To the Lords and Lasses....


Feel the beat of my Aura!
I offer you my humblest thanks and my services for allowing me to join your ranks as a member of RPNation. I am Moxi, a travelling butler who's only wish is to protect and serve my masters! I meant masters as in you all....(Oh boy I feel nervous now)

Alright time to be serious! (Or I could keep up my act but...I mean just look above....) I'm Moxi-Fangsong, Moxi to my comrades.(Ones I hope to make in my time here!) I've roleplayed for a good 4 years now but I will admit I've disappeared from the rp scene for a few months ever since my family's move. My original site seems to have closed while I was on leave so I looked for sanctuary and from the rps I've read here this seems like a good place to settle!

If you're wondering about my whole butler act, it's from my third(but first successful) roleplay called "Guided by the Ancestors", where I played a retainer and from then on I really liked the idea of being a caretaker to some gallant hero or royalty. Don't be fooled though, there are many other roles that peak my interest.

I'm open to questions but really I just wanted to say Hello...think I went a tiny bit overboard.

Being called a lord is pretty cool, I'm likin' you already! Welcome to RPN! I don't got much to say since I just got back here myself, sept' for just hey, and welcome!

Don't worry about going overboard, pretty sure this place is overboard city. Also. If you could get me some tea, that'd be totally awesome!
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Oh? Right away milord, looks like I'm going leaf picking much earlier than I expected! And thanks for the welcome, I take it you must also like the fantasy genre then since you- Oh wait I'm supposed to go make tea!
I'm a pretty big fan of anything, but yeah. If you were to check out either of the things in my signature, you'd notice I take a likin' too fictional stuff, and big fantasy especially.

Wow Freshly picked? That's some butler!
I'm impressed with the overviews O_O, like now I'm thinking about joining your Colossi Hunters Reboot. Either way I hope that 2nd time's the charm! Oh! and the tea's on the counter if you're still up for it.(I hope you like Apple Cinnamon!)
Thanks! That's actually the one worried about, not as many people for a sci-fi like mine. If you wanted to join it. It'd be cool! But be warned. I can be pretty strict with character sheets. But if you like it, go for it!

Also. Apple Cinnamon is great. Thanks!
...that is absolutely adorable. That whole entire interaction. Loved it.

Hello, Moxi-Fangsong! (Not sure if you'd consider me a comrade quite yet, so I'll stick to formalities.) Welcome to RPN! If you ever need assistance simply ask - I'm sure there are plenty who would be willing to offer you aid (including myself, as well as @Veren it seems). The site is currently undergoing some changes, just to make sure you're aware - new threads, sections for discussion, and a whole new theme (The Nyte Life) is on its way! Thank you for joining our quaint community! :)
Thanks Milady! Considering that I'm for sure one that would love friends, you can call me Moxi C:. And I also heard of these new changes rolling into the site, I feel like Nyte Life will be just "Ryte" for me!(Hehehehe.....*Ahem*) I actually thought that timing was fate since I was open to trying something new! Once Again, you have my thanks. C:
Moxi said:
Thanks Milady! Considering that I'm for sure one that would love friends, you can call me Moxi C:. And I also heard of these new changes rolling into the site, I feel like Nyte Life will be just "Ryte" for me!(Hehehehe.....*Ahem*) I actually thought that timing was fate since I was open to trying something new! Once Again, you have my thanks. C:
"Well I guess you're punny enough to be my servant."

Welcome to rpn~ Hope you enjoy your stay here ^^.
You would've made me lose all seriousness if you cracked that joke as a master, I died at reading the reply. Thanks by the way I'm already brainstorming ideas of how to make a worthy character!
Moxi said:
You would've made me lose all seriousness if you cracked that joke as a master, I died at reading the reply. Thanks by the way I'm already brainstorming ideas of how to make a worthy character!
"You can't die on me already. You haven't see the wor- best of it."

Haha, I look forward to meeting him in a rp then~
So, I'm a lass? Ok, at least I'm not a lovely lady. Not sure if anyone will get the reference, but oh well.

Now that my tangent is over, welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want.
Yo Moxie- welcome to the boards, it's great to have you :D

I hope you settle in swiftly! We're all pretty friendly here~
Yunn said:
"You can't die on me already. You haven't see the wor- best of it."
Haha, I look forward to meeting him in a rp then~
Oh you bet I'm gonna attempt to create a personality close to that(Without the dying of course, my schedule doesn't allow death by puns ;P)

Kestrel said:
So, I'm a lass? Ok, at least I'm not a lovely lady. Not sure if anyone will get the reference, but oh well.
Now that my tangent is over, welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want.
....Oh no I don't get it... But hello Lady Kes!

BIue said:
Yo Moxie- welcome to the boards, it's great to have you :D
I hope you settle in swiftly! We're all pretty friendly here~
You know I honestly do feel like I'll fit in here, the fact that people are alright with my servitude should mean something!
Welcome, Moxie! You'll fit right in, no worries. I think most RPN members are "overboard" to some degree. c; A little reminder to maybe check out your introduction/welcome PM from the Admin so that you understand how this site works and functions. There's a full package of links in there. If you have any questions or inquiries--I'll be glad to try and answer them.
Thanks Manah :) , Only input I have right now is the my anticipation of that new theme Nyte Life!(Also yes I have read that message, was a refreshing experience to see all the guides.) Well that and when I get to head home! Errands and all that good stuff today...But that's just a side note...... ^_^
Moxi said:
....Oh no I don't get it... But hello Lady Kes!
I have never been called Lady Kes. It works. I like it. The "lovely lady" is a reference to Les Miserables. It's a musical my school is performing. One of the songs is called "Lovely Ladies". I have to sing it, but I'll be off-stage so it'll be less awkward.

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