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Multiple Settings Through Blood and Tears!!

aurora thinks to herself "omg thatz so cool and epic of her kawaiidesunya"
okay guys its getting late i think we need to finsh up
obv courtney should win the rac bcuz i made this rp just so she could win
Omgeees Hai Hai nNyack! Is soooo nyce 2 meet uuu! Waow ur soooo samrt coortknee!! Meesa head so bownsee, so sof and supple!!!! Qeekly, bownz acros teh casum an win teh rac 4 meesa nya!~☆☆
courtni and aurora and 2 hot guyz cross da finish line and win bcus dey are amazeballs and aurrora is super fast and has wings so dey win and kiss all together poly
nuh uh roda is banned for saying courtney shont win
Omgeees Hai Hai nNyack! Is soooo nyce 2 meet uuu! Waow ur soooo samrt coortknee!! Meesa head so bownsee, so sof and supple!!!! Qeekly, bownz acros teh casum an win teh rac 4 meesa nya!~☆☆
"ok thank you milo we couldnt have done this without ou" courthney starts criing becuz she made it so far and made so mani frens and growed so far she will never forget this experiece or her bofyriends and girlfens

"okay guys lets go!" she steps on the gas pedal and they bounce off milo like mario into the skies
Worst ge em...

Jesica is cringe actually! hetekromia is so dum!!
om g so toxic!!! i made jesica just like me so she is my favorite and if you attac her u attac me this is harassment i am repoting you to the police

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