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Thief of Hearts (Closed)

"I'm ok. Seriously. It's just a little s-scratch. " His lie was unsteady there and he knew it. Damien starts to push himself away. "its really nothing at all"
"Please Damien. If it was just a scratch then you shouldn't have a problem with letting me see it." Olivia would place her hand on his leg if it came down to it. "I'll show you my leg."
"H-Honestly.. I'm fine Olivi- Ow!~ OK that hurt." He frowns and he rolls up his pants. There was a very poor quality bandage wrap around his calf and blood was slowly leaking out. "See? its nothing "
Olivia gasped as she saw the wound. It was definitely more than "just a scratch." She gently placed a hand on it. "Damien! Did you get shot?" She asked with a firm and worried tone to her voice.
"We need to get that treated right away!" Olivia said, standing up and holding out a hand to help Damien up. "If we don't treat that, you'll be bed ridden and in pain!"
He looks at her with dull emotions. "Doesn't matter.. I'll be ok. it's not that bad." He wonders why she's so caring. Kinda annoying how much she cares about my well being
"It is bad!" Olivia said, taking his hand. "You're coming with me right now!" Why does he have to act so tough? He needs the treatment!
"Ok. Fine. Stop Nagging.." He said as he used her hand to help himself up. "so what now? Like should i just sleep it off?" Damien asked, seriously not knowing what to do or where should he go
"I'm taking you to get treatment. If you don't get any, I'll have to fire you." Olivia said, dragging him away towards the infirmary.
Olivia sat him down, and pulled up his pant leg, revealing the wound. A doctor came over, undid his bandage, and inspected his wound, trying to see if there was an exit wound.
Damien stares at Olivia the whole time, mainly not wanting to look at his wound. He notice something different about her. "Are you ok?..You look off.."
"What? No? I'm fine, just worried about you." Olivia said, taking his hand as the doctor grabbed something to take the bullet out. "Just keep looking at me.*
A nurse force some liquid medicine into his mouth and He starts coughing. "What the bloody hell was that?" The nurse replied that it was medicine to make the pain go numb and he starts to feel wheezy as it quickly take effect. Damien looks at Olivia. "You have~ Beauuuuutiful eyes~"
Olivia blushed slightly and smiled. "Thank you." She said softly, aware that the pain killers were making him say these things. However, she did not let go of his warm hand, rubbing her thumb along the back of it. The doctor reached into the wounds, and pulled the bullet out. When he was done, he cleaned the wound and wrapped it up. "Lay him down for an hour or so, then the effects should be gone." Olivia nodded and helped him up.
Damien's personality seemed to change completely. He starts giggling at every other word that the doctor said. He smiles brightly at Olivia while she helps me up. "I didn't know angels fly so low to the ground.. are you my beautiful guardian angel?"
Olivia blushed more. "Yes, I am. Now follow me." She said, leading him away from the doctors and back towards her room.
"But I wanna stay over heree~" He says as he pointed a random direction while he was walking to Olivia's room. He sees Rose sleeping on Olivia's bed and he says. "shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. There's a little girl on the bed." He stumbled and fell on top of Olivia. He was on top of her and he starts laughing. "I really like you, my guardian Angel."
Olivia smiled at the sleeping rose. "How cute." She said quietly, squeaking in surprise as Damien fell on her. "Thank you." She said, but couldn't push hm of. She didn't have the strength.
"You're so beautiful~" He was so close to her and he was lost in her eyes, "so caring.." The drugs was making him act all weird and his head felt like it was foggy. The wound on his leg was stinging him a little bit.
Olivia brought her hands up to his chest, meaning to push away, but couldn't. "Damien, you're very loopy. We should lay you down." She said, blushing.
"how about I'll lay down on you?" He smiles. "grrrrr you can lay on me.." Damien lays on the floor but he picked up olivia and hugged her while he was laying down. "Let's sleep like this~"

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