[Tokyo Ghoul: Devour or Perish]Chat, Collaborate, Chill - Out Of Character goes here!



someone in the chapter 42 comments spoiled it for me already xD
Oh and I'm also going to quote this, Extra snippet I found.

Eto: The size of the kagune depends on the 'number of RC Cells’ (excellence).

Eto: The form of the kagune is from 'imagination’ (intelligence).

It's all very vague and unexplained at the moment, So I advise avoiding the employment of any of this for the time being. The Imagination thing and speaking etc etc
//rushes off to read 43 imediately
i just finished reading

it was..

@Despairingly Lucky @Risk

Hey guys, I wanted to tag you again. Some of you seemed very, very enthusiastic and we are close to getting this started. :)
*waves* Just for the fact that there are two other roleplays that I was committed to previously and because it would take a looooooooot of creative juices that I simply haven't had in a long time, I probably won't be joining this roleplay. If I'm suddenly struck with inspiration for a character, then I'll see about applying, but otherwise, it would probably be best for me to say I'm backing out for now. Sorry Sun. :'c
Pine said:
*waves* Just for the fact that there are two other roleplays that I was committed to previously and because it would take a looooooooot of creative juices that I simply haven't had in a long time, I probably won't be joining this roleplay. If I'm suddenly struck with inspiration for a character, then I'll see about applying, but otherwise, it would probably be best for me to say I'm backing out for now. Sorry Sun. :'c
I think I'm writing more for this character then I have all summer.30 paragraphs at least for her history.5 total paragraphs on her appearance.I plan for at least 10 in personality and I'll be bumping up every section that I can way beyond what I normally do.Hopefully I don't run out of creative juices ^^'
@Airebsi Sure man, just don't overreach. It'll just turn into a bunch of boring filler if you do.

Also, personal favor: Please start placing spaces after fullstops.
I was gonna say, not to dis anyone, but there's been a lot of talk of 'hey I wrote ridiculous100 paragraphs for my form', but folks ought to remember that it's quality>quantity :)
Yeah, I'd definitely agree with that. I mean, you can probably get like 20 paragraphs for an extremel detailed background, but then you really have to be amazingly creative and skilled. Like, I had about 16 or so at first, then I started noticing I kind filled in a bit, so I scrapped some.
Yeah I guess so it's just I like my character a lot and I enjoy writing a lot about them so when it comes to length I'll have to watch myself. Go back and make sure I didn't rush through and what not. That's probably why I felt like there'd be 30 paragraphs at the time.There probably won't but on my first run through of it it could be way longer then when I finish and release it.

@Prizzy Kriyze I'll try to do so but, it's a bad habit of mine.
Pine said:
*waves* Just for the fact that there are two other roleplays that I was committed to previously and because it would take a looooooooot of creative juices that I simply haven't had in a long time, I probably won't be joining this roleplay. If I'm suddenly struck with inspiration for a character, then I'll see about applying, but otherwise, it would probably be best for me to say I'm backing out for now. Sorry Sun. :'c
Whaaaaaat? But now that I'm here the party can really start! Haha!

If character inspiration is your issue I might have an idea to help...

I'll skype ya!
*Pokes person in the eye*

Iwassummonedlolwhat owo

Oh poo I forgot about this, how far behind am I oh good LOOORRRRDDDDD

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e4c669b26d7445100a1ee1687053f8bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73716" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e4c669b26d7445100a1ee1687053f8bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I apologise for not responding to the earlier tag, this week has been my first week of college so as you could guess I've been very busy owo

my course teacher has been drilling the college policies and course introductions and work, so much work and all that shizzle into my non-existent brain. So I've not actually had time to sit down and make a character.. But! I have the day off tomorrow so I can start work on said character, although it would most likely take more than a day because I want to make it as detailed as I can~




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Who am I kidding I just need to take a nap for like everrrrr

Did I mention I was tired



Oh yeah my offer to join in Mamo's Antieku-like organization is still open but for the record it's like this

Just for the record, you can just state or state again your interested. Just wait until I've finished describing it/making it pretty (I can't at the moment since I'm on mobile however) I've also yet to think of a name and if anyone could pitch ideas I would love you forever and give you candy~

Totally didn't copy and paste this

Mamo owns a convenience store like place famous for low prices and giving out human remains with a sort of Antieku like vibe~

So I'm just going to throw the idea of people joining and working out there! He's more like the "good guy" or neutral. He tries to coexsist with humanity and gets his food via scavenging ghoul corpses and giving away victims of suicide/other means of dying besides killing them to weaker ghouls. He himself is not very powerful, so I'm just going to throw it out there. Therefore I will be looking for one or two (depending on who makes the ghouls and asking us GMs for permission) ghouls to join in to help protect against the "bad guys"... I don't require powerful ghouls, but the more the merrier I suppose~ I just need ghouls to join XP
Awesome! I'm just checking again just in case~ :3

I am already thinking of all the things that could happen

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