TheNew World Asylum

BloodiedMagpies submitted a new role play.




Redefined or Uncharted:

Powers and Abilities (Ignore if Redefined :P . Just put down what powers and abilities your character has, not too powerful please, and I'll put them into a number group):

Guard Rank (Ignore if Uncharted):



Love interest (Optional):

Anything else?:

Me first :D

Name: Alvia Yota

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Redefined or Uncharted: Uncharted

Powers and Abilities (Ignore if Redefined :P . Just put down what powers and abilities your character has, not too powerful please, and I'll put them into a number group): Can create an electric surge through the body which will hurt a lot if you're touching her as she does it.

Guard Rank (Ignore if Uncharted): N/A

Personality: Really kind to everyone but slightly crazy in the head, she really likes to play tip so she can zap people and jumpy when dosed if she starts a fight which isn't very often.

Appearance: A short girl (maybe 5'1?) with long black hair with yellow strands which she asked to put in because she thinks it shows how electricity flows through her. Grey (gray idk) eyes and pale skin (like a ghost).

Love interest (Optional): Not yet, hurhurhur

Anything else?: She really likes blue jellybeans and loves radios, give her a radio and she won't annoy anyone for a few hours (as long as the radio works).

Alvia's number is 001;0364 Yellow

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Name: (Doesn't have one) Goes by, Settoku (Meaning Persuasion :3)

Age: 15


Redefined or Uncharted: Uncharted

Powers and Abilities (Ignore if Redefined :P . Just put down what powers and abilities your character has, not too powerful please, and I'll put them into a number group): Persuasion and manipulation. Using just words, as long as you feel slightly towards what she says she can have you under her control, but only for that specific thing. She has high empathy, meaning often times she knows what you feel by looking at your face, from there its easier to manipulate you. From her empathy she can sometimes guess what your thinking based on your mood.

Guard Rank (Ignore if Uncharted):

Personality: She's wandered around for a bit, before being caught by the asylum. They placed her under green originally, only to find out she escaped using her ability on the people watching her. She's very heartless and cold, showing nothing in her own eyes, but being able to tell about other people through theirs, ironically. She doesn't have real emotions, however the thought of falling in love ever with someone makes her feel a tinge of fear and some guilt... She is very smart, on a whole other level, which allows for her ability to sometimes be stronger. She is also wise.


Love interest (Optional):
Not at the moment~

Anything else?: She has murdered many people before, not only with using her ability, but also by using her own hands and or a knife. She has a very old and gothic style.
Name: Xavier Jacrezz

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Redefined or Uncharted: Uncharted

Powers and Abilities: Dissapearing. He can vanish right in front of someone's eyes, then walk right past. To be able to disappear though he needs to know exactly who is watching him, and can max do it for ten minutes.

Guard Rank: N/A

Personality: Mostly he's quiet, which helps him not be as noticeable, but opens up around people he knows and trusts. When he is with people he trusts, he acts happy and bubbly, joking with them.

Appearance: Xavier has shortly cropped white hair, being told to dye it by guards so he sticks out more. His eyes are a crisp forest green and his skin is pale with a splash of freckles across his nose and cheeks. He also has his left ear pierced and has different coloured studs to match his mood.

Love interest (Optional): N/A

Anything else?: He actually doesn't like extreme violence, but is always trying to escape because he doesn't like being trapped and he also makes himself dissapear without knowing it every once in a while.
Name: Madelyn Dahanni

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Redefined or Uncharted: Uncharted

Powers and Abilities (Ignore if Redefined :P . Just put down what powers and abilities your character has, not too powerful please, and I'll put them into a number group): Weak telepathic and telekinesis powers, she has to concentrate hard when using her powers and often gets headaches after using them even for a short period of time

Guard Rank (Ignore if Uncharted): N/A

Personality: Madelyn is shy and insecure, she's relatively quiet and reserved, and is very sensitive to judgment and criticism. She has trouble letting people in and, as a result, doesn't have many friends. She is ashamed of both her weak powers, and having powers at all. She secretly wishes she was a Redefined, so she could be 'normal'.

Appearance: She is very tall for her age, and has pale skin covered in freckles. She has auburn hair that is up to her shoulders, and bangs that fall just under her light brown eyes.

Love interest (Optional): no one, yet

Anything else?: She loves reading fiction, especially old novels that survived through the nuclear gasses attack.
{Made a guard :D }

Conner O'Hanna

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Redefined or Uncharted: Redefined

Powers and Abilities: N/A

Guard Rank (Ignore if Uncharted): Uncharted Guard

Personality: Conner is actually not that mean to the Uncharteds unless they're hostile towards him. He's a stickler for rules and schedules and hates it when they aren't followed.

Appearance: He's just over 6 feet tall and has brown hair that's cut short so it stays out of his face. His eyes are a light blue, looking almost grey at times. Conner has two tattoos; one of a star on his shoulder blade (right) and one of barbed wire that looks like it wraps around his upper arm (right).

Love interest (Optional): None

Anything else?: He loves listening to music and is very good at using guns and, even though he doesn't like to, he will use them to stop an Uncharted if needed.
Name: Viktor Abbadon

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Redefined or Uncharted: Uncharted

Powers and Abilities: There are two parts to Viktor's abilities. The first is passive, allowing him to master any combat related activity extremely quickly and efficiently. He is versed in a ridiculous amount of fighting styles, both past and modern, able to use anything as a weapon. The second part of his ability is active. He can upgrade and improve things he uses as a weapon. Usually it affects the stability of the item and causes it to shatter to pieces some time later, but if he takes care in his processes it won't have this effect. While he has limited access to anything dangerous in the Asylum, he has learned to alter his body to an extent, making him harder to harm as well as hit harder, run faster, etc.

Personality: In a word? Aloof. Viktor is distant, but easy going. He takes life at his own pace, despite his 'predicament'. He was brought to the Asylum without a fight, but consistently complains about being here. He's arrogant and rather sure of himself, a feature that has inspired both like and dislike equally. While he's generally uninterested in what goes on that doesn't concern him, if something piques his interest he'll make it so it does involve him. Viktor hates being told what to do but usually does it anyways simply because it's less of a hassle. When angered, he can be quite cruel, but so long as he is in a 'good' mood he's generally pretty forgiving and merciful.

Appearance: While it's generally agreed he's not a very threatening man at first glance, standing at a fraction taller than average 5'11, lightly tanned skin, and a wiry build, closer inspection would see the strength in his build and the various scars he bears, suggesting he's tougher to deal with than what it would seem. His face is sharp and topped with a mess of shaggy, dull black hair as he doesn't bother to cut it until it gets overly annoying. He watches the world around him with hooded hazel eyes. His posture is terrible, rarely standing to his full height unless need be.

Love interest: Potatoes?

Anything else?: He has an unnatural fear of scissors, which is part of his excuse for his hair. Suffers from frequent nightmares and thus never wakes up on the 'right' side of the bed.

I hope that's all right. Let me know if it's too strong or anything.
Name: Sivas Cyan (usually goes by Siv)

Age: 19

Gender: male

Redefined or Uncharted: Uncharted

Powers and Abilities (Ignore if Redefined
:P . Just put down what powers and abilities your character has, not too powerful please, and I'll put them into a number group): By directly touching the skin of another with his hands Siv can gain control of their body. He also gains access to memories, enough that he is easily believable as them. However this leaves his true body quite helpless, any injuries he sustains the the other body he will still be able to feel when he returns to his own, and he will die to if the body he is in dies. To avoid this happening he is forced to wear speacial gauntlets that he cannot remove without a guard.

Guard Rank (Ignore if Uncharted)

Personality: Siv is an unusual person and his personality is hard to describe well. He smiles and laughs a lot often for no apparent reason. You can always tell when he looks at you because his gaze comes with an unsettling feeling. He speaks at odd times and what he says more often then not makes little to no sense. Though he tends to be nice enough. He moves slowly when he walks and such and he prefers to sit or lay down.

Appearance: Siv is quite thin, bony, and fairly pale giving him an over all frail appearance, but not so much that he looks sickly. He is average height and has quite long blonde hair. He rarely does more with his hair then keep it brushed, so it drapes down into his face and around his shoulders. His eyes are different colors the left is blue and the right green, they are also unnaturally bright.

Love interest (Optional): not yet

Anything else?: Siv likes to mumble complaints about his gauntlets implying That he is always looking for a way to remove them.

The gauntlets look something like this.


Name: Jordan Lee

Age: 20

Gender: male

Redefined or Uncharted: Redefined

Powers and Abilities (Ignore if Redefined
:P . Just put down what powers and abilities your character has, not too powerful please, and I'll put them into a number group):

Guard Rank (Ignore if Uncharted)
: Medicine

Personality: Jordan is plenty smart and is not shy about it. He often looks down on people and is really kind of a jerk. He's cynical caring mostly for what suites him, not caring if others take the fall for his deeds. He looks at everything like a test and lives by the every man for himself motto.


Love interest (Optional): not yet

Anything else?:
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Name: Auren Nexx

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Redefined or Uncharted: Uncharted

Powers and Abilities (Ignore if Redefined
:P . Just put down what powers and abilities your character has, not too powerful please, and I'll put them into a number group): Has the ability to control shadows themselves. This can range from creating solid weapons out of them to physically entering a shadow completely unnoticed, the latter being extremely taxing on himself. The range on his abilities is quite short so if there is no shadows directly near him, he's unable to do anything, however, if there is enough shadows or darkness around him he can become quite powerful.

Guard Rank (Ignore if Uncharted):

Personality: Auren can be a very upfront and straightforward type of guy. He'll tell you what's on his mind without a worry in the world. Auren can come off as harsh and unjust, but he's quite kind to those who stick around long enough to get close to them, though he does his best to not show himself as too soft.

Appearance: Auren is pretty tall, Standing a little above 6 feet tall, he has very sharp brown eyes. He's got long black hair, and wears just a regular pair of pants and just a black tee shirt usually. His jacket however has a chain going from the shoulders diagonal down his back from each corner. He wears a necklace of a dragons skull wrapped in chains, though weird, it's a very nice necklace.

Love interest (Optional): None at the moment, had a girlfriend for a long time, unknown to others what happened to her.

Anything else?: He can also have a very twisted sense of humor at times, ie, making people think he's crazy when they first meet him or stuff of a similar nature.
Name: (She doesn't have a name, but refers to herself as Purr.)

Age: 12

Gender: female

Redefined or Uncharted: Uncharted

Powers and Abilities (Ignore if Redefined :P . Just put down what powers and abilities your character has, not too powerful please, and I'll put them into a number group): Telekinesis and Shadow-manipulation. When she gets upset, scared, stressed or hurt, her surroundings darken, things tend to fly around or explode at random, her powers are very strong, she can't control her powers, they react to her emotions, and as she is mentally unstable, her emotions are very difficult to predict. the more emotional she gets, the stronger her powers, under extreme duress she has been known to pull apart entire buildings, and cause blackouts in an entire city block. She almost caused an earthquake once.

Guard Rank (Ignore if Uncharted)

Personality: She's sweet and docile when let to herself, tends to confuse people with voices in her head, and in turn, ignores them frequently. She has an affinity for darkness, and tends to get frightened in brightly lit spaces. But she likes to play, and make up stories, which don't tend to make any sense to anyone. She has nightmares, and hallucinations.

Appearance: Long Obsidian black hair, lily-white skin, her eyes are usually a greyish violet but glow red when her powers are active, she has the pointed teeth of a predator

Love interest (Optional): None.

Anything else?: Despite her teeth making her look like a carnivore, she refuses to eat meat. The only material that doesn't respond to her powers is iron. In fact, iron works as a sort of shield: her powers cannot pass through it. Her powers terrify her, which tends makes the resulting wreckage even worse.

This profile it open to changes, if any are necessary.
Given the unstablenesss of some of these characters, I imagine you have to try pretty hard to get a black rating.

And that was supposed to be ooc . . .
Haha yeah its pretty hard to get a Black or White rating

I'm focused on Personality and Power/Ability

Like if you have a mentally unstable, star fish regenerating and strong firepowered character it'd be a Black ranking

Invisibility and Mind control would be White

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
Name: Alissa Van Heimer

Age: 18

Gender: Female.

Redefined or Uncharted: Uncharted.

Powers and Abilities (Ignore if Redefined :P . Just put down what powers and abilities your character has, not too powerful please, and I'll put them into a number group): Shadow Control and Mind-Reading. She can also fly a little, and she is not always the nicest person to have around. Covers her enemies/people she doesn't want to talk to in a thin layer of shadow so it blocks their speech.

Guard Rank (Ignore if Uncharted):

Personality: Alissa is overall a nice girl. She is bubbly, happy, and sweet once you get to know her. but if you are a stranger she is protective and insane.

Appearance: (Sorry computer is jacked up, click the link)

Love interest (Optional): None yet <3

Anything else?: Nope :D
Name: Cat McPherson

Age: 23

Gender: Female.

Redefined or Uncharted: Redefined.

Powers and Abilities (Ignore if Redefined
:P . Just put down what powers and abilities your character has, not too powerful please, and I'll put them into a number group):

Guard Rank (Ignore if Uncharted): Uncharted Guard

Personality: Smart and sassy, she's not one to let a little bit of pain and blood get in the way of her doing her duty, she is loyal to a fault though, and will put a friend's needs over the requirements of her job.


Love interest (Optional): She's too busy with her career to worry about such things.

Anything else?: Her eyes are actually green, and she's is of Scottish descent of which she is very proud. She's planning to join the military, and hopes this job will be good work experience.
Name: Issler Asillia

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Redefined or Uncharted: Uncharted

Powers and Abilities: Can turn his body wholly or partially into water. he can grow in this form by absorbing nearby water, this has to be done by touch. He cant affect water vapour or water in living objects. he can change the shape and properties of the water while in this form. PH is limited from 4 to 10 and temp. is 5 to 95 degrees. if he is boiled he will die. if he is frozen unless he is defrosted within an hour he will die(water form only). He can also change the density, opacity and colour of the water.

Personality: He is very un-sociable and likes to keep himself to himself. as a result he isn't heared from for periods of time (i sometimes am away for a long time). Not much is known about issler, the only person who knew a lot about him was his dad(but he died a few years ago).one fact well known though is that he has two personalities(but he can keep the evil one at bay). his first personality is just like a normal teenager, but his second personality only really seems cheery (but sadistic and gory) when fighting. the rest of the time he seems depressed and unhappy.

Appearance: like ichigo from bleach but with dark brown hair and light blue eyes. A big difference though is that he is not very strong physically. he has lots of scars from all his fights

Love interest: none and not interested

Anything else?: not really but might add something later
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Name: Noah Hallucio

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Redefined or Uncharted: Uncharted

Powers and Abilities: Hallucination Inductions. Noah can induce hallucinations through direct eye contact. However he can only cause hallucinations to up to three people at one time. Also, a shock to the senses often break the hallucination. Guards often wear protective glasses when handling Noah and keep a blindfold around his head that he can't take off. He can see through it (with a slightly obscured vision) but it nullifies his hallucination abilities.

Guard Rank

Personality: Noah doesn't like to reveal his motives to others and typically keeps to himself. He often behaves and co-operates with the guards to avoid rough treatment. He often complains of the blindfold over his eyes and tries to persuade the guards to take it off.

Appearance: Medium gray hair that is often slightly messy due to his lack of want to fix it. He would much rather be left to his own thoughts. He is rather skinny and slender and isn't short nor tall. He stands at a medium height (5'6"ish.)

Love interest (Optional): It's unlikely he will find one in an Asylum

Anything else?: Most of his motives is for his own amusement. He doesn't necessarily want to escape the Asylum, but enjoys himself when it gets chaotic.

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