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Realistic or Modern тнιя∂ ανєиυє



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Character Sheet





Date of birth:

Place of birth:










Clothing style:

Personality(2+ paragraphs):





History(1+ paragraph):

Family(Please include their relationship with one another):

Theme song:





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"It's pronounced Mar-low"

Marlow Marlene Hawthorne


"Nicknames or first name only..."

Mar Mar


"I can drink...that's all you need to know..."



"My birthday is not that special..."

December 7th, 1994


"Hmmm...I have boobs and a vagina...clearly I'm a female..."



"Love is love they say...but I focus on their personality also..."

Panromantic Demisexual




"Way better than America..."

Berlin, Germany


"Well...I get to make awesome drinks..."

Bartender at Little Bee's


"Yes I know I'm beautiful you don't need to tell me..."


Dark Brown


Marlow has big gray blue eyes that look smokey and just wonderful




Marlow may weigh little but she has muscles from working out and doing cardio

Distinguishing Features

Her big smile that you will rarely see from her

Her big gray blue eyes, people get lost in them forever

She has tattoos all over her body

Her face was gracefully given freckles to make her even more beautiful

Both her ears are pierced and she has a septum piercing

Clothing Style

"I'm into that hipster, skater girl look...I love how comfortable it is"

Marlow loves wearing skater clothing along with hipster clothing from time to time. She loves the colors and styles she can put together when she feels like dressing like a hipster which us mainly in the winter and sunmer. She dressed in her skate clothing in the Spring and Fall since it's not too cold or hot. She also loves how comfortable it feels on her skin. She's not a huge fan of skirts and will never wear them. EVER!


"I'm mixed with a lot of things..."

American, African, German, Irish, Native American, French


"Single and ready to mingle they say in America..."





"That's my favorite"









Playing Guitar

Playing Violin

Her OTPs





Smell of rain on asphalt



"Fucking hate these"


Being drunk


Drama Movies

Walking into spiderwebs

The heat



Rude customers


Dirty hair


"I honestly do not care what you think of me..."

Marlow has the nonchalant type of attitude. She does love to have fun but she doesn't show it in her expressions all the time. She'll smile in your face but they're mainly fake smiles you will rarely see her crack a real smile unless you are someone she cares for and that list is real small. Marlow hates it when people touch her instruments they are hers and hers only, if one of them is broken she will force you to pay for a new one. She's not the type for bullshit so don't even think about throwing it her way. I guess you could say she's immune to it. She doesn't have time to be crying over everything and dislikes drama movies. She is immune to feels, unless there are animals involved. If you're watching Marley and Me with her get ready to see some waterworks.

There are days where she justs wants to be extremely lazy and when she is real lazy she starts groaning from boredom and start lounging all over the place and everyone. She doesn't do volunteer work unless it's for little children, animals or people who are homeless after being in the military and rarely gives to the poor cause she knows what some of them do with the money they are given. Marlow doesn't like getting angry, she feels ugly when she becomes angry and sometimes regrets it later on. If you can crack the shell that she has protected around herself then you got yourself an amazing friend. She also has that sarcastic side that slips out almost all the time.



Never finding love

Never having a family

Dying Alone

Being kicked out back on the streets

Always being looked at as the bad person

Never being the best at anything

Being betrayed by her friends


"Yes being sexy is one of my habits..."

Tapping her foot

Rolling her eyes

Biting the inside of her mouth

Running fingers through her hair when embarrassed

Yawning with her mouth open

Dazing off


"I didn't have...nevermind I don't want to talk about it..."

Marlow was born and raised in Berlin, Germany to Joseph and Mikayla Hawthorne. Growing up Marlow didn't make much friends and she didn't hang out with her siblings as well. To distract herself from the emptiness of friendship she started playing the guitar. Taking a liking to the instrument she has learned numerous songs and even started composing songs of her own. She never had the courage to tell her parents or siblings that she was writing music. She loved the way the violin sounded and took up the instrument when she doesn't feel like playing the guitar. She also took up the Bass since she found out that without a Bass in a band it wouldn't sound so great. Marlow took up small gigs at local cafes to earn some money but thats all she could do. Marlow would do other things to distract herself from the fact that she didnt have anyone to be friends with but she didnt let that get in the way of her living her life.

Marlow wasn't like her siblings, she didn't want to be a lawyer or doctor. She didn't know what to do with her life. When she was 16 she met a man only a few years older than him who was madly in love with her and vice versa. They never wated to leave each other at all. She would stay at his apartment on the weekends and sometimes even weekdays. The relationship was going perfect until Marlow'so boyfriend started drinking and coming to the apartment late. Marlow began to worry, she didn't know where her boyfriend was or when he was coming back, it really scared her. His drinking got worse to the point of verbal and physical abuse. Marlow didn't involve the police in fear of ending up dead by her boyfriend. He would come home with other women right in front of her and when she would retaliate he would physically hurt her. It wasn't later

Marlow's parents were super hesitant about her going to America to live with people she don't even know lead by a man who she met through a website. They tried to make her stay but after her little relationship with now ex-boyfriend, she needed to start her life over. Fresh and New.



? = Romantic Interest | Attracted to = ? | ? = Close Friends | ? = Friendly | ? = No Relationship/Neutral | ? = Enemies

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Xavier Taylor Bruce


  • Name

    Xavier Taylor Bruce


    Mate, BB







    Date of Birth

    July 4, 1991

    Place of Birth

    London, Canada

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c743c7c3f_bannerfans_17102592(4).jpg.7b84d24ba0c6d1e801259cae8c708578.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100707" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c743c7c3f_bannerfans_17102592(4).jpg.7b84d24ba0c6d1e801259cae8c708578.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Vincent Nathaniel Younge







Date of birth

August 5th

Place of birth

Detroit, Michigan


Bartender at Little Bee's



152 lbs


Athletic and toned, yet surprisingly lean. This due to working out a couple of times a week. In ways, his posture and height causes him to look quite intimidating.




Plain brown, mostly kept brushed back from his face in an unruly way.




Though he lacks piercings, Vincent owns a couple of tattoos. The first one is the two small birds that is located on his upper back. Secondly, a drunken mistake caused the tiny heart on his bum. He was ashamed of it at first, but nowadays he only chuckles. Last but not least, he has three dots in an horizontal line right below his left collarbone. Each of these dots represent one of his family members.


Multiple scars can be found around his body, though most of them are located on his hands. Scars from cuts, burns and scrapes from fixing up his old car and such. But he does have more significant ones on his forearms. A series of five circular scars from a time when he was burned with cigarettes. When it comes down to birthmarks, Vincent lacks most of them. The only exception being the few small beauty spots on his back.

Clothing style

The most common words used to describe his style are old-fashioned, outdated yet oddly classy. Think Grease's Danny Zuko, with the leather jacket and the slimmed t-shirts tucked into his black jeans. You see, Vincent is quite fond of the retro style of clothing, which is why he is drawn to second-hand stores and shops with a vintage style to them. While he much prefers casual clothing, he knows a thing or two about formal attire. Tying a tie was something he was taught at a very young age. If the event is formal enough, Vincent will show up in a tie and tuxedo trousers, though the matching jacket would either be hanging over his shoulder or left at home.


"Be careful when trying to fix a broken person, for you may cut yourself on their shattered pieces"

Vincent is very ambitious, and dreams of becoming something great. That specific something is not yet decided, but he has sworn to himself to never end up as a homeless man again. There's no point of calling him insecure, as that word does not belong in his dictionary; he really can't grip an understanding of the term. He's far more confident than you would expecct, sometimes to the point of being a little too forward. He as no shame whatsoever, and he will simply do as he pleases without any worries. Never will he have any problems with speaking to strangers, often will he start conversations with people he meets on the streets just to pass the time. To add more to his list of traits, Vincent can be quite the good friend. He's so inexplicably loyal that words can't describe it, and his generousity can come in quite handy at times. He's also very encouraging and supportive of all the decisions his friends make, no matter if they're bad or good.

But a man can't be all perfect, right? For a starter, he'ss quite difficult to have around. He's bitter and stubborn in all sorts of ways, and rarely ever gives in to anything. Don't start unneccecary fights with him, as I can assure you that you will go down. His pride will always get the best of him, which is why he will never come crawling back with an apology, even when he knows that he's in the wrong. Also, Vincent is extremely domineering, and will almost always require something to have control of. He can't stand being told what to do, and prefers to have someone below him to boss around like his little minion. Furthermore, another flaw of his is that he's pretentious af. He likes to make himself seem larger and more succesful than he actually is. This may be where is vanity comes in as well, as he judges far too many books by their covers.

Though I should tell you that while Vincent may be confident enough to talk to just about anyone, there are some things that he prefers to keep to himself at all costs. His past is a very good example of this. No matter who you are or what your relationship with him is like, he will avoid the subject no matter what. This is partly because of the fact that he thinks of it as a little too much of a burden to talk about, but also because he hates opening up to people. It's something he loathes more than anything; this because he feels like he gives them the opportunity to hurt him even more. Showing himself vulnerable to anyone is completely out of the question, for he will never allow anyone to get that close.

As said, personal matters are hard to talk about, which is why heartaches are very tough on him. His pride keeps him from showing that he's hurt, and instead shuts off the emotions. Instead, he runs away mentally from the conflict and focuses on other things. One of his ways of dealing with these situations are fixing things such as his car or a broken dishwasher. You could say that he's putting all his focus into fixing an object to create the illusion of fixing himself. He convinces himself that he's got life handled when he's fixing up something already broken.


~Cars, especially older ones




~Playing guitar as well as singing

~The smell of bacon

~Late night talks


~Horror movies


~Being told what to do


~Gossip and rumors

~People who lack passion

~Cheesy rom-com's



~Clingy girls

~Waiting too long for something/someone


Smirks in an heartthrobbing way.

Cracks his neck every now and then.

When truly angered, he shouts and curses in italian.

Taps his foot when he's sick of waiting, which is often.



Falling in love

Theme song

Death from above 1979 - Trainwreck 1979



Quite the handyman, may be one of the guys you will want to talk to when you're trying to fix a broken car, speaker or cellphone.
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Allen Jones

?King of the existential?



Nickname(s): N/A




Date of birth:November 5th

Place of birth: Upstate New York

Occupation: Works at O'Leary's Book Store


Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 163

Built: Average, only a thin layer of fat on his stomach

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Black

Ethnicity: Black

Tattoos/Piercings: None

Scars/Birthmarks: Scar under his chin from an accident when he was a child, scattered birthmarks over his chest and back.

Clothing style: Any clothes which can comfortably cover his body, as his skin is a big source of self consciousness for him. Nothing too baggy, but long sleeves and comfortable pants are preferable. He owns a collection of sweatshirts with sayings and nice graphics, thanks to his sister.

Intimate Details

Personality: Allen is a voracious reader, a habit which was instilled in him from a young age. By who he doesn't know, but it has always been a way to relieve stress for him. Ever since he was small he experienced things very intensely. Sound, sights, emotions, it was like everything was turned to a high volume, and because of it he can have very debilitating bouts of anxiety attacks. Generally he is a very jumpy, nervous guy when he needs to be. Otherwise all of that energy is channeled into excitable conversations with other people. He is the kind of guy who talks a lot when he's nervous, and because that may come off as wit or sociability it makes things easier in the way of friends. But that kind of thing is very difficult for him to do for too long at a time and places himself in his room surrounded by books to recharge. It's easier to be in silence that way.

Besides that, he has always had a talent not only for public speaking, but for writing poetry. He participated in a number of spoken word and rap contests as a teenager and won some awards. Taking after his father, he has a very sarcastic and witty sense of humor, which developed when he was young. He also has a love for small animals, especially birds. One flaw that stops him from really being truly happy with people is that he overthinks relationships. Nothing is black and white in his eyes, even relationships with acquaintances. This means he causes problems where they don't belong, but instead of confronting the person he bottles it up and just drifts away from them without explanation.

Likes: Literature, good music, relaxing, deep conversations, making people laugh, animals

Dislikes: Arguing, scary things, blood (he will get nauseous)

Quirks: If he is talking to someone and senses that something funny is going to be said, he stats smiling so much it reaches his eyes. When he isn't wearing contacts he also has a tendency of rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Fears: He's not scared of much, but his anxiety makes it hard for him to feel comfortable leaving the house and putting himself out there in any situation. It isn't so much a fear as it is a worry. Of course, he doesn't make this worry obvious to anybody.


History: Allen was born in a hospital in upstate New York, near the border to Canada. Directly following him was his twin sister, Anya. Allen cried for hours and hours without end, but Anya didn't cry at all at first (though she had to after the doctor spanked her). From the very beginning it was obvious the two were polar opposites. Allen was one to worry and panic, and chaos sent him into hysterics while Anya was completely calm. Nothing phased her. Though she wished it did. She began to seek pleasures that Allen wouldn't have been able to handle, like the party scene, and got into questionable things. But still they managed to stay close friends through it all and it was thanks to her that Allen was able to learn how to get along with any type of person, regardless of how they got along. His parents were also loving and hardworking, despite expecting a lot more from him than he could probably give them.

His sister had heart problems when he was younger and that was when he realized that he hated blood. Despite that, he wants to become a vet. So he took a gap year before college to try and toughen up. That gap year lasted another...and then another. It took him wandering into the city until he decided, this year, that he would definitely get tougher. Third years the charm.

Family: Anya Jones (Sister), Viktor Jones (Father), Sheyla Williams (Mother).

Theme song:

by Frank Ocean
Relationships: PM me if you want to figure this out c:

Other: Faceclaim is Cykeem White. His voice is deep and smooth so he likes to read out loud. He also loves to talk about books, and that's an automatic way to make him fall in love with you.


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"More like the big crapple. Get it?"

- Tony


Anthony Todd Torres



"Because it's not Anthony...or AT&T."

|Birth Date|

Janurary 23rd







|Relationship Status|

"It's not complicated."



Graphic Arts Major at NYU

Starving Artist any other hour of the day

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He looks as if he does not get much sleep...which is true. He dresses like he wants to. Point blank period. He prefers jeans over slacks and boots over loafers. Sometimes he'll wear flip-flops but it's gonna be a real lazy day. He would also be wearing sweats that day...the comfortable kind.

He is lean but strong, clearing 6" evenly. He is usually the one getting attacked by low archways and ceiling-fans. After having braces for 3 years, he can now smile without feeling self-conscious. He doesn't smile anyway. He owns Dr. Martens and Converse shoes, if that says anything about what he prefers to wear.


Irish/Puerto Rican


Pushing the buttons of any authority figure presented to him in order to build his own authority; not sleeping; and a small lollipop fetish.

(He also might have a drug problem...but that's for you to find out.)



(secret hobby)


The New 52 Issues of Batman, Batgirl, Harley Quinn...the Arkhamverse.


comic books

video games


being intimidating


getting hit on by females


hipster fashion

'netflix & chill'



Horse-like dogs

The worst possible event in any given moment



It can be said that Anthony gets his iron-like will from his father, but his “charming” sullenness from his mother. He can almost always make a bad situation laughable. He is, in fact, the result of one. He has a major grudge against his pops, so he naturally hates anyone who even appears to be like him—including a small part of himself. Being the baby of his whack-job family, Tony takes pride in not pranking but manipulation. He’s so good at it that he sometimes takes advantage without thinking about it. Talk about a killer instinct.

He isn't the bad guy, but Tony definitely isn't a good guy either. Just so we are clear, he is far from being a hero. Tony generally tries not to bother anyone and it shows. He makes a few friends that he finds he has something in common with and other than that he keeps to himself. He knows what he can tolerate in a person and respects that. Now, Tony is not anti-social in the least bit. Give him a few shots and you’ll see. He’s just honest about what he can tolerate in a person—which isn’t much if you’re a polo-head or a green and pink bimbo.

The art of misdirection helps with that. And, being 5 steps ahead of everyone, he's good at it. If you think he is mischievous now, wait until you piss him off--or he wants something. He has the sneer of a jungle cat and eyes that you'll probably bow down to. And he could rule the world--if he felt like it.

|Place of Origin|

New Orleans, LA


His parents were divorced before he was even born. Actually, it was a hook-up between the two that did it. So, among the four kids, Tony was handled pretty differently. He's the baby, but he is also the first born son, as if that makes things better. He saw Arella, April, and Amber go off to college with nothing to live up to. But his father expected him to go at his old college. And, naturally, Tony wanted to do the opposite of anything he said. Actually, it took some major bribery during his Junior year to get him to consider it.

But, his mom made him an offer he couldn't refuse. She'd been saving her alimony checks, not wanting to touch that "pencil necked bastard's money". And although she had a terrible relationship with her ex and preached to the girls not to date Ego-Centric asswipes like him, she wanted her son to have a relationship with his father. So, she made this agreement: Tony would go anywhere but Yale and she would fund his idea to start a small comic book company.

How could anyone refuse?

Tony got into the NYU with ease and their art department actually had accolades. It wasn't the education part that was gonna be a pain in his ass--he had to try and shift into living around strangers 24/7. He didn't feel like living on campus so he's renting out a room. Go figure.




"I like making comics..."

Well, there you go.


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Name: Gabriel Emilien Vernet

Nicknames: Gabe, Biel

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Date of Birth: November 25th, 1992

Place of Birth: Strasbourg, France

Occupation: Waiter @ La Petit Journal


Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 180 lbs.

Build: Trim

Eyes: Blue with overtones of gray and undertones of green

Hair: Dark brown and currently cut short

Ethnicity: White

Tattoos/Piercings: N/A

Scars/Birthmarks: A few; here and there. Most are in places not many people have the pleasure of seeing but he does have a single, 1-inch scar across his left elbow.

Clothing Style: Casual -- Anything comfy and, preferably, as boring as you can get. He hates the way suits feel against his body and would much rather wear sweats and a tee, if possible.




Likes: Cold weather, camping, romance, pizza, reading, caffeine, frogs, getting to know new people

Dislikes: Prunes, escargot, running, discrimination, excessive gore in films, Donald Trump, worms, birds

If he's angry and attempting to eat something, it's likely he'll forget how to chew with his mouth closed. He loves playing with hair -- his own as well as others' -- and, though he won't ask to touch, he might imply that he has a slight desire to do so until you offer.

Death is something he fears happening to other people as well as himself. Talking about it alone will make him unbearable uncomfortable and, occasionally, physically ill. He is scared of losing people he holds close and, therefore, either pushes people away or clings to them to avoid this.





  • Marc Vernet: Father
  • Estelle Vernet: Mother
  • Olivier Rousseau: Brother-in-Law
  • Elayna Vernet-Rousseau: Sister
  • Manon Rousseau: Niece
  • Adeline Vernet: Sister
  • Caroline Vernet: Sister (deceased)

Theme Song:


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