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Realistic or Modern The Zenith Project

"If you say so," Kara decides to remain optimistic since Sasha seems to be. Upon entering the cafeteria again she notices Alice wave to her, and she smiles as she figures familiar ground would be a good place to start. "I'll introduce you to my roommate, and then we can go from there. She seems to be getting along with the others." She makes her way toward Alice, returning the wave. Guess I should try to break the ice or something once I get there, otherwise I'll just be looming over everybody..."Hi, guys! I'm Kara, Alice's roommate," and then she motions to Sasha, "and this is my friend, Sasha." Nailed it! Or should I have started with a joke or something...who cares about socializing, aren't we just guinea pigs anyway...Ugh! I'm rambling again. She visibly shakes her head side to side as tries to clear her head. "Well introductions have been made, although I left the best surprise for you to show off." She smiled at Sasha and then turned to the people that Alice was sitting with.
Sasha wave's to Alice. "Hello Alice, nice to meet you!" She projects to her, once again waiting for some kind of funny reaction. She also turned to the boy sitting with her and waves to him as well. She could only project a thought to one person at a time so she projected a "hello" to him as well. She hadn't learned how to send a thought in mass yet.

Fletcher was just talking to Alice when two other girl walked up. The blonde one introduced herself as Alice's roommate and the other one just sat there...Then he heard it. A soft female 'hello' but he heard it like it was right in his ear, or rather. In his head. Yet the girls lips had never moved. "Oh my god." He said in awe, "No way." He smiled wide knowing exactly what she was doing.
Alice smiled and waved before blinking. Did that girl just....no way! She pause, looking the girl over before leaning close. "Your voice is....'nice to meet you!'" She frowned. She had to focus a lot to mimic her. However her lips didn't move so she couldn't copy the movement. So it took her a few minutes to copy. "Can you talk to my....my mind?" She stated obviously confused.
Sasha giggled at the responses. This was always the best part of meeting people. "Yes. I'm telepathic." She explained to Alice through projection. "I'm actually deaf, so I can only 'hear' thoughts, and project my own into the minds of others." She hoped this was easy to understand. "I don't talk physically, unless I use sign language."

There was a silence but Fletcher knew the girl was "talking" to Alice, so for the moment he turned to the other girl. "My names Fletcher, what's yours?"
Kara stood smiling as she could see that her roommate was engaged in "head-talk" with Sasha, and her attention was taken away when the boy, Fletcher introduced himself to her. "Huh, me?...I'm," she cleared her throat, "I'm Kara, nice to meet you, Fletcher." She tilted her head to the side a bit and smiled. This isn't so bad afterall, I might be able to handle this talking to others thing... "So, Fletch..." she had already decided that she liked his name more this way, "Why were you inducted into the Legion of Doom?" she giggled at her own reference as she imagined another place like this full of kids that were going through the same thing, but being brought up to be superheroes that would one day have to face off against the kids here.
"Oh!" Alice breifly thought of Alix and frowned. Could she see that? She steered her thoughts away from him. 'So you can gear me if I just think at you?' She tried asking mentally. Unsure whether she was comfortable with that. However she decided that treating her any differently from anyone else. 'Nice to meet you. I'm Alice.'
He laughed. Her attitude about this whole thing was completely different that most of the others. It wasn't exactly negative, but it wasn't an excited hurray either. "Edetic memory. I remember everything." He said giving her the short explanation. If she didn't understand he'd elaborate, but he was growing weary of repeating the sentence. "What about you?" He asked.

"Yep, loud and clear. And nice to meet you too Alice." She giggled. "So what's your ability?" She was curious, especially because the girl seemed confused for a moment before.
Kara thought about it for a minute. "So you're almost a walking library...that's got to come in handy. I bet you're just waiting for an opportunity for someone say 'when have I ever been wrong'...or at least I would," she smiled. "I'm telekinetic...but depending on how heavy the object is and its proximity to me effects my ability to move it." she frowned a bit thinking about the situations she probably could have escaped from had she been able to move heavier objects, but she quickly changed back to a smile. I guess there's no harm in sharing that much...I just won't tell about the random outburst of power...no need to worry people about unnecessary things.
Alice smiled before answering out loud. She thought the words as she said them so... "I can mimic people, but mostly voices. However I guess you can't hear ir, and mentally I probably still sound like me." She replied, tipping her head. 'My brother was the one that could memorise dances....' she thought to herself.
"That's really cool!" Sasha thought. "Is your brother here with you?" She looked around unsure if any of the boys were her brother, none of them seemed to be related to her though.

Fletcher's eyes got wide with excitment. "Telekinetic? Really? I've read so much about that kind of ability." He now had a wide grin on his face. "Most people think that someone capable of using telekinesis have opened up more pathways in their brain. That they use more of it that most people. I'd love see your ability in work? What the biggest object you've ever lifted?" He was doing it again, bombarding someone with questions but he couldn't help himself. This was something right out of a science fiction novel!
Kara's face turned a light shade red as she averted her eyes. Guys always seem to make her feel a little uneasy even if she was older than them sometimes, "Um...I've lifted your standard sized bowling ball before," she flashed to the memory of trying to launch it at a counselor who had tried to take his job too far, "but because it was so heavy the throwing force behind it wasn't that much." she quickly needed to shake that memory, "However I have destroyed the inside of a isolation..." she caught herself, "I've ripped up a steel room pretty good once." The memory of being in the isolation chamber wasn't necessarily a good one but she did take pride in tearing that room a new one and frightening the staff. "It kind of fluxes, I haven't really gotten a good grasp on how to effortlessly move things yet," she reached out to Fletch with an open hand and closed it while lightly jerking her arm back toward herself and releasing, the effect being cuffing the front of his shirt and jerking it forward with minor force.
Alice blinked, realising that her mind had been read. She closed her eyes and shook her head. 'My brother....I'm looking for him, since he went missing.' She thought to her, amking a sad smile. "I'll only tell you okay? I'm lookong for him...and I thought that maybe someone here could help me.....but so far no luck...'
"Wow that's incredible!" He said. "I can't wait to see what you can do after they've trained us a bit." He really wanted to see more of Kara's ability but was a little worried about asking. After all she seemed a little nervous about it, and didn't want to put her on the spot light.

"Oh I'm sorry." Sasha thought to Alice. "I didn't mean to upset you." Sasha felt bad for Alice. She could never imagine losing a loved one. Her parents and little sister were all she had. "I'll help keep a look out if you would like?"
Conor: Who's this new girl? Why hasn't she said anything? He leaned over to the nearest person, who just happened to be Keith, and whispered "She's even quieter than Max over there." He chuckled at his own comment.


Max: How many people can keep showing up? He asked himself. He had been periodically looking over his shoulder to see what changed and to check on Sam. It seemed like every time he looked back, there was a new person. He began to feel exposed. He knew there was at least one girl who could read emotion, and he took a long time to learn how to conceal it from a normal person. This was more complicated than he thought it would be.
XxMsKittyxX said:
Melody: "I haven't had a lot of experience with it yet.... so I dunno. It all happened to fast." She paused for a moment thinking over her question again. "I mean... Do you want to be here? Or where you just taken here?" She asked innocently. She wasn't sure if anyone even wanted to be here. For how scary it was for her she couldn't imagine anyone really wanting to be here. Shrugging her shoulders she placed the bottom of her chin onto chippers head.
Lu sat down in the seat next to Melody, who seemed to be absorbed in her thoughts. Lu rested her legs for a bit, respecting Melody's silence. Given that Melody did not appear to want to continue the conversation, Lu told her: "Hey, I'm going to go get some food and wander. See you tonight, or earlier. And, cute squirrel that you got there."

Lu then skipped over to the cafeteria line. They just happened to have a food that she was craving right about then (see, this is when luck comes in handy).
Alice smiled politely. "Its not your fault, it would be great if you did keep a look out though." She said aloud again, smiling softly. "You're a good kid so don't worry about making me sad, its been a long time anyways." Alice decided that making another friend wouldn't be bad. She had three now. Fletcher counted because she decided to count him.
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Melody: Unsure what to do sense it seems everyone was just walking away, Melody decided to quietly leave the cafeteria. While she wondered the hall she realized that Ebony still has her map. She paused for a moment, looking at the hallways. "Was it this way?" She points right. "Or ....or this way?" She looks to her left. "I'll..... I think left...." She made her way, sheepishly, down the hall.

Samuel: "Forgive me, I wasn't sure, with all the traffic...." He paused for a moment Bringing the apple to his face and taking a small bite letting out a loud crunch. After swallowing, "Doing well? you sound a bit better..." He spoke softly. I hope he doesn't take that the wrong way.... "I mean you sound less stressed." That wasn't much better Sam... He sighed heavily. "How are you?"
After what seemed like an hour of walking in circles, Erin groaned in frustration and leaned back against a nearby wall. She was lost, but it was her own fault for leaving her map in her dorm room. She had arrived in her room well after her roommate had left and had spent a peaceful time alone unpacking her things, which were quite few. Now, having grown hungry, she had been trying to find the cafeteria on her own.

Erin took a deep, resolved breath, and shook her head, disturbing her blonde curls. She pushed off of the wall and began walking in a random direction. It wasn't long before she found someone, although a little someone.

"Hey, do you think you could point me toward the cafeteria?" She asked the little girl with a tattered chipmunk in her hands.
Keith shook his head. "No, don't worry too much about it, I um...didn't realize that you didn't notice." He mumbled, shifting and looking away. "I'm just a bit...wound up at times. That's what my brothers say." He played with his fork before glancing over to Sam. "It's not your fault or anything so like I said don't worry too much. If you do, you'll get older faster or something. Clyde said that one. He said I'd get so old that I wouldn't be able to even yell at him anymore. He was...joking but I got angry anyway."
Done with her food, Lu's attention wandered to other people in the cafeteria. She noticed a girl with short brown hair and blue eyes, one with long, brownish-blonde hair (Lu couldn't see her eye color) having a conversation. She wandered over there and tried to drop in.
Melody. "Um....." She paused for a moment. "Yeah... I think it's down that way to the right...... or was it the left...." She pulled chipper closer and frowned. "I'm lost......" her voice shook as she sunk to the ground against the wall. "Someone has my map....." She admitted

Samuel: "Would you mind if I sit next to you for a moment?" Samuel asked cautiously. "I'm sure it's weird talking over people." He shrugged slightly. Carefully he removed the napkin from his lap and placed it on the table next to his plate. Taking a moment he looked back at Max but still speaking to Keith "Or maybe the three of us should leave? There is a small lobby area between the rooms. Maybe that will be better for you?"
Alice glanced over, seeing someone elsecome up. "Oh! Sup! Are you also just meeting everyone?" She asked thered head that came up, smiling brightly. "I'm Alice, nice to meet you!"

Keith paused before looking around. "It's fine either way....whatever you want to do....but.." he wasn't sure if he felt comfortable leaving his roommate who he dicided to latch nto the hardest. "Y-you can do what you wat. Who am I to stop you...or something..." he was mind of okay with Sam sitting down with him. He wasn't sure about his friend but he'd have to learn to find out.
Samuel: "Well.... I" Samuel Contemplated his options. Perhaps I'll spend a few more moments here. I don't know how max will feel about Keith..... Samuel pulled to his feet keeping his hand firmly on the table. He made his way around the table and sat close, but not directly next to, Keith. He didn't remove his hand from the table until he sat. "I suppose we'll sit here for a while. No point in stressing anyone out more." He paused for a moment, recalling their conversation. "Was Clyde a brother I assume? or a close friend perhaps?" He inquired. "or am I intruding?"
Keith blinked before looking at his hands. "He's one of my adoptive brothers. He's younger then me and has violet black hair and green eyes....." I replied, deciding to get straight to the point. "He's pretty annoying...but I like him...he has this thing...where he solves puzzles faster then anyone...and he likes playing...de...de-tective." I had forgotten the word. "Most of our family is adopted. Michael and his sister are the only real kids." I rambled, deciding that it was something that wasn't really important as information.
Samuel: He smiled thinking back on his life a bit. "That's cool. Family is family, adoptive or not. I had always wanted a sibling. but i was enough work for my parents." He waved his hand in front of his face and chuckled half heatedly. "Good with puzzles the, eh?"

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