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The Zombie Apocalypse

[Thank you for creating the topic! Sorry I haven't figured out anything on the site yet.]

Shannon clutched the pistol in her shaking hands, her back pressed against the flimsy glass door. Hands were banging in a steady rhythm against her back; she knew she couldn't move, or else the rest of the hands' dead bodies would pile into the building and harm the ones taking shelter there. Deep inside, Shannon knew she wasn't a hero. She was just another human who decided to pick up a weapon during this epidemic, and she thought she could get away with the knowledge she had from textbooks and comics on the zombie apocalypse. These people trusted her, though. From what Shannon could see over her shoulder, only a dozen more people had to evacuate through the back of the library and up the fire escape. Hopefully then someone would lead the rest to a safer outpost. Mothers took the hands of their children and brothers and sisters stuck together. Just as the last man exited, without a gesture to Shannon, the emergency door was slammed shut.
I looked at my rifle in my hand. I shot the zombies that came my way. We were forgotten. The door slammed shut but the glass broke when it slammed. Zombies were no longer drawn to us but the crowd of people trying to escaped. We needed a diversion I thought and thought. "Fireworks will do." He went in the room and found some firecrackers. What could he do with only five firecrackers? He strung them together to make a ultra cracker. He tied the fuses together and threw them in the opposite window. As they started popping he ran to the zombies and pulled out his baseball bat. He was sicken by all those globs of monster walking in a weird way. He was confused. Not everyone evacuated he eyed the girl with the pistol. He jumped off the railing and on to the zombies head crushing it. He ran with the rifle in one hand and the trigger in the other. What ever he was going to do it wasn't going to be infected. He ran to the girl as the zombies kept walking. He got the girl and picked her up opening up the emergency door. He shouted at the guider for not taking the girl.
Shannon yelped as the man grabbed her by the waist. The pistol in her hands dropped to the floor. She would have been fine to stay where she was; in fact, she was planning on running as soon as the others were safe, and she protested as the other dragged her away: "Let me go! Put me down!" The door she was guarding burst open and the zombies tumbled on top of each other, clawing at the carpet of the now empty library. She would have to mark this building as infected on her map later. She was pissed. She could've stayed and worked out a way to prevent the monsters from getting in if this man had left her to be. She hadn't realised he had only meant to save her, and he did. Any second longer and she would have been bitten.
I picked up the pistol gave it to the guider and busted the zombies skull with the rifle butt. I slabbed some zombie blood on me and went in the library. I wondered what would I be doing if I weren't in this situation. I walked to see the zombiefied people below. They were the survivors who became zombies. "WAIT NO WAIT WAIT DON'T BRING HER DOWN THERE!" I

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