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Fantasy There's a new Alice? Closed Roleplay


She spiraled her thin body a bit so that she was now lying on her back while she relaxed herself with a sigh, her pitch black hair spewed along the cold material as if it was liquid on tile. The pen stayed in her hand before it was carefully balanced on her nose, Elizabeth filled her mouth with air causing her cheeks to raise in color and expand a bit like balloons, her own eyes crossed before she looked back at Ben playfully, blowing out the air.

"Because you're the Mad Hatter! You can blend in well, you make things happen"
Ben stayed quiet idly running his hand through his hair - a habit he was trying to get rid of. Speaking of hair he frowned as he stared at Elizabeth's hair, which was very messy. He smirked and made a 'come here' motion with his hand, this would waste some time away until the guard came back.
Elizabeth cocked her head at the detective in curiosity of his silence, did he not like his compliment? Perhaps he found it a bit lacking in the creative department and wished for something with a bit more piazzas? That in itself seemed like something that a Mad Hatter would crave so it wouldn't surprise her if that was what he wanted from her. Slowly, she lifted her body causing her ever long hair to stick up in some places from being spread out from her laying herself on the ground it didn't really matter to Elizabeth though so she crawled on her knees so that she was now in front of Ben with a puzzled yet amused smile on her face.
He let a hand fall through her hair, grooming it gently. He looked down at Elizabeth, her black hair sticking all over, her expression curious - it was really quite cute. It irked him for some reason that messy hair, he was never really a clean freak it just made him irritated. He found himself humming an incoherent tune he couldn't recall hearing, but it was surprisingly melodic.
Elizabeth felt his hand land on her head, and her eyes widened at bit before she became accustom to the foreign feeling warmth, simply leaning into the warmth of it even though she didn't quite understand what was happening. Her father, though he loved her very much and did all he felt was needed of him, didn't hold her her much after she had grown larger, and it was no secret that her mother was doing no such thing, though the strangeness she was feeling currently made her stare up at Benjamin with even more curiosity than before. Her body began to lean down so that she was now sitting cross legged on the ground closer to her Hatter listening to his tune with a smile.

"I don't know that tune Hatter what is it? And when are we leaving?"
Ben was broken out of his trance by Elizabeth's voice, "I'm not su-" He started but was interrupted by the door opening the guard and a doctor stepping in.

"She can leave now, and you did read the waivers correct?"

The doctor directed the question towards Ben who nodded, "Yes I did, I'm in charge of her as her 'Guardian'." He recited, it's not like anything would happen. The doctor gave a nod before walking out with the guard. The detective looked down to Elizabeth, "Well I guess we're going right now." He spoke mirthfully.
Her body jumped a bit the sudden intrusion of the guards and doctors but it relaxed once she could register them though because she knew they weren't really a threat to her none of them were as long as she had Hatter, with that thought in mind she stuck out a bit of her tongue at them and waved her hand.

"Hatter, you wouldn't be my guardian, if anything Katze would be.. Hatter is a super, merry, eccentric friend"

Elizabeth nodded at her explanation, rolling her eyes up as she thought about it more, Katze was always sort of with her, even when she didn't know about her destiny as Alice, how she and her friends would soon meet and make it to Wonderland. Her brown eyes sparkled at the thought as she sighed in anticipation, the closer she got to seeing them all, the sooner she'd be with them all and Hatter could meet them as well, and that would just be grand!

"Also..Do you suppose I could get my book back? The police took my book when they took me from my Aunts home."
Ben chuckled, "Yes, yes I would be your friend." He said, before getting up. Before he could start off to the door with her, she asked for her book which was probably in police custody.

"I have a copy of the book Alice, you can borrow it for a while."

He said to her grasping her hand walking towards the door. Another thing he'd have to add to his growing list of things he needed to do. Now he'd just need to get to his apartment, It was surprisingly close to this mental hospital thankfully.
Her head quickly shook when Benjamin suggested using another copy of Alice In Wonderland instead of her own, it wasn't about the tale that it told it was about the feeling of the leather bound cover that at times could smell of cherry scented cigarettes that her father would smoke, it would be faint but it was most definitely there that much she knew. All that Elizabeth could think about was how she wanted it back, her face settled in a pout as her lips began to purse slightly, in sequence she rose from the cold ground to Benjamin, 'it wasn't fair' she thought 'I want my book, I want it now.'

Breaking through her cloud of thoughts Elizabeth pulled her hand away from the detective much harsher than she had originally intended, it was only a bad reaction though she felt guilty for her actions quickly looking down at the ground before taking a deep breath and smiling at the Hatter as she continued her way forward tossing her hand up in a shrugging motion.

"That's okay, I'll just wait for all of us to meet, then I'll have the real story right in front of me!"
Her face turned into a pout after she registered what the detective said. Ben's eyes widen in surprise when Elizabeth pulled her hand away roughly before looking down at her feet guilty. But soon after she looked up smiling brightly and shrugging while talking about their 'group'.

"Whatever makes you happy."

He said softly hoping no one heard him it would be his eternal shame. As she followed him he opened the door of the hospital a biting wind blowing into them. He let out a shaky breath before looking over to Elizabeth to see how she was doing - he was ready to take off his coat to offer to her.
" You, Time, and Katze make me happy "

Her black sole shoes took light steps on the harsh tile pale marble hospital floor, as she spoke she began to picture them all together as one big family, resting in Wonderland however way they got there. Elizabeth looked back at the hospital, her brown eyes taking in the ever repetitive nature of a place like this, the receptionist watched them as they existed the building.

Between Elizabeths dark brown ones and her own light blues she felt strange as they locked before she turned her head following Benjamin out of the sufficating place. As soon as they walked out of the place it surprised Elizabeth that such a frosty wind blew by them, a shiver ran through her from the breeze, and she brought her long hair to her sides to warm her a bit.
His eyes wandered the dark street while keeping a hand around Elizabeths. Walking down the street Ben saw his apartment complex coming up with its dull gray walls. He led her towards his apartment, thankfully on the first floor. Stifling a yawn he took out his keys and unlocked the door.

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