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Futuristic Titanfall: Final Push of the Frontier (OOC)

I am writing out some descriptions for IMC units that are in this universe. More than what you see in the games. You can find them in the Lore thread when I finish writing them.
Sorry I'm gonna have to drop out
Aww, well thank you for expressing interest. Perhaps later on if we got a spot open, and you're still interested, we may work you in 🙂

No worries Obsidian. I understand that life can be rather demanding of us heh
I certainly hope this roleplay is still interesting everyone. Doing what I can to keep it interactive and whatnot
Hey Thrash? I think it's time to move on to the next scene.
I think we VERY well established how the pilots feel about each other XD
I'm not too happy about it either.

On the Plus side though, Thrash Introduced me to this place, so THAT'S a plus!

Been thinking of starting a Fantasy Clockpunkesque Japan-in-all-but-name setting that revolves around a single city and the numerous Yakuza Families that reside in it.

Just need to sit down and do the write up at some point.

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