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Realistic or Modern There was a Flyer. - Blackwood Manor (Lore)



New Member
Looming over the trees, in the middle of nowhere, was Blackwood Manor. The walls burst with the history of those who once walked it’s stoney labyrinth and the air still waiting to be filled with the sound of those yet to make their mark here. Blackwood Manor was a place from story books, towering yet breathtaking, a building passed down through generations. A dense forest shrouds most of the Manor’s exterior, only those close enough to reach the edge of the grounds can fully take in the buildings beauty. It’s exterior, a stone, castle-like facade, topped by spires that seemed to reach the clouds. The atrium, consuming the right third of the building, glistens as the sun hits the glass. The grounds that surrounded the property appeared well manicured, the garden adorned with blooming flowers, and the orchard filled with the ripest fruit trees. Despite all the beauty that seemed to blossom here, there was an overwhelming silence that draped over the property. Legend says the manor used to be the setting for lavish gatherings, though not many people these days could attest to that.. Blackwood manor has sat empty for several decades, only the groundskeepers occasionally milling about outside. Until now.

It was a seemingly normal day in the small town outside of the forest which surrounded the manor. The trees danced in the fall breeze. The community went about its daily routine.

There was a flyer. Plastered across the top was the headline, “True Love”. There was to be a lottery in the community and neighboring towns, those families chosen would have the opportunity to send their eligible child, away from everyone they have ever known and without distraction, to chase after what most people only thought existed in fairy tales. The catch? The parents of the young adults who would participate would have a hand at choosing, unbeknown to their child, whom they thought best fit their idea of a perfect match. There were no guarantees though, no rules regarding who they could love. There was no fine print explaining what might happen if they were to fall in love with their selected partner, that remained a mystery, if there was anything at all. Perhaps, this was all just an elaborate social experiment.

Rules -

Follow all RPNation rules and ToS.

  1. No God-modding/power-playing/auto-hitting/whatever you want to call it. You control your character and no one else. You cannot kill another player’s character without their permission.
  2. Please try to be semi-literate. Posts should try to not be shorter than six sentences. I expect that posts will be shorter when the events are fast-paced but don’t be afraid to slow down and add details. ((A good policy when it comes to posting length: give what you get, i.e. if the person you’re playing with gives you a paragraph or more, don’t give them a few incomplete sentences in return, it’s rude and makes it hard to continue)).
  3. Mary/Gary-Sue type characters are discouraged, but not banned. Go ahead and make a perfect character, but don't be surprised when all the other characters find them to be annoying.
  4. Drama between players is not allowed. Characters can argue and hate each other all day/night long, but if you have an out of character disagreement going on then please take it elsewhere.
  5. Non-dramatic OOC talking is very much allowed as long as you use ((word)) to denote that you are out of character Feel free to chat with each other and help each other with character development or just say hi from time to time.
  6. Please be patient with others. Not everyone is at the same level of literacy as you.
**I reserve the right to add/change rules if it becomes necessary.**
**I will place all characters into a randomizer to select the pairs of the parents. This obviously will be something we are aware of OCC. It is your choice whether or not you want your character to pursue this random partner or if you prefer them to pursue someone of your own choosing! I expect the random selection not to be followed! It adds some mystery and drama to it all. Also, I will attempt to randomize the selections to fit sexual preference, but it may not be possible with every character. We can “cannon” this as “You’re parents aren't accepting of your sexuality” and in that case you are more than welcome to pursue the preference of your character!**

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