This is not the end




What would happen, if you saw your family get killed, right infront of you, just because of you? You are the one to blame, and as you see them die, you blame yourself, and you feel the anger towards the ones who did the act. It's all your fault, It's because you didn't want to let yourself be taken away, it was because of your egoism, because you tought you were all you needed.

A set of six teens, three boys and three girls, went to a party. A normal club, msuic was blasting and you and your friends decided to go outside. Between chatter, a weird static noise was heard. You approached it, and there was a cave, with a faint blue glow.


Your curiousty got the best of you, and you decided to touch it. This thing looked like a brain, something simply out of this world, and you couldn't resist the opportunity. Your nose starts to bleed, and your body starts to move without control. You feel your eyes close, and you faint. It is morning, you and your friends are outside, what happened? You questioned yourself.

You escaped the place, and went with your lives, being closer and this was the center of the conversation for all those days. But, you didn't know, until a day, you figured out you could move things with your mind.

You didn't think of the consecounses, and went back to the site. You saw hundreds of cops, people searching the place, and they spotted your friends and you.

They took you hostage, they tested on you, they were way too curious on you to let you go, then, you went berzerk.


The city uproared, as you fought for your life, alongside those friends of yours, but, you were defeated, sooner or later. The goverment laughed at you, as they caught you once again, then, one by one, they excecuted your family. You cried, you tried to get free, but you couldn't. Then, you were shot in the head, and thrown away. But, you didn't die, the crystal saved you, and it gave you a second chance. You will fight, you will kill those people, as you said to yourself, with anger.



1.No one liners.

2.3 Lines minimum.

3. No bunnying, I'll tell you where the plot goes bit by bit.

4. Please, no gary and mary sues, this isn't directly a romance roleplay, but you can have a bit, put ''Kei is kool'' in your CS, anywhere
:) .



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