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Realistic or Modern Til Death Do Us Part

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

Santa Rancho Fe, Tommy's Home



What does the life of a successful executive look like? Something like this. Tommy had spent a long time on his own, but in his current state, he wouldn't have it any other way. He had the big house, he had the money, he had the fancy car and the overly-expensive plants on his lawn. What more could he ask for right now? Santa Rancho Fe was an expensive area - across from him were some smaller houses, but overall, they were expensive, too. Anyone who lived in this area either made a lot of money, or they had a lot of money from somewhere else. There wasn't any in between. Tommy was just someone who lived there and kept to himself. The most active thing he was part of was the neighborhood committee, which was where he knew most of the people in his area. He didn't do much in the way of socials other than that.

For someone in a role that relies on talking to people and hitting the sweet spot on deals, not being the most social person around was quite the odd trait to have, but the point was he was happy. He took his business phone calls, and that was all. Occasionally he had a talk with the neighbors, now and then went out to a fancy restaurant for $25 cocktails and $90 sirloin steaks, but that was about all. He had his life. His life. Something he didn't really have when he was younger. In some respects his parents had doomed in - they'd made him into an all-business guy, all because they wanted him to be successful. He was an only child, too, so he got every second of his parents' attention.

Tommy was never expected to go far - his degree choice in Business and Finance was never something his parents respected. They wanted him to do a Science subject - Computer Science, Biology, Medicinal Chemistry - You name it. They didn't like his choice, and the company that initially hired him simply had nothing more than a spot to fill - Tommy got lucky because he was the first one there. They were expecting the fresh-out-of-college kid to work for a couple of years, do a mediocre job, then leave and go traveling around the world, or join a big company to be nothing more than a corporate slave.

But he didn't. He gave it his all, and that's what got him to where he was today. He stayed with the company and proved he was more than the small-fry they all thought him to be - Over the course of a few years, it quickly turned from a small start-up company to a business turning over millions each year. They went from a small office in a rented building to their own floor in a highrise complex. It was safe to say that the company owed its success to the man who eventually climbed to Head Executive. He couldn't get any higher unless the Co-CEO decided to quit - which, let's be real, wasn't going to happen - but Tommy was raking in a lot of profit himself. Executive would be fine for him.

The thing about his company was this: When he joined, he knew how capitalism worked. You buy a product and you get what you paid for. And they'd bought a man with a strangely wired brain and an overwhelming sense of optimism, and the drive to go forward, even if it meant crawling through a bed of nails. Never stop. Never give up - Be the best.

For now, though, he was outside listening to music on his Bluetooth earphones, his iPod in his pocket, while he lightly sprayed his lawn and all the flowers. A phone call was bound to come through at some point. Tommy was waiting on the news that the client had accepted the deal the company had proposed - In which case, the company revenue would be bumped up by $4 million for the year. It was a make or break situation, and if it went through...? Tommy was definitely getting a pay-rise.

Only time would tell.


Salt Lake City, Utah

15:22 (One hour ahead of California)

"So, you're settling in well?" Gerard asked. School was out, and now he was in the staff room talking to a blonde woman who had recently joined the team. She was a First Grade teacher, primarily. She was nice, too. Their school had a strange system on how teaching worked - Some teachers took on multiple classes across all grades, whereas some specialized in one in particular. It was a big school with hundreds of students in each grade, after all. They were in the south of Salt Lake. It was one of the best school districts in the state - parents wanted their kids to go there no matter what. You had kids from all backgrounds, but all of them were achievers, it seemed. There were the ones that struggled, but that could be expected. Gerard had worked here for years now, and he'd greeted many a teachers over the time he was there.

This woman was nice. Late twenties, blonde, beautiful, petite. She was quiet, calm, gentle in many ways. He'd picked that up from her in the short time he'd known her.

"Oh, yes." She smiled back at him, "The class I'm teaching is great. The kids are all adorable, very well-behaved."

"Glad to hear it. It gets chaotic around here, but..." He shrugged. "It's an honest living." He smiled.

"Yup, definitely. I'm just happy to be able to work in such a great school. I've been all over Salt Lake City teaching, and some places just... Don't compare to here." She laughed a little. "It's real nice. You guys have done a great job of making it so... Wonderful."

"Aw, thanks." He waved a hand and leaned back against the counter, sipping at his coffee. "What made you specialize in Elementary?"

"I love kids, what more can I say?" She smiled. "I think it's this stage in their lives that's the most important. And the fact that we get to influence that and maybe even set them on a path to success this early on? It's a great feeling, I think. I just wanna' inspire, really, that's all I can say. Lend a helping hand. Be a good guide."

He listened and smiled, nodding along slowly. He looked at the floor. "You'll do well here, don't worry. You're one of the upper band of teachers, I think. It's rare seeing teachers with your attitude - I'm very much the same. I run a few after school clubs, too. Guitar, homework, sometimes I help out in the sports ones." He shrugged.

"Very noble of you."

"I guess so." Gerard shrugged and chuckled.

"So, are you married? Any kids of your own? You'd make a wonderful dad, in my eyes."

Gerard gently bit down on his tongue. "No, not married. No kids." He glanced around the room.

"Aw. One day, I'm sure."

"Yup.... And you?"

"Not married, no kids." She grinned.

"One day, I'm sure..." He looked back at her and gave a half smile.

She smiled back and stayed quiet for a moment, "Maybe you'd like to get some coffee in a little while?"

Gerard's heart sank, and at the same time, it ached. "I'd love to, but... I've got to run through the fourth and fifth grade spelling tests I handed out today. They need to be marked before tomorrow, otherwise things are going to get ugly for me."

"Oh, that's a shame. Maybe some other time. How about this weekend...?"

Gerard thought for a moment. Just let go. Move on, for god's sake.

"Sure." He said, trying his best not to look uncomfortable. "We'll discuss it more during the week."

"Definitely." She nodded, "It was nice talking to you. See you tomorrow." She picked up her bag from the counter.

"See ya'."

Once she was gone, Gerard put his arms down on the counter and leaned forward, placing his head into them. He let out a long sigh.
Breath in... Breath out.. Cameron stood in a little room, pushing herself to the opposite wall standing from the door. She took big breaths as her heart seemed to run a marathon. Something wet was dripping down her cheeks as she was starring at the door. The poor door... It was metallic but it shook everytime something rammed behind it. Groans, screams, gunshots - everything mixed into one sound of true chaos. How could mankind allow this to happen? They said it was a virus, pretty much a new type of flu. But they were so wrong. Only this very metallic door was protecting Cameron from the storm that was coming. A nature's protest. The end of man...

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016
Phoenix, Arizona
24 hours ago

Beep.. Beep.. Beep.. "Good morning, state Arizona! It's me, DJ Newton and you're tuned to Phoenix FM. Today's news - a man stole 50 pairs of socks, car crash happened on the highway and today's birthday of our president! *Happy birthday song* The weather today will give us a wonderful sunny day with no clouds in the sky. Right now it's 8 am and it's time to wake up! Stay tuned for the song Mama Do The Hump by Rizzle Kicks!"

The beats of the song would slowly come in after the DJ finished his speech. Cameron was lying in her bed, cuddling her fluffy blankets. She slowly opened her eyes, facing the beautiful sun outside. She couldn't stop smiling. It was another wonderful day in the city which could be seen in the window she was facing. Nothing around what could look like a farm. The music was flowing through her studio and Cameron found herself shaking her hips under the blanket. She giggeled and quickly jumped out of her bed. She was dressed only in her panties and a thin black laced top. At first she stretched and met the sun. Standing there and listening to the song made her slowly shake her hips. It didn't last too long and a minute later she was dancing on her bed, singing into her hair brush. It looked rather funny but she didn't care. It was her house, her life she enjoyed the most...

Later at the hospital

Camie walked through the hospital building straight to the MRI. One of the doctors asked for help with one of the patients. It was an old lady which was too scared of the MRI because of her claustrophobia. So now it was her job to sit right by this old lady, calm her down and gently brush her hand as the MRI was getting done. It wasn't a hard task for her after all.

"Honey, have you heard today's news? A new virus appeared in Europe. They said that there's no cure for it. Is that true?" Her hand was shaking, but Camie quickly pressed it lightly and tried everything to calm the lady down as her brain was getting scanned.

"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Science is developing day by day and I'm sure that the cure will be soon ready. Also, this virus is across the ocean and it won't reach us." She smiled and pat the ladie's hand.

As they were in the MRI room, Camie thought for a bit about this new virus. She was rather curious about this virus than scared. Maybe it is a simple flu or something. She laughed to herself thinking that this virus could be something serious. Such viruses appear every 6 months and it isn't a wonder that another one appeared once again. It was summer, which meant that the humidity has risen. This was a perfect environment for virus development.

Her day was going on pretty quick. She took blood, helped at the ER and even had a chance to join an OR to help. It was a pretty successful day for her. She was already getting ready to go home but stuff happening at the ER seemed to tell her otherwise.

"Seventh OR. Code Blue. Seventh OR. Code Blue." The intercom came to life as a woman was slowly telling these words. This meant that the patient had a medical lockdown. Nothing new happening.

Meanwhile Carmen was slowly sewing a patients wound on his forehead. It was a man in his 50's whose wife rammed a vase onto his head. It was a pretty steamy arguement. For now as Camie was sewing the wound together, the man's wife was standing by and holding her husbands hand. Cameron wondered for a moment if she could send a vase into someones head. Maybe when she'll be in her 50's, her husband will also appear in the OR with a vase over his head. She tried to hold back her smile and concentrate on the task.

"Code Grey. Emergency room, first OR. Code Grey. Emergency room, first OR" Suddenly a lot of people appeared on the first floor talking about the new virus. Cameron stopped her tracks for a moment and looked down at the male. His wife quickly looked at her, asking with her sight what this code meant.

"Bailey! Finish with this patient and get the hell out of this building!" A doctor called her and then quickly ran away. Slowly the ER was growing into a chaos. People started to wrap up and leave the building. Someone screamed about the epidemic. Panic was slowly reaching Cameron too and she had to stop sewing this wound.

"Mr.Hollow, we'll have to stop here. Please, go to another hospital. This wound need to be closed. You have to leave the hospital as quick as you can" She said and then, pulling off her gloves, she headed straight to the second floor. She wanted to know what was going on. As she walked to this direction people were running in the other way. She looked at the TV and noticed the writing on it "EMERGENCY. EPIDEMIC."

"Code Blue. Emergency room, third OR. Code Blue. Emergency room, third OR. Code Grey. Ambulance parking lot. Code Grey. Ambulance parking lot."

Code Grey... Combative Person in building..

Someone rammed into her shoulder which made her fly into the wall. She looked around as everyone were screaming and running somewhere. She also saw some of the patients jump on others. What the hell was going on? She tried to take big breaths and decide what she should do. She knew that the combative person was right by the ER. She couldn't go to the only exit in this area. As she was looking into the crowd she suddenly saw blood... Was this person eating the other? This couldn't be true.. Cameron just stared at those two. She couldn't really tell what was going on. But she knew one thing for sure.. She had to run and the only way was upstairs...

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016
Santa Rancho Fe, Lengton Mansion

"You're the most attractive person in the world" Rebecca smiled at her appearance in the mirror and quickly adjusted her breasts. Thinking that something is missing on her full make-up face, she took a little bit of lip-gloss and managed to put a heavy coat on her lips. Then she sent a quick kiss to her own appearance and went to look out of the window. She was thinking what she should do today. She could go to a nightclub, the beach or she could buy some plane tickets and go straight to LA. She laughed to herself and pushed her blonde hair from one shoulder to another.

Suddenly something caught her eye and then she noticed Him.. You could tell that her jaw was slowly heading to the floor and a little blush met her cheeks. It was Him.. Tommy Hottest and richest Fredrickson. Becca quickly ran downstairs managing not to slip on the marble floor and break her neck.

"Rebecca, where are you running? Come join our lunch." It was her mother who sat by the dinner table and looked at her with cold grey eyes.

"Uhm, I'm heading outside. Getting late to... Ballet class. I will eat later with my friends." Rebecca turned around to the door and rolled her eyes. She never liked her parents because they never really cared about her. As she was walking out she could hear her brother's laugh. Son of a bitch. It was all because of her big brother who got all the attention. Atleast her parents didn't lock her off their trustfund once she got 18 years old. Maybe she didn't get any attention but she sure got all the money she wanted.

Now she appeared outside. She was dressed in a pink top which barerly reached her belly button and some jean shorts. On her feet she had a few inches tall heels with a thick heel. She looked like an average Californian Chick with a little bit of twist. Becca made sure that her appearance is on top before heading across the street. Straight to the sexiest male in the hood and the richest. Her plan... Well she didn't have a plan yet. She simply headed to his lawn where he was watering his plants.

Rebecca stood right on the pavement and waved with a little smile. She was sure that her petite body and little smile would drive him crazy. She is Rebecca Lengton after all. She get's everything she wants in this world. So, standing there like a Victoria Secret model in her clothes, she was about to turn the world upside down. She was the tiger. The tiger on mating season and she was about to get this man in her ropes.

"Hello, Tiger" Or maybe she should've called him Tommy...
Tommy wasn't particularly expecting anyone to come knocking today. He wasn't expecting visits, or... Anything other than a phone call. The only thing he didn't like about this place was some of the people, on that note. Particularly some of his neighbors. On his right side, there were some British kids who had moved here using daddy's cash, and they were the type who went off to the 'day clubs' each day without actually doing anything else. They played music throughout most the days, and the neighborhood committee didn't appreciate them much, either. A lot of people in this neighborhood were successful people who got established and then settled down to have kids - Many of the children in the neighborhood were young. On school nights, no one could expect to get away with loud music for more than 30 minutes before police arrived at their front door.

Before he was approached by anyone, he'd recently changed his music to a podcast. The Basement Zone. Someone who talked a lot about everything - War, Politics, medical stuff, drugs, crime, and... Conspiracies, too.

'.. And today is July 19th. You ever look into what the number 19 actually means? I've asked myself a lot of questions about every day of the month, but 19 is particularly interesting. It's one of those numbers that makes you wonder - will today be your last? The number 19 is made up of 1 and 9, the first and last single numbers. Will today, or any other 19th of any other month, be the beginning and the end? The start of one thing, and the end of another? The start of death, the end of life? The start of war, the end of peace? You know, in Kabbalah, 19 is the number of spiritual activity. To me it looks like the number 19 is one to be wary of - Is there a pattern? You want to see all the bad things that happened on the 19th? Go Google it. You've got everything from war to people being burned at the stake. It's not pretty.

Regardless of that, though, moving on, there's something else I want to talk about--'

Tommy noticed that there was now a girl stood before him, so he quickly removed the earphones from his ears and looked up at her. He knew that she said something, but, obviously he didn't quite hear it. He frowned a little and continued spraying his lawn with the hose. She was a pretty woman, for sure, one that he'd seen around now and again. She also looked young - had she made her own money or did she live with people who simply had the cash to afford a house around here?

"I'm sorry, did you need something...?" He asked, quietly. "I couldn't hear you. Apologies."

It wasn't often he got visitors - He didn't know how he felt about it. Most people had learned just to leave him to do his own thing, so having someone approach so suddenly was a bit of a curveball to his everyday life.
"Hello, Tiger" Rebecca smiled. Slowly, like a tiger she was walking up to this male. It was a kind of seducing walk you could say. She quickly crossed the lawn that was holding those two apart. As she stood by his figure, she couldnt help but look into his eyes. Those eyes were slowly sucking her in, as if it was a black hole. Becca rised her hand and put it on his chest. She smirked and leaned her head to the side as her hand slowly made it's way down.

"You're so hot" He said and she couldn't stop her smile. It was her dream. Suddenly she felt his hand being placed on her waist line, as he pulled her close. They stood nose to nose and their breaths were heavy.

"Oh, yes" She almost moaned as she leaned in. A little bit more and she could feel his lips...

Suddenly Becca snapped out of her dreams, still standing on the pavement and looking at the way his lips were moving. Did he say something? Rebecca frowned, she totally did go somewhere on cloud 9 while he was saying something to her. Did he say something about her appearance? He asked her out on a date? Did he even know her name? Becca was standing there with this weird face expression which slowly changed as she managed to pull out the best smile on her face.

"My name is Rebecca Lengton, I live here nearby. I was just walking nearby and thought about saying hi." She made a special accent on her surname, so he would totally understand that she is a rich girl. Rebecca was thinking that this point would totally win him on her side. Rich people have to stick with other rich people, right? She walked more closer to him, but making sure he wouldn't point this water hose right to her figure.

"You're Tommy Fredrickson right? I read about your company's success. You're a great buisnessman, aren't you? I'm fascinated!" She'd try hard to talk with a calm voice which would draw him more into her. Rebecca Lengton went out for hunting..
He looked her over.

"Rebecca." He nodded, once, then had a quick look around. He held the hose off to the side. He was going to introduce himself as well, but it seemed as though she already knew who he was. Not an uncommon thing - his name had been on the news a few times, but he was no celebrity. He just looked over her again and decided maybe there was no harm in a small conversation. It wasn't like he had anything better to do right now. Life in this place was often quiet - and if there was one thing he loved telling people about, it was his work. He didn't really have any other hobbies other than that. Aside from playing the piano, of course, but that wasn't much he could really talk about.

"A businessman, yes." He nodded, "Successful, I suppose you could say that as well." He said, and he continued to spray the hose around. "I'm currently waiting on a phone call to see if a client I spoke to the other day accepted our deal. If he does, then our revenue takes a sizeable jump. But, I can't talk much about company income, as that's... All confidential in one way or another." He waved a hand and looked down at the flowers he was watering.

"I can't say I've heard your name before. What do you do for a living?" He asked.
As he said something about his buisness, Becca seemed to snap quickly out of it and watch his lips move for a moment as he was talking. She could look at those lips 24/7 if she had the chance. Does he have a girlfriend? This was a really interesting subject in this very moment for her.

Once he asked her about what she does for a living, she felt like her heart skipped a beat. He didn't know what she is? This was probably the most dissapointing flirting session ever. She was used to people recognizing her right away without even thinking. In order to bring her up in his eyes, she decided to hide some of the truth and pretend as if she was a different person.

"I... I'm a Ballet Dancer. I gain enough money from this career to have a house in this place" She tried her best to show her charming smile. If she can't get into his heart thank to her surname, she will do it with her appearance. While they still kept talking, Becca looked like making little steps closer and closer to his side.
"Performing arts. Interesting." He said, simply. He seemed somewhat indifferent. As for her stepping closer and closer to him, he didn't really seem to react much to it - He wasn't something who approached things or dealt with things in a similar way to other people, so in some respects his appreciation for her actions wasn't as high as it would be for another man his age. He decided to humor her, though. He highly doubted she'd do anything dangerous - or stupid - to him on his own property. He wasn't going to be impolite, either, unless a phone call came through - If that was the case, then he was going to answer that immediately if he saw a company associate's name on the screen. He could be talking to the president and he'd still prioritize his company over him. All in good time, though.

He dropped the hose to the ground. He crossed his arms over his chest and scanned over her again. Hm. He had a look around the street. All was quiet, it seemed. At least for now. He wasn't sure what Rebecca's intentions were. She had money, she had good looks, but that was about... It, really. Performing Arts wasn't something Tommy was a big fan of - he'd come from a family where art-related subjects were absolutely despised, unless it was something like music. But his parents would have never let him make a career out of music, either. They told him to steer away from art, stick to science - make money, be successful, buy the big house and get a beautiful intelligent wife, and raise his kids the same way he was raised.

Fat chance, but with some of those teachings? Old habits die hard.

"I've never seen one of your shows, or any of the productions you might have been in. I'm not an arty man, I suppose you could say." He shrugged. "This conversation's gone very one-way, Rebecca." He said, "We hardly know each other. If you're a dancer, you'd surprise me if you told me you didn't have a boyfriend or love interest who does something similar to you." He said. "Whereabouts do you live in this neighborhood, too? I can't say I pay much attention outside my own property. The most involved I am is the home-owners committee." He said. He noticed she looked very young, too - Could a woman this young have found her success already? She looked no older than your average senior high school student to him.

"Do you live here alone, or with family?" He asked.

He was certainly a man of many questions, but, that's exactly who he was. In business, it was a world of questions and 'what ifs'.


Salt Lake City

Gerard had finished marking the papers in good time, and he packed his teacher's bag up and made his way out of the classroom. He locked the door up, and proceeded through the school. Earlier on, he'd heard an adult yelling somewhere, but he thought nothing of it. As he was wandering the halls, though, he slipped on something - or skidded, at the very least. He looked down, expecting to see a kid's vomit or a puddle of urine or something, but instead saw a crimson red liquid. A small pool, no wider than the palm of his hand, but even so. There were droplets that lead right up the hallway. He was rather faint-hearted, too, so seeing this made his heart skip a beat, just a tiny bit.

"Oh, Jesus." He murmured to himself, slowly following the trail of... Blood? He could only hope not. He hoped a child wasn't injured, or something. He'd been in plenty of situations where kids got hurt or cut themselves by accident, and because they didn't know what to do about it, they just went into meltdown and freaked out. If a kid was alone this late in the day and was badly injured? It could be disastrous. There was a lot of blood, by the looks of it, so that alone was a sign that the injury needed some atttention. He began jogging, bag over his shoulder, just following the trail of blood as far as he could manage. It eventually lead him outside and continued under the summer sun.

It went into the parking lot, and at one of the parking bays, the blood simply stopped. Whoever was bleeding had gotten in a car and left, it seemed - He noticed the bay was reserved, though, for none other than the principal of the school. He could only hope she was okay. At least the world wasn't going completely crazy - he went and got into his shit-kicker of a car. Something simple to get him around in, and proceeded to make his way home. In the opposite direction from where he was going, a black smoke stack bellowed up into the sky. He prayed that it wasn't the same car the injured staff member had fled in.

It wasn't any of his business. He was sure he would have heard about it by now if something like that had happened.

Traffic seemed exceptionally busy on the way back - many of the drivers even seemed concerned.

What was going on?
Rebecca's eyebrows were slowly rising because of the fact that He didn't know her name. It somewhat made her heart shatter apart, drown in her own blood and then turn into dust. To save the situation, she shoock her head and sent another sweet smile of hers to him. Then took a little gaze on his muscular arms, which looked even bigger as he crossed his arms. She also noticed the sunkissed skin. What would it taste like?

"Well, I won't judge you. Maybe I could show you my dancing sometime. Just you and me." She would lower her voice as she said this and looked straight into his eyes without even blinking. If she wasn't a pretty blondine, it would look rather terrifying. Well, it looked quite terrifying anyway. How could a human not blink for this long? This girl has her own surprises.

"Oh, I don't have a boyfriend or love interest. I'm not interested in Ballet dancers, they are rather thin. I'm more into... Meat." Becca raised one of her edgy eyebrows as she scanned his body from head to toe. As she was thinking about his figure, she also remembered that he was around 27, but that didn't really stop her. She was the tiger. He was just 6 years older, not a big gap. She seen worse. For example, she knew a woman in this neighbour hood who was 35, but her husband was 60. You could call this female a gold-digger and you wouldn't be wrong. Money possesed everyone in this world. It was a goal. Who wouldn't want to live in this rich world? You could get almost everything you wish for. This is true happiness. That was a philosophy Rebecca truly believed in.

Tough, the question about her house caught her off guard. What should she tell him? If she told him that she lives with her family, would that be okay? Or was he looking for a successful woman? She couldn't be a liar either. So it was time to face the truth and she simply breathe out saying "I live here with my family." Wasn't too scary, was it?

Phoenix, Arizona

As Cameron stood by the wall and tried to calm down her breath, everything started to slow down. Here she was standing - a female with a weird bun on her head, which looked more like a birds nest. Her skin was covered in sweat. Her big blue eyes were full of fear, mascara all smudged underneath. Her lips were apart because of her shock of what she just saw. A drop of sweat slowly dripped to her sharp collarbones, then straight under her uniform. It was a one-colored cotton uniform - a shirt and long pants. On her feet she wore simple cheap gray sneakers.

In the oppsite direction from her figure was the place where true chaos was happening. People were running down the hallway. The smell of sterile chlorophine air mixed with the smell of sweat and blood. One human jumped on another. Someone tried to fight back, the other had no chance to do so. Was there an exit? Yes, but it was blocked with... Insane possesed people. Cameron thought for a moment that Halloween was only a half year later. It also didn't look like a joke. Those people literally ate one another. She was looking straight to the scene. A woman was running and screaming as a male jumped right onto her. She fell and the very moment she hit her head, her neck turned into a strange position. It was true death. Then as she slowly rushed down the wall, the insane male bit into her check and ripped it off. Cameron felt the vomit coming up to her throat. She saw the females muscles. No, it was the skull with no skin...

Cameron felt her pulse now running ten times faster. Everything started to gain speed and she knew that it was time to save her own life. She pressed her hand to her mouth, trying to stop her vomit and then looked around. People were running to their true death and she decided it would be safer if she ran in the other direction. This could give her a better chance. She also remembered her fathers words - if there's a flood, you have to get as high from the ground as you can. Well, it wasn't the same situation right now, but Camie thought it was close enough. Being pressed to the wall by people, she quickly looked around and noticed the door leading to the stairs around a few feets away. She pushed herself through the crowd and managed to get into the tiny room with stairs.

The walls were covered with glass and as she was hollding into the rail of the stairs, she could catch her breath and look outside. People were running around in the parking lot. She could also see a trail of black smoke in the sky somewhere in the distance. She closed her eyes for a second and leaned her head down. Breath in... Breath out... Then she pushed herself from the rail and leaned over it to look up the stairs through a hole between them. It looked quiet and safe to go. The only noice she could hear, was behind her back -- people in panic. So she took her last breath and started to push her up the stairs. Second floor... Third floor... Fourth floor... She grabbed into the door of the fifth floor and rammed it open, jumping into the hallway. She found herself all alone in the middle of it. A light was blinking right above her head, making some clicking noices. She looked around and noticed the medical box. She ran to it and opened all of the drawers in order to find something with what she could protect herself. As she grabbed into a small scalpel, she heard some quiet groans right by her side. She slowly turned her head and noticed It. Her eyes went bigger and bigger each second. At first it walked slowly up to her, like a wolf testing it's pray, but then it went agressive and made a big jump in order to start running.

"Jesus! Is this a fucking joke of some son of a bitch?" She moved quick and ran down the hallway, noticing a door was opened. She jumped into the room, finding herself in an average one-bed room. She locked the door and then took a look at the windows covering the wall between the hall. She groaned and quickly closed the blinds. Then she noticed the drawer and decided to pull it to the door. It wasn't an easy task, but she managed to do it anway. Then she slowly backed off to the wall, holding the scalpel in her shaking hand.

Breath in... Breath out.. Cameron stood in a little room, pushing herself to the opposite wall standing from the door. She took big breaths as her heart seemed to run a marathon. Something wet was dripping down her cheeks as she was starring at the door. The poor door... It was metallic but it shook everytime something rammed behind it. Groans, screams, gunshots - everything mixed into one sound of true chaos. How could mankind allow this to happen? They said it was a virus, pretty much a new type of flu. But they were so wrong. Only this very metallic door was protecting Cameron from the storm that was coming. A nature's protest. The end of man...
It was more obvious now that she was being a little more forward than he first expected. He looked at her for a moment as she neared closer. She was offering private dances and everything? Tommy wanted to wake up from whatever damn nightmare he was in at the minute. He didn't respond to the whole concept of a private dance; he just said one thing.

"Huh." He seemed... Out of place, almost.

On the upside, at least the girl was being honest with him, he guessed. "I've probably ran into your family from time to time." He said. "I can't say I spend much time around other people, other than with my company. I prefer the peace and quiet when I get the chance. Being in a boardroom all day certainly does things to you after long enough." He explained. He was watching her scan his body, and everything was coming across as extremely flirty - for some guys, having a woman of her age and beauty be so forward with them would be a dream come true. But Tommy? His dreams differed greatly. That didn't mean he had to be harsh about it, though - he'd still be polite and at least humor her for a while.

He took a deep breath, "Listen, Rebecca..." He started. "I'm very flattered. Truly, I am. I don't very often get people approach me in such a way, but you need to understand that this isn't necessarily... What I'm looking for. It's not the way I do things." He said. He figured it'd be best to drop the 'this is the wrong way of approaching me' bombshell earlier rather than later. "I'm someone who's very self-ran on self-respect and professionalism, so, obviously I operate a little differently to most guys who would rush to wine and dine you at the local McDonald's... But regardless, I appreciate the kind gestures, I just... Don't so much appreciate the way it's being done. It feels very rushed."

He paused for a moment more and leaned over to pick up the hose from the ground, "If you wanted to spend time with me, you just have to say. I'd be happy to get coffee or something during the week with you sometime." He offered. Tommy didn't really seem to smile much, but he was sincere in what he was saying - and he did invite her for coffee. Even if nothing came of it, at least he'd made somewhat of an effort to be decent to her in terms of how he responded.


Gerard eventually arrived home, after being stuck in traffic for some time. On the way there he'd seen countless numbers of emergency vehicles zooming past - Stacks of police cars, some from completely different areas of Salt Lake City, and countless ambulances, as well. Why was there so many needed? What was the point in that? How serious were things getting? He didn't know, and to be honest, he didn't want to know, either. The worst part of it all was the increase in smoke stacks and the sounds of car tires screeching as drivers sped past, going as fast as their motors could manage. It was hardly pleasant, but, he had to keep on going. Whatever was happening, he was sure he'd be safe in his home, right?

He got back, and the first thing he did was turn on the news. Was there something about it on there? He leaned right back on his couch and just watched, and slowly his eyes went wide as he poured himself a drink of whiskey, time and time again.

'Choas across Salt Lake City as cannibalistic rioters storm the streets' seemed to be the main headline. Cannibal rioters? How could it get any worse? Gerard definitely vouched for staying inside. There was no one in the city that he was close to - the only people he truly feared for were the kids he taught. He could only pray that none of them got caught in the chaos, especially if there were cannibals running around. Gerard turned the TV to the music station, continued drinking, and eventually passed out on the couch. Hopefully when he woke up, everything would have blown over. If not... Well, he'd have to deal with it however he knew how, he supposed.
As he was talking, Rebecca suddenly noticed his face expression was rather emotionless the whole time. After he said something about her way approaching him, it made her fake smiling face slowly shatter into small pieces. But the sun seemed to shine more and the birds seemed to sing a beautiful song as he said that they could go out to get some coffee. A little dream has come true and she decided it was time to back off. She didn't want to scare him.

So she was slowly turning around and smiling as she said "Well, I guess see you next time. My favorite coffee is the unicorn frapuccino by the way." She would wink to him before fully turning around and heading back home. She almost screamed from happiness, but it would be rather weird. It was the high point of her life and nothing could destroy this wonderful moment, or..?

Phoenix, Arizona

Cameron's position didin't change much. One thing was for sure - she was still in danger and her death was awaiting behind the door. She took another breath in and knew it was time to concentrate and remeber what a one-bed room had. She looked around and noticed the bathroom door, maybe it was a good idea to check it before hand. So she did and she was lucky enough to find there nothing, but a unflushed toilet. Great. Then she returned to the main room and looked around again. Well, this room had a defibrillator. She couldn't think of anything else that could be deadly. This was probably the most useful thing in this room.

Suddenly the window between the hall and the room shattered apart. It rammed it's head into the glass and now it was stuck. The more it moved, the more did it cut it's neck. A normal human wouldn't survive any of these damages, but It seemed alright. The more Cameron looked at it, the more she felt how her stomach is willing to turn upside down. It caught her quick and now she was emptying her whole stomach right into the plant standing in the edge of the room. She had to find a way out.

As she was scanning the room through, there was something that caught her eye. It was the window. This could be either the solution or her instant death. But she didnt seem to have any other way out. So she quickly looked at the insane buddy and sighed. For a moment she closed her eyes, cursed for a good second and then turned to the window. Problems were awaiting her everywhere. The window had a lock on it. Who in the world does put locks on a window? It was a serious question for her right now. She looked back at her buddy to notice that it made it's way through pretty successfully by pulling it's head back and forth. A crazy motherfucker.

Cameron groaned at the zombie and almost screamed because her situation wasn't any better right now. Actually, she'd join this buddy too. Pulling your head through glass, meanwhile cutting your neck should be fun, right. But life looked a bit more interesting and she pulled the sheets off the bed. Then she put it on her elbow and looked at the window. You live only once they say?

Carmen screamed through her tears and rammed her elbow into the window. It shattered apart and she quickly covered herself, so no glass would harm her. This was getting frustrating by every second. She wiped her tears and then leaned over the window to look up. She noticed the little fencing of the roof, it looked pretty neat to grab into. She looked back and that was the point of not returning back.

"If I die today, It'll be your fault, God. Or who ever you are up there. I'm a piece of paper, roaming in the wind..." She looked at the sky and then started to nervously sing a song. It seemed pretty accurate at this very moment. She pushed herself up the window and now was standing on the edge. She looked around and noticed a little brick she could put her foot on. She took another breath and slowly put her foot on it. She held tight into the window frame, feeling her nails digging into the plastic. Maybe there was also blood involved. But that wasn't the main case. Carmen pushed herself outside and managed to quickly grab into the roof framing. So far she felt steady standing on the wall. Suddenly she heard the window in the room finally shatter apart and foot steps coming at her. She got distracted for only one second and this lead her to lose her foot off the brick. She screamed but held tight into the roof fence. She was looking into her death's eyes. They weren't pretty.

While it was trying to reach her with it's hands, Carmen managed to pull herself up and land on the concrete roof. She laid on her back and took big breaths, as she looked at the sky. Out of sudden she started laughing. This had to be a joke. Or maybe a dream. Did she smoke something last night...?
Sometime Later - Rancho Santa Fe

Tommy had taken his phone call and was just sat out the front now, finishing off the watering of his plants that he never got to complete before his phone rang. By now, the traffic in the city had built up, and of course, the kids were all home from school. School was out for summer at the end of this week for most kids, so, things were becoming more relaxed and happy in a lot of households. One of the kids from across the street was out in the road playing soccer. It was a quiet road, after all, so not much traffic came flying through here. Tommy was paying little mind to any of them, though. The two kids were just keeping to themselves, and obviously being careful not to shoot a soccer ball at the window of an expensive car.

Tommy was soaking up the sun for a good hour or so. Peace and quiet, listening to music again. What more could he ask for? He thought the rest of his evening would be undisturbed - He could go back inside, cook up some expensive salmon and vegetables, and settle down with his meal and a glass of nice wine. His idea of a perfect night. He could top it off by playing the piano and watching a bit of TV, or something. His life may have looked lonely to many others, but to him, he wasn't bothered. He kind of liked the serenity of being by himself.

He was just getting ready to go inside, when he noticed someone else out of the corner of his eye approaching. The kid from across the street - Oh, god. His one weakness - He didn't know how to deal with kids, for god's sake. Still, he pulled his earphones from his ears as the boy neared him, but at first he pretended as if he hadn't seen him.

"Excuse me?" The boy called out.

Tommy looked up at the dark-haired child that had come over; he was red in the cheeks, sweating. He'd been running around a lot.


"My mom's not home yet... Can I have some water, please? I can't get back in my house."

Tommy sighed a little, "Sure, of course." He nodded. "Come inside." He dropped the hose onto the ground again and lead the boy to the door, who seemed rather marvelled by Tommy's home. It was four times the size of his own, and a lot fancier, too. Even so, Tommy lead him through to the kitchen; the boy seemed nervous overall, but, Tommy was one of those guys that didn't really look like he was capable of harming anyone.


While Tommy got a glass from the cupboard, Warren went and sat down at the kitchen island and glanced around, just sort of sitting there quietly and inspecting everything, from the brickwork to the paintings. "You have a cool house."

Tommy was silent for a while as he walked to the sink on the kitchen island, turning the water on. "Thanks..." He said, shoving the glass under. He filled that, then went back to the ice dispenser on the fridge. He put the glass under it and got a few cubes in there, then went back to where the kid was sat and placed it in front of him.

He immediately picked the glass up and slammed the water down in seconds, basically, taking a deep breath of relief.

"You want another...?" Tommy asked.

He nodded, "Please." He said, gently pushing the glass to him. Rinse and repeat - Tommy went and filled the glass again, then gave it back to him. He drank that one down, a little slower this time. "What's your name?" The boy asked.

".. Tommy."

"I'm Warren." Warren smiled at him. "Thanks for the water."

"No problem."

"Can I wait here until my mom gets home?"

"Well... If you can't get back in your house, sure..."

"She's just a lil' slow, because my brother's gonna' be born soon." He grinned.

"Yeah, yeah, no problem. The living room's just through there if you want to watch some TV. Just don't make a mess."

"I won't." He hopped up, water in hand, and sheepishly wandered towards where Tommy pointed to. "Thanks, Tommy."


Was he really stuck babysitting some random kid? For fuck's sake.

It was probably for the better, unknown to him - A storm was on the way. A bad one. Not just any storm, either.
"Hello? Is anybody home?" Rebecca's voice echoed through the marble hallways of the big mansion. It was pretty quiet all around, which meant that nobody was home. It wasn't a surprise really. Her parents were too involved with work and different events. Coming to her brother, he loved to party and spent most of his time at his girlfriend. Becca knew about her way too much, but never saw her in real life. Her brother told that she was a brunette and was really intelligent. But Rebecca never believed in that. How could a jerk like her brother get such girlfriend in the first place? As she was walking forward to the big living room, she quickly looked around and made sure twice that no one was at home. It wasn't a bad thing, because she loved to have some spare time for herself.

Appearing in her room, she sat down on her bed and pulled out a diary from behind her bed table. It was a simple brown leather book with a little loop for a pen by it's side. She opened it and grabbed onto the pen. It was her little habit to write something in it everyday. Every secret was kept in this book - her true relationship with parents, her secret boyfriends, how she got a tattoo on her buttcheck when she was 15. Some of these secrets were silly but they meant much for her.

Once she was done, she looked out of her window to see the beautiful sunset. The sky was orange with little lines of red and blue right by the horizon. For a moment she thought that it was the most beautiful sunset she ever saw. Little did she know that after a beautiful sunset comes a beautiful storm...

Phoenix, Arizona

Breath by breath... Her back was lying flat on the roof surface, as her eyes were aimed to the sky. The sunset looked rather beautiful today, maybe it looked like this because of the situation that happened with Cameron today. As she lied here, being pretty sure that it was safe to be here, she was analyzing everything that occured today. The first alarm ring happened in the MRI. She remembered the sweet old lady, which held her hand and said something about the epidemic spreading in Europe. Did it reach USA this quick? Or was it something different? So many questions, so little answers. She could tell only one thing for sure - those people weren't okay. They were either some freaks, who ran away from an asylum nearby (this could be a real situation, which meant that everything will be over soon) or it could seriously be some virus which changed the behaviour of some. Cameron didn't believe this, but could those be zombies? Well, if they were, they didn't look as close as they are portrayed in movies.

Cameron was lying there for quite a while, collecting different theories of what was happening in her head. Time has passed and night was slowly crawling up the sky. A cold summer night was approaching and it was time for her to get up and think about her next actions. She pushed herself up while making some grandma noises. This situation exhausted her way too much. As she looked around, feeling quite optimistic about her soon rescue, she noticed that the roof was plain flat and there was nothing except some pipes coming out of it. Then her eyes slowly traveled up to the distance. She noticed that way far ahead was an orange light projecting on the sky. It wasn't just a little light. It was a whole area. Cameron's brain gears quickly moved and she realized that the town, which was located there, is on fire. What the hell was going on? What happened to her dear studio? Things were rolling in and she felt her breath getting faster. Cameron used to laugh at the ones who had panic attacks, she would call them a coward, but right now it was the exact same thing that happened to her. She put her hand on her chest and tried to calm down, but all of the terrifying images were flowing into her head.

Darkness was slowly surrounding her, pulling her deeper into her imagination. She saw her own death. She was dead... But suddenly a light appeared right by her side, which snapped her out of her thoughts. She sent her head up to the sky to notice a helicopter flying by. At first she just stood here in shock but then something pushed her forward and she started to run around and yell. "Hey! I'm here! Someone! I'm fucking here!" She waved her hands as the light slowly came up her figure and the helicopter slowed down. Cameron laughed and leaned on her knees. She was rescued. Everything is going to be alright.

The helicopter landed on the roof and a male in soldier uniform jumped out. "Miss, is everything alright? Are you hurt? We are going to take you to the rescue base."

"W-..What happened? Why can't you take me home?" She was breathing heavily as she looked at him.

"Miss, an epidemic is going on and we are trying our best to protect civilians. Please, follow me."

Cameron couldn't say really much back, she just wanted to get as far as possible from this nightmare. As they flew by the city, she could see nothing but fire and running people, or not people. This looked like a catastrophy and she couldn't hold her tears back. How could this happen? What was happening in the reality? She could only let her tears rush down her cheeks, as she leaned her head into her hands. She knew that her studio was burned down by this time. She simply had this feeling. It wasn't a simple 'Code Grey' in the hospital. It was a 'Code Disaster'. The thought of it made Carmen smirk and soon she found herself laughing hystericaly.

"Miss, are you okay?" One of the worried soldiers asked, raising his eyebrows and putting a hand on her knee.

"Me? I don't know anymore. Everything I ever worked for turned into dust. How could anyone be okay in this situation? Okay.. Okay.. It was a nice joke guys, but I think it's time to stop." She looked at them with hope, with her eyes full of tears. Her face was covered in some mud, mascara way over smudged on her face. A nightmare happening on her head, but she didn't seem to care much. She just wanted answers.

"Miss, this is not a joke. Don't worry we are going to bring you to a safe place." As this was said, Cameron could only lean her head back and keep on laughing. Maybe if you laugh enough, everything will dissapear and she'll wake up in Hawaii with a strong drink in her head. But that is just a guess...
20 Minutes Later

Tommy figured it was best to make sure he supervised the kid and ensure he didn't break anything. He was sat in the living room on his laptop while the boy watched TV, but of course, Warren was looking out of the window here and there to see if his parents came back or not. So far, he was convinced he hadn't seen anything. He turned to Tommy again, and after a few seconds of considering whether or not he should call out to him, he eventually did speak, his attention being drawn away from the episode of Samurai Jack that was airing.


"What?" Tommy mumbled, scanning over last month's company report. Was there any abnormalities?

"My mom's still not back. I don't think. I maybe didn't see her."

"Okay..." He murmured, his own attention redirecting over to a message that popped up in the corner of his Macbook - A WhatsApp group chat with himself and all the other higher-ups of the company. In total, there was about 12 of them. It included the supervisors, of course.

'Everyone has the day off work tomorrow. David's fallen extremely ill and is currently in the ICU. Before he went to hospital he asked me to let you all know.'

That message came from the CEO himself. David was the Co-CEO. What could have happened to him?

"Could you go and knock and see if she's home?" Warren asked.

Tommy remained quiet, his mind well and truly set on the report - and the thought of what might have happened to David.

After a moment more... "Tommy...?"

"Hm? What?" Tommy snapped out of it and closed the laptop, frowning.

"Sorry... Can you go and knock at my door to see if my mom's home?"

"I guess so..." Tommy rose to his feet. "I'll leave the front door open. Wait here." He sighed, wandering from the room and out the front door. Why couldn't the kid go and knock himself? He didn't know, but he wasn't going to argue. Watching a lot of cartoons wasn't a luxury that Tommy got as a kid - he figured he may as well just let him get on with it while he went and checked up on the house. He went over the road and knocked a few times, frowning a little as he pressed his ear against the door.

"Hello!?" He called out. "I've got your son across the street. Is anyone home?!" He yelled through the wooden surface, but there was no response.

He waited for thirty seconds, then shook his head and began to make his way back up the steps that lead to the sidewalk. As he got to the top, though, he noticed something else. A black Range Rover was speeding right for him. It was swerving all over the road, cutting up onto the sidewalk, and driving close to 100mph. Tommy looked at it, and he only had a few seconds to react.

"Oh, shit!" He yelled, and immediately he ran and took a dive back over the wall, falling in front of the house on their front lawn with a big thud and a groan. The car went right where he was stood, chipped the wall, and promptly flipped over onto its side and rolled serveral times over. It ended up on its roof and slid along the road for a good 25 feet, at least, and promptly went up in flames. The flames weren't big, but, it wouldn't take long for it to really start roaring.

Tommy got up and ran to the road that was now covered in shattered plastic and glass. He looked at the car, placed his hands on the back of his head, and slowly walked backward towards his house. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit." He panicked, he was shaking like a leaf. He needed to call 911. He immediately sprinted unsurely back to his house, where he saw Warren peering out the window in fear. As he closed the front door over again, he could have sworn he saw whoever was inside the car move. But... It was probably a trick of the mind. At least this place was gated off, right?
As Rebecca was lying on her bed and listening to some chill music, as she was chatting with one of her friends, she noticed the light flicker once above her head. She frowned and looked up, straight to the light above her head. Did it just flicker or was it her imagination? She was narrowing her eyes for a good minute to see if it really did flicker once. Suddenly it flickered again and that made Becca throw her phone to the side and jump up from her bed. Electricity problems? That was weird, especially in a neighbourhood like hers. They almost never expierenced problems with it. She felt shivers coming up her back and this made her hug herself. She shoock her head, there was nothing to worry about it's just light. But something told her otherwise and she decided to look outside. Nothing seemed different - same quiet neighbourhood, same big houses.

Suddenly something caught her eye, it was a black big car racing through the road. Rebecca thought it could be a drunk driver or something. She frowned and was too curious where this car rushes too, but soon she also noticed that it didn't have a particular route. She looked to the left and this was the time her heart went down to her toes. It was Tommy, standing by the house and the car was rushing straight to it.

"Oh, my, lord!" Becca screamed and jumped off her position. She ran down the long hallways of her house. Her blonde hair was going all around her, but she didn't care. There was one good thing, she didn't wear any socks and this made her feel steady on the slippery marble floor. She found herself outside pretty quick and also noticed that she wasn't the only one who noticed this rushing car. Once she was outside, the car already rammed into one of the houses. She didn't notice Tommy around. Was she too late? Why did she care so much about this male? He promised her a coffee date though, so it was pretty important, yes. It looked like she seeked more attention than himself in general. But this still made her run to the car and see what the hell happened her. As she appeared there, something was stinging her feet, probably glass shatter from the car, but that didn't stop her.

"Tommy? Where the hell are you?" She walked around in and looked inside. She noticed a female. Her head was stuck in the safety ballon, everything else was covered in blood. She decided to walk closer and see if the lady will react.

"Miss, are you alright? Hey! Someone call 9-1-1!" She looked quickly at the neighbours looking around, as she was standing by the window of the car. Suddenly the female twitched a bit, this was a good sign, this meant that she was alive. Atleast that was what Rebecca thought at first.

The female moved a bit, but then her neck twitched and her face turned straight to Becca. The females face was fully wrecked, her nose was missing. Her eyes were plain gray and then this lady groaned, blood dripping out of her mouth. Becca could only back off, as her eyes were slowly getting bigger. This wasn't alright, how is this female still alive? Wait, was it alive? Suddenly the door opened and the female started to come out of the car. Becca also noticed that most of her joints were dislocated. This was he moment she truly realized something was wrong. Sanity was coming back to her and she started screaming. Her scream could be heard atleast a mile away as she ran off the place straight to the road. She didn't feel like going back home. Where the hell was Tommy?

As Rebecca ran, she felt every little piece of glass getting deeper in her feet. She ran straight to Tommy's door and started to bang on it like crazy. She looked back at the scene and noticed that other's started to run too. But one of the males was brave and decided to help the female. But this was a mistake, the female jumped straight to the males neck and she bit into it. Another portion of screaming came out of Becca's mouth as she looked at them.

"Let me in!" She screamed at the door, constanly banging on it. She had to find a place to hide. The mansion of a rich, attractive male was the best solution in her opinion.
Tommy was straight back into his house, only to be greeted by a young boy's head poking out of the living room. He looked panicked, too, so it was clear he'd witnessed most of what happened. He looked at Tommy, who had stains of green on him from where he'd jumped to the grass, and for a moment he struggled to speak.

"T-.. Tommy?"

"Stay in the living room, kid." He said, giving him a simple pat on the head as he walked by. Warren watched him carefully, but, obviously kept the majority of his person within the door of the living room. Tommy walked to the kitchen and picked up the house phone, immediately punching in 911. He held the phone to his ear. It rang, and it rang, and it rang - finally, it was picked up.

'All operators are currently busy.'

"Oh, you're kidding." Tommy sighed and slammed the phone back down, but he then heard someone slamming down the door, practically, screaming to be let in. He knew that voice. He ran straight to the door and threw it open - she seemed... Injured? Panicked? Something or other, and her feet were bleeding. That wasn't good, and even though Tommy was no medical professional, it was company policy that he knew basic life support. Or basic first aid, really. Just in case of emergencies.

Maybe it'd finally come in handy?

"Quickly, get in." He said, and he reached out and grabbed her by the shoulder, quickly dragging her into the house. Warren watched from the doorway, his eyes filled with fear. Tommy looked down at her feet. "You're hurt." He sighed, "Go through to the kitchen - I'll see if I can help." He said, simply. "Then you can tell me what happened to you." He added, and spared a brief glance at Warren. "That's Warren, by the way." He pointed off at him. "He's a son of some people across the street. His mother's not home." He said.

"Rebecca - Warren. Warren - Rebecca." He moved his hand between the two.

"Hi..." The boy, said, somewhat nervously.

"Right. Come on." He lead Rebecca through to the kitchen.
Chaos. What is it? The easiest meaning is that it is a complete disorder and confusion. But it is not the only meaning of this word. It is also said to be the the formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe. The matter before the creation of something new, something beautiful. It means that after the darkest times, comes a new chapter. A new chapter, a new world. What if this was a mistake of mankind? Mankind did so many things to their dear planet Earth. Ecology catastrophies, wars, depletion of the ground. There could be no way of Earth not fighting against it one day. This is how a new virus appeared. It was as simple as it could get. It got into a human's brain, took over the control of the nervous system and made a human turn into something new. Something more dangerous. It turned into a predator, but this time it's prey was another human. The Earth had enough of the parasite, also known as human. It was like an itch you could never reach. One day you get enough of it and you do everything you can to stop it. This is what Earth did.

What could you see if the time stopped for a minute? The biggest cities were on fire, people running away from the danger. They thought they can run away, but you can't run away from something that is right beneath your feet. Everyone were in the same position. The virus didn't choose between a poor or a rich person. It didn't care wether you are an politician or a homeless person. It possesed everyone it could. There was only one question to be asked, who is going to survive? Who is going to be a part of the new world that awaited them after the chaos? Who is going to win - Man or Earth? There were many people who could have the chance, but there were also 5 different people who could fight back. They didn't know this yet, but the instinct lead them into the right direction, into the direction of surviving the chaos.

One of them was Tommy, a young buisnessman, who cared more about his company than the things happening around him. It was stuck deep inside of him, it developed since he was a child. You couldn't say if it was a mistake or not. Yes, he cared too much about his company, but this trait also contained some useful skills. He easily noticed the little details and found it easy to turn his serious side on, when needed. Everything that happened in his life, lead him to this very moment. The lack of parents attention, the first steps in buisness, everything formed him into the man he was right now.

Here comes poor Carmen. She had a lot going on in her life. She had to make many decisions in her life. For example running away from her parents farm and appearing in an unknown city homeless. You could say this was a wrong decision and in this chaos it would've been safer on the farm, but then she wouldn't have the chance to show her true skills she developed through years. This decision made her grow stronger as a person. If she stayed at the farm, she wouldn't been the same independent woman she is right now.

Little boy Warren, he didn't have a chance to ever grow up in a peaceful environment. For now he is just a child, who doesn't know the true darkness going on in the whole world. Will he be able to adjust himself to this new world or will it break him down? What if this particular chaos will form a strong young man, who is able to protect himself, fight against the darkness and survive in this cruel world.

Coming to Gerard, an average elementary school teacher. His whole life has been steady and it looked like he was used to it. He didn't have a family, just his home and a bottle of whiskey. He wasn't an alcoholic, but a bottle was more attractive than a healthy life style. It is his job to be laid back and calm. If you asked him right now, he wouldn't feel like changing anything. Will he go through the chaos as calm as he is right now? Doesn't look like he cares too much. Well, just the kids at the school is the only subject he could worry about. For now, he is just sleeping on his couch with alcohol going through his veins. This man has his own position on how to survive in a chaos...

Sweet Rebecca. The queen of prom. The drama queen of the world. Her life was perfect in general, except she never got the right attention from her parents. This one piece made her weaker. When something happens, which she can't control, all she can do is panic. It's not a good trait to help surviving in a chaos. There's also not so much hope in her survival. Who knows, maybe her screaming will somehow help... Atleast that is what you could hope for.

As the world slowly meets it end, there will always be people who are going to fight back. Yes, mankind did many horrible things to Earth, but there is always a chance to make everything better. In this process many will die, many won't survive, but there will be always a hope - a hope for a new world in harmony.

Santa Fe, California

As Tommy pulled the door open, Rebecca quickly ran inside and started to panic even more. Blood was dripping down her feet right on the floor. As adrenaline was slowly going away from her veins, she felt the pain of glass going deep into her skin. She looked around as she was breathing heavily, also noticing a child. She got that his name was Warren, or wait, was it Willy? She didn't remember it truly, because of the panic going through her body. She was shivering, having some ringing in her ears. Everything seemed to blurr out and the pain was growing bigger and bigger. She started crying and noticed a seat in the hallway, placing her body right onto it. Tommy said something about going to the kitchen, but she just couldn't do it. The pain was spreading everywhere and she could only hug herself, sob and say something about what she just saw.

"The.. The female *sob* Sh.. Blood.. Her fa-... *sob* no cheeks.. Ey.. *sob* Eyes... They were gray" She looked up at Tommy with her blood shot eyes full of tears. Her cheeks had mascara all over it. She hugged herself tighter and shortly looked down at her feet. Once she saw blood, another wave of panic came. She started to scream and cry even more, trying to pull her feet closer.

"My feet! Ar.. Am I going to lose them!? *sob*" She was screaming and crying, everything seemed going blurry every second by. Suddenly darkness surrounded them and Becca's head rammed against the wall behind her. She passed out and her body slowly rushed down the wall and she fell on the seat. A puddle of blood was all around the seat, because of her damaged feet. Atleast she didn't scream anymore, but you couldn't say it was a good thing she finally passed out...

Somewhere in Nevada, Rescue base

An hour later Cameron was brought to a big base. Well, it didn't look like one. It was a big hangar in the middle of nowhere with a tall metalic fence all around it's perimeter. When they were landing, she noticed a lot of army cars standing outside of it. Bright big lights were shining on every little peck of the area. She also saw soldiers with big guns walking by the perimeter. As she was thinking about it and quickly wiping her tears out, she finally felt more protected than she was before. Once she was brought to the hangar, she was pretty much fascinated. It was a really tall and round metalic building. The ceiling was about 65 feet tall and she couldn't stop looking at it.

"Miss? May I know your name? My name is John. You'll have to go through the disinfection sector. Please, follow me." Cameron told this male in a hazmat suit her name. He looked pretty terrifying, but she didn't refuse. She knew the basic sanitary, since she worked as a nurse for around 8 years now. People in orange hazmat suits were standing in the corridor, she was lead through. This made her look around and hug herself. These guys won't hurt her, right?

"Here is the shower. You need to take it for 15 minutes and make sure you cleaned every piece of your skin. After this, you will be brought to a doctor for a check up." She listened to the guy in the suit carefully and nodded to every word he said. As he was turning around, she quickly stopped him to ask a question.

"May I ask where we are, John?" She decided to call him by his name, to get more attention.

"I can not tell you this information, Miss. But you are in a safe place." This made Cameron feel a bit scared. She didn't know where the heck in the world she was right now. What if they brought her in Narnia without telling her this? She made a clinging noice with her tongue and sighed, finally turning to the shower and getting inside of it. She stood awkwardly at first, she had to get naked right? She looked around again, it was a made up metalic room with just the shower head. Suddenly a little box got out of the wall and a female voice said.

"Please undress and put your clothes in this box." It wasn't like Cameron was shy to take off her clothes, in fact she liked her body. She was just scared that one of those insane people would jump out and here she is, all naked and pretty. But she couldn't refuse, so she sighed and did as this lady said. Once this was done and the box dissapeared, Cameron faced the shower head. She examined the wall, noticing a piece of soap and that was it pretty much. So she turned on this shower and enjoyed it as best as she could, making sure she washed everything as instructed. Yeah, as she was taking the shower, the female kept talking on and on what she should do. Atleast the water was warm and Camie couldn't say anything against it.

"Take me down to the paradise city..." Cameron started singing as she usually did in the shower.

"Miss, it is not the best time to sing. Please clean behind your ears." Cameron stopped for a second and looked up at the edge of the room, seeing the little speaker there. She also noticed a little camera over there. Great. But that wasn't the fact why Cameron was annoyed and looked at this thing. Did this bitch just really tell me to shut the fuck up? Well, Martha, fuck you too.
Tommy did his best to listen to what she was saying and make sense of it, but she was too far gone into a state of panic to really be making any sense. From what Tommy could gather, she saw a woman... Without a face? Did she get too curious and look at the car crash or something? Tommy wasn't sure, but in the process it looked like she'd really fucked up her feet, and that only seemed to freak her out more.

Right up until the point she passed out.


Tommy quickly caught her to ensure she didn't fall off and give herself a concussion, or worse, and then simply lowered her down onto the floor. He looked at Warren, who was... Completely terrified, by the looks of it.

"Warren, I need you to do something for me." He said.

"W-W-What?" He asked, not able to take his eyes off the - what he presumed to be - dead woman on the floor.

"Under the sink I keep a First Aid kit. I'm going to need you to get that for me, and a baking tray. They're under the sink, too."

"O-Okay..." He stuttered, and quickly he made his way to the kitchen and rummaged through the cupboard Tommy had talked about until he found the green bag that contained all the first aid stuff, and the metal baking tray. He ran back to Tommy and shakily placed them both down beside him. "Will she... Is she dead?" He asked, his voice weakening towards the end. Tommy looked at him and arched an eyebrow.

"Of course not. She's just passed out from the... Sight of the blood, that's all." He said. "Some people do." He said. "Don't panic, I'll make sure she's alright." He said, but Warren didn't seem convinced. "Do you want to go and sit down, Warren? You don't look very well."

He slowly nodded and held his hands up by his mouth in pure concern. He wandered back into the living room and shakily placed himself on the couch. Just what in the world was going on? At least he'd managed to be of some assistance. Tommy always respected people that could get things done.

Meanwhile, Tommy pulled a pair of tweezers from the bag and sighed, "Right... Let's see." He said. He sat down by her legs and slowly lifted one off the ground so he could look at her feet properly - now came the difficult part. Gradually removing all of the glass from her feet. Bit by bit he had to do it, and he had to make sure he didn't miss any, which meant continuously cleaning the wounds with gauze to get rid of the blood so he could see if glass was there. That was what the tray was for - every bit of glass he removed, he threw into the tray. He kept going - Once the first foot was clear, he cleaned that off with some antiseptic, then bandaged it up. Second foot, quite simply, it was the same process. Remove glass, clean wounds, bandage. There was blood everywhere, but at least things were... Somewhat okay.

Even though Tommy was never one to admire the whole concept of performing arts, he hoped that this sort of damage didn't prevent her from being able to dance again. Passions were passions, no matter how you looked at them.

He also knew he couldn't leave her on the floor, too. He slowly lifted her with a grunt and carried her through to the living room, gently setting her down on the couch. Warren still looked just as panicked and was gnawing at his fingernails out of worry. Tommy just gave him a thumbs up. "She'll be okay." He said.


Salt Lake City

"Help!" A voice screamed out. "Please, somebody help me!" And again.

Gerard shot up from his sleepy state and listened out. That sounded like the voice of a kid. He knew where it was coming from. It was out front - he had to go and help, right? He ran to the front door, still slightly groggy from the whiskey, and threw it open. As soon as he looked, he saw a boy no older than twelve pinned to the sidewalk by a fully grown man, who was attempting to bite him. His jaws were snapping like a savage dog's would, his teeth coming together so hard that he was sure they were about to shatter. There wasn't enough time to question it, though. The man himself was covered in blood, scratched up, and looked far from human. Grey skin, cloudy eyes... Even clumps of his hair had been torn out.

Gerard immediately ran down and grabbed the man by the shirt, "Get the fuck off him!" He yelled, pulling him up. It wasn't like Gerard to get violent, but this time, he came around with a solid hook and struck the man straight in the face. He was sure he broke his jaw there and then. The attacker fell to the ground and moaned and grumbled, struggling to get back up.

"Thank you." The boy on the ground blurted out, tears running down his face. "I thought he was gonna' kill me." He sniffled.

"Where do you live? Nearby?" Gerard asked.

"Just down the street." He sobbed, and out of his moment of panic he quickly went and hugged his savior. "Thank you so much." He cried into his chest.

"It's okay, kiddo." Gerard patted his back. "Run home. I'll call the police." He said, softly, and the boy did just that. He disconnected from him and sprinted away as quick as he could. By now, the man was back to his feet and lunged at Gerard.

"Just fuck off!" He screamed at him, harshly shoving him by the chest with both hands. The man tumbled back and fell backward onto the small picket fence Gerard had lining the front of his lawn. It was no more than three feet tall, so falling onto it wasn't a challenge. What Gerard wasn't expecting was him to be impaled by it. They went right through his back and just about out of his chest, too, and Gerard immediately went white as a sheet. What the fuck? Oh shit. Did he just kill someone? Ohshitohshitohshit.

The impaled man still tried to grab at him, still hissed and shrieked, his jaw still coming together somehow, forming a strong bite. Gerard couldn't believe his eyes - and in response, he vomited all over his lawn.

Gerard figured it was time to pack a bag and hit the road, because something wasn't right.
Darkness. Darkness was surrounding Rebecca everywhere. What the hell has happened? Where is she? Something seemed wrong and she scratched her nose, wondering where the lights went. Her eyes twitched and opened up wide out of sudden. She groaned because of the light shining on her and quickly managed to close her eyes with a hand. She tried to sit up, but it was pretty hard to do. Weakness overtook her whole body. Now she was sitting up and looking around. This brought her to the realization that she wasn't at home. Then she met a pair of eyes looking straight at her. It was a little boy, what was his name again? Rebecca kept looking around, trying to remember what the hell happened. She also looked out of the window, noticing it was already dark outside.

"What happened?" She placed her feet down on her floor, noticing they were bandaged and the latest images were coming back to her. She remembered the female covered in blood and panic started to come up once again.

"Where am I? Why am I not at home?" What happened!" She tried to stand up, but this didn't happen as she felt unbareable pain and landed back on her butt. This made her cry out again. If she didn't look alright before, right now it was even worse...

Somewhere in Nevada

Once she was ready and had a check up at a doctor, which instructed her before in the shower, she was given some new clothes. They weren't any different from her nurse uniform, just their color was grey. Her wet hair was brushed back and once it was drying, wild curls were appearing. She couldn't do anything about it, it was a natural thing. As she walked into the main section of the hangar, she thought it was a mess. Single beds were standing close together covering the whole area. It was all packed, people were talking, children were crying. It wasn't a pleasant place to stay at. Too loud, too packed. She sighed and looked at the little paper in her hand which said '487'. It was the number of her bed she was given. So she simply moved into the crowd, until she finally found her bed and sat down. No one really payed attention on her appearance, people were talking about the latest news. She heard something coming from 'It is just an epidemic, which will be over soon' to 'It's Illuminati'. She sighed and shook her head, before stretching her neck and looking around.

Her stomach was growling, asking for food and she was wondering if she could get it somewhere. She stood up and noticed some stalls in the distance. As she walked up to them, she could smell some food. The smell wasn't too nice, but atleast it was something. As she was randomly standing there and looking at the food, someone asked.

"Can I help you, miss? Would you like some food?" A sweet old lady asked her and Cameron nodded with a small smile, coming up to the stall the lady was standing in. The lady gave her a basic portion of.. something. It was a block of something nutrisious and Cameron had no idea what it was. She could only thank the lady with a bright smile, before turning around to the tables, to sit somewhere down. It happened to be near a group of males, who were also eating. As she sat by, she was listening to what they were saying. The oldest was saying that it wasn't safe to stay here and he believes it is a 'Zombie appocalypse'. Camie could only smirk and shake her head. Those creatures weren't as close as they were portrayed in movies. But she listened carefully, maybe she could overhear something important.

Soon the lights were dimmed and everyone slowly calmed down. It was around 2 am as Carmen was lying in her bed and facing the tall ceiling above her head. Beneath her side was a fat old man, lying there and having a nice sleep. You could hear his snore from a mile away, but it wasn't the main reason why she couldn't close her eyes and fall asleep. It was because she saw the same scary face of the creature who was following her. She remembered the way it looked. Wrecked face, dull grey eyes and a bloody mouth. It was way worse than a clown. She soon realized that she won't be able too sleep and pushed herself up. She looked around, mainly of the people were sleeping or lying quietly. She stood up and decided to have a walk around the perimeter. As she walked, she heard some groans and found herself coming to the medical quater. It was divided from the main area by a thick piece of glass. She felt like she would like to help the doctors, but then realized that it would be safer if she didn't touch anyone who might had contact with... monsters.

As she was walking around, she came to the realization that she was stuck in this place. There was no way out, since the exits were either locked or protected by a group of soldiers. She rubbed her check and sighed, atleast she was protected. But it didn't stop her from thinking otherwise. What if she wanted to go away, would they let her? Or is she stuck in this place for who knows how long. This thought was running through her mind and she managed to fall asleep on her bed. But it didn't last too long. The nightmares were following her.
Tommy was right there at her side when she woke up - Warren had sat there rather... Freaked out, to say the very least. He hadn't spoken at all since Tommy had laid her down. There were a lot of worries going through his mind - his parents, the car crash, and now the girl that had been brought into the house all bloodied up and everything. It was a lot to take on for a seven-year-old. Plus the fact that the two of them were more or less complete strangers, he hardly had anyone he could confide in or cry to here. He was sort of on his own and dealing with it however he could.

Tommy quickly grabbed her shoulder when she started freaking out, "Relax." He said, calmly. "You stepped on some glass, cut your feet up. Don't worry, I've taken the glass out and cleaned it up, you're just going to have to take it easy for a few days until it heals." He explained. "You ran over here not long after the car crash happened. You banged on my door to let you in, freaked out in the hallway, then passed out." He said. "You're okay, don't worry. Home's just across the street and if you need me to I'll make sure you get back there safe." He explained.


Gerard had been driving for longer than he could even remember. Even if it hadn't been that long, it felt like years. The streets were quickly falling to chaos - He'd seen some shit on his way towards the exit of the city, and seeing as he lived in East Central, getting there wasn't an easy ride. He knew he wasn't that far away now, but, towards the exit of the city, shit was just getting more chaotic. More crashed cars, fires, even explosions, and gunshots. It was all terrifying and had him ducking his head every time anything loud went off. His car wasn't going to be able to take anything of a beating, so if he crashed, he knew he was going to be walking.

He got carried away towards the end of things, though, because, he knew that escape from this now-hellhole was near. He hit the gas, hoping to make one clear run out of the city and into the open. Or at least to some safety. He thought that it was possible, thought that there was the shred of chance he'd be okay and would be able to make it out of there. His shit-kicker of a car was going full-speed ahead, and for a split-second he grinned, but he didn't look where he was going, didn't consider the fact there were other cars out there, and just when he thought that victory was within his grasp, he heard the horn of something loud. Something big.

Had he been a second earlier, he would have made it right across the intersection, no problem, but as he heard the horn he looked to his right, and there it was. A freight truck hauling what must have been fuel of some kind.

'Jesus, how cliché.' Was one of the last things that went through Gerard's mind before he got t-boned by this behemoth of a vehicle. It sent his car spinning out of control, and it didn't take much to figure out that the back was just completely fucked. This car had driven its last miles, even more so when it rolled four times, ended up on its back, and slid down the street. Gerard covered his eyes and face, and was grateful for a seatbelt, but that didn't stop a rib or two from breaking, he was sure. He heard even more crashing, once the car had stopped sliding, and even though he was more or less unconscious, when he looked back to the area he'd been smashed off the road at, there was nothing but fire. His ears were ringing.

That explosion was big.

Very big.

The truck had flipped, the fuel being transported had ripped open, and sparks from metal grinding on the road ignited it. It lit up like a fucking Roman Candle and just exploded. Shrapnel went up in the air, glass from all the surrounding windows of stores and office buildings shattered instantly, and the fact that Gerard hadn't been caught in the blast was a miracle. He felt bad, though, even though he was more or less dead himself.

How many people had he just gotten killed, just by being too hopeful?

He was willing to sit there and burn to death at that point, but the images of the kids from his classes, the face of his ex-girlfriend, the history he had. It all came back to him, and alongside the crippling pain in his chest, it pushed him to move on. With a cry and a groan, he sluggishly unbuckled his seatbelt and collapsed down onto the crumbled roof of the car. He curled up in pain and let out a breathless groan once more. Come on, Gerard.

He felt something warm and moist running down his forehead, too. He was bleeding, and it was somewhat heavy.

When he felt the heat from the fire of the car hood, he realized that if he didn't get smoked out, he was definitely going to burn to death. He couldn't die yet. He turned, and he kicked the door's window. He did that four times until it completely shattered. How it didn't break during the rolling, he didn't know. Perhaps it was meant to be this way. Perhaps that was going to delay him just enough to be caught in another explosion, an explosion of his own vehicle.

But no. The glass cleared, and despite being in agony, he curled himself around and dragged himself out of the window. He felt his arms get sliced and stabbed by the glass on the road, but he didn't care. He felt breathless, dizzy, sick, as if he was going to pass out at any second, but he knew he couldn't do that. The exit to the city felt so close, and he needed to keep going.

He shakily pulled himself to his feet, and he slowly began to limp away. He knew that before he left the city, unless he had help, he wasn't going to make it far in this condition. He needed painkillers, cigarettes, a bandage or medical strip, and one hell of a lot of whiskey.

But, he kept on limping, limping and coughing. He wasn't even looking where he was going at this point, but it felt like the exit to the city was even more chaotic than the center of it all.
Rebecca sat there for a second staring at the wall. Panic didn't leave her, but she felt a little bit better, when Tommy was by her side. She liked the way his voice sounded like, the way his lips moved when he said something. Ever since she met him, she had a big crush on this man. Most of all she liked him because of his money, after all it was the most important thing in her life. She listened to what he said carefully, remembering the scene which happened.

"May I use your bathroom?" She asked and once got his approval moved straight to where he showed. Stepping on her feet caused only pain and for a second she felt like the little mermaid Ariel. This must've been how she felt like. Becca walked into the nice bathroom and looked around for a second. From what she've seen, she liked this house and wouldn't mind to live there with Tommy. Her future had to be planned out. Tommy and she would get married, have two children - a girl and a boy, live in this big house and maybe also get a dog. They would never be need of money, which was a big point for Becca. She finally looked at the mirror and what she just saw did terrify her. Her hair was a mess, her face was a mess, everything was a mess.

"Did he really see me like this!" She now panicked even more, than she has from the car crash and the insane lady. Rebecca quickly managed to fix everything, but she didn't success. She looked alright, but she had no make up on and her hair was tied in a messy bun. She had to go out of this bathroom and show Tommy her face without make up. It was true hell for this lady. But she couldn't do anything about it and simply walked out back to the living room, though she was trying to hide her face most of her time, as if she she had a nervous tic by always bringing her hand to her bare face.

"May I make a phone call?" She was wondering if her brother could come over and bring her home. He wouldn't like this, but she didn't want to stay with Tommy any longer with her bare face. It would scare him off. As she got the phone, first she tried to call her brother - no answer. She sighed and realized that she now had to call her parents. As she did, she got the same result - no answer. This made her worry for a tiny bit, it wasn't like she cared about her family. Rebecca was looking at the screen for a moment as she suddenly noticed that the phone has no signal. She didn't even see the phone provider's name, it just simply said 'No signal'. This was very strange and she frowned, slowly picking her eyes to the TV.

"May I turn it on?" She asked and then quickly grabbed the remote, clicking on random keys. All she could find was a screen with colorful stripes on it. No channels were aviable. Rebecca felt her heart beat getting faster. What the hell was going on? No signal, no TV, an insane female in the car, her relatives didn't answer their phones...

"Is this the end of the world!? Are we going to die!?" Her panic went on and on...

Somewhere in Nevada

Cameron sleepily walked around the big hangar looking at different people. She couldn't get any sleep, nightmares were haunting her all the way. She couldn't change it and all she had left is too walk around the hangar. The more she was walking, the more little things she has noticed. Cameras were pretty much everywhere and she knew that everyone was being closely watched. She frowned at this thought and crossed her arms, turning around on her heels and starting a new lap around the hangar. She also noticed that there was no way out, the big gates were closed and a couple of soldiers stood by. She also noticed that there were around 300-500 people under this roof. This lead her to the thought what would happen if the whole crowd started to panic. It wasn't a pleasant thought, since she already saw such kind of panic at the hospital.

Cameron couldn't stop thinking about the insane people at the hospital, the more she thought about it the more panic was rising inside of her. She couldn't do anything, she just had to stay under this roof and hope for the best. But something was telling her that she wouldn't find peace in this place. A slight feeling of a big storm coming behind her...
"You're being very quick to jump to conclusions - Settle down, for god's sake." Tommy held up a hand. The end of the world and death? Not exactly topics Warren liked to hear about, either, so he didn't look too impressed, but he was dealing with it as best he could. That seemed to be all Warren was doing, really - Dealing with it as best he could. He was staying quiet and letting Tommy do all the talking, because in his eyes, he wasn't exactly going to be of much use to anyone, was he? Maybe one day. Kids are always good bargaining techniques in stressful situations - Nothing morally wrong, of course, but if there's a kid on the scene, things are less likely to get violent most the time. Fact, to be honest. People feel bad for kids, they empathize, yaddy-yadda.

But if there was one thing Tommy didn't like, it was needless 'flapping' - Panicking for no good reason, assuming things were at their absolute worst without knowing too much about such a thing, and so on. That was what Becca was guilty of at the minute. So far, they'd seen one thing happen. A car crash. The TV was down, the phones had lost signal. Things were out of the ordinary, definitely, but it didn't mean that things were going to go terribly - Did it? They'd hardly seen anything.

Even so, Tommy went up and closed the curtains.

"Whatever's happening, I'm sure there's a logical explanation behind all of it. It might be a simple thing - the power grid might be playing up - If the internet and everything's down, who knows. ComCast might be running maintenance - they might have had a system crash. We don't know." He spoke calmly, then looked between Warren and Becca again. Warren was on the armchair with his knees tucked up by his chest, just watching the two speak. "So, until we figure out what's going on... Here's what we'll do." He paused. "We'll just sit down - Rebecca, you can rest your feet, read a book, stay calm, whatever it may be... And I'll make food for the three of us. It's getting late, and being hungry just makes things more stressful, doesn't it?" He asked, then took a deep breath and rose to his feet.

"Whatever's happening, as long as we stay in here, we'll be alright."

"What about my mom and dad?" Warren asked, his voice weak.

"They're probably just caught in bad traffic, or something."

"But..." He frowned, "My mom only went to the store, Tommy."

"Don't worry." He shook his head, "She might have just... Ran into a friend, or something."

"But if they're not home, where will I-"

"You can just stay here, alright?" He said. Did he want to have to babysit like this? No, but he felt bad for Warren at this point. His parents were missing, he was on his own, and he was just a little boy more than anything else. He wouldn't last five minutes on his own. "There's plenty of bedrooms, there's food, there's TV, books, whatever... You can wait here until they get home, alright?"

Warren seemed unsure, but after a few moments, he quickly nodded a few times.

"Now... Come on, you can come and pick something to eat." He said, then looked at Becca. "Rebecca... I..." He paused, then waved a hand. "You should just rest. I'll make you something to eat and drink, all that, but for now you should let your feet recover. Even sleep, if you think you need to."

Warren had never left a room so quickly in his life - He was happy to be getting out of there. All the talk of the end of the world and death was... Worrying, to say the least.


Unknown, Nevada

Cameron wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep in a place like this. How many people actually could? It was swarming with military personnel, all of which patrolled around and left very few stones unturned. Many people questioned if this was really the safest place for them - Was it? Was it really the safest place or were they merely prisoners that were eventually going to be lined up for the slaughter? Why weren't they being told anything? Why wasn't it explained? Why were some parents being separated from their children? Wives from their husbands? Brothers from their sisters? A lot of questions were bouncing around everyone's heads, but the sad thing was that no one knew the answers.

Either way, while Cameron was walking around and just... Exploring, or whatever it may have been, there was someone else who was awake, someone who was simply lying on the floor on a sleeping bag.

He wasn't intending to give her a scare, but late in the night with a lot of people sleeping and not all that many people wandering around? He could have easily just given her an unintentional fright. Or maybe not. Nurses see some shit.

But could anyone see something that compared to everything that happened today?

"Can't sleep either, huh...?" A voice quietly called out from beside her. A man sat up from his sleeping bag, then crossed his legs in front of him.


"You should sit down." He whispered to her, gently patting the free space on the sleeping bag in front of him. "It won't be long before they spot you and give you a warning. I can't promise they'll be nice about it, either." He said. His voice was low-pitched but softly spoken, too. He seemed tall from first glance, but obviously how tall he was exactly was a hard thing to determine when he was sat the way he was. He was toned, too, built like an oak tree. He seemed tired himself, but not exhausted - the clothes he was wearing were emaculate, too - No blood, no rips or damage, and overall he looked to be in a good, healthy condition. There was nothing wrong with him, it seemed.

"I'm Max, by the way." He whispered.


Towards the edge of Salt Lake City

Hang in there. Keep going.

He could only tell himself that so much as he limped down the street, hearing the growls and groans behind him, seeing people in front of him lunge in his general direction. The world was slowly getting colder for him, things were going dark. Cars zoomed by but no one stopped for him, not a soul. There was no point in trying to flag them down, either. He was on his own for now. He made his way straight to the first open door he could see, which was a small convenience store on the corner of the street.

It wasn't much, but it was the safest bet he had. He was too injured to even panic - but in his eyes, despite the death and destruction he may have already caused, he'd been given a second shot at life, and like shit was he going to throw that away. He ran straight into the one and only place he could see. It was a godsend. As soon as he was inside he slammed the door over and bolted the door shut. It was a heavy door, too, so the... Things that tried to follow him in were just pressed against the glass. He was at the very least safe, but... This place was empty, too.

Not a soul in here. Everything had been abandoned - Alcohol, food, cigarettes. You name it, and it was all still there. He had this place to himself, it seemed.

First thing's first, he went behind the counter. On his way there he fell against it and basically dragged his upper body across the surface, and blood was everywhere. He was bleeding out, even though the injuries didn't feel all that severe. If it wasn't blood loss followed by passing out that killed him, it'd be the infection risk. First aid. There was a kit under the counter, along with the bathroom key. He got a bottle of whiskey from the shelf and knocked a bottle of wine down in the process, but, he didn't care about that. He stumbled off to the little bathroom and unlocked it, immediately disappearing inside.

He locked the door behind him and dropped to the floor, ripping the bottle of whiskey open. He had his bag that had all his alcohol and cigarettes in it with him, but, he wasn't thinking about that just yet. He took a few big mouthfuls of the whiskey, then out came the medical kit. He was blind with pain, so working with what he had wasn't easy.

With loud groans and the occasional cry, he soaked his wounds in antiseptic and sloppily used gauze to clean it up. At the last chance he had, he stupidly wrapped bandages around every bleeding area he could find - including his head. Was a bandage the best thing for his head? Probably not, no, but as long as he was okay, he didn't care.

He drank more of the whiskey and collapsed flat on his back, breathing shallowly. Was this the end? Or would he wake up on his bathroom floor tomorrow with a hangover sent straight from mother nature? Even if he missed work... The latter was definitely ideal.

For now, though, the world slipped away once he'd done half a bottle, and he passed out.


Santa Fe

As time has passed, Becca slowly started to calm down, but some things were worrying her anyway - how does she look without make up? Where are her parents? For now, all she could do is sit on the couch and stare at the colorful stripes on the screen of the TV. She heard what Tommy said about maintance, but something made her believe that it wasn't the case. She fully remembered the lifeless eyes of the female she found by the car crash. The female wasn't alright, she just wasn't. Rebecca couldn't believe that it was just a shocked female after a car crash. She literally crawled out of the car, her joints turned into a wrong direction. Then she simply looked at Becca, like she was looking at something behind her. It was an empty sight. Becca involuntarily hugged herself and looked around the big living room she was sitting in.

Not so far away she saw Tommy in his kitchen, from what she has seen - he was making some sort of food for them three. How could this happen that she was stuck in the house of Tommy Fredrickson with a kid? Maybe it was just a bad nightmare and she will soon wake up? She tried to pinch her arm, but this didn't made her wake up. Panic started to come up again and then she remembered Tommy. It didn't look like he liked restless girls, so she had to calm herself down and put on her mask - the devil's mask. She was doing it for a lot of years now, trying to hide her true emotions deep inside. This made her scratch her wrists, feeling like they need to be cut, just to feel the true pain which would block the emotion pain.

She leaned herself back and made herself comfortable on the big couch, as she was looking around. Thinking about everything that happened before. Suddenly a loud sound came from the TV speakers and this made her look up straight at the screen. The colorful stripes dissapeared and firstly she heard the alert siren sound coming from the outside. Then a couple seconds later the TV's screen turned red. Becca could only panic at first, but then she looked straight at the screen and managed to read the words...


Somewhere in Nevada

Cameron kept making laps around the hangar and thinking about everything what happened. She couldn't stop seeing it's eyes infront of her, the way it's head went through the glass. She was calming herself down by taking big breaths, as suddenly she heard a voice coming from her side. It made her jump up a bit as she was too deep into her thoughts. She shook her head and coughed, before finally turning to the sound and noticing a handsome male sitting on a sleeping back. He was saying something and she listened to him carefully, leaning her head to the side as if she was a curious cat. She frowned as he said about the guards and looked around noticing that one of them was really watching her. So, she couldn't refuse the invitation of this handsome man and sat down by his side.

"I'm.. Ca.." She coughed and shook her head, remembering one of her rules when she was homeless - your name is a vulnerable place. She thought that now it was time to remember all of her survival skills and she quickly smirked, looking back at Max. "I'm Arizona. Nice to meet you." She couldn't think of any other name, but the name of the state she came from. Very smart...

She was looking at him from head to toe, noticing that he was less injured than she was. She still had a couple of little scratches on her arms after running away from the crazy insane person. This made her thinking if Max ever saw one of those and how he got here.

"Can't catch sleep either, huh? Appearing in a blockbuster apocalypse movie isn't fun afterall.." She smirked and looked down at her legs. She was sitting in a lotus position and her hands were playing with each others. She couldn't stop pulling her fingers because it was a way of hidding her nervously attitude. She then looked up again at Max's eyes, realizing that he wasn't too bad afterall. He wasn't some kind of hobo she used to talk too when she was living on the streets. For now you could say he was a rather.. Attractive hobo. She looked at the other sleeping people - everyone lost their homes at this point and this made her sigh, she was remembering not only her sweet cozy studio, but also the farm she used to live at. This made her bite her lip - she didn't like her parents, but they still were their parents and she was wondering if they are alright. This made her thinking - the farm was around 10 miles away from a big town, what if it was a safe place in this whole mess.

"Do you think they would let us out?" She looked straight into his eyes and her smirk was rather playful...
Max looked at her, simply, then shook his head slowly.

"Nice to meet you, Ca-Arizona." He called her out on her mistake. "Sorry, I gave you the wrong name - My name's actually Michigan." He said - more of a joke than anything else. He let out a single chuckle, but then there was talk of one other thing: Would they be let out of here?

"No chance." He said, falling back and putting his hands behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. "Now that we're all in here, there's no such thing as getting out. I asked to leave because I needed to go find family that lived in California. I basically got dragged here against my own free will, and my cousin, too." He frowned, "My cousin's little girl was in hospital not too far from here, in the Tahoe Pacific, Reno." He said, "She fell really ill earlier during the day, she's only five. She was throwing up every five minutes, went all grey in the face, had a couple of seizures. My cousin and his wife were manic - she was on her way home from work when we lost contact, so I gave my cousin and her a ride to the hospital."

He closed his eyes for a moment, "In my ten years as a cop, I've never seen anything like what's been going on today. My cousin's daughter was taken into isolation and we haven't seen her since - Me and him got swept up into some Humvee, and we were brought here. They blindfolded us, so I'm guessing this place is pretty secretive in some respects, but if we're still in Nevada, figuring out what Base of Operations this is isn't going to be hard." He explained.

"My cousin was all covered in blood and vomit from his daugher when we got here - they tried to take him elsewhere, yelling something about contamination risks, all that. My cousin was upset, devastated he couldn't stay with his daughter. He just wanted to leave." He rubbed the back of his head.

"They shot him."

And the silence hit for a minute - Max seemed very... Chilled about it, but then again, chances were he hadn't even had the chance to come to terms with it all just yet.

"So, hopefully, that answers your question." He said.

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