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Because Pensees was already taken.

This is my NEW AND IMPROVED poetry thread. Welcome, one and all. Here I shall post stuff wot I did.

Why am I re-posting? Well, the old thread is pretty old (duh) and I'm shamelessly taking advantage of the notification system to infiltrate your consciousnesses with beautiful things. tl;dr I want more exposure.

If you'd like, you can find the old thread
here. I will certainly be re-posting most of those in addition to what you see here, but ideally after some editing to improve them.

Without further ado, the directory.


1Searching the Attic
Thoughts on I95
2A Love Letter From the Surgeon
3Dirge of an Out-of-Season Dandelion
Taking the Long Way
4Like a Skyscraper
5What Once Was Mine
Thoughts While Helping My Brother With Homework
6Thoughts Right After
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Searching the Attic

You are the bug I crushed underfoot in the fourth grade,

not out of carelessness but after long observation.

You are the fire ant I set on fire; I,

a giant eye in the magnifying glass,

my first instinct on finding a slug

being to get the salt, but

you milk aphids the same way I milk cows.

The only one who will remember you is me, years later,

finding your delicate exoskeleton in an old scrapbook.

by Anomaly

Thoughts on I95

we went seventy eighty

ninety five miles an hour

hands rising boldly from the open top like towers against the wind

blonde and brown curls entangling like the strings of my headphones

just as reluctant to disengage themselves

driven by the coffee bittersweet awareness

of only half an hour left

driven by a sense of urgency

to fly off the fast lane

and away from the goodbyes we hurtled toward

by Anomaly

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A Love Letter From the Surgeon

I put my head to your chest

and listen to the four-chambered organ

rattling against your ribcage,

like a prisoner in the next cell over.

I tap on your shoulder in time

with that beat. I want to break in,

tear down what walls remain between us,

peel back your bones and swim

inside your heart. Give me a scalpel,

and I would cut off the casual

T-shirt, and through the formal

skin, inside to what is alive and pulsing.

I don’t think you understand – I’m symptomatic.

I’m find I'm short of breath, and my fingers

are twitching in the strangest way. I want

to explore you, the ventricles and atria-

I want to run

my hands down your muscle

fibers, I want to go

for your jugulars.

I want

to get inside.

by Anomaly

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Dirge of an Out-of-Season Dandelion

It was easier, she muses,

when she was ten and it was summer,

and these things were everywhere.

But she is eighteen and January

is giving her its dying breaths.

To wish for happiness is

a cop-out, she decides.

She wishes instead to know

what to wish for, and blows hard.

One small seed remains in the aftermath,

waving at her in the breeze like the arm of a friend.

by Anomaly

Taking the Long Way

My sister had a gravestone.

I had a book of prayer.

I could have asked her the hard questions.

Instead: celebrity gossip.

by Anomaly

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Like a Skyscraper

when i was nine years old i wanted to be everything and i was afraid of the dark and of getting lost. ten years later, little has changed.

when You

speak, every word

is a step to the guillotine.

clockhands spin three quarter time

and the free verse poet begins to rhyme

these things do not permeate my thoughts, nor

can i explain myself to You. i only know that i have died

many times over since late august, and that another girl grows

in the dark and ugly womb of my heart. she is not me, and i am not me.

we are a doll subject to the evils of innocence, curiously torn apart so a child

may find i am hollow. i was magnificent, do You understand? and never once did i

write poems scattered and unhinged. scrape me out, pour into me. it is just too late to be

whole without a core full of You, when i am just an origami girl.
build me up, and tear me down…

by Anomaly

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What Once Was Mine

You matched my humor, when

we did manage to speak. I could not keep up with

how closely each Romantic language recalls Latin, so

I let my quiet place beside you as you strummed


I had filled a role once: the writer,

all pen elitism and 4.2 GPA, but then I dropped out of college.

I still had my ink stains until you

fired the gun for a race I didn’t know I was in

and at a place I didn’t know was in danger. Still, timelines are funny;

your beginning began long before mine, so

you deserve to be the poet aunts and uncles coo over on Facebook.

But I am so tired of family reunions.

I fill a role now: the fuck up.

I hid in your glow - I had only wanted some small share.

Of course you left early, taking your acoustic guitar

and your intelligent conversation

and your publishings

and your grace

with you.

by Anomaly

Thoughts While Helping My Brother With Homework

Math has never been my thing, but this

is all quantity, no quality. My date last week

went well, fractionally

representing the greater area of this function

over the one I have broken, but the ratio feels off.

I try doing the math - 1 ocean, 2 countries, 3 hearts,

4 thousand miles, and infinities

within every moment I am yours. Yeah,

I can't figure out y either.

There must be a formula for this; loss of momentum plus

a growing need for attention plus

the wrenching pull of the void between us.

Such detached measurements have never filled me

like empty shelves or your rare smile could, but detached

fits, at least. I drift a path no equation could define,

looking for the intersection.



Interesting poems, are we free to post some we know, or have made up.

P.S. :P sorry, I had to. Evil instinct you know.
Unfortunately this thread is intended solely for showcasing my poetry. Feel free to post your own thread in the Creativity forums!
Thoughts Right After

Spelling ghostwords on your shoulder here

in the shower, finger parting

running water. Entire poems here,

across your back, collected

over afterglow and afterglow again,

most never to leave for the page.

Here there is no

search for a muse, no

need for inspiration, no

reach for renown. No,

here there is skin, meeting soul,

meeting quiet jubilation.

by Anomaly


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