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Futuristic Through the Rift - IC



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This is a Gorean styled realm, most closely resembling Sparta, native American and early Viking depending on locale. It is intended for members age 18 and up. However, please bear in mind the site rules for posting. This will be in a forum and viewable by minors. PLEASE NOTE: This is not going to be an RP with sadism and abuse. Sure in a primitive setting it is going to be there. But that is not to be the point of the RP. Abuse of this will result in being removed from the RP. See RpNation: Community Guidelines

North America

South America





Note: The RP will begin in the Mediterranean Area near where Izmir, Turkey is today. The year is 2023 by Earth calendar. There are numerous calendars to choose from on Prometheus.

This realm will be an alternate Earth codenamed Prometheus after the dominant human civilization. It has the same geography, but the climate and inhabitants will be very different. If you have read Gor or are familiar with the setting, this world is most similar to that - but with a number of alien races present. The climate is warm with very active weather systems and planetology resembling what Earth would be like after global warming. Unlike Gor, the gravity will be normal. Sorry, but no tarns.

Technology is mainly spread the Paleolithic to the Bronze Age (ca 300 BC). Some of the Iron Age has also begun to appear, but is still in the early Roman era. Pockets of supercience exist, but no gunpowder. See specific races.

Monotheism is absent in this realm. The gods that ARE worshipped vary by culture and race. The Prometheans worship a pantheon most similar to Greeks.

This is a world of Science Fantasy. No magic! However, some of the aliens have psionics. There is some technology that is effectively steampunk, but its source is not known to the general population except by way of superstition. Speaking of superstition, most of the human population is superstitious. They make sacrifices to the gods, as well as seek advice from fortune tellers.

Promethean Empire

Sparta - Wikipedia

The humans of Prometheus are widely varied in culture. But the dominant culture of the RP setting is spartan - highly militarized. Women have very limited rights. It comes closest to Spartan once again. See the link about Spartan society for an idea what their life is like. Slavery is far more common in this realm that on Earth.

Yes, they exist on Prometheus. If anything these women have developed a counter-Gor society in which the roles are completely reversed for the sake of culture preservation. They are known to contract the best specimens of Prometheans as studs, with male offspring being turned over to the Prometheans, females kept by the Amazons. The Amazons maintain a very uneasy truce with Men - for good reason.

Native Americans
Broken up into numerous tribes. These are much like the tribes on Earth, but without the interference by Europeans. Some of the tribes are nomadic. Some do trade with other tribes.

There are many other people to include something akin to Vikings, nomadic tribe similar to Mongols. But imagine humans transplanted to a world in prehistoric times an deposited here and there. They spread and developed differently.


Straight out of the pages of AD&D for their appearance. This race is known to possess limited psionics, but only a very rare few can communicate with humans. Even then, communication is very limited as the thought processes of their species and ours are very different. They are xenophobic and reclusive, and tend to be hostile unless approached VERY carefully. A very rare few are known to possess weapons of supercience that will not function in human hands.

Straight from the books by Alan Dean Foster, but here they will be primitive. They are pacifists unless attacked and are vegetarians.

Again borrowing from AD&D. Total hatred for Illithids. They have samples of superscience.

Yet again, borrowing from AD&D. Enemies of the Githyanki, but pretty much hostile to every race on the planet. They are located in a number of places on the planet, mainly in Egypt though. They have samples of superscience.

Lizard Men
There is more than one race of saurians on the planet, just as there are humans. They do not all speak the same language. And they vary in technology.

Flying ships
- technically, these ships do not fly. They levitate and not very high above the ground. There are some areas where they will not fly at all. And they will not fly over deep water. (They have to float like a regular ship once the water gets too deep.) It is wind that propels them once aloft. The technology that allows them to fly is unknown to the people of this realm. There are not many of these ships.

Translator Amulets - these are large faceted orb amulets about 2” in diameter and set in the eye of an Illuminati pyramid. These are quite rare.

This an ability only for Riftwalkers (mainly the characters). It is extremely draining in the human body. One needs to be in very good physical shape to open a rift and slide through. Some obese or badly out of shape could arrive naked or suffering severe exhaustion or dead. It is possible to prevent a rift from opening by grabbing onto the riftwalker (must be organic though). The rift can snap chains, shred clothing, warp rifles, even detonate explosives. This will vary.

Normally one will arrive at the same geographical point they jumped from on Earth. So if they start in Miami, they will arrive underwater. Note that the first jump is going to be VERY different. That is because someone else is handling most of that jump. They are moving you through space as well to bring you closer to civilization.

You may only travel between Earth and Prometheus (unless someone shows you how to get to a new counter-Earth).

Riftwalk temporarily halts the aging process, even reversing slightly it in some cases. It is possible to be effectively unaging.


Your characters, of course will be from Earth. (There are other realms than Prometheus. For example there is a world much like Prometheus in development but in an ice age codenamed Midgard.)

You will need a detailed CS. It should describe you character as he or she was back on Earth. You MUST have an image. PLEASE hide any animated gifs. I can look at them only very briefly. Your gear should be appropriate to a normal day for you. You will arrive with what you are wearing. You should avoid characters in active duty military. (Time passes concurrently. You may go back and discover you have been AWOL. But that is the only reason. If you don’t care, then by all means...)

You must be a reasonably decent person. Terrorists, serial killers, religious fanatics, etc will not be brought to Prometheus. If you DO have your character arrive with anything like guns your arrival will be very different. (There is a technology ban in effect.)

This will be the IC Thread. Please hold off pots until I do an initial one signifying we have enough character CS polished off and ready.
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