This is so exciting!!!


Hi there! (o'v'o)

I've been looking for a new base of operations for RPs ever since Neopets started going down the drain...and proboards just hasn't been doing it for me lately.

I started role playing when I was 11 years old, and I'm 24 now (omg I feel so old), so it definitely doesn't seem to be losing its luster any time soon. (<3)

Basically I can't wait to dive in and start creating some awesome stuff with y'all. (*U*)(music)

A little late, but hey there, Nen!

Welcome to RpN. c:

We have a fairly wide range of members with regards lots of things, including age (not naming names, but I have seen someone in their fifties here, and I actually believe them haha).

I also started out on Neo almost certainly when I was eleven. haha

So yeah!

Enjoy your stay and feel free to ask me any questions you may start having and I would be happy to answer. nwn !

You can tag me, just post here, PM me or leave a message on my profile (once you've gotten through the whole day old account/ten posts thing), or I could PM you if you would prefer...

we have so many options

*wiggles hands*
Hey there, Pine! Thank you so much for the warm welcome. ^^

And ahhh I get so nostalgic thinking back to my Neopets RPing days hahaha.

The huge array of options on this site is definitely one of the things that drew me towards it! RPing with someone in their fifties actually sounds like a lot of fun; makes me wonder what life experiences, etc. they brought to the table. :)

Anyhoo, if/when I have any questions, I'll come to you for sure. :D TY again!!
Were you usually in the threads or in the guilds? cx

I started out in the threads but became suuuuper immersed in the guilds after a year or two.

There are so many incredible graphic designer people on that site. ;w;

And I have to ask... were you there last night for the Neopocalypse? lol

But yeah, there's so many options here, it's really great.

No problemo ! nwn
I was aaaaaalways in the threads, haha. I found a few partners through them that I ended up RPing with over AIM for years after.

I miss some of the awesome 1x1's I used to have, which is another reason why I was drawn here. c:

And omg I know!! I'm just in awe of anyone with an ounce of skill in graphic design because I have none. x)

The Neopocalypse, oh lorddddd. I was on for a little while just lurking and cracking up at the utter insanity I found on the boards, hahaha.

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