To put it simply, Hello.


New Member
Hello and welcome all or any who happen upon my greeting to this new site. I am by no means new to roleplay, however I have never taken the time to establish myself on a roleplay site before. The closest thing I came to doing so was IMVU, and even then I would switch between avatars and usernames so much no one could really pin me down. I love to write and roleplay as I wager could be said about anyone here. I tend to prefer to play as established characters from shows or books I enjoy. You will rarely see me play as an original character. I like to study established characters and portray them as accurately as I possibly can. Though, I have found I enjoy a wide array of different worlds and themes even if they differ from the cannon.
The stories I enjoy to roleplay are as follows:
Sherlock (BBC)
Doctor Who
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
The Legend of Zelda

If you would like to roleplay with me please message me or reply and we can work out semantics. Also if you have any questions I will be glad to answer them.
hey! how's it going?
i'd like to do a doctor who rp with you! (preferably the 9th or 10th one)
Hey! I've always seen ads for IMVU but I always though it would give my computer a virus
my advice, don't , it gave mine one
IMVU never gave my computers any viruses but it did make it run slow and IMVU can glitch sometimes. I would not recommend for or against it. Making avatars and things on that site are fun and the last I checked the RP community is strong and accepting. However, getting the virtual currency to make said outfits can be difficult if you don't know what you're doing.
Hitchhikers guide? Don;t panic!

Call the Mechanic. That's me. Yup. I'm the doctor around here so you'll be seeing me if bad business happens. Let's hope it always comes to that because I like this job. Good to have ya here with us! I probably won't let you die!

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