The Zodiacs

Zodiac signs people all have their own zodiac but only 12 have the powers of their zodiac. You are one the the few. Your job now is to unite with the other zodiacs and defend the world from mystical creatures from many mythologies. When you wake you must head to canada in Montreal the southern border is where you meet the other zodiacs now awaken and leave on your journey. You awaken in your room to start your journey. You travel far to get to where you are supposed to be, you come into a mostly wooded area with 11 other zodiacs. They all have their sign on there hand.

Zayn was beaten and bruised from his journey their he was in a circle of 11 other people, 5 other guys and 6 girls, There was a floating and glowing orb in the middle humming noisily. Zayn saw that everyone had a sign on there hand that stood for zodiacs, he was the Gemini.

Natalia looked around the circle confused why had she had that dream and why had they been sent here she had a vision that it would happen. But she had alwawys had deja vu it was nothing new. But it was really kind of weird. She looked around the circle and saw a few cute faces and then an orb started floating it radiating a blue tint. Natalia gasped in awe and looked at the others.
Angeles gazes at the orb, brow furrowed in confusion. Her right hand's thumb stabs into her left palm, where her symbol is imprinted, an old habit that she'd had, as far as her mind can possibly go back. She gazes about the room, right hand now drumming a beat on her leg restlessly, not very phased by the orb, and wanting to get on with the whole thing already.
The glowing orb had Essence holding a bit of curiosity as she starred at it with a blank expression on her face; without another word she looked away and sat down with a yawn escaping from her lips. She was tired from her journey but her attention was on the other people who were around, her gray-blue eyes looked down at the Virgo sign on her hand. Looking back at the orb she began to wonder about the fate of her and these other zodiac holders.
Alex sighed as she leaned back on her left hand while she watched the weird blue orb float around. She looked around at the other people gathered around and decided to try her hand at being rational. "So, does anyone know what we're supposed to do now that the 12 zodiacs are in one place? Also do any of you have weird powers now?"
Leaning his back against the trunk of a large tree, Taren looked around at the circle of people noticing first that there were some very cute girls in this rag-tag bunch, second that everyone had a symbol on their hand. All different but by the same design, The Zodiac. Averting his eyes to the orb glowing in the center of the circle. This should be interesting, he thought as he tipped the bill of his hat down over his eyes, I guess now we play the waiting game.
Nerissa looked around at the other people who were also called to this place. They were all people that something different about them but shared something the same with the rest of us. She looked at her hand then at the the glowing orb, whats going to happen now? What will happen to them? She was curious and wondered why they were all destined to meet? She didn't recognized none of the faces and didn't know anybody but she saw a couple cute guys and made her blush. Nerissa plopped onto the ground and waited until someone else figured out what they were doing, she was too tired to figure it out.
The male's gaze bounced to each new person, it was all a bit much for the Taurus. The hand that wore the sign clenched and unclenched, hoping to feel its presence like a cut or sore. Nothing. Monty had been reminded of this several thousand times in his life but couldn't help to feel disappointment, after all if he was some powerful being shouldn't he be able to feel it within himself? He shook the thought away, refocusing and turning his optics to the female who spoke. He relaxed at the casual tone she had, at least these strangers didn't look like the dangerous sort. "Well if it's any consolation, I know about as much as you do about what we're all meant to do next."
The glow of the orb reflected off of Marisa's eyes, which were wide with awe. What was it going to do? Would it explain their purpose? Her concentration on the ball was broken as voices cut through the silence. She blinked turning her attention to the people around her, creating a neat circle. One, a girl, asked what they were to do and of their powers. Another, this one a boy, replied that he was clueless. Marisa pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I can become invisible,"she perked up, beginning the sharing game. She remembered the time she wished to just disappear, only to find herself literally gone besides the clothes she had been wearing. She was "missing" for a couple days, even though she was always there. People believed her dead, a ghost, for they heard her voice yet couldn't see her. She sighed, looking down at her right hand, where the sign of the Pisces was tattooed upon it.

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