Thread of Evil

Upton O Goode

Catastrophic Success
Anyone that's been roleplaying for a good while has to have played a character that could be at least be described as slightly evil. Whether they were just a jackass that liked to mock people that walked by, or an utter degenerate that would make the devil cry, chances are you've played something like this. On this thread, I want to hear stories. Stories of the nastiest shit you've committed by proxy of your characters. It doesn't matter if it seems less impressive compared to others, just come here and share a good story from any time you played a big ol' douchebag.

I'll start with one of mine, and one that's probably the most devious thing I've had a chance to do; it was in an RP which revolved around criminal gangs in a city. They also had a position for a local military leader, and I decided to take that up with a vicious general dedicated to wiping out the criminals. Of course, even though my general engaged in torture and brutal force, he still managed to look like a much lesser evil compared to the criminal players. The people in this RP weren't a very good bunch, and they liked to indulge in some really disturbing stuff. Still, I managed to pull off a really devious maneuver in the RP. One of the players let their character get captured (this was the kind of RP where they never would have been captured if they didn't let you), and their character was the lover of one of the biggest criminals in the city. He goes nuts and makes a huge mess when he realises his girl has been kidnapped, trying to force her to be returned. But I come up with a very interesting idea here; my character decides he's going to pretend to offer the girl back to him. But, he's decided that by way of rigging her with explosives, that he's going to force the girl to refuse to return to the guy, acting as though she's just straight up choosing the military over king douchebag. It goes off without a hitch; douche gets rejected, he gets all depressed, and I can't help but find it hilarious. My character did all this just to break the guy's will. Now, there's arguably nastier things I've had characters do, but nothing was quite as devious as this. 

Of course, being the kind of RP that it was, the character doesn't stay depressed for long, and in spite of being a two bit gangster, manages to pose a threat to the military. Might be worth mentioning this character's player is the GM. I try some more tricks, but there's really no fighting a GM on a power trip that sees their character as an extension of them-self. Still, I fondly remember that moment as the one time I got to be as devious as possible. 

Anyway, now it's your turn to share. Keep in mind, though; try to avoid talking about anything too disgusting in detail. There's evil, and then there's disgusting. If your story involves anything dodgy, try your best to be vague on the details.
Does it count if I'm the evil one and not strictly one of my characters. : P

So, I had this rp where magic users have been almost wiped out by people who don't use magic. Roughly half of the rp is people with magic users and the other half has characters trying to hunt them down. Things were kinda stagnating, so I had the idea of having one of my characters announce that poison had been dumped into the water supply that only affected magic users and they would be dead within a day unless they turned themselves over to the government. It kind of created some panic, haha, so I had to explain in the OOC that it was just a ploy and there wasn't really any poison.

I should reboot the rp one of these days.

While this may not be the most evil character I've ever rped, it's probably one of the darkest things I've put to paper in a roleplay (it was the opening Prologue). Enjoy.. lol

6 year-old


Suspended in the nighttime sky, a haunting omen. A massive, full moon with a bright blue coloring hung overhead. Like a huge glassy, ocean floating above the earth. Night of the Darkmoon. Or so it was called in lore, due to the fact, that on this night something mysterious, and magical would occur. The birth of a Celestial. A being of immense magical power. One child, chosen at random, in an unsuspecting woman's womb, would be birthed into the world that night, possessing the power of the Darkmoon.

Fjola, a very young girl, at the age of six, was very happy about this particular fact. She stood off the side of a road, in the middle of a the night. Standing there on that winding road, hills behind her, a dark forest on the other side of the road. She stood there, with rifle in hand, a creepy smile plastered upon her face.

She had taken the rifle from her father's study, before setting out that night, to her destination of that far-flung road, wherever it may be. She had passed a frightening beast in the corner of the room: Bearzamm. A monstrous boarbear, of epic proportions. A grotesque monstrosity that had terrorized a nearby town from where they had lived in their beautiful manse. Horns, spikes, claws, and tusks cast a terrifying shadow across the wooden floor as she passed by. In truth, the young girl always though the visage of Bearzamm was enthralling. Her father had been her idol, as well.

Down the dusty path, a horse drawn carriage could be heard speeding along. Fjola turned her head, as the deafening sound of horse's footfalls, and a bell clanging sounding out, through the humid air. A bright orange, yellow light appeared in the distance, and got brighter, as the carriage drew nearer.

Within, a woman in labor. Coming forth from her, the Celestial.

Fjola, eerie grin still upon her face, aimed the rifle with her left eye. A single shot rang out through the night, sinking perfectly into one of the horses. The animal instantly felled, falling to the earth, pulling with it the other horse, the man that was at the helm of the carriage let out a scream, as that vehicle flipped forward, under the weight of the falling beasts. The carriage driver flew through the air, and fell right under one of the horses, as it flipped over, landing atop him, crushing him instantly.

As mentioned, once the horses fell, the carriage was brought with it, flipping forward, crashing hard on the road, flipping until it skid to a stop in the dust, the lantern flying from it, smashing in the nearby forest. Fire immediately catching the dry wood alight. A blaze roaring up, bringing forth more light, into that lonely, solemn night.

Fjola stepped forward, and over to another man: the woman's husband; flung from the crashing carriage. She placed her foot atop his head, and pushed, placing the end of the rifle against the man's temple. As her foot pushed his head to the side, she saw the vacant expression of death there. Removing the muzzle of the gun from his temple, and her foot from his head, the young girl strolled over to the capsized carriage.

Fjola ripped open the carriage door, her ears were met with a child's screams and cries. Peering inside, she spotted the midwife, laying against the side of the carriage, her neck snapped at an odd angle. Reaching in, she grasped the other woman's dress, and pulled back with all her strength. Dislodged from the capsized carriage, she pulled out the woman that had a moment ago been in labor. It seemed the shock of such a crash had allowed the woman to easily loose her child from her body. That was lucky for her. She no longer had to remain in painful labor. A trip to the hospital was no longer necessary. Well, not for childbirth anyway.

Dragging the woman away from the cart, and disposing of her on the grass in front of the dreary forest, that was now alight, she stepped back towards the carriage. Fjola leaned into the carriage, and spotted the babe, crying there atop a velvety blanket. That eerie smile returned to her face, and the young girl reached her hand out. She touched the babe's hand. A bright white mark appeared there, shining bright, heat emanating from it. The mark of the Celestial. With a smile, Fjola spoke one word, a spell, "Wis'feh." The mark glowed even brighter, and then began pulling itself from the baby's hand. The fancy runic mark moved the short distance between their hands, and placed itself onto the back of her hand. It flashed white twice, before disappearing from sight. Fjola let out a soft giggle, "tehe," before both her hands grasped the bawling child. The young girl stepped back, holding the crying child in her arms.

Fjola, newly made Celestial, stepped up to the mother, with the child in her arms. The mother's chest still heaved, indicating life. How lucky for her. The new Celestial closed the distance to her, before placing the bawling weeping babe back into her arms.

With that, the devious girl disappeared into the night, the flames around the carriage, a hellish flame, their teeth threatening to consume the horrendous scene.
My one character just recently shot a random civilian just so the cops would notice him.

He did this over a reporter's notepad in police possession that he didn't even know the exact contents of, and it wasn't even a plot device until he made it one.
I played a game of OWoD Demon a little while ago with a pretty good group. Everyone else went for balanced characters able to work in every situation and (as with most Demon characters) able to tear a train carriage in half if they have to.

I built a character not much more formidable than the average human in combat, but incredibly cunning and manipulative, with contacts both criminal and legal in pretty much every first-world country.

At one point, our characters decided to sneak into a thinly-veiled knockoff of the Pentagon (which we nicknamed the Heptagon) to discover what they were doing to a trapped demon underneath the facility. While we were snooping around we accidentally tripped the alarms, and the rest of the party reacted by turning into clouds, clinging to the ceiling, or simply teleporting away, whereas my character simply stood in the middle of the room and waited patiently. Quite soon he was confronted by two clearly ex-military guards, one barely twenty and wearing dog-tags that weren't his own, the other close to fifty. As they led him away in handcuffs, he remarked that it was a shame that the old guy kept making the young guy do the legwork, but it was really just to be expected from a system where the old men send the young men to die for them and reap the rewards in career advancements. As the old guy started to get angry, my character apologised and explained that he should have realised the old guy would be sensitive, given that he's probably lost a lot of friends to the poor decisions of inexperienced and unreliable soldiers. They're starting to get angry at this point, but my character is far more silver-tongued and manipulative than I am, and proceeds to rile them up so badly that, before we've even left the basement level, the two guards have lost interest. he continues to apologise in such a way as to just make things worse, right up until quite suddenly, the young guy shoots the old guy.

Immediately afterwards he realises what he's done.

Now, in Old World of Darkness (or at least the version the DM was running), Demons gain power from emotions. The second most powerful emotion is joy, but the most powerful emotion is despair.

So my character turns to the young guy, who is already realising what he's done, and says "There's no cameras on this level. If we use your ID and I do the talking, we can walk out of here. You help me get out of here, and I'll make sure you get out of here too... deal?"

He accepts the deal. How could he not?

My character talks like a pro and never gives away the slightest hint of surprise or concern, and the two of them stroll out the front of the building before anyone has even discovered the corpse in the basement. My character takes the guard to a cheap, cut-rate hotel on the edge of town and promises to be back at midnight with false ID and transport for a one-way trip to Mexico. He immediately leaves and buys a disposable mobile phone. With it, he calls the police and gives a tip-off that the perpetrator involved in the security breach at the Heptagon will be in a particular hotel at 11.30 that night, then he tosses the phone in a river. He waits at the kebab shop across the road and, at half eleven that night, he watches the young guard get dragged screaming from the hotel by military police and winks at him from the take-away across the street.
An angsty, sexually frustrated, bisexual bully. That was female I may add, lol

I prefer to stick to kinder/purer characters. They are easier for me to play :)  
I tend to stay away from playing evil characters (though I have played a few), but this story isn't about a character who started out evil.

The RP was a modern-fantasy RP, with like magic and monsters and shit in a modern day setting. Anyways, my character was one of the good guys, until he got captured by the big antagonist of the story. The GM and I PMed each other a couple of times and came up with what would happen to him. He got mind controlled by the antagonist and was sent to go kill his old buddies (the other players' characters). So he goes off and find them, kills a few police officers who try to get in his way, and then gets involved in a conversation with another character, who, not understanding the danger, tries to get him to stop. So my character goes up to him, and rips out his heart. Now, we're not even at the good part yet. So, after getting into a fight with a second character and leaving him unconscious, my character confronts a third character. Who just  so happened to be my character's lover. Now she has this magical, demon sword that my character had given to her before he was kidnapped, and he wanted it back. She knew it would be bad news if he got it back. So after she refuses, my character goes up to her, grabs her by the neck and starts to squeeze the life out of her. Left with no choice, she stabs my character through the heart with the sword. There was a nice heartfelt moment as my character, now dying, was released from the mind control and told his lover that he still loved him, and gave her a final kiss, before combusting into a charred skeleton in her arms. Oh and did I mention that their child watched the whole thing? I felt like it was pretty dark, and felt kind of evil while writing it, so I thought I would share. The best part was, none of the other players saw it coming. 10/10 would do it again.
Oh.... so many it's ridiculous, I feel like an old man. Here's just a few.


Naruto Rps


I had a villain who could turn into other people by drinking their blood. He turned into another player's character. I had that player post for him. He gave his friend an explosive tag, told him it was a seal to make him stronger. The tricked character put it on, and wrote a paragraph describing how he felt alive, and unbeatable, and that he was ready for combat. That is the most satisfying single hand sign I've ever had in a Naruto RP.  My villain of course was killed shortly after.

Another time I had a different villain, who was a huge threat to the 5 villages. One of the kage's confronted him. The villain was covered in ash, suddenly walked out the pile, and willing said, "I give up". The kage wouldn't take that for an answer, and decided to use a seal that would sacrifice his life to kill my villain...'s unintentional clone. I died laughing. I'd switched him out midfight, and had alluded to it repeatedly, trying to taunt him to pop it. What I hadn't thought would happen was that though. It was beautiful. What was even more beautiful was the kage's death stayed in the RP, the character died, and a new kage took his place. My villain of course was killed shortly after.


Bleach Rp's


Had a character get kicked out the RP. I don't believe good cannon fodder should go to waste, so took the villian of the RP, and overkilled him so hard.

Some context, I was a new GM, didn't know how to deal with problem players (I still have trouble, but hey, I'm too nice, what can I say?). I controlled the main villian, the other GM had the Captain Commander. There was this guy who wanted an evolution of shinigami, to be stronger. I rejected them being stronger, but let him come anyways. His writing was terrible til in the end we just said screw it and kicked him. However, that left his character as a captain. So the Rp's villain, who was a shinigami, confronted his character, and asked 'so how are you stronger than a shinigami'? Kicked him through a wall, stabbed him, then blew him up with enough power to level an area... 3 times. There wasn't a body. Just a necklace. 

Wasn't done having fun. So took the characters necklace, walked up to the NEW Captain Commander's quarters, and said he had an appointment. He walked in, the Captain Commander immediately recognized him, and was getting ready for a fight.

The villain replied 'oh, I'm not here to fight, just dropping something off.' He then tossed the necklace, noted he was in the area that just blew up, baiting him about the captain he'd killed. The CC then attacked, and he countered, causing an explosion. The explosion crippled his NPC lieutenant. The villain then ran like hell out the quarters, getting away, and traumatizing him. My Rp of course was killed shortly after.


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