2019 Writing Event Toes in the Sand

Error 420

One Thousand Club

i've often imagined
a lifetime with you
toes in the sand
of the beach
i fell in love with
fingers in the hand
of the woman
i fell in love with

i've often imagined
a ring around your finger
shining like the stars
in the sky
i lose my way in
shining like the stars
in the eyes
i lose my way in

i've often imagined
the sound of waves
flowing over me
in the Gulf
ebbing warmly
flowing over me
like that voice
ebbing warmly

i've often imagined
those nights in that place
that cannot exist
and never will
i've often imagined
the rhythm of your heart
which cannot beat
and never will.
Error 420 Error 420 I know this is short notice, but last checks for word counts and yours is only 116, not even near the 500 :\

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