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To Cure a World


The Rotten Fruit
In the cobblestone streets, panic swept across the village. It happened, one of them had been afflicted by the curse of brimstone. A dark curse which corrupted the soul of it's host, transforming them into a demonic shell of a person. Their reasoning leaves them, they become hostile and crazed and gain a taste for the flesh of men.

The people were not sure how to react to the arrival of the curse. It would spread to them all eventually. No one knows how it spreads, only that it does. Yet those with magic, the witches and warlocks were immune to the curse. However, it was likely that it was a magic user who began this curse initially.

But no one knew how to stop the curse, if it could be cured or anything. In the panic some people were rushing to leave the village, others were looking to burn the cursed, and a few were seeking the advice of the villages witches.

In this mayhem, a single black cat rushed through the streets with a small mouse beside the cat. "The curse has reached this far it seems." The cat spoke to the mouse telepathically. They were both witches, but not the witches of this particular village. "It will keep spreading, and it seems the witches here won't be of help."

The cat's name was Ashelynn, a cat witch. She came from the east heading west, trying to stay ahead of the curse, and looking for a cure. "If we continue west we will find Westborn, and Zahira." Ashelynn mentioned to her mousey companion. Zahira rules a large city, a witch of ravens. She might know where they could find a cure for the curse, or at the least, find a lead. "Shall we go mousey?"
The small cream mouse peaked out from behind her companion's leg, tail flicking in habitual nervousness. Despite their reluctant friendship, being so close to Ashelynn was still nerve wrecking for Novella. "Don't call me that, kitty-cat" she couldn't help but look at the cat when she conveyed something over mental link. However, Novella was quick to turn away, sniffing the ground slightly as she scurried out from under Ashelynn.

Mallowhedge was just as they feared, infected by the same Brimstone curse that was taking lives everywhere they looked. No one was sure where the curse came from, but the timing was all too difficult for the magic population. Finally, magic was viewed as an asset to the world, just before a spell-bound curse sweeps their nation state. It was really suspicious to Novella, but there were witches and warlocks on both sides of the debate.

It was that magic was to be feared or revered, because it could be seen as both a danger and an asset to the human population. Like in all politics, there were a few selfish parties that interests lie in keeping magic away from mere humans, or those who were interested in turning it monetary. It was the cause for lines to be drawn in towns just like these and magic to be turned against other mages.

Novella was interested in finding the solution, before the population depleted beyond their control or the curse morphed and infected one of their own. It might have been a surge of paranoia that started this journey to the west, but there was certainly people on her side. Ashelynn was her companion, and despite their normal rivalry in the city they called their own, the curse was worth more than that.

Novella's tail flicks back and forth before she reluctantly turns her snout towards the black cat behind her. "Let's go" she ducks her head back and scurries away, feeling the peering eyes of her brethren in the grottos and street drains. The population of Mallowhedge was all but lost now, especially with the magically inclined uncaring if the whole human population died.

Next would be Westborn and Zahira.
As the duo stalked the streets Novella told Ashelynn not to call her mousey in a defensive manor. "D'aw, but you are a lil' mousey!" Ashelynn said as she playfully batted at the cream mouses tail as they passed along the street. When Novella said they should go, Ashelynn stopped and turned to gaze back at the village.

People were arguing and fighting all over the streets, and in the distance was a group of men trying to break into a house - the home of the person who became cursed. No doubt they would kill him, maybe burn him and hope the curse stays away. But it wouldn't. The curse would grip them all in it's horrid clutches. "Hehe, this place is gone." Ashelynn giggled before turning around.

Novella was scurrying ahead. "Hold up Mousey, we should go see Talaria anyway." Ashelynn said. Talaria was the witch of Mallowhedge, and Ashelynn wanted to know what she knew, or rather what she didn't know. Ashelynn ran up behind Novella and went to pick the mouse up in her mouth to carry. A mouse was quiet and small, but a cat was much quicker to sprint.

Talaria's tower was in the center of town, they could try to walk in, but they might have to sneak their way inside.
Novella tried her best to huff at the cat behind her, squeaking when Ashelynn swiped at her tail, and dashing away. It was just second nature to her as a mouse to run from the cat, especially one that was laughing as it trailed after her. If that wasn't enough, Ashelynn actually picked her up by her scruff, carrying Novella in her mouth.

The cream colored mouse squeaked and struggled in her hold- perhaps she should have listened when she called her mousy again. "You- Goddamn kitty cat, put me down!" the telepathetic link was sent with more squeaking, feeling the panic of being eaten edge upon her. They moved much faster at this speed, Novella bobbing in Ashelynn's mouth as she moved toward Teleria's tower.

"You dumb cat! It's not like I couldn't walk myself!" Novella still wouldn't give up, struggling in her mouth's grasp.
Novella struggled in Ashelynns jaws and demanded that she be put down and allowed to walk herself, yet Ashelynn ignored the little mouses complaints. She darted around posts and lamps, through the streets and around the corners until they were close to the large stone tower placed in the center of the town. it's large wooden double doors were closed shut, and it's windows high into the sky. "Silly mousey, you're too slow by yourself." Ashelynn explained as she dropped Novella onto the cobblestone.

At the very moment the black cat dropped the cream mouse the cat was engulfed in a black swirling mist as she shape shifted back into her human form. She had long black hair stretching down to her waist, a very pale white skin complexion with a long flowing black dress on. Her eyes were green, with slit like irises much like a cat. Even as a human she had a cats reflective eyes, giving her great sight even at night. Her nails were long and polished with black. She seemed like a well dressed woman to most, but her tome of spells attached to her hip gave away her true nature as a witch.

Ashelynn walked up to the large wooden doors and pulled, but the doors did not budge. "It seems Talaria doesn't want guests." Ashelynn said before giggling. Ashelynn crouched down to her knees and held her hand out, causing her spell book to vanish and appear open hovering above her open palm. She read arcane words of fire from the tome which caused her right hand to erupt into burning scythes from each of her fingers.

"Well, if she locks the door, we make a little one for mousey to get through."
Ashelynn explained as she used the burning scythes to sear mouse hole through the base of the door.
If Ashelynn picking Novella up in her mouth wasn't enough, the trip was turbulent because of the cat witch's chosen path. It was as if her companion was treating this like a ride, and her stomach was about as pleased as she was. When she was finally placed back on the cobblestone, Novella turned her nose up at her companion, not expecting her to change back.

Just to be stubborn, Novella stayed in her mouse form, weaving in between Ashelynn's legs in the hopes that she would trip her. "You think you can just get away with that?" her tail still flicked nervously when the woman stopped, but she was only pulling the door to Teleria's tower. It was with another giggle that Ashelynn commented about Teleria's habit in locking her door. "Maybe she doesn't want you" Novella seemed to haughty in her response.

Ashelynn bent down to her level and Novella immediately ducked into a nearby crack, barely fitting her cream colored body all the way inside without being seen. Her spell book appeared in the palm of her hand as she cast a spell of fire, allowing her to start burning a hole in the door. "I don't need you to burn a hole!" Novella was still being rather stubborn, climbing out of the hole and scampering over Ashelynn's hand.

"I'll go find my own way inside!"
the telepathetic link was finally broken when Novella took off around the tower, searching for cracks, holes or tunnel systems that she could burrow into. With some frustration she realized that any crack and burrow was magically protected, rather than the simply locked front door.

Novella came back without a word, slightly pouting and squeezing herself through the hole Ashelynn made. The other side of the door was settled in darkness, but Novella focused on changing back to her human form. Novella's medium length cream-colored hair (bordering on white) was in the classic curled pigtails she usually wore it in. The small statured and flat-chested girl quickly did a 180 to pull open the door after herself, letting Ashelynn in.
The little mouse protested greatly towards Ashelynn, but the witch ignored her as she burned the hole into the door. "I'll go find my own way inside!" Novella said as she skittered away around the tower. Ashelynn only laughed at the idea. She wouldn't find any cracks and whole in the tower except the one that Ashelynn had just made.

As to be expected the little cream mouse returned with a pout and squeezed right through the hole before transforming back into her normal form and opening the door. The two doors swung open as Ashelynn had to make a quickstep backwards to avoid being hit by them. "Hehe, oh my so excieted!" Ashelynn teased the girl by flicking one of her pig tails as she drifted into the tower.

Looking around the first floor of the tower there wasn't much there. A spiral staircase along the side to climb up and some tables and chairs for guests to sit and wait at. "We won't be waiting down here, will we mousey?" Ashelynn asked with a wink as she started to head up the spiral staircase.
It was unfortunate that Novella didn't hit Ashelynn when she slammed the doors open, but the little kitty stepped back too fast. It was with a shared smile between them as Ashelynn passed, but she flinched away when her pigtail was flipped. Closing the door rather roughly behind her, she let Ashelynn look around the ground floor of the tower.

With her back turned to her, Novella fixed her hair before flipping her off teasingly, dropping her hands when Ashelynn turned back around. It didn't make her feel any less spiteful when the woman once again called her 'mousey'. "Okay kitty" Novella gathered that she would never be called Novella or Nova anytime soon.

Flipping her cape open and back, Novella led the trek upstairs "Hey Teleria!" she wasn't bothering being quiet now that they broke in. In fact, the small girl was practically stomping up the stairs, emerging in the small witch's lair. Teleria was situated in the crow's nest of her tower, but it lacked any the tell-tale signs of a witch.

Just a simple fireplace, a love seat placed in front, books stern about with papers and pens and a map of the county on one of her walls. Teleria was crouched at the edge of her love seat, her brown hair framing her face like a bowl. The owl-witch glanced over her shoulder, twitching and turning her head that reminded her of her animal. "Helloo there, what can I do for you?" her speech sounds a little chirpish.
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Novella was quick to rush up the stairs, calling out for Telaria, which was greeted with the questioning voice of the witch asking what she can do for them. Ashelynn walked up behind Novella and looked over at the witch. She was sitting on the edge of her couch with her feet pulled up with her, and her head twisted around to look at them while being crooked slightly. Her eyes open wide and unblinking. Ashelynn found the witches demeanor rather disturbing.

"You know the curse has reached you here, right?"
Ashelynn questioned the witch. She was curious what was going through the witches mind in the moment.

"I do, I do." Talarai replied as she turned her head back forwards, she seemed to be working on something. "I know everything in my town. You owe me a new door."

"You locked us out, how else were we suppose to-" Ashelynn began but the calm for of Talaria interjected.

"You knock." Talaria said. Ashelynn waved her hand dismissively as she walked towards Talaria, eying everything the witch had in her tower. She saw potions and jars of various herbs and alchemical ingredients. As her eyes fell upon a philosophers stone perched near the edge of a table Ashelynn stopped and stared at it for a while, before deciding to push it off the table and move onwards. "Pick that up." Talaria requested, but Ashelynn ignored the request.

"What are you working on." Ashelynn asked as she pounced the back of the witches couch and peered over her shoulder.
"You mean what was I working on?" with a snappish response, Teleria picked up her papers and straightened them. it was with a sharp look that she looked at Ashelynn perched on the back of her seat, bothering Novella slightly. Joining her witch companions, she picked the philosopher's stone off the floor and placed it on the corner of the table. Teleria dusted it off slight, tracing her grey eyes up to Novella's face.

"Nova" the beady eyes always bothered Novella, way too used to the predatory bird that would snatch up her brethren. When Teleria teared her eyes away, Novella felt a shaky breath rush out "I'm working on another curse" with some grace, the woman flew up from her seat.

"Another curse?" Novella quirked an accusatory brow, "What do you mean another curse?" the pigtailed girl immediately went to the woman's cauldron, lifting the lid. Teleria was all quick to swoop in on her, making Novella skitter back at the sudden intrusion.

"Who are you to question me?" Teleria spoke in her own defense, stirring the brew of the cauldron before closing the lid, another sharp look directe towards Novella. "I'm making another curse to stop this one- since we've yet to find a cure" the way she said it was very matter of fact, but still bothered Novella. Except her sharp eyes finally turned to Ashelynn, still some fear in her eyes from the kitty "Have any other suggestions?" the way she said it was very accusatory.
Ashelynn watched the scene unravel with joy across her face. Talaria explained that she was working on a curse in order to combat the curse of brimstone that had been spreading. Novella was curious and went to investigate the woman's cauldron, which prompted Talaria to interrupt her and cut her off from snooping which caused Novella to step backwards defensively. Her final thoughts were to ask what it was that they would suggest instead.

"Curse the people so they can't be cursed?" Ashelynn thought out loud to herself as she played with her fingers. "That's a bit like poisoning people so they won't get poisoned later..." Ashelynn concluded.

"Are you saying I'm wrong?" Talaria asked as she took a step towards the cat witch, her brow furrowed.

Ashelynn's face turned to a smile as she held her hands outwards. "Of course not, it's genius!" Ashelynn said as she moved forward and grabbed Talaria in a hug, lifting her from the ground. The owl witch struggled until Ashelynn let her go and she dropped a few inches to the ground. "When's it going to be ready?" Ashelynn asked excitedly.

"It's not. At least, not yet." Talara said she she opened her cauldron and stirred it once more. "I'm missing an important ingredient." Talaria explained, keeping her focus on her cauldron.
Novella was half expecting Ashelynn to react the same way she did, a sour attitude and maybe more biting comments. Instead, the cat witch played with her fingers, crushing expectancies when she compared the cursing to poisoning someone twice. "You can't fight fire with fire" Novella muttered, upturning her nose when Ashelynn picked Teleria up.

If only the stupid cat was eating Teleria and spinning her...

"Gross" Novella realized her own thoughts and scrunched her nose, focusing on the written diagrams thrown around the room. Just as she was un-crumpling a piece of paper, Ashelynn said something that made her throw the wad at her. "How is that genius!?" she asks incredulously, "The curse could go faster, get worse, or magic forbid- even kill" Novella shook her head.

Except Teleria was only missing an ingredient from her cauldron- making the curse incomplete. "Good" Novella spat it out the moment she had a chance, turning on her heel. "Maybe it'll prevent you from killing the whole village" Novella starts back down the stairs, the cape behind her waving suspiciously like a tail.
Novella seemed upset by the plan Talaria had for her village, to curse them preemptively. She reacted with anger as she was prove to do and even throw a ball of paper at Ashelynn. The wad of paper hit her directly in the chest before dropping to the ground. Ashelynn looked at the paper intently before kicking it away. By the time she glanced back up Novella had already exited the floor, heading back down the spiral staircase. "I don't think she approves." Ashelynn said.

"You know how mice are."
Was the only respone Talaria had before she waved Novella a farewell and turned back to her notes. "Now, if you wish to help..." She began, judging Ashelynns interest still.

"Oh of course!" Ashelynn said eagerly as she rushed over to the couch, sitting down and watching Talaria intently as she pulled at the fabrics of the woman's couch. Yet soon Talarias had came down upon Ashelynns and she stopped.

"Don't do that."
She scolded before she took out a sketch of a flower. It had four petals, shaped into diamonds, each connected to a round central part. The flower seemed to have budded on a tree not a plant stalk or bush. "Diamond Death." Talaria explained. "It's only found in the northern vale, and I am far to busy to go out there myself."

"So you want Mousey and I to go for you?" Ashelynn inquired before Talaria hit her shoulder.

"I'm not finished." Telaria replied. "As I was saying, I want you and Novella to go get this and bring it back to me. It's for a curse of weakness." Ashelynn nodded along and reached out for the page with Talaria parted with. "Don't let me down, this could save everyone."

Ashelynn smiled wide and tucked the page into her spell book. "Don't worry, the cat and mouse are on the case!"
Novella sat at the bottom of the stairs to wait for Ashelynn, scampering around in embarrassment - she couldn't simply leave the cat as much as she wanted to. Teleria had made her angry, but here she was pacing her tower's ground floor to wait for a useless companion. She half expected Ashelynn to chase after her, a routine she was far too used too. Instead, the mouse was stuck waiting or the cat, taking a moment to repair Teleria's door despite her reservations.

After a while she started getting suspicious - Ashelynn had certainly spent a lot of time up there and it was no telling what the owl had done to her. So with a quick flourish of her cape she snuck up the stairs again, trying her best to focus on the words exchanged between the witch companions. Of all things it turned out the cat was going along with her plan and including her in it.

Having heard enough, Novella scurried down the steps, changing back mid way to stride out the door, closing it firmly behind her. It would make no difference as the cat was always faster than the mouse, but Novella turned up her nose, prepared to give the feline the silent treatment.

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