings made well to raise him up comfortably. With an increase in ghoul attacks coming to be televised Sasha decided that the path he must take was already set before him, that of a ghoul investigator. So after graduating in the top 3 of his high-school class he made course for the academy and would train for the following years. In the end he'd managed to once more graduate in the top 3 of his class, it was quite a formidable achievement to him.

Following this he'd made his way out under the GGET12, at first the training beneath a mentor was nothing extraordinary. They were sent to check ghoul activity in many locations, most of the time it ended in them jailing a ghoul or at times killing them. The latter had been less preferred, but it had occurred quite often due to the mentor assigned to Sasha. Soon after Sasha had been promoted to a Rank 1 investigator he was scheduled to go with a small squadron and investigate the hiding place of a ghoul group known as Sorge. The operation ended overall in success, despite Sasha getting ambushed on his lonesome, and rewards were to be given. But not before a fallen comrade was buried beneath the soil, this was the investigator in charge of Sasha. He'd unfortunately perished in the last moments of conflict with an S-rated ghoul.

Afterwards Sasha was promoted yet again to the rank of a First Class Investigator but there was contention from his peers, those saying that he'd been the downfall of their group, it was brushed off as the ghoul known as "Executioner" was brought to the forefront. It hasn't been all too long since that day, and despite his youth Sasha has taken great strides all while proving that he does deserve the position granted to him. As of current he doesn't have a junior trainee assigned to him, so instead he works towards self-improvement. Supposedly as a method of preparation for if/when he is entrusted with the training someone else.

Reasons to be in the CCG/GGET12:
Sasha joined because it felt like his calling, the ability to stop something from harming innocent people seemed like a good idea. Plus his aunts said it was something he'd be good at.
[/div] [div class="tabContent 4"] Athleticism:
Sasha has presented a fair amount of strength, while he's not going to be capable of punching a hole through any ghouls- he will be more than capable of cleaving through the skull of one (With assistance of a quinque). Alongside this his endurance and stamina are something to behold, capable of taking multiple blows and still continue to fight through them. He can combat or pursue an enemy without tiring for a decent amount of time as well, but in the end he is still human.

In hand-to-hand combat it is noticeable that Investigator Ebner is quite skilled, able to keep up with most of the combatants thrown his way. Overall a prime opponent for humans. Against ghouls he shows off excellence in combating multiple types of kagune. Koukaku and Bikaku are by far the easiest for him to succeed against, Rinkaku is not far behind that. The one that he notably struggles with are Ukaku users, it appears that the lack of clear pattern they bring may cause difficulties for him. Or perhaps it's the capability to overwhelm the target so easily. Even still, he has so far managed to outlast them on sheer stamina alone and gain an upper-hand.
[/div] [div class="tabContent 5"] Quinque
Urteil, A-rated, Rinkaku. This quinque, like many others, had been created from the investigators first kill. In specific this one came from a ghoul known as "Guillotine" the same ghoul that Sasha had encountered after being separated from the rest of his squadron at the time. The form it takes is that of a rather large blade, visually similar to a cleaver with the size of a sword; because of this the overall length of the weapon is roughly 1.3m (130cm). Urteil is visually similar to the quinque that Investigator Ihei owns, know as Aus. It's power is best utilized when held two-handed but can be just as potent in one. The blade has shown promise in cutting through koukaku armor as well as countless ghouls, but otherwise doesn't present any fantastical properties.
[div class="tabContent 5"][/div] [/div] [/div]


Investigator Records


[import]9010974[/import] [class=values] --tabStyle: row wrap; --contentStyle: column nowrap; --tab-txt-align: center; --tab-txt-color: White; --bg-color: #243d42; --fontFamily: 'Play'; --fontSize: 20px; --tab-hover-color: White; --tab-hover-bg: #3f6a74; --tab-select-color: White; --tab-select-bg: #3f6a74; [/class] [div class="tabContainer values"] [div class=tabHolder] [div class="tab selected"][div class=tabID]1Tab
General Information
[div class=tab][div class=tabID]2Tab
Physicality[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]3Tab[/div]Personality & Background[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]4Tab[/div]Action Reports[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]5Tab[/div]Weaponry[/div] [/div] [div class=tabContentHolder] [div class="tabContent 1"]Investigator Name:
Michaela "Micha" Fenstermacher
Investigator Rank:
First Class
[/div] [div class="tabContent 2"]Body Type:
Youthful, Boyish, Lithe, Toned (Not Visually), Wispy (Visually).
Notable Details/Features:
Despite appearing like a boy Micha is indeed a female, meaning that one of her prominent features is that she's flat as a pancake. Aside from this and her boyish appearance she does have some scarring to separate her from others. On her left side there is some scars, evidence that at some point the subject had rather severe burns.

[/div] [div class="tabContent 3"]Background:
Torn away from the "typical" lifestyle would probably be the best way to sum up Micha's history. Her birth was somewhat odd, not in the fact that she was born a half-breed or as one of those flesh eaters. As a matter of fact she had been born to a retired investigator and his wife, but in the event of her birth her mother had some complications. The stress that came from birthing a new life proved too much and she sadly perished. Micha had been named by her father, a First-class investigator who had been retired early due to the loss of his right arm. A koukaku ghoul by the name of "Prisma" had taken that from him on the last expedition he'd taken, the man had gotten a bit too cocky and that ended rather poorly for him. So he'd experienced a bit of PTSD from such and was dismissed form the GGET12 all together, his career ending rather hastily. The death of his wife only added to this and he was brought into a facility for treatment, four years from this and he was released- seemingly cured of whatever the major things ailing him had been. In this time Micha had spent her time growing with a foster family, this lasted until she was transmitted into her fathers care once more.

The first year was fine, he was a bit quiet but otherwise hadn't served to cause any issues for the neighbors. He was a bit distant from Micha but still spent a fair bit of time getting to know her, the following year he wasn't as amiable. The flickering flame of childlike wonder that had been Michaela was extinguished, starved of air and the freedom to grow. They lived in the city of course, but in an area with less traffic. A fenced in backyard with high-walls served as her prison, despite the weakness he had it was something to assume that he wished to live through his child. Her hair was kept shorter and her personality was meant to change, her body was meant to be broken and repair before being broken again. That was his mindset at least, the mind-set of a man who had bit into the fruit of madness- or maybe he'd just forgotten to take his pills. She was forced to train in that yard for hours each day, "home-schooled" so that her academics would keep up. Her life worked on a schedule Two hours for academics; Six-hours to sleep; Two hours for meals; One hour for break; Two hours for personal hygiene; The remaining eleven hours were for training. If an unforeseen circumstance were to occur then it would dig into the three hour total of breaks and personal hygiene.

Wasted time couldn't be permitted, after all any second you wasted someone could be dying. That was something she learned quickly and did her best to train, if she disappointed him then she would be fussed at. The training went from basic things that were possible for a child of her age to things that seemed completely above her ability, the difficulty grew as she aged. One day it was two-hundred pushups, the next it was three-hundred, two years later and it was two-thousand. Why always stuck about.... why was she forced to do this? Why did she have to? So one day she managed to get the courage to ask him, the fact that she dared to do even this had pissed him off. The punishment became physical now, his anger broiled and he approached with the treat of hitting her. They'd been outside at the time, and it was reaching the end of the day and dipping into night. A fire-pit had been created in this yard years ago, and it would be lit by Micha every day when she began her training.

Carrying the wood was to improve her strength, lighting the flame to build finer control of objects, and then maintaining the fire was to promote multi-tasking and awareness. She'd recently added two more logs to the flame, and it glowed a bright orange- the flame roaring into the dimming sky. A trip over uneven terrain sent her sprawling forward, her left arm shot up to defend her as the flames grew closer. Scorching heat took her left side by siege, a sudden pull at her right arm tore her away from the biting flame and to the dirt on the ground. The man who puller her away was none other than the one armed man who had threatened her moments ago, she rolled around managing to extinguish the flames. Her skin was burned badly but she wasn't burning any further at least. Her left shoulder, side, and arm all the way down to nearly her wrist had been burned quite extensively. He called an ambulance and she spent the next little while in the hospital getting treatment for third-degree burns, after getting out she had three days before the training continued once more.

His answer came shortly after this all, "I believe that Ghouls are the next step in our evolution. But i'm going to make you into the very thing that surpasses them" he was almost loony at this point but she couldn't think of a reason to contest him, after all she'd only ever heard of these ghouls from television; somewhere online; or the radio. The next thing stated would stick with her even now. "I didn't want a kid for this world to kill some day. So you are not my child. You're a weapon."

Her training continued until she was about age eleven, that's when an oddity occurred. In the midst of her training she heard something at the door. When her father went to investigate she saw something dash down the hallway, a red flash followed by a body. A ghoul had come into her home and attacked her father, the man somehow managed to evade it's vicious movements as Micha hid. Their conflict only lasted long enough for her to hear the scream of anguish followed by a loud thud, she stayed there in the hiding spot for awhile. She sat there until her body went numb, her mind was lost to it. Hours passed, Days, Weeks?, Maybe even months. Time slurred together, no one was coming to apprehend the ghoul, the monster in her home would be upon her soon. Another crashing sound came from the door and she could hear footsteps near so grabbing the nearest weapon she could find, a pair of scissors, she readied herself before bursting out of the cabinet and charging the steps. The ghoul looked at her in surprise before the sound of flesh severing could be heard, Micha had kept her eyes open the whole time. A hollowness radiated from them, her body notably slimmed from whatever she'd been doing this past while as the stench of death permeated throughout the house. The corpse of the ghoul fell to the floor with a wet sound as it pulled free from the point, it's body surrounded by a pool of it's own blood.

Micha's hands grasped the handle of the scissors, coated in blood, slowly she looked up. A man in a white suit, stained red by the recently released crimson liquid, a blade in his hand had been the reason that the head of the ghoul was now split in half. On the ground rested the broken blade of the scissors Micha had been holding. He smiled to her and put his blade to the side, he had squatted down and spoke to her but the words would evade her. This was the same man who would later take her in, Investigator Sonnen. It took about three years of therapy for her to appear somewhat normal, each day her surrogate father tried to etch away at the shroud that she covered herself with. She had grown to appreciate the man, even coming to care for him as she would have a real father. He had refreshed the fact that she was still human, not a sword, and that forged an admiration for him. So that in specific spawned the idea of becoming like he had been, an investigator.

Her schooling began from here, she'd stayed fairly caught up and managed to get herself ready for the world she wanted to put herself into. Training of the mind and body were nothing unusual for her and she excelled in this, her capabilities in the academy soared past her peers and she reached the end of it before she knew it. She graduated at the top of her class, and it was clear to see why this had occurred. From here she went into the business, along with getting picked up by a mentor fresh out of the gate. Her mentor wasn't the man who took her in but instead a close friend of his. Micha went on to take part in many ghoul excursions over the next year, quickly earning a promotion to Rank 1 investigator. This was followed by her and a small group she had been working with exterminating the Strahlend group, in this excursion she had managed to take out two A-rated ghouls. Returning from the event she was promoted once more, this time to a First-Class investigator. It's been roughly a year since then, as of current she hasn't been tasked with anything too breathtaking. She currently rests with the assumption that either activity has died down somewhat, or she was given a slight break before a much larger assignment. After all, a weapon doesn't get sharper if it isn't used.

Reasons to be in the CCG/GGET12:
Despite breaking away from it, the "Weapon" mentality still holds a firm grasp in her mind, so preforming what she was meant to do is only expected. This along with the human who took her in had influenced her to join the GGET12.
[/div] [div class="tabContent 4"] Athleticism:
Based on the performance she's shown in the training grounds of the academy, it's safe to assume that she is quite athletic. Her strength can compete with people who are larger, and visually stronger than she is. Therefore making her size deceptive when it comes to strength, though it's extremely unlikely that she could fist-fight a ghoul of B-rank or higher. This is made up for by the speed she brings, whether it be short bursts of movement or extended periods of exertion Micha seems more than capable at combating or pursuing her targets own speed. This is possible due to the stamina she brings, allowing for her to keep up all of this for an undetermined amount of time. Something to note is that her reactions are fast, as expected of someone who trained their reaction speed of course. But even with that in mind it's something impressive to witness.
In combat Micha functions like a well-oiled machine, humans don't offer much in the way of combatants. If a First-class investigator or higher was to compete against her then the challenge would undoubtedly increase, but outside of this they don't offer much in the way of combat. Ghouls are similar to some respect, they have more weapons to fight with of course, this gives them the upper hand over most humans. But even with that she manages to get the upper-hand in most situations, A-class ghouls are manageable though difficult. Meanwhile she hasn't been able to test her mettle against S-class or higher.
[/div] [div class="tabContent 5"] Quinque:
Schwanengesang, Rank A, Ukaku-
Schwanengsang was created from the kakuhou of an A-rank Ukaku ghoul. Taking the form of a Korean fighting fan, is quite the weapon to behold. Despite being a tad unusual it is wielded by the German investigator Fenstermacher with extreme precision and an unmatched lethality. Contained within this fan are multiple razor sharp blades, the edges act as a normal fan and feel like you'd expect but within it are the rc cells of a ukaku, and as such razor sharp (Though brittle) blades are formed. The main gimmick that this brings is involved in the opening of the fan, when the user snaps it open it can release a spray of ukaku style darts outward. Roughly five of them can fire out at one time, this fanning covers a wide arc of area as the darts move outward. They spread apart from one another, so unless the target is quite close or wide/large it's very unlikely that all five would hit. As long as the blades aren't crystallized it will appear as a normal fan on either side.[/div]
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GGET12 FILE #176243-2

Name: Jonas Muller

Age: 27

Quinx/Human: Human

Investigator Rank: First Class

Investigator Gender: Male



Appearance: See left

Body Type: Tall, Mesomorphic

Notable Features: Bags under eyes, cold facial tone.


Personality: Akemi is a relatively cold and ruthless individual. Due to past life experiences, those of which he has told nearly no one, have turned him into a monster on the battlefield.

Biography: As a child Akemi was raised well by his parents along with much of his extended family. He was part of a relatively wealthy family, which would sometimes put him at odds with those who would hurt others for personal gain. At the age of 13, he and his family were taken hostage by a group of rogue Ghoul-Rights activists in their home. When his father struggled against their hold, he was killed immediately, not standing a chance against them. His mother screamed at the sight of her dead husband and began rushing to his now still corpse, but because of the tension in the room, she was killed too. All that was left of the family was Jonas. Realizing they'd get little to nothing in exchange for two rich corpses and a child, they fled. This left the boy with a heart full of loss and a thirst for revenge. He didn't just hate the ghouls that took his family from him, he looked at ghouls as a parasite that did nothing but take from those around them.

Reasons to be a part of the CCG: Revenge



Athleticism: Jonas displays almost heightened level of agility and speed. This is likely because of the harsh diet he keeps in order to stay slim and in peak condition.

Combat: Jonas excels in close range combat, whether it be armed or unarmed. He is mostly able to overwhelm opponents with quick and light attacks, whether they be ghoul or human. While this is the case though, he is particularly weak against those who specialize in long range fighting, along with the fact the his attacks, though backed by overwhelming speed, lack the overwhelming strength that some possess.



Quinque: Göttlicher Zorn (Rank A+) a rougly 4'5" sword made from the Koukaku kagune one of the ghouls that killed his family. Even when not in use, Jonas carries this weapon at his side.

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