there is no force more powerful than a woman


(crush me)


Emilia Bailey Westwood

Pronunciation: ee-mee-lyaa

Nickname: just about everyone calls her Emily, unless she's at work in

which case some of the people she comes to know will continue to refer

to her by her full name - often to come across as patronising, which she

rightly ignores. Some closer people, including her older brother, will call

her Em, whilst her parents have a habit of continuing to call her Emmy.

Age: 27

Gender: female

Sexuality: homosexual


Appearance: at 5'8", Emily's height coincides well with her refusal

to stand small and submissive in the shadow of a man, meeting well

with most of them in terms of height. To those with common sense,

she is a worthy adversary with the face of an angel and the barbed

tongue of a demon. She is lean and well proportioned with striking

legs and an ample chest, but focus on her looks and you'll quickly miss

her rob you of your pride and dignity. She takes pride in heappearance

but it's for the benefit and satisfaction of herself, not the gaze of men who

get easily distracted and turned on by the sight of collarbones and



She has sun-kissed blonde hair that falls in a mess at her biceps,

although she keeps it up and out of her face should the situation

require it. It contrasts well with her pale skin, harsh against sunlight

and blending in with snow. To some she imitates a lifelike porcelain doll

but while porcelain dolls will shatter, Emily shan't even crack. Heeyes

are an astonishing blue, the colour of crashing waterfalls and clear skies

on summer days, yet remain as harsh as her agitated words and as

unintelligible as her character. 


Personality: in terms of personality, Emily is unpredictable but she will

very easily argue that unpredictable is good - it means, rather obviously,

that nobody can tell what you're going to do next and why would you want

them to know? Depending on how far down the rabbit hole you fall, Emily

can come across as either a good conversationalist, a sarcastic bitch or an

enigma wrapped in an oxymoron. She prefers to keep to herself and will

rarely interact with someone unless sufficiently prompted - she likes her

own company over that of others, finding their ability to hold a decent

conversation poor and preferring not to have to listen to idle gossip or get

involved in petty drama. At work she spends most of her time working in her

office, unsurprisingly alone, writing up notes and reading case files to pass

the time.


She wears her views on her sleeve, not ashamed to let anybody know when

she disagrees with them or when she finds their views absolutely abhorrent.

She believes that people are allowed their own opinions but only in regards

to ambiguous topics - sometimes your opinion is just wrong. As she prefers

to remain ambiguous - and mysterious - herself, Emily refrains from being

social with others, sometimes even when prompted, and prefers quieter

environments to more raucous ones although she will often frequent the

latter to achieve a distant sense of company. From first glance, especially

considering what she generally wears, she can appear haughty and stuck-up

or, depending on how one wishes to interpret her, conniving and bitchy. Both

assertions can be true, although it depends on who you are and how you

introduce yourself - first impressions are very important to Emily. It gives

her a chance to decide whether or not you can go screw yourself.


Emily generally takes quicker to women than she does men, although that's

mostly because she finds them very derogatory going from past experiences.

She has a very pronounced way of speaking, preferring to have more political

and logical conversations at first over casual ones although she will slip into the

art of mediocre conversation should you get along well enough with her for an

extended period of time. She also enjoys constructing tall stories and white lies

for her own amusement, although never anything drastic - again, she just prefers

to remain ambiguous and finds one of the easiest ways to achieve this is to never

give anyone a straight, or entirely truthful answer. Preying on the gullibility of

men is generally one of the more entertaining things in life.


Get to know her, however, and successfully become her friend, and you'll

begin to feel as though you know a completely different person. To Emily,

the outside world is a force to be reckoned with - the world is scared of

women so you should take it as a compliment when everything goes wrong

for you - and so she distances herself from everything to do with it. Enter

her world, however, and you'll see the true nature of the youngest Westwood.

She finds solace in the smallest and simplest things in life, appreciating all of

the things most people tend to ignore or take for granted - this is evident in

her actions when she's alone but you won't witness it yourself unless she

decides to let you in. Her sarcastic, short-tempered nature becomes a driving

force for her undeniable loyalty and her habit of quickly jumping to the

defence of her friends. Get on Emily's side and nobody will ever stand in

your way again.


She's romantic, thoughtful and finds her own happiness in making those she

cares for smile. Her small gestures can mean all the world to those who

receive them, mostly because it's relatively unheard of for her to do anything

for anyone. But if she loves you, or cares for you, she will take pride in giving

you things and doing anything to make you happy. One of her main goals in life

is to protect those who mean a great deal to her - even above herself. Whatever

she says, she means, so while she might be negative and cold to the majority

of people, this means that should she ever say something meaningful to you

then she's speaking the utmost truth.


Fears: death - specifically suffocation and being buried alive; conveyor

belts, saw mills and motorised saws - basically any kind of sharp object

that's motorised; helicopters; foggy graveyards at night.

Skills: arguing; ability to work well under pressure; analyses problems

and data very well meaning she's good at drawing accurate conclusions;

can read people with relative ease; pays attention to detail and makes

sure her own work/planning is correctly constructed; brainstorming;

confrontation; identifying flaws and/or problems.

Hobbies: walking; cycling - generally to and from work; playing softball

(for her workplace's team); reading and writing; general knowledge 

quizzes, puzzles and jigsaw's - only does the latter if she has enough

spare time; likes to doodle down the side of her notes.

Likes: long nights spent sleeping; regular coffee refills; the sound of

the city at nighttime - and other ambiences; early mornings in the

park; being buried under gloves, scarves and hats during winter time;

squirrels; guilty verdicts/successful court cases; the smell of ocean air;

perfectly silent libraries; the smell of both old and new books.

Dislikes: early mornings and late nights combined; being ordered

around; failed acts of justice; flat bike tires; witnessing the mistreatment

of any person - and animal - especially based on skin tone, religion,

sexuality and gender etc; sparklers; slow-moving traffic; gun laws and

violence in general; peanut butter; litter tarnishing the environment -

basically any form of pollution.

Dreams/Goals: she would like to settle down with someone but she

doesn't always really view it as an achievable goal, often believing long-

lasting love is a thing of fiction.


Role: Emily is a high end drinker who's fussy about her beverages and

wears  perhaps more formal clothing than necessary at a nightclub - she

doesn't socialise much with the staff or the other patrons, and doesn't

generally hang around for more than a couple of hours, never venturing

further than her usual seat at the bar - she's there so often they've gotten

used to reserving the seat for her, knowing she'll turn around and walk

right out again without buying anything should her spot be taken. She's

very quiet and very reserved but polite and a good conversationalist, if

she thinks someone's worth having a conversation with that is. She doesn't

drink anything that costs too little or tastes like diluted fruit juice, preferring

to stick to her high end wines and cocktails. She's never been seen drunk

and she generally leaves after five or six drinks. All anyone knows about

her is her first name and her profession, although the latter changes

depending on which staff member you ask - she's a prosecutor but according

to staff members she's either an accountant, travel agent or receptionist.


Biography: for the Westwoods, success and kindness have always been 

driving forces. The parents were less than fortunate yet discovered the

motivation to work their way to the top - the word quit didn't exist for them

as their failures turned into some of their greatest life lessons, teaching them

the vices and virtues of life and what would become of those who gave-up.

Their children were raised with all the right morals, taught to be grateful

for all that they had and to lend a hand to those who were unable to find the

driving forces they needed to help themselves succeed; they were beacons

of hope for the family's next generation, pushed to understand that if you

were determined then the world would always find a way to try and stop

you, but that didn't mean it would succeed.


Ryan took his family's beliefs as gospel from a very young age; he helped

the less fortunate and stood-up for people too meek to defend themselves.

He was bullied for being a pansy - for refusing to take the low road of

violence and forfeiting weekend parties spent drinking and preying on

drunk female classmates. He fell into the role of a counsellor, his ideals

a source he used to comfort others and expose those who struggled to

the wonders of the wide world around them. Five years older than his

sister, he explored the world before her at his parents' behest. While there

was no such thing as favouritism, he was the successor to the family values

and the one who cleared a path for his sister on the ladder of success.


But while Ryan climbed the ladder of success, soaring to the highest rung in

his bid to show the world that kindness didn't cost a thing, Emily built her

own ladder and climbed it with pure ease. From the first day she was

enrolled into school she realised the world was harder on a woman than it

was a man. Teachers expected girls to read books and wear pretty dresses,

not pick fights and play softball - she entered the world under the impression

that kindness was an entity of protection, and turned vengeful when it

became nothing but a laughable delusion. If her brother's route would not

get her ahead in life then she would make her own - and she did.


She spent her life defying expectations and showing people up, deciding

that anything a man could do she could do far better. There was no gray area

for Emily. You proved them wrong or you proved them right, there was no

in between. She harbours her parents' values, hiding them under tough skin

and a sharp tongue. For her, respect and kindness are things that are earned

 and deserved - if someone can't be kind and respectful to her then she won't

be kind and respectful back. Treat her like nothing but a pretty face and she

will show you just how ugly she can really be.

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