There Will Be Blood

laurel floral

I'm the mother flippin' Rhymenocerous.
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Face Claim:

Distinguishing Marks:


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Short Biography:

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This Idiot

Name: Adira Rose

Nickname: Adira?

Age: 17

Grade: 12

Birthday: August 30th, 1997

Face Claim:

Her, I guess.

Personality: witty, sarcastic, intelligent, crazy, kind of weird, loves to write about horror things, she's just odd okay.

That it all.


The Level-Headed Friend



: Magdalena Marie Moss.


: "Maggie."


: Eighteen.


: 12th.


: December 6th, 1996.


Face Claim

: Alison Sudol.

Distinguishing Marks

: Dimples when she smiles. A few freckles here and there.


In comparison to her best friend, Adira, she is a lot more level-headed and even a bit quiet at times. She doesn't really like being alone, however, even as she's grown accustomed to it with her parents' odd hours at the hospital. When with people she knows, she can be a little loud and obnoxious here and there, but outside of her comfort zone, she's calm and sensible.

Short Biography:

Maggie is the only child to a pair of middle-aged parents, both whom are in the medical field, her father, a paramedic, and her mother, a trauma surgeon. They've moved around a lot because her parents have been at the height of their career and have been promoted and offered jobs at different hospitals. Because her parents work so much, she's often alone, but she lives in style with the money they get with their well-paid jobs. She's never been hungry or cold, and she's really appreciative of that. At school, her grades are pretty clean and she's a good tutor when someone needs help in a subject. Senior year has been pretty good... So far.


She's been best friends with Adira since she moved to her current residence. They hit it off pretty quickly after she moved in because they were neighbors and found common interests. She also likes horror movies, but is a bit shaky all the same; living alone, she's had a lot of time to watch them, but it also increases the scare-factor when you watch it by yourself.



The Kidnapper With A Cause



: Paxton Blake Tortorella.


: "Pax" or "Tortilla."


: Nineteen.


: Graduated.


: April 1st, 1994.


Face Claim

: Adam Brody.

Distinguishing Marks

: Silky, dark hair. Elusive smile.


Paxton is the odd one. He can't go about things in a straight-forward manner. He doesn't necessarily enjoy making things complicated, but they just happen that way, unfortunately. He's nice enough, but his approach to things makes him seem a little bitter or mean, even a bit deranged. Thankful enough, he's none of these things. Pax is just an odd person.

Short Biography:

The lad was born to an unlikely couple: a college Professor of Law and a waitress at a local diner. His father, Professor Alexander Ulrich, was incredibly intelligent and his mother, Luciana Tortorella, was very kind and hard-working. Luckily for Paxton, he inherited all of these traits. After he was born, his parents married and settled down together and they took care of him and later, his younger sister, Marin. The marriage wasn't rough until the death of his younger sister when she passed away from an autoimmune disease at seven years old. Ten years old at the time, Pax took it rough as well. His parents separated and he lived with his mother, keeping her surname. As years passed, he switched between the households as it suited him.In present, he lives with his father, studying law and various subjects, training for a higher education.


He has a good relationship with both of his parents. He secretly wishes they'd remarry.
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