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Fantasy Through Space & Time (Closed)



Aella Cruz
24 years old - Time Traveller - Supernatural Hunter

○ Will eventually have the ability to manipulate time, including: stopping it, slowing it down, speeding it up, and moving forward and backwards through it, but is currently only able to accidently move through time in her sleep
○ Skilled fighter, proficient with firearms, shotguns, knives, hand-to-hand combat
○ Experienced tracker

Aella has no family to speak of. She was dropped off at a firehouse when she was three hours old, and ended up in a group home. Never adopted, she stayed a ward of the state until she was 18, and she was kicked out of the system, legally an adult. Hitchhiking to nowhere, she found herself travelling with some hunters, who took her under their wing. She stayed with them for five years, before they were killed by a family of shapeshifters. Aella has been on her own, hunting ever since.

Hobbies: Dying her hair, playing the piano

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Aella could not believe her luck. After taking down a pair particularly vicious vampires, all she'd wanted to do was crash in her motel room and take a nap. Maybe get something to eat afterwards, or catch a movie. You know, normal stuff. She'd made it as far as the nap... but when she woke up, she was no longer in her hotel room. She wasn't exactly sure where she was, but when Aella opened her eyes, and saw the landscape around her, she knew she'd travelled again.

She stood, as thunder boomed ahead of her and the skies opened up, instantly drenching her with cold rain. "Ah!" she squeaked, and hurried forward, to find refuge from the storm. She didn't stop rushing along until she'd come to a town,
although it looked more like a village from a fairytale storybook to her. The buildings all looked to be made of clay with heavy straw rooftops, and old wooden signs hanging above the doors. The insides were lit with a warm glowing light that was different from the electricity she was used to. Stepping into a small, loud, building marked "Tavern", she realized it was because there was no electricity. Lanterns sat atop heavy wooden tabletops, and chandeliers adorned with candles gave the room most of its lighting.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at her. Aella swallowed hard as she took in their outfits, tunics and cloaks, all mostly earth toned, and the swords hanging from various mens belts. She must have been staring at them the same crazy way they were staring at her. Aella, with her dark purple hair plastered to her face, soaking wet long flannel shirt and jeans full of rips and holes. She sighed softly, and started forward towards the bar, as conversations around her resumed. "Excuse me," she said to the man cleaning glasses. It seemed no matter where she landed in time, the bartenders were the same. "Can you tell me where I am?"

The man eyed her for a moment, clearly wondering if she was insane. "Aye, England," the tender said slowly.

Aella nodded, as if she should have known that. "And, um... the year?"

That made the bartender pause in his cleaning, and he tilted his head at her. "1430."

Aella closed her eyes, sighing heavily. "Great... just great." She mumbled to herself, and when she looked back at the bartender, her eyes were tired and drained. "Can I have..." she paused, realizing she didn't have any money, and wasn't even sure what kind of money these people used. "Um..."

The bartender seemed to take pity on her, in her soaken state, and chuckled softly. "A glass of mead, on the house." He said and set it before her. "I'll bring ya' a plate of food." Aella sighed gratefully and thanked him, taking a sip from the large mug. What was she going to do now...?​

Bastet Sandra
Cursed with immortality|Alias: Iron Claw
  • Stealth-He is very stealthy in all for forms, able to sneak up on prey or enemies easily without detection or making a sound
  • Hunting/Tracking: Being a werecat, he is an exceptional hunter and tracker.
  • Martial Arts & Hand to Hand Combat
Bastet was named in honor of the Egyptain Goddess Bastet and was born within
Thanjavur, a city within Southern India, the largest of a litter of four cubs and thus his parents' favorite of the litter. Born within a cave, the cubs were moved at a month old to a house his father constructed on the edge of the city and his parents became farmers, supplimenting the crops they grew with fresh meat from the forest that was hunted by the four cubs' parents. As his parents' favorite child, he grew up rather spoiled but remained there for his siblings and it is as a child that he learned how to fight as a human in hand to hand combat and martial arts from a dojo that his parents enrolled him in. Everything was fine until one day, when he was on his first hunting trip, he heard rumors of a family of tigers had been found within the city. The villagers from the surrounding countryside came and killed his family at their weakest, using catsbane to render them helpless along with iron and silver to entrap them. Bastet was only ten at the time of his family's death and fled in fear of being killed himself if it was found that another werecat had escaped. Fleeing north, he journied throughout India until he was picked up by an assassin who took him back to Japan to train. There his skills were honed in combat and murder, effectively transforming him from a powerless child into a cunning and silent assassin. When he was sixteen he was on a mission for the order and failed. For that he was cursed with immortality, never aging and never dying.
Over the windows of a darkened room, the curtains were drawn over the glass to block out the light, the room lit only by candles and a fire that crackled merrily in the hearth. The fire not only provided a source of light but also a source of warmth, the room itself lay bare of most furniture, the firelight revealing the figure of a man whom was hunched over a desk, his hands fiddling with something on the desk. A hand picked up a small tool and scraped against a small cog of a golden pocket watch on a chain, the man's last gift from his father. On the desk lay a picture of a woman, her deep red, not the carrot top orange color, but an actual vivid red. Red like blood or flames. A low growl filled the room despite there being no animals within the room, reverberating through the air as the figure glanced at the photo on the desk. The room was sparsely furnished, the only things being a large circular hearth rug, a desk & chair against one wall and a window seat against the opposite wall to the door, two book cases on either side of the large bay window, a round table with four chairs, and a bed in the corner. A bathroom and kitchenette finished up the room. With a click of the gadget popping back into place, the figure sat back and looked over the watch before flipping it closed. Next he would pull out the stem enough to wind it before pushing the stem back down until it clicked back into place, setting it down upon the desk.

The man rose to his feet and blew out the candles one-by-one as he headed for the windowpane to draw the curtains aside. Staring out at the clear day, the flash of light through the windowpane caught Bastet's figure in an pale yellow glow. Turning from the window the male yawned and made his way to the closet to gather a knife, tossing it up and down in his hand in boredom. He was tired, it had been a long day with no leads on the woman in the picture, the thought of the woman making the weretiger's eyes glitter...eyes that weren't entirely human for they had changed to yellow with feline pupils and...other feline features. One look at the man in daylight and he might be suspected as permanently dressing in a halloween costume, the only time he could go out in public when a hybrid among mortal man. Falling into bed with the knife that lay clutched in his hand, the weretiger Bastet closed his eyes and drifted into Morpheus's arms.

The sound of thunder within the air was what awoke the werecat from his slumber and he sat up with a rumbling growl that was lost within the wind and thunder booming overhead. Something splattered against his face and he raised his eyes to see lighting and heavy rainclouds overhead, rain pelting down into his yellow eyes. Bastet looked around for his surroundings and then looked for his knife, spotting it as a flash of lighting lit the air, showing it was a few feet from him. Running crouched over to it, he picked it up and shifted back into his human form, his feline features disappearing...eyes turning to black and fangs turning into regular, if not sharpened, teeth. His claws retracted at will and he looked fully human now, though his white button-up shirt was now drenched and his blue jeans were covered in mud.

Being a tiger, he didn't mind the water but still being out within a thunderstorm in the middle of nowhere wasn't the best thing for anyone whom had no clue where they were. It made it easy to injure oneself or get killed by someone or something. Picking a random direction, he began running as the storm raged overhead, it being nighttime here and made his way through the wilds, not pausing to look around him, his only desire to get out of the rain and shelter where he could inquire as to where he was. He ran until he came upon a town, the lightning revealing the wooden sign of some tavern ahead and he made his way towards it, falling against the wooden door for a moment as he fought to catch his breath before opening the door and stepping within, water dripping off his clothing and hair. B badyogi
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The bartender, clearly feeling sorry for Aella in her drowned-kitten state, had brought her a warm, thick cloak along with the plate of food. She sat hunched over the plate now, the hood of the deep blue cloak pulled up over her head to cover her face and hair. She still shivered slightly within the thick wool fabric, but her teeth had finally stopped chattering long enough for her to eat. The meal was delicious, different than anything she could remember eating. Most of the food was that way, when you’re afflicted to travel through time willy-nilly. She’d experienced all kinds of cuisine, from all kinds of countries and eras. But this was honest-to-God comfort food. The kind you eat on a rainy, cold day, when nothing seems to be going right, and the only cure is a warm, full belly. She devoured the potatoes, meat, and greens almost greedily, and she was pleasantly surprised when another plate appeared before her. Looking up, she spotted the tender, an older man with a kind face, smiling at her amusingly. “Thank you,” she said gratefully, and pulled the second plate closer to herself, slowing down this time to actually savor the taste.

There weren’t many ways to prepare for this kind of lifestyle. For the better part of the last year, Aella had randomly travelled through time and space, when she dared to fall asleep. It wasn’t every night, and sometimes a few months had gone by without a time jump, but it seemed to be happening more and more frequently. Still, she had no idea where or when she’d end up, and short of falling asleep with a stash of various currencies, and multiple outfits and weapons on her person, what could she do? Currently, the only weapon she had was her beloved knife, sheathed at her ankle. She almost never took it off anymore, because she’d been jumped by too many baddies, and woke up too often in a new place. It was her own version of a security blanket. The knife had a silver blade, the only element that seemed to harm most of the creatures she’d found herself up against. If nothing else, it would give her a head start.

Now that she was here… medieval England of all places… Aella knew she would have to just wait it out. Eventually, she’d wake up one morning, either in another place altogether, or back in her own time. She didn’t know, or understand why this had started happening to her, but she sometimes wondered if it was connected to the reason she’d been dumped at the firehouse when she was just a few hours old. Maybe her parents were time travelers… She supposed she’d never know, but all she could do now is live with it. Find a place to stay, maybe kill a freak or two, and wait until the time came to move on.

When the door to the tavern opened again, Aella didn’t look up from her plate. She continued eating until the newcomer made their way to the bar, standing just a few feet from her spot at the corner. From the corner of her eye, she saw he was wearing jeans, not the typical clothing style from this era. Quirking a brow curiously, Aella tilted her head just the slightest bit, so she could get a better glimpse of the man, but so that her features were still mostly hidden under the hood of the cloak. He was handsome, drenched as she had been, and was wearing regular clothes. Clothes like the countless men in her time wore. Casual button up shirt and jeans. Granted, he was covered in mud, not so normal, but he stuck out like a sore thumb, just as she had done when she entered the tavern an hour or so earlier. Was he like her? Another time traveler? Aella didn’t want to draw attention to herself without knowing if this man was friend or foe, so she stayed quiet, and returned her gaze to her plate, remaining aware of his presence from her peripheral view.

The bartender walked over to the man, visibly shocked to have seen two strange newcomers come out of the storm this evening. He didn’t point out Aella, noting she hadn’t spoken to the man. Instead, he put on his normal host smile and gestured to a barstool. “C’mon in, what can I get fer ya?”

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Heads turned to stare at the newcomer as he entered but Bastet took no notice of the others in the crowd except to glance around at the faces staring back at him with curiosity and perhaps suspicion. The floors and furniture were made of wood along with the walls, there was a counter that stretched along one side. Mugs of drink were on tables, left untouched in the time it took to process the stranger who stood in the entrance of the tavern, water dripping off onto the floor and mud covering the man's strange clothing. As the storm continued to rage outside, the only thing he took to heart was that the tavern was warm, a welcome relief to the cold night outside.

Bastet frowned, not having spotted any women in the bar, the scent of alcohol and sweat prevelant in the air. As his eyes scanned the bar a second time, he noticed a cloaked figue sitting at the bar who appeared to be busy stuffing their face and his eyes narrowed as he saw the blue demin of jeans...that stranger must be from the modern world but if so why were they here? Were they also after the woman who had destroyed something or someone precious to them? Slipping the knife into the sheath at his waist, he inhaled the air, raising a hand to brush the wet hair out of his face and cursing himself for not having the photograph of his prey but he hadn't expected to be pulled into God only knows where when he had gone to sleep. That photo was the only picture he had of his grandmother's killer and he had used it ever since to try to find the woman so he could end her life just as she had ended his grandmother's. So far he hadn't had any luck in finding her but thought he might have a lead, he had shown the picture to a werewolf and the wolf had said that he had seen the woman before, pointing the assassin towards London but he had ended up missing her when she had suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a trail that it seemed only he had been able to see, for the humans hadn't noticed the commotion. As he had watched the female from a distance, he had no idea of what she looked like and doubted that she knew him, though he couldn't be sure.

There was one problem with his human form and that was that his senses were weaker compared to his other three forms, though he could retract his claws from toes and fingers in an instant as well as having sharpened teeth, he was virtually defenseless in this form which is why he had taken to weapons and martial arts. Bastet shifted his weight, being only 5'6" so it was hardly an intimidating and impressive figure though he gained feet as he went from human to hybrid and hybrid to war. Footsteps coming towards him, made him turn his head to see an elderly gentleman heading his way, a smile on his face who invited Bastet inside and he dipped his head in thanks, turning to shut the door behind him so the wind and rain wouldn't come in any longer. Patting his pockets, he pulled out a couple gold coins and held them out, suddenly glad for his grandfather's exploration of temples and such where he'd found ancient treasures and gold, most of the treasures he had sold for money. "Vegetable stew and a glass of wine if you have it in stock sir," he said. B badyogi
The bartender nodded and went to retrieve the man’s order, pocketing the coins he’d laid on the countertop. Aella was still curious about the newcomer who was dressed like the men in her own time period, but she kept her gaze on her plate until her meal was finished. During that time, the bartender had brought the man his soup and wine, and then made his way over to where Aella sat, clearing away her now empty plate. “Can I get ya anything else, miss?” He asked her, refilling her glass of mead once more. Aella shook her head. “No, thank you. Although, I’ll need a room for the night. Can you point me in the right direction?”

The older man nodded. “There’s an Inn next door, rooms are cheap, and the owner is friendly. She’ll let you stay if you help her clean up.”

Aella smiled. Good… at least she wouldn’t be spending the night in the stables. That had happened before, and it wasn’t the greatest. “Thank you,” she said, and finished off her glass of dark colored alcohol. It was delicious and warm, and filled her with a humming tipsiness, that made her fumble slightly when she stood from the barstool. Who knows, maybe she should have stayed and had another drink. If she got drunk enough, she might just fall asleep and wake up somewhere, leaving this place behind her. But… she didn’t feel very comfortable with the other man sitting a few seats away from her, even though she wasn’t entirely sure why. It would be best to get a room and just call it a night. As she stood, she reached up to unclasp the cloak’s hook around her neck, intending on returning it to the owner, but he stopped her. “Keep it.” He said, certain the waif of a girl would freeze to death or blow away without it.

Aella blinked, surprised by the man’s continued generosity, but she smiled gratefully. “Thank you, for everything.” As she turned, her chocolate brown eyes finally took in the full sight of the stranger, even though it was just for a moment. He looked strangely familiar, and while she couldn’t place the reason, a feeling of trepidation filled her. Something about him just screamed danger. As she neared the door, Aella paused and knelt, pretending to brush a dead leaf from the top of her boot. In the same motion, she pulled her knife from its sheath, concealing it beneath the folds of the cloak. With a final glance behind her, she disappeared out of the door and back into the storm raging outside, heading towards the Inn.

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Bastet made his way to the counter after the man took the gold coins from his person and took a seat a few seats down from the other stranger at the counter or bar, he wasn't sure where he was time wise, let alone country wise. Bastet was certain he was in a different time period with the evidence of the clothing here and the fact that the elderly gentleman had taken the gold coins from him...at least wherever he was, Bastet knew he had money to get by. Whether he would be staying the night in an inn or outside in the storm was up for an internal debate but for now he was going to enjoy a hot meal and a chance to get warm.

Bastet turned his head slightly to the other figure, inhaling the air around him, taking in the figure's appearance. The person was mainly covered in a heavy cloak and the scent on the cloak matched the scent from the bartender but he was able to detect the faint hint of demin jeans underneath the cloak along the figure's leg as he looked down. A face he couldn't see with the person bent over their plate but his attention was distracted when the elderly man brought over his stew and drink. The man then went over to the other person and he was able to hear the barkeep address the woman by miss, thereby unintentionally making it known that the other figure that wore the cloak and was dressed in what appeared to be jeans as well was a woman and also a time traveler. A name wasn't given and he lifted a spoon of stew to his nose, inhaling the scent. Fresh ingredients, not unlike he got at home since his parents had been alive and he frowned at the way his life had been in childhood.

During that time, the woman had gotten up and he felt her eyes on him as she walked away, hearing that she was going to an inn next door. He ignored the woman as he seemed satisfied that the food wasn't poisoned and sipped at it, the vegetables not soggy but not over cooked either, with a crisp bite to them along with a hint of broth. Bastet knew something about broth and if he had followed that woman he was pursuing through time, that they boiled the bones down to make broth. It might gross people in the modern era out but he wasn't exactly human and had crunched on fresh bones before. "What year is this and where am I?" Bastet questioned the man when the woman had left as he took his time with his meal, having no intention of hurrying after someone who might not be his quarry and no desire to get wet again, even though he could just shift into his Quad Form and be fine. B badyogi
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While the bartender answered the man’s questions, Aella was making her way to the inn next door. It had the same ambiance as the tavern; warm, homey, and with that earthy smell of wood. Thankfully though, it was much quieter, as everyone was either at the tavern drinking away their day, or sleeping peacefully in the beds throughout the inn bedrooms. Sleeping peacefully sounded just amazing to Aella. Even though she wasn’t exactly tired, she hoped that a quick power nap would allow her to awake in her own time. Or at the very least, a time period with phone chargers.

After lowering the hood of the cloak and exposing her wet hair, Aella walked to the front desk. There sat an elderly couple, who were deep in conversation. “It’s killed four men this week. I’m tellin’ ya, they say it’s a bigfoot.” Aella paused at the man’s words, but quirked a brow in surprise when his wife snorted and rolled her eyes.

“Bigfoot, Lord… You’re the most gullible man I know.” The words were chiding, but tender, and Aella could tell the pair were married from the look they shared. The woman stood when Aella approached, and she looked the younger girl over with a curious gaze. “Well, you certainly aren’t from this neck of the woods, are ya'?” She asked, eying Aella’s purple hair and graphic t-shirt, which was visible under the folds of the cloak.

“No ma’am, I’m not…” Aella confirmed, and proceeded to barter herself a room for the night. She’d have to wash dishes and feed the pigs in the morning, but it easy work in exchange for a warm, dry bed, so it was just fine with her.

Once she was tucked away in her room, Aella undressed and hung her wet clothes near the fire place, in hopes they’d dry out a little bit. Knowing better, and imagining the world of trouble she’d be in she fell asleep in just her underwear and awoke God only knows where, Aella paced the room a bit. Her thoughts kept going back to the man from the tavern; the one whose clothing had stuck out like a sore thumb, much like her own. Also, the man downstairs had spoken of a creature killing people. Could the two be connected? Maybe the man was a fellow time traveling supernatural hunter… although, what were the odds of that? Slim to none, she figured.

Checking her clothes after an hour or so, Aella discovered they were a little damp, but wearable, and she redressed, then collapsed onto the bed, her knife in her hand. If she managed to awake in this same time the next morning, she’d seek out the elderly man again and find out more about the so-called bigfoot. If she was going to be stuck here, she might as well do some good for the people. Aella closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
From the bartender, Bastet learned that he was in England during the year of 1430. Year 1430...now what time period was that? Middle Ages perhaps? He pondered on this as he ate the stew and bread he had purchased from the bartender with the treasure his grandparents had left behind, the male's features twisting into a frown as he thought of his grandmother and the reason for his ever immortal quest to look for the woman who had killed her. While pondering on this, the strange woman in the cloak and dress of his era and time had departed from the tavern, her footsteps no longer discernable with the noise of the taven having picked up again and the storm that continued to wail and assault the outside of the warm building. He took his time eating, enjoying the chance to warm up from the cold night outside and contemplated his next move but while pondering what time period he was in, he found his thoughts straying to that female who had been dressed in clothing from the modern century...not that people had grown any more civilized.

Could she know where the woman he was hunting was? Had she been affected in some way by having someone or something she loved dearly taken from her and was here to seek revenge as well? Bastet was not sure about these questions, he was still getting used to the fact that his quarry could go through time...the only thing it served was to allow him to experience different food and ways of life in the past...get a firsthand look into the past to better understand the present but the weretiger had always had a fascination with history in school. Decades fell in line with centuries...but that didn't exactly help him at the moment. Finally he managed to hit on something...he could remember reading a bit about a woman named Joan of Arc whom had been executed in the Middle Ages...but wasn't that in France?

History he might find fascinating but countries...time periods themselves...decades in relation to centuries or rather dates...these had never been his strong points. Oh, don't get him wrong. He could give birth dates and death dates of his immediate blood kin...immediate blood kin that was all lost but dates in relation to history wasn't his strong suit. The wine was rather nice, considering this might possibly be the Middle Ages and the food was lacking in nutrition in and substance but could hardly be helped....if his quarry dragged him back to prehistoric times, he was going to turn to hunting early man if needed and be a rather pissed feline.

When finished with his food, Bastet pushed his plate and empty mug away, wiping his mouth with a cloth and dropping it upon the plate to be taken care of by the elderly gentleman or his female companion...he was pretty sure men didn't do anything in relation to child rearing and housework in this time period, if his suspicions were correct about being in the Middle Ages. "Is there anywhere where one can find a job for room and board?" he questioned the elderly bartender, thinking that he might as well work here until he disappeared and earn some money until he could manage to get back to his own time period and his apartment. B badyogi
While the bartender told the man about the inn next door where the elderly woman accepted work in exchange for room and board, Aella slept. When she awoke the next morning, she was half disappointed to see she was still in the inn, and not back home. But she’d made a promise to the owner, so she rose and set to work, but not before the older woman insisted she into something more suitable for a woman of their time. Aella’s clothes were taken from her with a look of disapproval, and she would have bet all her money the woman had them burned or something. With her purple hair tied back in a bun on the back of her head, and wearing a red and tan dress picked out by the owner, Aella looked like she belonged.

She set about feeding the animals behind the tavern, taking care to stay out of the mud created by the enormous amount of rain the night before. Today, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. The air felt crisp, and clean, quite unlike the air of her own time, weighed down by smog and pollution. It helped to clear her head, and she decided she’d seek out the creature who had been killing the townsfolk, that evening. After completing her chores, and eating the hearty breakfast offered to her, Aella left the tavern, in search of supplies.

She found a blacksmith and was able to ration an iron knife like the silver one she had sheathed at her ankle. Hopefully whatever she was going up against would be weakened by one or the other. Then, she made her way to the chapel, where she acquired a rosary, a crucifix and holy water. The last thing she needed was salt, which she figured she could find at the tavern she’d started the previous night in. Sure enough, she was able to talk the bartender into letting her have a cloth bag full of it, when she’d said it was for the woman who ran the tavern.

With everything she needed, she only had to wait until the sun began to set, and then she made her way towards the outskirts of the village. If she was going to be trapped her, she’d do what she did best. Hunt and kill the things that go bump in the night. scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Bastet inclined his head in thanks as he finished the meal he had been given and for where he could work in exchange for room and board. Not only did he pursue his quarry through time itself, he also worked what jobs he could to get money or jewels. Whatever clothing he purchased in time remained within his studio apartment in the modern era along with any jewels and money he earned. Discovering his quarry was able to go through time had been a lucky chance, the first time he had woken up in Colonial America. According to Bastet, that had been one of the oddest experiences of his life...well...there was the time he'd somehow found himself in the middle of a battle...the poor weretiger had nearly been run through by a sword. That person had naturally lost their life of course when he had shifted into his hybrid form and torn out the soldier's throat. Though it hadn't been the human's fault of course that he had appeared in the middle of a battle, the woman he was pursuing could have at least found somewhere else to land that didn't result in nearly being stabbed. He wasn't truly sure how this time travel thing worked but after that first time, when he had found himself not only in another period but on a different continent altogether, he had discovered afterwards a residual energy whenever the female time jumped and used that to follow her, though there were times, like this night, when he went to sleep and woke up within a different time period.

That evening he went to the inn of directions he was given, to enquire about a job for room and board as he didn't feel like spending what gold coins he had from his grandparents in this time period. The elderly woman had given him a room on the second floor of the inn helping out her husband with work and running messages, something that annoyed the feline but he had accepted the offer. The next morning, he found a set of new clothing on the bed,though his money he had thankfully hidden beneath the straw matress he slept upon, his old clothing having disappeared. Orange....he didn't particulary like orange as a clothing choice, despite the fact that his fur was pale orange. A bright outfit, composed of a long coat, black shoes with a belt, green hat and pants, that hurt his eyes, he needlessly put the clothing on, the only colors besides orange being the brown belt, green hat and trousers and the possible black shoes....of what animal he could not fathom a guess. The male had even been given a money pouch and he slipped the gold coins he had upon his person into the pouch, just in case the innkeeper wife came and tried to clean the room.

After getting dressed in this new clothing, his money thankfully in the pouch at his waist, the Indian man he had been set to work...chopping logs for the fires, delivering messages, getting supplies and stocking the shelves, and generally being the personal servant of the innkeeper. He was thankful there was nothing silver within the daily duties he was required to do, the feline uncertain if it was pure silver which could harm his species, just as it could harm werewolves. Like werwolves, werefelines also had their own posinous plant, that being catsbane and iron hurt them as well, unlike the werewolves. In exchange he got the room he had been given and two meals a day, breakfast and dinner.

That first day within 1430s England, he had learned by inquiring, that the king of this time period was King Henry VI. Thankfully not the one who killed his mistresses and wives because they couldn't give him a heir to the throne, no that king was later and also of the same name of Henry. That evening the male decided that he might as well learn something more about the town he was in, perhaps there would be clues as to that stranger within the tavern or even clues to the woman he was hunting himself. As night settled upon the...village or town...whatever this place was considered in this time period, the weretiger stole from his room like a thief in the night and made his way outdoors, heading through the town on his way to the outskirts where he could shift into his hybrid or quad form in order to better see within the darkness and hunt his elusive prey.

He moved quietly through the inhabitance of the humans here in this medieval era, his senses in human form weakned but he was stealthy in all four of his different forms, the rain from last night having washed away all scents from the area so he was forced to move via his memory of the village which didn't take long once he had passed the tavern for the second time that evening and approached the road leading up from the village, something he hadn't realized the night before in his haste to get out of the rain. Once he was far enough away from the village to be safe, the feline shifted into his Quad Form, taking on the appearance of a Siberian Tiger with pale orange fur and piercing yellow eyes, black claws currently retracted, weighing 660 lbs or 299 kg, depending on the measurement system one was used to. His mind was now primal and no human instincts guided him, only the urge to hunt. His only problems were that he couldn't carry weapons in his Quad Form, couldn't speak in any human tongues and he didn't know the woman he pursued through time tended to dye her hair, thus he was looking for the woman with hair like flames and blood in the picture on his desk at home. B badyogi
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Aella didn’t know what exactly she was looking for. One thing she had learned from her travels through time and space, is that even though each monster came from a few distinct bloodlines, they tended to vary in shape, size and ability, especially when you throw different time periods into the mix. A werewolf in 2017 wouldn’t necessarily be the same kind of beast in 1430. Not to mention, Aella had no real idea what kind of baddies roamed the world during this time. That generally didn’t stop her from completing a kill, though it did make it more difficult at times. A strange urge to giggle rose up within her, as she was walking through the woods outside the village, feeling somewhat like Little Red Riding Hood, with her cloak pulled up over her head. She wanted to call out in a sing-song voice, “here baddie, baddie, baddie.” She fought the impulse and slipped her favorite silver knife from its sheath, walking as stealthily as possible through the dense shrubbery and plant life around her.

For the longest time, months or even a year now… it was hard to say, Aella had had the strangest urge that she was being followed. It didn’t matter what time period she found herself in, she always had the most peculiar sense that there were a pair of eyes on her. Now, tonight, in this forest, the sensation was stronger than ever. In fact, it was bothering her so much, she could barely focus on the task at hand. How could she hunt anything when she felt like she was the one being hunted? She came upon a small clearing, where the moon was more easily able to stream through the canopy of tree branches above her, and she looked around slowly, her grip on the knife handle tightening.

Before, her urge had been to giggle, now it was to call out to whoever, or whatever, was lurking in the shadows around her. She didn’t, of course. Moving as quietly as any human, no matter how well they were trained, could, she positioned herself at the base of a large tree. With her back pressed to the trunk, she knelt and lowered the hood of the cloak, tucking her cotton candy purple hair behind her ear, as her brown eyes took in the shape of every shadow and tree around her. God, she really wished she had one of her guns with her, or at the very least, a larger knife. Aella stayed there, barely breathing, concealed by nature, as she waited for her prey, or her hunter, to reveal themselves. scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
The Siberian Tiger prowled through the forest outside of the village, the moon shining overhead though the thick trees made it impossible to see the pale light of the second celestial body that goverened the tides and was trapped to the earth's gravity. Yellow eyes shone in the night, black stripes breaking up the tiger's outline as it hunted, eyes able to pierce the darkness with ease. His night vision, actually the vision of all weretigers, was six times better than a human's at night. Using the trees to hide himself, each step careful upon the earth beneath his paws, the feline moved like a ghost through the forest. It had no predators within the wilds, the only threats to the Siberian were humans and habitat loss.

The faint rustling on the forest floor alerted the tiger's attention and Bastet swung his head towards the noise but it was just a mouse scurrying along the undergrowth. A salmon-colored tongue slid out from between the feline's canines, licking the upper part of his mouth before curling back in as he sniffed the air, trying to pick up any scents of prey within the area. Moving past the mouse for that wasn't the meal he wanted, the feline was hunting for something bigger. Bastet had to rely on the picture his grandmother had taken, the killer's scent having faded by the time he had reached the elder tiger which left him nothing to go on. The tiger's scent was nowhere near as good as a wolf's or a dog's but it was still better than a human's and it was a human he was hunting, so far as the feline knew anyway.

A flash of something in the moonlight caused the tiger to pause again, the feline's tail swishing through the air behind his body as he focused his gaze, seeing the trees opening up somewhat...a wide open space then where prey might be grazing but also a lack of cover. Since Bastet had begun hunting the human who had killed his grandmother, a woman he had been very close to in childhood and adolescence, the feline had returned to his home city after being cursed with immortality, visiting the home and the cave where he and his siblings had been born in. None had recognized him, being that it had been years since the tigers had been destroyed, but he'd been suprised to see his grandmother was still there...only to see her corpse within a small shack she had lived in with his grandfather. Giving the family wealth to the young tiger, the last of the family, he could live comfortably for many years. He hid his wealth, slowly collecting money and jewels throughout the different time periods he visited, all in a quest for vengenace on the one who had taken his last family member...through space and time itself, yet he lived humbly, planning on using the money he had gained and inherited to live comfortably for the rest of his long life...a long life of lonliness.

Yet these thoughts were unknown to Bastet, his mind consumed by the desire for the hunt, the confidence that he was a top predator and surety in his skills of hunting and tracking. The flash of something reflecting under the moonlight, a flash of silver flickering off something attracted the feline's gaze and he moved forward into the clearing as the scent of human filled his nose...though was uncertain if this was prey or not. As he stepped into the clearing, a patch of moonlight fell upon the tiger's stout body and sinewy tail, revealing the Siberian Tiger. Stopping in the clearing, he turned his head towards where he had last seen the flash of light, picking up the outline of the human and the knife held in its hand. B badyogi
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When Aella saw the outline of the Siberian Tiger step out into the moonlit clearing, her breath stopped in her chest. It was massive, and so out of place in this part of the world. She knew it had to be a wereanimal or shape shifter, and her hand clutched the handle of the knife more tightly. Could this be the creature that was killing the people of the nearby village? Something told her no, because for one thing, the man she'd questioned before spoke of a beast that walked on two legs and resembled a bigfoot. This was clearly not that. Still, it was dangerous, and perhaps a little out of her league, considering her lack of gun or sword. The knife would just have to do, she supposed. Swallowing around the lump that had formed in her throat, Aella slowly rose from her spot on the ground, keeping close to the width of the tree until she felt more certain of herself and her own fighting abilities.

Slowly exhaling, Aella stepped out into the clearing. There was a good span of space between them, maybe 30 feet or so, but the size of the beast told her it would be able to cross that space in a few heartbeats. "I don't know if you can hear me in there," she said, her voice steady and warning, though gentle at the same time. "But there's one too many monsters roaming these parts right now, and I don't have time to deal with you." She still held the knife, but she raised her hands in a sort of surrender, her stance relaxed and as unthreatening as possible. "You need to leave, now." scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
The Siberian Tiger continued to peer at the outline of the human. There were about thirty feet between the tiger and the human, distance he could cover in a few steps if he so desired. The possible threat or prey, at the moment the tiger was viewing the human as a threat since it had a weapon in its hand. The tiger could either retreat or kill the threat by biting its throat with his jaws to end the human's life. Shifting slightly on his paws, the tiger's tail lashed behind it as the human stepped out into the clearing, Bastet crouching and prepared to spring in case the human moved close to it or presented itself in a threatening manner. His yellow gaze traveled towards the knife in the human's hand as she stepped out away from the tree she had been hiding against...hiding within the shadows away from the moonlight. His primal mind didn't register that this human, this woman was the same one within the bar or that she had the same scent.

Lifting his head as the human began speaking, he didn't understand the language coming out of the human's mouth, nor could he respond even if he could in the various human tongues. The tone of the voice was somewhat easier, there was like a growl in there, Bastet's primal mind attempting to register the gestures which were different from other prey that tended to either fight back or flee....not that fleeing prey got very far. It just triggered the tiger to give chase and hunt the prey down. The human mumbled something but the tiger didn't understand but luckily for the girl something else attracted the feline's attention...that something being the footfalls of something heading through the muddy terrain and the feline turned from the human, immediately giving chase and disappearing into the forest. Whether the tiger, which was actually Bastet, would be able to piece together this night was only known to him and the other werefelines of the world...for they were considered monsters by many but blessed by Bastet herself by a few others. B badyogi
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When the tiger suddenly turned away and ran off through the woods, Aella let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. She, with her human ears, didn't hear the footsteps that had urged the tiger away, perhaps in pursuit of the creature making them. However, she had a job to do, so even knowing the tiger was still out there somewhere, she continued on her way. Aella kept stalking the woods until the morning sun finally began to shine over the horizon, and feeling completely exhausted, she turned to head back to the inn. She couldn't believe she hadn't come across anything in those damned woods, except the tiger, throughout the entire night. Had the man been mistaken about the creature who was supposedly killing villagers? Or had the tiger crossed its path and taken it out? Aella had no way of knowing, but in that moment, she realized she didn't care anymore. All she wanted was to crawl under the blankets and fall asleep for 12 hours.

She made her way back into the village and to the inn. Thankfully, no one was around to ask her to clean or cook, and before long she was back in the room she had rented out in exchange for helping around the inn. Aella didn't bother changing out of the dress the innkeeper had given her, even though it would be wrinkled beyond belief when she woke up. She slipped beneath the blankets, marvelling at the warmth emitted from the bed warmer tucked between the sheets at the foot of the bed. Before her head had even hit the pillow, Aella had fallen asleep.

Hours later, she awoke again, but instead of being in the bed in the tavern, she was laying on a park bench in what looked an awful like Central Park, in New York City. Aella sat up in a hurry, looking around. From the people walking by, talking on cellphones or with bluetooths, totally ignoring each other, and her, she knew she was back in her right time.... even if it wasn't the correct place. "Thank god..." She sighed with relief and then laughed. No more medieval times... at least for the time being. Now all she had to do was find her way back to her motel room in Mississippi, and collect her things. scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Dashing off into the forest,the tiger had followed the sound of the heavy footsteps upon the earth, mostly his vision to track the creature. The weretiger had finally found the creature which was strange to him but he had shifted into his War Form and attacked, his claws and teeth slicing through the creature as he now towered over it. Big and hairy, a hulking beast who seemed rather stupid, it hadn't taken much but a tear across the throat with his claws to render the creatue devoid of life. Leaving the carcass in a tree, though it certainly didn't look or smell like food, the tiger had made it out of the fight without a scratch, due to having hit the creature from behind, and stumbled back to the den, shifting back into his human form as he did so so he wouldn't be attacked by the humans of the village. Making his way up to his room, Bastet had checked for his knife and slipped it back onto his person as he stared up at the ceiling. He wasn't sure what that creature was but it looked oddly like the mythical bigfoot that humans went after in an effort to prove the creature existed. Why was it whenever he came across time and space, that there always seemed to be some monster that was lurking about? Why had the human been outside with a knife? Were humans as stupid in the middle ages as they were in the modern?

His mind felt like it was muddled with thoughts. He hadn't talked to that girl, especially when he had see staying at the same inn that he was. What was he supposed to say to her? Hi, I noticed you didn't look as if you were from here? Well see, I'm hunting someone, a woman, and I was surprised to see another person here. I just wanted to ask if you are someone that has been hurt as well by a woman with hair like blood. No, that was stupid and would probably get him executed or whatever happened to people who were crazy in ancient time periods. Heaving a sigh, Bastet put a hand on the pocket containing his knife before falling asleep, wondering what the morning would bring him here.

He woke up the next morning to a lot of chatter and the pounding of feet on the ground. Something hard lay beneath him and a multitude of scents reached his nose, causing the feline to yawn and stretch his body like the cat he was as he sat up...only to stare around him at the variety of people, the sounds of cars and people chatting away on their cellphones. Nobody paid him any attention and he patted his pockets, pulling out his knife and breathing a sigh of relief that it was still on his person. He always tried to keep hold of his knife when he was pushed and pulled through time, not wanting to lose it. It was a good weapon and belonged to his mentor, the first weapon he had received as part of the assassin order. Bastet looked around, it seemed lie he was in a park...a park that looked oddly like the famous Central Park of New York and instantly the tiger's nose wrinkled in disgust, he hated this city! Too many cars and buildings and houses next to each other, nowhere near enough places for him to hide unless he went into the sewers and those stank to high heaven!

Still if he was in Central Park and there were people with cell phones and the sound of cars on the roads, that meant he was back in the modern era. Bastet couldn't help himself, he opened his mouth and laughed in relief, relief that he was back in the modern era with actual plumbing and hot showers at one's whim, pizza and television! Now it was just a question of gethimg himself back home to take a hot shower and find something good to eat, perhaps Thai food or something from Pizza Hut. So glad he was that he was home that he missed the fact that the woman from the time in the medieval ages was also on another bench within the park and also stranded, until the sound of another's laughter echoed in his ears and he shut up, turning his head side to side to look around before spotting the same woman as before. She was laughing as well but his stomach growled and he got up, heading out of the park. Now how was he supposed to get home?. B badyogi
Time travel was always a huge pain in the ass, especially the way Aella did it. Sure, she was happy to be back in the 2000 somethings, but she was still a long way from home. That was one annoyance. The others were the fact that she still had no money to speak of, and was currently wandering through the street of NYC in a medieval dress. In the days of cosplay, not many people cast her an odd glance, but there were a few, and all she could do was roll her eyes and pretend she didn't notice. Getting new clothes wasn't that important, but money definitely was. There's no way she could walk or hitchhike all the way to Mississippi. She wasn't concerned about the dangers of travelling on foot, but she was worried she'd end up falling asleep and wake up somewhere... some time... else.

Aella stopped at a gas station, and made her way to the bathroom. On her way through the aisles, she swiped a candy bar and hid it in the folds of her dress. Once she was behind the locked door, she devoured the candy bar and disposed of the wrapper in the trash, then began modernizing her outfit to the best of her ability. With her knife, she cut the sleeves off the top and made the long skirt into a much shorter one. it revealed the sheath she had on her ankle, but she didn't mind. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, tied back in place by a strip of fabric. The outfit still looked a little odd, but at least she could move in it now. The only real shame was that the cloak had been left behind... it was a real beauty.

As Aella walked from the bathroom, she noticed the man behind the counter eying her suspiciously. From the look on his face and the way he was muttering to another coworker, Aella believe he had seen her snatch the candy bar. "Shit." She muttered and ducked out of his line of sight. She spotted a figure a few feet away, a man with his back to her. Thinking on her feet, she stepped up beside him and looped her arm through his, just as the owner rounded the corner. "Hey babe," she said sweetly. "You about ready to go?" The owner caught sight of the man she was with and suddenly stopped, perhaps wondering if he'd made a mistake. He gave them a long look and then turned and went back to the counter, grumbling to himself.

Aella rolled her eyes and released her grip on the man, chuckling. "Sorry 'bout that. I just needed...." Her voice trailed off as she finally looked at the man full on. The same man from the tavern... Aella's hand dropped to her side and she took a step back, too shocked to speak for a moment. "Do I... know you?" scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Bastet had found himself wandering the streets of....uggh...New York City, searching for somewhere to get some food. He had on him the gold coins from his grandparents' wealth he'd inherited, plus the few gold coins that he had earned in the medieval ages. Not many people had looked at him as he passed by, too focused on their own mundane lives, and with co-splay being a thing among the younger human youth had been relatively ignored. A few had looked at him though as he went by, Bastet just pretending they didn't exist. How hard was it for people to mind their own business within the modern era anyway? He'd been to Japan...though that had been years ago...but didn't think co-splay was a topic of interest as it was now with the different Japanese Anime that seemed to cause young youth to enter what they called comic cons and going to movies dressed up as their favorite characters. For that matter, what was it with Asian youth pretending they were anime characters anyway and then posting those pictures up on the internet?

Lost in his thoughts and hunger, the weretiger found himself at a gas station. He was disappointed as he had failed to find the woman who had killed his grandmother and ended her life within the medieval ages. Bastet knew he would have other chances, the woman was bound to go through time again....though possibly not to the medieval ages again. He had eternity after all and a bitter chuckle escaped his larnax at the though. Entering the gas station, he saw a counter off to his right with a cash register and cartons of cigarettes behind it. Before him was an aisle that led to the back, to his left were aisles stacked with different snack foods and he began looking around, finding drinks of beer, milk, soda within walk in coolers. Wandering the aisles, he made his way towards the front again, his back to the bathrooms as he looked over some of the snacks...chocolate sounded good right now but it was a lot harder to steal things with security cameras in stores now.

Trained in both ancient methods of assassination and modern methods, weaponry, poisons and stealth as well as spying, he was equipped to deal with his occupation of an assassin, both as a child and now as a cursed being with no way to die and not growing old. Of course, he had aged somewhat, until he had reached adulthood but then the curse had kicked in and stopped. He couldn't say while the witch he'd failed to kill had caused him to continue aging until he got to his twenties before that curse had stopped and he wouldn't know as to his knowledge he had no idea where the witch but it was likely she was dead....another member of the order would likely have killed her.

Hunger won out and he took a few chocolate treats from the shelf he was observing when he scented someone coming up next to him, a stranger's arm going through one of his own. Bastet stiffened and looked to his left to see a woman clinging onto him, turning his head to look over his shoulder as he heard footsteps coming around to where he was. He watched the human who ran the gas station look at them both before the human retreated back around the counter. The woman stepped backwards after the man had left, uttering an apology before looking at him. Turning around fully to face her, he took in the female's clothing...her skirt had been torn or cut and the sleeves of her shirt were cut off. Her hairstyle had changed but the fabric was like the clothing he had on himself...was this the woman who had been in 1430 England with him a week or so ago? As she questioned about if she knew him, the feline scented the air..she had the same scent that had been in the clearing the previous evening and certainly the same clothing style as himself though she seemed shocked to see him. "No, you do not," he said to her. It was partly true, he didn't truly know her, he just knew she had been the woman from time, like himself this past week though he wouldn't know for sure how long he had spent in time until he saw a bloody calendar. . "If you want something, I am afraid I cannot help you," he continued after a moment's silence. He still hadn't had a lot of time to process the human in the clearing to the human before him now and in the tavern when he had first found himself in a different era but the scent was the same. B badyogi
Aella's frowned deepened slightly, as she tilted her head at the man before her. She definitely recognized him, although she supposed that since her head had been covered by the cloak the first time she'd seen him, he probably hadn't been able to see her face. Still, his presence there and now here was bothering her. It was all too strange, and Aella had learned long ago there was no such thing as coincidences. Not really.

Part of her wanted to question the man further, to get to the bottom of his mysterious and suspicious appearance in two places where she'd time-jumped. But another part, the bigger and more logical part, told her he was dangerous, and that she needed to get away from him. "Sorry," she muttered apologetically, plastering a sweet smile on her lips. "I must have mistaken you for someone else... you've got one of those faces." She chuckled and shrugged as if it were no big deal, but a shiver went down her spine and her heartbeat quickened when she turned away from him and started out of the gas station.

Aella didn't look back, but once she was outside, she reached down to release her knife from its sheath, feeling better the moment she felt its cool weight in her hand. She needed to get back to Mississippi, to her weapons, her gear, and her truck. Heading towards the busy city streets, Aella figured she'd walk a little bit before thumbing it, and hoping someone would pick up a cosplaying hitchhiker headed south, but she couldn't get the man from the tavern and the gas station out of her mind. scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Watching the woman tilt her head at him was somewhat comical, the action reminding him of a dog. Bastet wasn't fond of dogs...one had attacked his brother when they'd been cubs. His eyes bored into hers. He was hungry and wanted to partake in the chocolate sweets he had swiped and hidden within his clothing, the woman eventually apologized and turned away, the male turning to watch her leave the gas station. Pulling out a few gold coins, he grabbed some more snacks, including a bag of beef jerky and a bottle of water, carrying the supplies to the counter where he dropped a few coins on the counter. He watched the human put the supplies he'd purchased within a bag after staring at the coins and bringing one up to the light to examine it. The human could have a few real gold coins that would accumulate value in exchange for the bit he'd purchased before leaving the station himself.

Walking out of the gas station, he opened the bag and dumped the little cupcakes filled with white cream in the middle into the bag. That taken care of, he headed away from the gas station and back into the city to think on how he was going to get home to his studio apartment. He could hop a freight train if he could find one, hitch hike or end up going on his own paws through the countryside but that would take longer. Deciding to take the freight trains home, he would just have to hide from the workers when they checked the cars, he headed for the Grand Central Station...there were bound to be freight cars near there...all he needed was to check the schedules and hope he picked the right train. B badyogi (We can TS or continue with this, whatever you want.)
Life went on, sort of. Aella finally made it back to Mississippi, though it took a few days. Hitchhiking wasn't easy, but it was necessary as she had no money or means of transportation. She was happy she had paid for a month of stay at the motel, because otherwise her stuff would have been tossed into a dumpster. But it was all there, and her room was untouched. The first thing Aella did was take an hour long shower, scrubbing off days of dirt and sweat. Then she changed into some clean clothes and drove to the nearest McDonalds. It wasn't her favorite fast food restaurant, but it was the closest thing she found, and she was too hungry to care. She ordered just about the whole menu and sat in her truck devouring everything like a starving animal.

Once her body was clean, her belly was full, and she had slept for three straight days, it was time for Aella to get back to work. She focused on hunting the best she could, even though the man from the gas station never strayed far from her forethoughts. It was too much of a coincidence and she didn't trust it. Because of her past, she was particularly paranoid, and she felt like she was constantly checking over her shoulder, expecting to see him pop up again.

It didn't take long for Aella to find a case. Mississippi was full of creepy-crawlies. All you had to do was watch the daily morning news, show up at just about any murder scene, and there was a monster behind the death. She didn't know what drew them to the area, maybe the heat or maybe the wilderness, but either way, she got a lot of work done there. Today, she was after a baby vamp that had killed a family of three. Aella always felt a little bad killing newborn vampires. It generally wasn't their idea to be turned, and they literally could not control themselves, but they were monsters and had to be exterminated.

She had tracked the vampire, a young girl who was maybe 16 years old, back to her day time sleeping place, and had staked her with little effort. She'd been about to leave, when the master awoke and attacked her. Aella was caught off guard, maybe because these days it seemed most older vampires didn't hang around their newly turned, so she hadn't expected to run across one. He was stronger than her, bigger than her, and more pissed off than her. After the thing had tackled her to the ground, knocking her stake from her hand, it snarled in her face and reared his head back to pierce her flesh with her fangs. Aella screamed and threw her arms up to block her face. It wouldn't have done anything to keep the monster off her, really it was just a reflex. Someone comes at you, you hide your face. Except this time, it did do something.

Aella suddenly felt as though she were being jerked backwards, through the ground beneath her. It was as if there was a rope tied around the middle of her stomach and someone had pulled roughly on the end of it. She closed her eyes against the force and pressure. Her lungs squeezed and ached, and Aella realized she was suffocating. Moments later, she fell to the ground, gasping for air. No longer in the dark basement of the vampire's lair, Aella had to shield her eyes against the brightness of sunlight streaming into her face, and she rolled over to lay face down, pushing herself up on her hands and knees as she coughed. When she lifted her head to look around, she gathered from the domed, majestic buildings and renaissance fair type clothing of the people bustling about around her, that she wasn't in Mississippi anymore. Aella groaned and hung her head again. "Son of a bitch..." scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Bastet had used freight trains to get a ride back home to Mississippi and headed immediately for home after waiting until nightfall so he could take to the rooftops and make his way home under the cover of darkness. Having to get off at train stations and search around for trains that would take him further on to the south was difficult as he'd been in his quad and hybrid forms the entire time he'd been there, Halloween was one of his favorite holidays as he could walk out in his hybrid form and everyone would think he was in a costume. The weretiger had made it home without any incidents thankfully and had made his way to his apartment where he had taken a hot shower until the water ran cold and ordered some pizza. Afterwards he'd spent the next three days in his home, not leaving the home to hunt or look for the girl as was tired from being stuck in the middle ages and then being forced to find his way home from Central Park in blood New York City. Not that Mississippi was much better but it was home...until he grew bored and pursued his quarry to another location.

On the fourth day since arriving home, Bastet was again studying the picture of the woman he was pursuing, his studio apartment not having been touched since he had been gone for likely a month, maybe more. It was hard to tell how much time passed between one time period and the modern century. Watching television within his room and holding onto his pocket watch in the other hand, the man got up to get a soda from the fridge when the world suddenly spun around him...only to find himself no longer within his apartment. His pocket watch fell from his hand and he lifted his head where he saw himself in the middle of a crowd, majestic buildings rising up around him, buildings of a different architecture than he was used to. People moved around him as if he weren't lying in the middle of a crowd and he scrambled for his pocket watch, thankfully it had fallen a little ways from his hand and he managed to snatch it up easily before slipping slipping the chain over another chain on his neck and slipped it underneath his shirt, where it rested against his skin.

Brushing himself off, he straightened and got to his feet, standing in the middle of the crowd and out of place within his own modern era clothing as he looked around him at the architecture. He saw women in expensive gowns and some in simple brown and gray gowns. Children were also in gowns, tunics and pants depending on their sex with boots covering their feet. One woman passed him that was in a green dress with a white Celtic Chamise with long sleeves and ties at the shoulders. It was obvious he was not in the modern era anymore, let alone in Mississippi...in fact the United States probably didn't exist depending on where he was right now. "You've got to be kidding me," he growled to himself. He was going to kill that girl...couldn't she not jump through time until two and a half weeks had passed in the modern era?! Growling to himself he began following the crowd. Best way to get know where you are is to follow the crowd and act like you belong, he thought to himself as began walking. B badyogi
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Aella had been here before, and she hadn't liked it. This wasn't the first time she'd returned to a time she had visited before, although the circumstances of this instance were rather unique. Every time before now, when Aella had hopped through time, it had happened while she was asleep. This was the very first time that it had happened during the middle of her wake cycle. It was as if she'd manipulated her abilities in the face of danger. Could it be that her powers were developing, evolving into something she could actually use to her advantage?

Aella stood and brushed herself off, wondering when and where, exactly, she was. During her last stint in the godforsaken renaissance, she'd spent some time in prison for being a witch and a thief. It had been a long three months, and she still wasn't sure why she'd been stuck in one place for so long. All she could do was hope that it didn't happen that way again. The only perk was that she'd made a friend, another female prisoner who had gotten out the day before Aella went through time again. Her name had been Edith, and she'd promised Aella a place to stay if she ever got out.

It was better than nothing. With her purple hair and modern clothing, Aella was already standing out. She could find Edith, make herself comfortable, blend in, and wait. It had become a routine of sorts. One she hated, but maybe just maybe, things would start looking up now that her abilities seemed to be changing. scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Bastet didn't have any money on him for this era, an era he had been in once before. Why he had come to this era again, let alone it being the first time he'd traveled through time when awake, he wasn't entirely sure. The architecture around him was rather splendid and grand, much better than being stuck in England during the Black Death that had been brought about by rats on ships...it hadn't been worth it to hunt the diseased humans even if he couldn't catch diseases, illness or die. Was the woman's powers manifesting in some way? If she could now travel when he was awake, that would create problems when he was hunting in his quad form...he would likely not only miss his chance of a meal but possibly end up somewhere he didn't want to be...like in a cage in some long lost emperor's home or in the Roman Colosseum where he'd have to fight to avoid getting killed by Gladiators who were trying to win their freedom. As he walked along through the crowd, Bastet finally noticed the stares he was getting towards his clothing, something that irked him. It wasn't like he knew when he was going to be dragged through time and which period he was going to end up in.

Luckily for Bastet, he had a friend in this time period that he had made the last time he had been stuck here, that had been probably one of the longest few months he had been within a time period and judging by the buildings he guessed he was back within the Rennisance. Spinello Fiolo, a noble of Italian heritage who was in his early thirties who smelled of parchment and seawater, though Bastet had never mentioned such a thing to his friend. The twenty-six-year-old man just had to find the other noble who had become friends with him, assuming Spinello was still alive. The warm weather of the period and the faint smell of the ocean confirmed that he was within Italy. Beautiful weather and not too hot or too cold though he could do well within cold weather being a Siberian Tiger if he was in his War Form or Quad Form. He had talked with Spinello about joining a ship before, so he could hopefully use that as an excuse as to where he had been. The human was an intellect and interested in a variety of scientific pursuits as well as painting and piano, something that Bastet could appreciate. As Spinello had stepped in to save the feline's life before, they had become quick friends though Bastet had, like every other time he had been within the past or future, he would work at things to make money. B badyogi

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