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Fandom thesaltiestpotato and kiri in (Love on the seas)a one piece rp


The blood elf hunter

They say love on the sea happens like magic. And it hit the sunny like a battleship. It all began In the seas. Their was a marine controlled shipand they had a hostage. The princess of Hoshido and ex pirate bounty hunter Kirisuto Nagano.. and her best friend. They say she ate a magical fruit that makes her singing effect peoples emotions and ear drums as well so they locked her in a room where none of the crew can hear her.She decided to take a risk. She looked at the hold and saw a strange ship with a straw hat flag. "One shot for help.." She whispered and she took a breath then the rare devil fruit in her the singing ones power began to take effect as she sang the song of the day she and her crush zoro were separated during a battle and he had no choice but to leave her behind then. "Even if the sea is rough and he is pushing me violently towards defeat, I look in your eyes love I do struggle with the strength that i lost! For every time I fall I can get up and keep well the promise I made to a voice sincere believing in love. It's an incandescent light that heats more than the sun, so clear that reveals the reality! Voices united to sing to defeat the silence ,will be strong , it will be clear the truth! Look in a mirror your reflection is clear and all this will be! It will be the strong beat of love It gives us the strength and the hope to address this storm brings with it the strong wind that surprises us from the sea! But by joining our swords and voices in a song. You will feel deep truest heart. I only want to fight for you and I want to be the strong beat of love with you.Can you feel it! Can you feel it..then come find me.." One of the sailors went over to her to slap her "Shut up nobody can hear you for miles!" But that sailor was wrong the straw hat crew did hear her and everyone was looking at that ship. Nami looked curious. "Hey isn't that a marines ship?" Sanji nods "Yes i wonder why it is here..And if that beautiful voice is coming from it." Luffy noticed Zoro acting very odd the moment they song was being heard. "Hey zoro you okay?"

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