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Realistic or Modern This is not the end

Konako ran as fast as he could. He heard police sirens wailing as he ran through the forest, tripping up on the snow that covered the ground in a thick white blanket. He was surprised he could see with the combination of constant snow and the night sky. Trees flew down behind him as he tried so hard to escape the seemingly never ending onslaught of officers and soldiers who probably wanted to dissect him and his friends. It was only 10 minutes later when he hid in a bush that he cleaned the blood off his face and wrapped his jacket round his bullet wound.
-Anna Lyn-

Never ending.

Never ending was the forest in which she ran through to avoid the endless stream of officers and military personal who seemed to appear through the continual snowfall of that evening.

In front of her, the girl could make out Konako ahead of her, stumbling through the snow with the sole purpose of escape from their hunters. She could only guess at the others locations since the snow made it so hard to see and the pounding of her blood in her ears drowned out the sirens that lined the edge of the woods. Annas gut told her that she could stand and fight, hope for the best when the police caught her. But there was nothing but life as a test subject for her if she was caught.

Time swept past her as she laid on the speed, catching a group of men with tracker dogs entering the forest at a point in front of her through her thick dark eyelashes. Konako was out of sight, probably hiding or had turned another way. Shaking the thought of the others out of her mind, images of her families death filed in suite. Her chest heaved and she stumbled, bumping into a tree. Assaulted by her own memories. Giving her assailants the boost they would need to catch her, though Anna would never let that happen as long as she lived. Setting her jaw as she righted herself and tore off once more as gunfire ripped past her on her left. Then her right. Ripping into the bark of a tree she was near. The footsteps had stopped the moment she faltered metres back.

Naturally the girl dove for cover as a second array of lead ripped past, grazing her shoulder. Leaving a tear in the sweaters soft, plush fabric. Cold eyes peered into the space in which the gunfire came from. Spotting men reloading their guns. Taking their momentary distraction, Anna ran into the night. Before stopping many minutes later and climbing a large pine tree. Hoping it would prove as suitable cover for now. Frail fingers tucked the red locks of hair into a ponytail and pulled up her white jacket hood to hide the burst of colour among the foliage. Waiting for the officers to pass or an ally to join her. If they were still okay.

The wind blew harshly as he lay in hiding, his breath shaky as blood trickled out of his abdomen. He'd already got the bullet out, but that wouldn't be enough to help him. "Put pressure on it they said. I wouldn't die they said..." Konako mumbled, as he fell to the floor, his foot sticking out slightly for anyone to see. They had to have given up by now, he thought as blood trickled down him and onto the floor, thick red snow forming as he desperately waited for his friends.
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