• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Threads of Fate - Info

  • Rules

    General Rules:
    1. Under the ruling RPN staff, I , Quark, shall have the final say in all decisions for this Threads of Fate RP.
    2. Honesty is the best policy. Let me know if you have issues/concerns.
    3. Please try to reply within the week. Discuss with me if something is up or you're waiting for replies. There will be announcements for when the RP will be on break.
    4. Please keep OOC in OOC thread. Long live shenanigans.

    Roleplaying Rules:
    1. There is no room for main characters to die in the RP, thus all main characters will get plot armour.
    2. In fights, your characters will hit and miss.
    3. In the case you have a secondary character in mind, let us know in OOC or PM Quark.
    4. Pandas don't have wings.
    Please put "I have read and agree to play by the rules" in every CS.

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