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Realistic or Modern The Zenith Project

Sero said:
Alice glanced over, seeing someone elsecome up. "Oh! Sup! Are you also just meeting everyone?" She asked thered head that came up, smiling brightly. "I'm Alice, nice to meet you!"
Keith paused before looking around. "It's fine either way....whatever you want to do....but.." he wasn't sure if he felt comfortable leaving his roommate who he dicided to latch nto the hardest. "Y-you can do what you wat. Who am I to stop you...or something..." he was mind of okay with Sam sitting down with him. He wasn't sure about his friend but he'd have to learn to find out.
Lu smiled and waved at her. "Hi Alice!" she said, "I'm Lucy, but you may call me Lu. How'd you come to be at the DPR?"
Keith nodded. "Mm, he'd always...make me look kind of dumb...when he did that." I grumbled. "However....I'm not sure...he was fungus. I'm glad he didn't come here though. He's the kind that....likes murders. He would get int trouble since he messed with police work.....kinda cheeky. For a thirteen year old..." he smiled awkwardly. "Id always start fights instead."

Alice's smile dropped a bit. This would always be the weird question for her to answer. "I'm hoping to find an ability user that can help me find someone." She stated vaugely, forcing a smile.
Samuel: "Just because you can't do something someone else can doesn't make you dumb." He put blankly. "I hope he doesn't get into too much trouble. Perhaps he will become a detective? That would be cool." He smiled, folding his arms across his chest. Leaning back in his chair slightly, he crossed his foot over his knee. "And perhaps you got into trouble too then?" He laughed lightly
Keith flushed and coughed softly. "Yeah. I....I got in a lot of fights... some people just started calling me Fight instead of Keith. Clyde was Sight, since he was good at...seein' stuff. Michael didn't get one... but...my other one did.." he grumbled before realising he was being confusing. "He was Write. They liked rhyming them...my classmates. I gave someone a bloody nose one....another time..." he looked away. "Broke an arm maybe."
Samuel: "I actually didn't talk to many students. I was the 'Blind kid' so naturally avoided." He paused for a moment. "Your nicknames were kind of cool. Whether or not you think so...." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Fight, Sight and Write," He quoted. "You three could be quite the team." Samuel smiled, hoping that Keith was okay with all of this. For all he knew, Keith could hate these memories. Samuel sucked in a large breath, hoping that wasn't true.
Keith blinked, turning to him. "You think...that's cool?" He asked curiously, finally turning to look at Sam. "I mean....we made joke when we were younger....I mean, we don't really get along so I don't think that works..." He smiled awkwardly and glanced away. "Write is kind of standoffish I mean....and I really want to hit him sometimes. Michael has thrown his book out of his hand before since..." Keith realised he had been talking way more then intended. "U-um, what about you? Anything you want to talk about? B-but don't get the wrong idea, I'm not asking you because I got self-conscious o-or anything okay?"
Sero said:
Keith nodded. "Mm, he'd always...make me look kind of dumb...when he did that." I grumbled. "However....I'm not sure...he was fungus. I'm glad he didn't come here though. He's the kind that....likes murders. He would get int trouble since he messed with police work.....kinda cheeky. For a thirteen year old..." he smiled awkwardly. "Id always start fights instead."
Alice's smile dropped a bit. This would always be the weird question for her to answer. "I'm hoping to find an ability user that can help me find someone." She stated vaugely, forcing a smile.
Lu was intrigued. She asked Alice: "Who do you want to find? Because really, if you want special abilities, you're lucky. You've come to the right place."
Sasha turned to the new girl. Lu was here name, she waved slightly, but didn't bother projecting seeing that she was in a conversation with Alice now. Sasha went over to sit by Kara and Fletcher. Her head was starting to hurt a little, but not too much yet. If any more people came over she'd have some trouble and would probably have to leave the cafeteria for awhile.
Kara kept her eyes averted from Fletch. "I'll be sure to show you something better when I can handle it a lot better, but I guess I can do this," she reached out to the table, everyone was sitting at, with both hands and an underhanded grip, as if she was gripping it. The table shook violently for a moment before sliding a foot to the right. As Kara released her hold she wavered a bit but caught her balance, laughing nervously as she moved her hair out of her face.
XxRoseAlchemistxX said:
Sasha turned to the new girl. Lu was here name, she waved slightly, but didn't bother projecting seeing that she was in a conversation with Alice now. Sasha went over to sit by Kara and Fletcher. Her head was starting to hurt a little, but not too much yet. If any more people came over she'd have some trouble and would probably have to leave the cafeteria for awhile.
Lu noticed her go, and called out to her "Hey! You who were in a conversation with Alice! Do you want to join in?" Lu was happy to meet people, especially people who didn't know about her reputation (or the practical jokes she was currently planning).
Samuel: He laughed and shook his head. "Well I hadn't Thought you were being self-conscious." He placed his hand in front of his face again. "I'm not very good at telling what people are feeling. Unless they do something extreme, like jumping, screaming or crying" he smiled shaking his head once more. I suppose i can hummor- Then the table shook. Samuel jumped hitting his knee on the table and knocking himself out of the chair. "What the hell just happened?" He spoke from the floor. Carefully he touched the table. "Is everything okay?"
"No it's fine go ahead." She projected to Lu. "I'm getting a little tired anyway." She smiled kindly and then was slightly startled when the table moved. "Nice work Kara! Are you ok?" She thought to her new best friend.

"WOW!" Fletcher nearly screamed. "That's so cool! Aw man I've read so much on people that could this kind of thing." His voice was excited and quick. "When did you discover your ability? Most of the time I heard it's under a time of stress, or sometimes at puberty depends on who your reading from."
Keith smiled at him before suddenly screaming as the table shook, throwing his tray off the table, which was luckily empty and jumping out of his chair. Almost tipping the table. He looked around, now defensive as he moved away from the table and started backing away. "No." He muttered, his eyes darting around in panic. Oh god no.

Alice smiled. Glad that Lu got distracted, she wouldn't need to tell her more. "I am lucky that there are lots of people." She stated just as the table rattled. She yelped before bursting out into laughter. That gave her quite the fright! She blinked when a tray whizzed past her though and clattered on the floor. Some people didn't take it well though.
XxRoseAlchemistxX said:
"No it's fine go ahead." She projected to Lu. "I'm getting a little tired anyway." She smiled kindly and then was slightly startled when the table moved. "Nice work Kara! Are you ok?" She thought to her new best friend.
"WOW!" Fletcher nearly screamed. "That's so cool! Aw man I've read so much on people that could this kind of thing." His voice was excited and quick. "When did you discover your ability? Most of the time I heard it's under a time of stress, or sometimes at puberty depends on who your reading from."
"I'm okay." she thought to Sasha. Fletch's question brought a frown to her face and her head instantly went to the floor as the memories of her father beating her and trying to overpower her flashed through her head. Her breath became rapid and she clutched at her chest as she tried to catch her breath. Not again...I can handle it...just got to breath. She tried to talk but nothing would come out. A she tried to speak a sharp pain shot through her head and the table split in half, long ways. Kara's face turned red as she fumbled back off balance away from the table, "I-I...sorry," her eyes were wide and filled with fear and embarrassment as she looked at everyone. She put her head down and began to make a hasty exit, clumsily bumping into chairs as she headed for her room. I'm gonna faint...I can't breath.
Alice frowned, her eyes widening seeing that Kara didn't look so good. She took a sharp breath and ran over, gently grabbing her hand. "Are you feeling sick? I'll take you back to your room Kara!" She tried not to panic, she didn't want her first new friend to be in danger. She carefully moved her arm behind Kara's back and forced Kara to lean on her. "I'm taking her back guys!" She was going to swoop in, this was her roommate.
Sasha ran off to go help Kara. "Wait Kara, wait for me!" She then turned to Fletcher really quick, "She'll be ok leave it to me!" And then continued to run after Kara. Once she caught she looked to Kara, "Hey take deep breaths, it's ok. We can go back to the room I was getting a headache anyway." She projected trying to be helpful.

Fletcher sat there in awe at the table that had just been demolished. "Wow." Was all he could manage. He looked up to see Sasha run after Kara. Had he said something wrong? Dang it Fletcher, there you go again.' He thought himself.
Kara was tearing up a little out of embarrassment. She was suppose to be stronger than this, she usually was, but that memory always crumbled her confidence and resolve. She was fighting to get her breathing under control, but she was glad to have Alice and Sasha at her side. "S-s-sorry..." was all she was able to squeeze out as she tried hard to catch her breath. I'm such an idiot! Why did I have to try to show off! I hate this place! Another violent jolt ripped through her body and for a moment it picked up all 3 girls, and as it set them back down softly Kara passed out.
Alice blinked, mildly amused as her feet left the ground, before remembering this wasn't the time for that. When her feet his the groud, she shifted, moving herself more underneath Kara. That way she could hold her up. "Well now...poor thing, give me a hand will you Sasha?" She asked as she tried to carefully lead the now fainted roommate of hers. This was no good in a sense. They only had a bit till they got to the dorm. "We should get her in bed....and maybe get some medicine ready. Did she have a headache? Ohh I don't feel very helpful right now...."
[QUOTE="Gregory Lloyd]Kara was tearing up a little out of embarrassment. She was suppose to be stronger than this, she usually was, but that memory always crumbled her confidence and resolve. She was fighting to get her breathing under control, but she was glad to have Alice and Sasha at her side. "S-s-sorry..." was all she was able to squeeze out as she tried hard to catch her breath. I'm such an idiot! Why did I have to try to show off! I hate this place! Another violent jolt ripped through her body and for a moment it picked up all 3 girls, and as it set them back down softly Kara passed out.

[Hey! I'm still here!]

Lu hurried over to Kara. "What happened? Are you okay?" she asked, worried.
"Medicine is a good idea." Sasha projected. "And maybe get a hold of a lab worker or agent." She suggested. "They'll know what's best to do, but for now let's lay her on the bed." She then looked to Lu who had followed them. "She'll be ok for now." She projected her thought to her.
XxRoseAlchemistxX said:
"Medicine is a good idea." Sasha projected. "And maybe get a hold of a lab worker or agent." She suggested. "They'll know what's best to do, but for now let's lay her on the bed." She then looked to Lu who had followed them. "She'll be ok for now." She projected her thought to her.
Lu told Sasha: "I could probably get this girl back to her dorm. Do you think that would be a good thing to do?"
Kara's eyes shot open. Am I back? She was that was laying in her bed. "I'm okay guys. I'm okay." She sat up. "I just got trapped for a minute? I'm okay now." She kept her head down so her hair would cover her faceHow did I come out of that so fast...they seem to be okay. "Are you guys alright?" she raised her head and noticed that another girl had joined, "I'm sorry to have involved you." she laid back down and stared at the ceiling
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Lu smiled at her. "No problem, I'm happy to help. I'm glad it turned out well." With Lu's normal attention to unusual details (such as, that girl just moved the tray without touching it) she asked Kara: "Hey, what did you just do back there with the tray?"
Kara slowly pulled herself together. "Telekinetic..." She was still pretty drained from her Lock In, which is the name she gave for it, but she was surprised she came back so soon. She expected it to be the next day or at least already be midnight. Somehow she managed to wake from her nightmare in record time, but instead of dwell on that she concentrated of regaining her strength with her friends at her side. "Thanks guys, and sorry for the commotion...I have fits sometimes...and my powers run wild."
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[QUOTE="Gregory Lloyd]Kara slowly pulled herself together. "Telekinetic..." She was still pretty drained from her Lock In, which is the name she gave for it, but she was surprised she came back so soon. She expected it to be the next day or at least already be midnight. Somehow she managed to wake from her nightmare in record time, but instead of dwell on that she concentrated of regaining her strength with her friends at her side. "Thanks guys, and sorry for the commotion...I have fits sometimes...and my powers run wild."

"Wow, that's cool. I hope you can learn to control that here." Lu was a little bit excited. She was happy to be at the DPR, where she could see all this cool stuff. Lu was the sort of person who could find luck in anything, mostly because she looked for it.

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