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Thief of Hearts (Closed)

Olivia nodded and patted her head before standing up. She walked over to Damien and stood over him. "What was it like, outside of your house?" She asked, curious as to what happened.
"it was-...well... there was a few guys who was trying to break in out house. Our neighbor fought with them and thats when Rose called me. By the time I got there, about 2 people was killed and one of the guys was kidnapping Rose." Damien glares at Rose, angrily because she didn't even bother to hide.

"eek! Sorry! I'm Sorryyyy~ I thought that the guy was you and I wanted to-" She stopped talking, knowing that her talking is making things worst.
Olivia's eyes filled with sadness, and she brought her hand to her mouth. "That's horrible!" She said, frowning. Was it really that violent? Maybe I should go out there sometime... "But I'm glad you two are ok. If you wish, you can stay in the castle for awhile, where it's safe."
"well, I don't know if big brother is alright. He had to hurt those bad people to help me... Oh my god! Can we stay here?" She smiles brightly and looks at Damien with puppy eyes. "Pleassssssssssee?"

"I rather not.. I didn't apply for a full time job here.. I only put down part time.." Damien sees Rose's smile turned into a frown but He didn't care one bit. He crosses his arms and looks away. "Besides, the princess would be annoyed by me even more than she was. "
"No, please, I insist. It's very dangerous out there and I really don't want either of you getting hurt." She pleaded. "And I won't get annoyed, I actually enjoy your company. And you'll work normal hours!"
"hmm.. To me it's more like.. Is it safe for you to have someone like me around your castle at night." He gives a seductive smirk and he winks at her. "does this change your innocent mind, Princess?"

"uh.. does this mean that we are staying here?" Rose asked, not understanding the situation. She decides to play with her hair again and stay quiet.
Olivia blushed at him comment and shook her head. "Not one bit." She said, walking away from him and taking a seat on her bed.
Damien closes his eyes. "I guess... It would be fun staying here for a few days.." He peeks open one eye to look at Olivia. "Don't worry. I won't do anything to you.. unless you want me to."

Olivia blushed even more. "Only time will tell." We should t be talking like this in front of a child! She scolded herself, but kept a smile on the outside. "Rose, you have free access to anything in the castle. And you don't have to work. Enjoy yourself." She said happily, still blushing.
"I'll be in this castle anyways if you need me. " He sticks his tongue out at her, teasing Olivia. He then rolls his eyes when he started talking to Rose. Seriously.. Why can't Rose sit at home and just play by herself and watch a movie or sometime. Honestly, I want her to be kick out of this castle. That little freak..

Rose smiles at her, not understanding the conversation between Olivia and Damien. She took it as if maybe its work related. "okey dokey~ thank you!" She went to go hug Olivia and giggled. "Hehe you're face is red like a cherry. How do you do that?"
Olivia looked down at Rose, and hugged her back. "It's a grownup thing. You'll learn it when you're older." She said, smiling down at her.
Damien sighs and gets up from the chair. He slowly walks out the room and stayed outside in the hall. He sits on the floor and rubs his eyes. He looks at the servants running back and forth through the halls, working hard in keeping the castle organized.

She watches Damien walking out and then she looks over at Olivia. "I like you~ want to be my best friend?" Rose smiles brightly.
Olivia watched Damien leave, then turned her attention to the little girl. "Of course I want to be your best friend!" She said happily, gently patting her head. She took a seat on her bed and patted the spot next to her, beckoning for arose to come up and join her.
"Yay!" Rose sits right next to her. "By the way, Damien likes being alone. He probably craves it right now cause he was with people all day." She smiles at Olivia and then she spoke quietly. "Wanna hear a secret?"
Olivia tilted her head and nodded. "What's the secret?" She asked, leaning her head down so Rose could whisper it to her.
"I can talk to animals.." She giggles but she was completely serious. "People think that I'm crazy though... But I'm not. I was born with the gift of animal speaking.. Do you have a gift like that?" Rose bounces up and down. "Tell me a secret now. We are best friends so we can tell each other everything."
Olivia's eyes widened. "Can you actually talk to animals? That's so cool!" She said, believing Rose. She tends to believe what most people say. "Now I have to tell you a secret?" Olivia thought for a few moments before deciding. "This is a small one, but I think your brother is cute." She said, blushing softly. "Don't tell him."
"Hehe Thanks, Talking to animals is fun.. especially with Birds! They like to gossip. Hehehe" She gave a confused look and points at the door. "You think he's cute?" Rose Whispered back at her. "Damien is so not cute. Bunnies are cute. Damien is not a bunny. Though He does look kinda cute when I force him to wear a bunny ears headband." She giggles. "we should dare them to wear it for a whole day."
Olivia giggled and nodded. "He'd be out of this castle before you could put them on!" She said, thinking of what Damien would look like with ears. "Or knowing him, force me to wear them instead, except if actually look cute in them." She was so happy that Damien brought Rose along. She loved to talk and play with kids, as they were so funny to her.
" Well, He hurt his leg today sooooooooo~ He can't run away. Mwhehehehe" She attempted a evil laugh but it sounded too cute to be evil. "I have a brilliant idea! Lets have a bunny ears party! We can wear pretty dresses and wear shoes and like have bunny ears. Damien would look great in a black dress with white lace on it!" Rose giggles and looks at the door. "Big brother is really taking his time out there."
"Yes! We will have a bunny party, but later." Olivia said, and couldn't help but laugh at her "evil" laugh. She's never heard anything that adorable. "But yeah, you're right. He is taking his time. Stay here, I'll check on him. If you find anything in here you like, go ahead and play with it." She said, standing up. Olivia patted her head quickly before leaving the room, looking down at Damien. She was worried for him. Did something happen at his house? She sat close to him. "Are you ok?"
(sorry I was face timing with my friend >.<)

"Hmm?" He looked over at Olivia and gave her a faint smile. "Yea. I'm Fine. Why?" He lies through his teeth, so smoothly and calm. He was such a great liar. Damien fakes yawns, "Just Tired, ya know.. And i just wanted you to meet my sis.."
"Oh, ok." Olivia said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Your sister is very fun. We've decided that we are going to have a bunny party with ears and dresses. She wants to dress you up, but I've got your back." She said, laughing at the idea of Damien in a dress.
"Not like it never happened before- wait a dress as well? why would she.. agh.. I can't" He starts to let out a small laugh. "She's so annoying sometimes. Well, all the time." He was about to get off the floor but his leg was so stiff that he didn't even want to move, so he stayed on the ground.
Olivia smiled and took her hand off of his leg. "Hey, she also told me that you hurt your leg." She said, her smile turning to a serious look. "May I see?"

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