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Together (with Chimunda)


New Member
Mallory has to move in with her cousin because her parents don't want anything to do with her anymore. It takes her a few days but finally convinces her cousin, Simon, to let her move in with him. What she doesn't know is that he already has a roommate.
The elevator wasn't working. That was the only thing Mallory could think of as she climbed up the stairs, her suitcase dragging behind her. She wished Simon would have answered his phone. He could've carried her bag. It was early, nut not that early. Finally reaching the top floor, she made her way down the hallway. It wasn't that long of a walk up the stairs, only four flights, but it wasn't fun. Knocking on the door she set her backpack on the ground. When no one answered she knocked again.

"Where are you Simon?" She muttered, banging her hand on the door.
Groaning, Anto slowly rose to his feet, formerly sitting on the couch and watching Sportscenter. He had forgotten about Simon's cousin's planned arrival until now. Clad in a t-shirt, sweatpants and slippers, Anto made his way to the door of the shared apartment. He pulled it open, looking down at the girl and stepping to the side, so she could walk past him. "You must be Mallory. Come on in, Simon should be home soon." Anto told her, waiting at the door for her to enter. He spoke with a light accent, though he English was rather good. Anto yawned into his elbow, the hour rather early for him, usually not awake until the early afternoon.
Mallory stood in the hallway, making no move to go into the apartment, her eyebrows raised. This was the right apartment, the guy mentioned Simon, said her name even. So who was he?

She crossed her arms, stepping back slightly, "Who're you?" she asked accusingly. She wished Simon would have just been home. She wasn't really in the mood to be dealing with people she didn't know. Not that she was in the mood to be dealing with people she did know, but it would've been easier.
Anto sighed, in no mood for trifles at the moment. "I'm Anto, Simon's roommate. He had to go to work, so I happened to be the only one home when you arrived." He explained, leaning against the wall. The newcomer's attitude was puzzling to him, though he could understand some of her wariness. A new city was likely to set most people on edge. "He'll be back in a few hours, so you could stand outside and wait for him, I guess." Anto added with a shrug, giving the girl one last chance to come in. Otherwise, he would return to his morning routine.
Mallory nodded and picked her bag back up off the floor, "Like hell I'm waiting out here." she mumbled, more to herself than to Anto. She moved herself inside, sitting her stuff against the wall next to the door and then stretched, happy to finally be here.

"You know the elevator's broken?" She informed, shaking her head, "I had to walk all the up." She complained.

She made herself at home almost instantly, sitting herself on the couch. She'd never been to Simon's apartment before so her eyes wandered around. It was a simple but cute place. Comfy.
Anto closed the door after Mallory, lumbering back over to the couch and sitting back down in the spot he had vacated, raising the footrest and leaning back into the couch. "Yeah, it's been broken since I got here." he replied, turning his attention back to the TV. In a little bit, he would get up and eat, then go to the gym, but until then, he wasn't going to do anything at all.
She raised her eyebrows, "When did you move in?" She asked, "Who do I talk to about getting it fixed?" She asked, only half joking. Mallory was pretty active, tried to keep herself in shape, but she wasn't looking forward to climbing up and down those stairs everyday. They were kinda steep.
"Two months ago." Anto answered, stretching his arms above his head. "Good luck getting anyone to do anything about it. We've been told "next week" for months now." He said with a shrug, yawning once more. A slow riser, Anto usually slept in far later.
She scoffed, shocked, "Two months ago? And no one's fixed the thing?" She shook her head, "That's awful." She could be a very persuasive person, but usually her tactics only worked when getting people to buy alcohol for her, or to pay her back for money she loaned them, she's never tried to get anyone to fix an elevator.

She glanced over at Anto, "Where'd you move from?" She asked, wanting to keep the conversation going. If they were going to live together she might as well get to know the guy.
Anto shrugged, indifferent. The climb up the stairs was inconvenient, but didn't bother him all too much. He had complained a few times, but knew that nothing would get done either way, so didn't put a great deal of effort into his appeal. "Tel Aviv. Israel." He replied, Mallory's talkative nature comforting. She wouldn't be silent and awkward, at least, a godsend for Anto. He hated forcing conversation, and had hoped that Simon's cousin wouldn't be a bad roommate.
She nodded, trying to think back to if she's seen pictures of the place, "The city is right by the ocean, right?" She asked, hoping she didn't sound too stupid.

She kicked her shoes off and pulled her legs underneath her and turned so that she was facing him better, "Why'd you move?"

Mallory flicked her hair back behind her shoulder before grabbing all of it and braiding it quickly, knowing it was probably a mess and wanting to tame it before it became too tangled.
Anto nodded. "Yes, right by the Mediterranean Sea." he replied, walking to the kitchen and grabbing a can of Coke from the fridge. He returned to the couch and sat back down, taking a sip. "I had to, Israeli basketball programs are nothing compared to what you have here." Anto explained, watching Mallory put up her hair. "I wanted to get ready to play in the NBA here, and playing in America for a few years couldn't hurt." He added, drinking some more of his Coke. "Where are you from?" Anto asked. "Simon never told me."
Mallory nodded, "That's fun, I used to have a friend who played basketball. I don't think she does anymore, but I haven't talked to her in ages so who knows." She shrugged.

"I lived just about an hour away. Have only been downtown," where their apartment was, "twice. Neither time particularly fun." She said, smiling. She laughed, leaning her head back, then directed her attention to Simon, who had just stepped in.

"Simon!" Mallory said, standing up to hug him.

"You've let the devil in, Anto." Simon said jokingly, making his way into the kitchen.

Mallory shook her head sitting back down, "Don't listen to him Anto, I'm a very good person."
"If you say so." Anto replied offhandedly, finishing his can of Coke and reaching into his pocket for his phone. "I don't mind it around here. Haven't been around for the winter yet though. I've never been in the cold." He explained, chuckling along with Simon. Anto wasn't quite sure what to make of Mallory, though she seemed nice enough so far.
Mallory smiled, "The winter is the best part of the year. Sweaters and hot chocolate." She said, "Not that the heat ever stopped me from drinking hot chocolate." She said, shaking her head, "Oh! And snow!" She added, "You've never seen snow?" She asked, surprised, though she knew that some people haven't, it still surprised her.
Anto shook his head, taking a look at his phone and depositing it back into his pocket, slowly rising to his feet. "Never. It doesn't snow in Tel Aviv." He explained, effortlessly tossing his empty Coke can into the kitchen trash can from the living room, preparing to leave the apartment for the gym, and to let Simon and his cousin talk without having him around.

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