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Realistic or Modern Til Death Do Us Part

Somewhere in Nevada

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours... For a moment Cameron realized that she hadn't slept for 24 hours. It came into her mind once she took a look at the big electronic clock with red neon numbers, which was hanging on one of the walls of the hangar. She was staring at the numbers '06:58', while listening to what Max was saying about his cousin and his daughter. From what she heard, she knew that this poor girl was also infected by the new virus. Cameron could only say that this virus affected the neurve system in a terrifying way, took control over a person and turned him into a predator. As Max told that his cousin was shot, Cameron thought that it might be for the best. This male doesn't have to deal with the things happening in the world anymore. He won't see the battle against this disease. She frowned and imagined if she was bitten by one of the insane people, way back in the hospital. She shook her head - it would be better to die from a gun, than turn into one of those infected people.

As she was sitting in a lotus position, her elbow rested on her knee and she put her chin on her palm, something started to ring in her head. Everything that was surrounding her was slowly dissapearing...

"Mom? Is that you?" Cameron suddenly appeared in a blank space. Only white was surrounding her and some melody was heard in the distance. She looked around and tried to understand where it comes from, not caring of where she has appeared.

"Is anybody here? Mom!?" She screamed and once she turned around, a figure appeared infront of her. It was a female in her 50's, she had a lean figure and crystal blue eyes. Cameron looked at her, feeling the tears coming in her eyes, she was reaching for her own mother. But once her hand touched her mother's shoulder, she dissapeared like a ghost.

"Mom.. Come back.. I- ..." Cameron kept looking around, trying to find her mother, but all she could see was the white color surrounding her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she fell on her knees. She wanted to see her mother again, it was a mistake leaving the farm. She could've stayed and have nothing to worry about. She would never be homeless. Everything would've been better. There wouldn't be a virus.. It's her mistake..

"It's your mistake" a deep god-like voice said this, but she didn't see anybody. The realization of this mistake hit her right in her head. She started screaming, she screamed on the void. It echoed against the blank space and went louder and louder...

Suddenly the white turned into bloody red and started to shatter as if it was glass. She appeared in the hangar, but there were no human beings around her. She was alone in this big hangar, still on her knees. Then she felt a hand touching her shoulder, but it wasn't a hand of a human... It was it... She shortly turned around and noticed him... or should she say it. It was Max, but he wasn't a human anymore. He was one of those.. Cameron screamed and slapped his hand away. Working quick enough she manged to pin him down, landing her knees tight against his chest. Her hands chained to his neck and she pinned him down to the floor, trying to ram his head against the floor as she was choking him...

A wild-like growl was coming from Cameron's throat, she was crying as her hands continued to choke Max. Her eyes were looking distant somewhere through Max. But her mind was coming back to her and frowning, she realized that Max was now a simple human, trying to grasp some air. Cameron's grasp wasn't too tight, she was too weak to choke a strong male like Max. Suddenly someone pulled her back, it were two soldiers who grabed her by her elbows. She was screaming, thinking it was one of the insane people. She tried to fight back, her legs kicking the air infront of her. Then she felt sharp pain in her neck, one of the soldiers smashed the sedative right into her blood. She felt her body going weaker and weaker, as she was trying to fight back. Her blood-shot eyes full of tears looked right at Max's eyes. It was the last thing she saw before the darkness welcomed her into it's arms...
Max wasn't quite sure what was going on - all he knew was that he had someone's hands around his neck. A man of his build, it wasn't hard to fight off an average-sized woman who was trying to choke him - but he wasn't going to hurt her. He didn't get the chance to do so before she was dragged off and sedated. What prompted her little attack? It was hard to tell. He just hoped she hadn't turned into one of those crazies like he'd seen on the outside. He knew that with an outburst like that, though, her time was definitely limited here. They'd be watching her closely, and they'd be stepping in at every chance they got. Anyone volatile wasn't going to get many second chances, that much he knew - one thing he knew had to happen was getting her out of there. He didn't want to be in this place, that was for sure.

The soldiers dragged her off, of course. They weren't going to sedate her and just dump her on the ground - in a place like this with hundreds of people, an unconscious woman could find herself in a sticky situation, that went without saying. Max did follow, though. Cameron wasn't necessarily considered a friend of his just yet, but, the funny turn was enough to make him concerned. While the soldiers pulled her off, her feet dragging along the ground, Max stuck behind them. They didn't seem to have any objections, as it were, seeing as they were only taking her to the infirmary.

And strapping her down to a bed, of course.

In the infirmary there was a whole collection of people - mainly the elderly and kids. The elderly looked oddly hopeful, but the children all seemed terrified. Some of them were sleeping, and some of them were wide awake. Others looked shell-shocked, more than anything else. It was a sad sight, because many of them were little, but at least they had their parents there with them.

Max went to the bedside of Cameron's bed, where she was obviously restrained. They had no idea if she was going to turn or not - and of course, she was slightly more isolated from everyone else, just as a safety precaution.

He laid back in his seat and put his hands behind his head, closing his eyes. Would she wake up soon? He hoped as much, but, in this state he had some time to catch up on some sleep. It was oddly more comfortable in here.
Darkness was surrounding her. It was cold and uncomfortable, something was holding down her wrists and legs. She wanted to open her eyes, but she couldn't. Where is she? Who is she? She frowned and thought for a moment, looking at the darkness infront of her. She knew that she was in great danger, but it made her feel relaxed. It was as if she suddenly appeared in heaven - comforting darkness surrounding her and someone's soothing breath was heard by her side. The knowledge of that, made some images slip into her mind... 6:58... Was it her name? It didn't seem like that, but it meant something important for her. 6:58...

She suddenly jumped up only to be pulled back by the lines of fabric. It made her panic and she was looking around for help, finally noticing a male sitting by her side. It made her slowly calm down, as she watched his relaxed face. She looked at his forehead, his nose, his soft lips... As she was watching him closely, the numbers kept rolling through her head. As this happened, memories were coming back to her. Cameron...

"I'm Cameron" She looked up at the tall ceiling with her deep blue eyes. They were as deep as the ocean, in which you could drown.

"I'm Cameron Bailey..." The realization of that hit her hard. She closed her eyes and let every single memory finally slip into her mind. At first the memories weren't painful - it was her happy childhood on a farm, but it all soon changed and she appeared on the street all alone without anyone who could help her. She also remembered the day she almost died, the day her stomach was torn apart by a knife. It made her hand reach to her stomach, but it was stopped by the ropes on her wrist.

She also remembered her latest nightmare, from which she appeared on top of Max, chocking him. The voice.. It was your mistake... She frowned again, realizing that her mistake wasn't leaving the farm, in fact it was the thing that made her stronger. The mistake she made is breaking down. How could this happen, that Cameron let the bad things break her down? She smirked, making a laugh come out of her throat. Then she turned to Max, her last tear slipping out of her eye. She looked at his calmed state once again and whispered.

"I'm so sorry... It was my fault. It were my demons" She smiled and wanted to wipe her tear away, it was rather annoying now, since it was time to put on new diapers, pull in the snot and become an adult again.

"We have to get out of here. I don't know how, but we have to. If there's something we can do to save the world, I'm sure it is far away from this hangar." She was saying this louder now, her voice sounding a bit cracky from the screaming from before. She knew that Max was sleeping, but she had to tell him that.

"When life gives you lemons..." She let another laugh slip from her throat.

Here she is - Cameron Bailey tied up to a bed as if she was insane, looking up at the ceiling with her fierce eyes, a smirk on her lips. I'm Cameron Bailey and 6:58 am was the last time I broke down, I'm not going to let it happen again...

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