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Fandom The Zoula Region (Pokemon)


Reincarnated Tracer

The Zoula Region


The Zoula forest is a safe haven to Pokemon as trainers are unaware of Its' existence. The Zoula forest consists of a vast variety of Pokemon; from rock types to water types, It's expansion is almost endless. Within the Zoula forest lies three main areas- these areas are:

  • Mizua Lake (Miz-wah)- Mizua Lake is where most water types co-exist either within the lake itself or on the small surrounding shore. Mizua branches out into two separate rivers that travel the vast forest. One heading out west towards Kaisin (the fire region) and the other heading south, towards Boku (the grass region). Both Mizua lake and river have large access to most of the forest, and surrounding areas making the waters types the most versatile Pokemon in the forest.

  • Kaisin (Kai-sin)- Kaisin is a large area of the Zoula region as It's almost twice the size of Mizua Lake. Kaisin is a barren, and scorched land. Though Kaisin has two parts to it- the desert and the valley. The desert is exactly as it sounds, open, and sand covered. The valley however, is a valley made completely out of rock, hardly any water sources are to be found except for the rivers coming from Mizua Lake- however, due to the heated ground in Kaisin, small lakes are formed to create hotsprings. The fire types here have adapted to the environment, making their ability to survive without water much longer than most other Pokemon.

  • Boku (boh-koo)- Boku is by far the largest area of the Zoula region as It's size is almost as large as both Kaisin and Mizua combined. Boku contains many types of Pokemon, ranging from rock types, to fighting types, and even to ghost types, Boku is definitely an area with an immensely wide variety of Pokemon residing within it.

The Zoula Region will have a similar evnrionment to the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series.



-Mizua Lake is around half the size of Crater Lake in Oregon, US. If you decide to have your character reside in the Mizua Lake please make them a Pokemon that can walk around on land so you have the opportunity to interact with other Pokemon in different areas.

-If you wish to create a side plot, please tell me about it in either the 'overview' or the 'out-of-character' section.

-This section is somewhat of a WIP.
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Jera Jera sat at the border between both Boku and Mizua. For she was observing the reflection of the sun bouncing off of the lake's steady, yet ever-changing waters. This was one of the first times in a few days that she finally had the opportunity to be alone and to, therefore, think in the silence that her seclusion gave her. Of course, there were many other Pokémon within the lake before her, but very rarely would they come to the surface without a reason, depending on the species of Pokémon they were of course. Right now, though, it was silent and seemingly abandoned.

I picked a good day to come here, didn't I?" she mused, having closed her eyes as a soft wind rushed past the area. As the wind passed her, the small white ribbon attached to her dark gray horn moved along with her fur in the breeze.
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Aurin & Rio "Alright Rio! It's time for some adventure! I've got a brother to find and you've got a family tradition to uphold." Aurin chuckled and waited for Rio to respond. "Oh... okay. Let's go then Aurin. You know this part of the forest better than me. Lead the way." Aurin shook his head. "No can do friend, I've no clue where to start looking, so in the meantime it's your dream we'll follow. It's your time to shine." Aurin pranced around Rio and nudged him forward. "Let's go!" Rio stumbled forward at first and then nodded. "You're right, let's go... this'll be fun."
Lilly was walking around the forest, looking around, sniffing flowers, just enjoying her day.
Viola and Opal laid on the shore of Boku and Mizua Lake, they were quite happy with themselves, they were full and sleeping. It would be a matter of time before something turns up and wakes them up.
Brutus Brutus trekked through land in between Boku and Mizua Lake. He looked around trying to figure out if this was the spot, it looked right but the Pokémon he was sent to bring back wasn't there. With a soft growl and a small spark of flames leaving his mouth implying he was irritated.

"Wouldn't be the first time I was tricked...."

He simply shook the feeling off and was about to head back home when he spotted a Vaporeon. She looked lovely to him and he was now off work so he decided to approach. He hoped he wouldn't come off as a threat. He was actually very gentle and kind unlike other Houndoom, testing his waters he approached the mother.


Levi Levi ran around the middle land of Boku and Mizua, he happily chased after a fluff of cotton that had been picked up by the wind and followed after it in his zigzag running fashion.

However to his dismay the fluff had been whisked higher and higher before vanishing completely. Levi frowns, what was he supposed to play with now?

That's when he saw the young Absol, he raced over and said in a childlike way "Wanna play?"


Acheron Acheron laid stretched out on a stump in the forest of Boku, he loved the quite and the scent pine very much. It was relaxing and not to mention no one there to boss him around like his older brothers and sisters. He rolled over onto his back and stretched all three of his legs as his stump twinges as a phantom feeling of his paw washed over him but he knew better than to pay it any attention.

With a sigh he closed his eyes and waited for sleep to claim him.
Veronica and Opal Veronica opened her eyes a little bit, she saw a blurry black dog pokemon. 'Great, he wants to eat me.' She laid there, waiting for what happens next.

Opal woke and stretched, her eyes were still closed and her face looked like a cat's. She yawned and went back into motionlessness.

@Ashs Pikachu
Aizen Aizen woke and stretched preparing for a nice day, since it was his off day he decided to go down to the Mizua to talk to his friend Crocknaw who he's known since he was five, but hasn't seen in months. "I'll go and find him no matter what it takes" Aizen was well on his way to the lake in deep thought about what happened to his buddy.


Brutus watched the Eeveelution for a moment more stepping ever so slightly closer "Um hello." He said feeling shy as a light blush coated his cheeks and his eyes darted to the left.

"I hope I'm not intruding...." He said shuffling his paws.

Viola & Opal She opened her eyes completely, but still laid down. "No, I just sleep here every day with Opal. You're not going to eat me, doggy. Not even if you tried." Viola was always skeptical, anything can happen in the wild.

Opal stood up, her eyes barely open. When she saw a pokemon much larger than her, she freaked out and went to her mother. Holding on to her tightly.

"Look, now you scared her!" She nagged the Houndoom. She whispered many calming phrases like "It's ok, nothing can hurt you." to Opal frantically.

@Ashs Pikachu

Brutus opened his mouth to say something but seeing as he spooked the child he wasn't sure if that was such a good idea. Instead the lowered himself to the ground and wagged his devil like tail "Hey it's okay...I'm a good Pokémon. See." He said rolling over.

"I promise I'm not a bad guy." He says in a light voice, and rolled over once again however this time he misjudged the distance from land to water and fell into the lake with a splash.

He shot up his paws flailing comically as he frantically doggie paddles back to land.

Shaking he stood dripping breathing heavily before collapsing to the ground shaking "Oh by the way, I won't eat ya...I prefer Rattata. Though since I work as a solo recovery mission Pokémon I try not to eat other Pokémon. Besides fruit and berries are tastier."

Viola and Opal Opal calmed down, she giggled at the watered dog. The she proceeded to walk towards it and hug it's body with both arms, so she laid on top of him sideways.

"She can't talk yet, but she expresses how she feels very well."

"Eevee." Her cry let out, then she rested her head on the wet houndoom. She purred heavily.

@Ashs Pikachu

Brutus wags his tail enthusiastically, he was thrilled to have proven to the little Eevee that he was a good Pokémon "Awe you're a cute kid." He said smiling.

He turns to the Vaporeon nodding "My name's Brutus by the way."

Viola and Opal She stared at Opal, then went to the houndoom. "Viola, and you look a little wet there." She giggled and laid the same way on Brutus as Opal was doing. She absorbed the water and now he was dry. "Mmmm, that feels good... So what were you planning to do? I was just laying down, so I don't have much to do anyway."

Opal went off Brutus and sat down in a position where you can't see her arms or legs(loafed).

@Ashs Pikachu

Brutus relished in the feeling of having dry fur once more "Thanks. Oh, the thing I was doing here was supposed to be a rescue mission. I had gotten a letter from a Pichu claiming that his brother was here...Yet I don't see or smell any Pichu..." He said frowning.

"Its frustrating when I'm sent fake letters." He admits. He lowered his head onto his paws and watched Opal a bit before a smile found its way into his face once again "Viola, will you have Opal evolve into a Vaporeon as well?" He asked curiously. He wasn't sure how evolved Eevee choose what their kids become.

Ghasterical said:
Jera Jera sat at the border between both Boku and Mizua. For she was observing the reflection of the sun bouncing off of the lake's steady, yet ever-changing waters. This was one of the first times in a few days that she finally had the opportunity to be alone and to, therefore, think in the silence that her seclusion gave her. Of course, there were many other Pokémon within the lake before her, but very rarely would they come to the surface without a reason, depending on the species of Pokémon they were of course. Right now, though, it was silent and seemingly abandoned.
I picked a good day to come here, didn't I?" she mused, having closed her eyes as a soft wind rushed past the area. As the wind passed her, the small white ribbon attached to her dark gray horn moved along with her fur in the breeze.
Aurin & Rio "Waaaaaaaaaah!" Rio was screaming as he ran with Aurin away from the large Ariados that Aurin had upset. "Wooooohooooooo!" Aurin was laughing and looking behind himself constantly and couldn't help but smile unlike Rio who looked absolutely terrified. "Here's the plan Rio! On my mark we're going to turn around and you're going to Counter whatever it throws at you, then I'll come in with a Dark Pulse and follow up with a Fury Swipes!" Rio, too busy screaming nodded and stopped, turning to face the Ariados and used Counter. As the Ariados attacked him it staggered and Aurin did as he said, hitting the spider with a Dark Pulse and immediately pouncing upon it to use Fury Swipes. The Ariados, obviously annoyed with the pair, shook Aurin off and skittered back into the forest. Rio fell backwards into the grass and Aurin soon joined him. Laying down Rio was huffing and laughing slightly. "We did it... we're not dead." Aurin was laughing much louder however. "Yeah! That was awesome!"
@Pokedexbreederz @Ghasterical


Turning from the Absol due to the sudden commotion Levi turned his attention to the two Pokémon who had fought off the Ariados. His eyes wide in amazement at what he had seen.

With no warning zigzagging left and right he approached them and sat down near them "Whoa! You guys were so cool!" Levi said with large eyes shining. "Are you guys adventurers?" He asked his tail wagging quickly.

The Zigzagoon was too excited, he always wanted to meet adventurous Pokémon.

Tyr It had been a few days since Tyr had woken up, but he was still confused and had no idea where he was. As he stomped around, trying to find something significant in this barren wasteland the ground shook. He couldn't help it, he was just that heavy and large. Though being around creatures that were a fraction of his size bothered him and they all seemed to attack him. His foul mood was for a good reason. As he stomped around he spotted a lake in the far, far, FAR, distance. He was thirsty so he decided he'd head that way first. Stomping forward he began to speed up, getting used to moving once more until he was in a run. He'd reach the lake soon enough.
((Anyone who cares?))
Jera The serenity that Jera had previously felt whilst sitting near the lake's shore hadn't lasted for very long like she hoped it would. A Zigzagoon had raced up to her and asked her if she'd want to 'play' with him. Her eyes had only moved so she'd see the Zigzagoon on the corner of her field of vision, but as she was about to respond, the Zigzagoon raced away towards two Pokémon; a Riolu and Zorua, clearly having made a ruckus to attract his attention. She then raised herself up out of the way she'd been sitting to talk to the small Pokémon.

Boom. Boom. Boom, was the sound that was heard in the distance.

Hmm?' she questioned in thought. There was a loud booming in the distance, seeing to be approaching Mizua Lake at a running pace. Immediately, she took off in Its' direction, running rather fast as she was hoping to find the source of the strange and rather loud noise. 'What Pokémon could possibly be as large to make a sound like that?'

Ashs Pikachu] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35315-pokedexbreederz/ said:
@Pokedexbreederz[/URL] @Ghasterical

Turning from the Absol due to the sudden commotion Levi turned his attention to the two Pokémon who had fought off the Ariados. His eyes wide in amazement at what he had seen.

With no warning zigzagging left and right he approached them and sat down near them "Whoa! You guys were so cool!" Levi said with large eyes shining. "Are you guys adventurers?" He asked his tail wagging quickly.

The Zigzagoon was too excited, he always wanted to meet adventurous Pokémon.

Ghasterical said:
Jera The serenity that Jera had previously felt whilst sitting near the lake's shore hadn't lasted for very long like she hoped it would. A Zigzagoon had raced up to her and asked her if she'd want to 'play' with him. Her eyes had only moved so she'd see the Zigzagoon on the corner of her field of vision, but as she was about to respond, the Zigzagoon raced away towards two Pokémon; a Riolu and Zorua, clearly having made a ruckus to attract his attention. She then raised herself up out of the way she'd been sitting to talk to the small Pokémon.
Boom. Boom. Boom, was the sound that was heard in the distance.

Hmm?' she questioned in thought. There was a loud booming in the distance, seeing to be approaching Mizua Lake at a running pace. Immediately, she took off in Its' direction, running rather fast as she was hoping to find the source of the strange and rather loud noise. 'What Pokémon could possibly be as large to make a sound like that?'

Aurin & Rio Aurin stood up and looked at the Zigzagoon with a smile. "You could say we're something like that. We're on an adventure if that counts." Rio soon sat upright and looked back at the two. Noticing an Absol run away he figured out why. He could feel himself moving slightly as the ground shook. "Umm... I don't know if now's the time to have fun guys... what's making all the shaking?" Aurin looked back at his friend and scoffed, "Who cares? Actually, lets go check it out!" Instantly he ran off, chasing the Absol with Rio soon following, although reluctantly. Looking back Rio spoke to the Zigzagoon. "Seeya later!"

Tyr Tyr was used to the exhaustion by now, but he knew he could keep going. He was a Tyrantrum after all, a little running was nothing to him. As he was staring at the lake, which was coming ever so closer, he noticed several small figures of unfamiliar Pokémon. Not more of them... Can't I have a single day of peace where I don't have to worry about being attacked? Shaking his head he was in a foul mood once more. Using Rock Polish he began to speed up, to a point where he'd reach the Pokémon within the next few moments or so. He planned to run right past them though if he could avoid any confrontation.

Levi, curious of what was making the sound too quickly scampered after them. However the shaking ground made his awkward movements even more awkward. Yet he managed to tail behind them.

"What could be making the ground shake? Maybe it's a Snorlax?" He asked sounding out of breath "Or maybe a angry Onix who's underground?"

Whatever it was it sounded huge and mighty angry.

@Ghasterical @Pokedexbreederz
Viola and Opal Veronica made her choice about that question long before Opal was born. "When she gets old enough to talk, I will let her decide what to be. And she can also decide when. Opal right now... likes the way she is." Opal rolled on the floor and then took a nap.

"But I seem to be his only role model for now." Opal forgot one thing, she had to show it to the new friend. She walked up to Viola and stabbed the Vaporeon's body with her hand, it went through like water. Viola pushed Opal away as soon as she realized her body got penetrated. Opal landed on his side, smiling.

"Opal, no."

@Ashs Pikachu


Katie walked quietly across the large plain that she called home. It was a beautiful day outside, but she had no friends outside. At least none that she could see. Hopefully she could find something to do, whether it be with others or by herself.


Genevieve floated across the blistering desert. The heat didn't bother her considering she was only a simple Gastly. The heat never really had bothered her all that much although the sun kind of hurt her eyes. The only true reason she was out right now was sheer boredom. The little Gastly got bored pretty quickly and so she was always on the lookout for someone to mess with.


Brutus leaps to his paws not sure if what he had seen was what he was really looking at or witnessed. "Did Opal!? Did you just-...!?" The Houndoom seen some odd stuff throughout his life but this was by far the freakiest.

"Does that happen a lot? What ability is that!?" He asked. He wasn't sure if he was scared or mesmerized but when he seen he knew would stick with him now.

Maybe it was a new move or ability that only normal type get...He didn't know. But he knew he couldn't let Opal feel sadden by not seeming impressed so he smiled and wags his tail "That's a cool trick you got there Opal." He barks.

Viola and Opal She looked at him and saw him very confused. "It's not an ability, it's what I can do. It hurts though. My body is mostly water, so you're hand can stick through me like water. It really hurts though."

Opal just went to sleep like usual, ignoring the dog. She always sleeps in the middle of important things, yesterday Viola was telling her about how the world works and Opal dozed off. The day before, Viola tried to play with Opal, Opal did for a bit but eyes were shut a few minutes after. And the day before that, she was born.

@Ashs Pikachu

Venom Venom was wrapped on his tree, hungry for something to eat. He hadn't eaten since yesterday and was really ready to eat something. Even if it was another seviper. He spotted a kirlia walking near his tree. He talked slowly.

"Well well. If it isn't my prey."


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