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Realistic or Modern The Zenith Project

Comix said:
Erin smiled sympathetically down at the little girl. She almost reached out a hand to place it reassuredly on her shoulder, but decided she did not want something to happen on accident so she withdrew her gloved hand.
"Oh, you're lost too? How about we try to find our way together? We could walk around and try to find a place to have fun. I heard there was a rec room. Would you like to play games with me?" Erin asked, bending down to get on the same level as Melody. Her hunger was temporarily forgotten as she now wanted to try to cheer up the little girl.
Lu came across Melody and another girl having a conversation, Lu, being Lu, called out to them cheerfully: "Hi guys!"
As the student roam about what will be there new home for the time being, the intercom comes on. The voice of a young sounding lady can be heard. "All Zenith students are to return to their dormitories, lights out will be in one hour."

((Everyone should return to their rooms and giving a conclusion post for their first day as quickly as possible. I will be starting the next day very soon))
Max: He nudged Sam's shoulder and whispered "come on." He then started to head back making sure that Sam was with him. Max felt so conflicted about this place. It's trying to teach him and give him a home, but what if he doesn't like it or hurts someone again? No, he can't think of that. Not now.
Melody: Looks up to Lu, "Oh, um.... is it Lu?" She stuttered into a pause. "You...I.... uh is that right? I mean you're Lu." She repeated.

Samuel: He grinned and made his way quickly to Max's side. Gently, he shrugged his shoulder against Max's shoulder and chuckled in his direction. Hearing the intercom sound, Samuel looked to where the voice was coming from. "I guess we need to return to our rooms anyways Max. It'll be nice" He encouraged. "Little bit of quite after this eventful day?"
Max: "More eventful than most of mine." He commented. It was true. Most days he had begged for food or money. He had even stole on some occasions. Not that he was going to openly admit that, of corse.
Samuel: "So..." He paused clearing his throat "Um. You excited at all for all this stuff. I mean it's kinda like school, for abilities or whatever. We should have a lot of control by the end of all this, right?" Samuel was beginning to feel slightly nervous about all of this. Everything was so strange, he couldn't even imagine how scary it must be for everyone else.
Max: "All I can say is that it's differant. I'm not a good judge of what others think or feel like. Stairs in a few steps." Max was happy that Sam respected his boundaries even though he had to at least minimally reply on him. Now that Max was thinking of unpacking, he realized there wasn't much for him to unpack. He would need new cloths soon or the others would start asking questions. That was the last thing he wanted.
Samuel: "Yeah, i can agree with different." As they approached they stairs Samuel hesitated at the bottom. "Oh..." He shuddered. "I hate stairs..." he mumbled as he fumbled around for the railing and cautiously made his way up the stairs, taking each step one at a time. "Sorry...." he murmured.
XxMsKittyxX said:
Melody: Looks up to Lu, "Oh, um.... is it Lu?" She stuttered into a pause. "You...I.... uh is that right? I mean you're Lu." She repeated.
Samuel: He grinned and made his way quickly to Max's side. Gently, he shrugged his shoulder against Max's shoulder and chuckled in his direction. Hearing the intercom sound, Samuel looked to where the voice was coming from. "I guess we need to return to our rooms anyways Max. It'll be nice" He encouraged. "Little bit of quite after this eventful day?"
"Yeah, It's Lu."

After the intercom announcement, Lu told Melody: "You're my dorm partner, right? So come with me back to our dorm."
Max: "Hey, don't sweat it. We all have our personal problems." Max guided Sam to their room. To his supprise, someone had left new cloths on his bed. Many of them were even black. He silently put them away along with a few of his own things. 

Shog said:
Max: "Hey, don't sweat it. We all have our personal problems." Max guided Sam to their room. To his supprise, someone had left new cloths on his bed. Many of them were even black. He silently put them away along with a few of his own things.
He doesn't officially know, but it was one of the workers. He didn't have many cloths before he came here and they were all tattered from living on the streets

eventually it started getting dark and my knuckles were caked with a thick layer of blood and the walls had dents in their concrete. I had been here for hours kicking, kneeing, punching, headbutting and thrashing on this wall to vent my anger. this was entertaining to say the least, eventually i decided to get back to my room. after hitting the bathroom and cleaning up i noticed that i took off a lot of skin off my hand and knees and elbows, even my forehead was bleeding a bit. so my bones were strong... but not my skin... interesting. tomorrow classes would start and we shall see where it takes me. I walked into my room and fell instantly to sleep. it was good to have my own room.
Melody: "Oh... I um..." She looked to Erin once more "I guess we will have to figure things out later." she spoke. She attempted to run after Lu as she left Melody's side. Hoping she could keep up so she wouldn't get lost again.

Samuel: "Yeah... No kidding." He entered the room and made his way to the bed climbed in bringing his legs up and folding them before him. he faced the opposite end of the room. He felt the softness of his bed and carefully pulled his pillow into his lap. "so... whats your story..?" He questioned cautiously.
Max: "Um, I don't talk about my past. Maybe if you tried again next week I might be more open. Truth be told, I'm more open with you than I have been with people for a long time. What about you?" He was feeling uneasy talking openly with a person he barely knew. He finished putting things away and layer on his bed. The pillow was surprisingly soft.
Lu asked Melody: "What do you think about this place? Is it cool or not cool? Or do you need more time to decide?
Samuel: "That's understandable." He thought for a moment before speaking again. "My life really wasn't all that interesting to be honest. I was held in different types of classes, slightly isolated because people don't know what to do with a blind kid." He chuckled. "Eventually, I was home schooled where my parents assisted me in defining my ability." He hugged his pillow tight and scooted back so he could lean against the wall. Twisting around he popped some joints. "Really, I'm a rather boring person." He shrugged, tilting his head to the side.

Melody: "Um..." She climbed up into bed and held Chipper close as she swung her feet off the edge. "It's interesting.... kinda scary." Blinking slowly, she dropped her gaze. "I really don't understand much, I guess."
Sasha eventually figured it was time for bed and made her way back to her dorm. She curled up on the bed, and began reading a book wondering what was in store for her tomorrow.

Fletcher was just about to head to the rec room when the intercom started. "Well I guess that will have to wait for tomorrow." He said partially to himself. "Looks like we better get back to the room." He said to Keith and then went back in the way of the dormitories without any difficulty. He had this place memorized.
Max: "You know, you remind me of a girl I once knew. We were good friends." Max then frowned remembering all that had happened with her. He needed to find a way back, some how. He was glad that Sam couldn't see his face. It revealed too much when he thought if her.
XxMsKittyxX said:
Samuel: "That's understandable." He thought for a moment before speaking again. "My life really wasn't all that interesting to be honest. I was held in different types of classes, slightly isolated because people don't know what to do with a blind kid." He chuckled. "Eventually, I was home schooled where my parents assisted me in defining my ability." He hugged his pillow tight and scooted back so he could lean against the wall. Twisting around he popped some joints. "Really, I'm a rather boring person." He shrugged, tilting his head to the side.
Melody: "Um..." She climbed up into bed and held Chipper close as she swung her feet off the edge. "It's interesting.... kinda scary." Blinking slowly, she dropped her gaze. "I really don't understand much, I guess."
Lu dug through her backpack for her pajamas. Once she had them, she climbed under the covers of her bed to change. After she changed, she asked Melody:

"What are your hopes for this project?"
XxRoseAlchemistxX updated The Zenith Project with a new update entry:

Class Schedule

Here is the class schedule that the kids will follow.

This schedule is set for Monday-Friday. Weekends are free to the kids so long as they do not leave the building. Leave days will happen when they are allowed to go out into town under supervision of an agent(kind of like a field trip) but only to kids with good behavior and grades. Some weekends the kids will have...
Read the rest of this update entry... 
((I'm terribly sorry to some inactive players, but I must do a time skip or this RP runs the risking of dying.))

The voice of a young lady is again heard over the intercom, "Lights out is now in effect. Breakfast in the cafeteria starts at 7am, you will be escorted to your classes at 8am. Please be ready, have a goodnight."

-------------------------------------------------------------------Time Skip-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

((Please refer to the Update section to see the new schedule))

Fletcher awoke suddenly, looking at the nightstand the clock showed the time, six-thirty am. He sat up, yawned and stretched. He got up slowing picking up a pair of clothes and walking to the bathroom to take a shower. Today was the day, the day it finally all started. He was filled with excitement.

Sasha had barely gotten any sleep, she typically had troubles sleeping when in an unfamiliar place, especially a place with unfamiliar thoughts. She laid in her bed quietly for a moment. Thinking to herself. She tried to shut out the thoughts of everyone around, dreams were weird and she didn't care to 'hear' them. Slowly things went silent, but after a moment it all came flooding back. She never could manage to turn it off, at least not completely. Maybe today she would find someone to help her fix that.

Lu woke up at about the same time as Fletcher. She looked at Melody. The girl was still asleep. Lu smiled a little, and thought to herself that she was lucky that the girl was asleep, as now she could change clothes without having to hide from Melody. Lu quickly got dressed, sat back on her bed, and picked the book she'd been reading the last night up.
((I'm back from dying! Finished things up))

Keith shifted, shifting as the other bed in the room made ruffling noises. Did this mean morning? Damn it. He opened his eyes and groaned, getting up huffing and stretching. What time was it? Nngh, early. That was stupid. He sort of swished his hand around his sock drawer before resting his head on it and closong his eyes again. He could wake up early but...school? He didn't like school.

Alice woke up with a bang, falling out of the closet and having to messily clean herself up out of it. When she got there? She didn't remember. However seeing that there was a mess of sheets from her bed to the closet gave her a clue. She was already half dressed too. Wearing the blouse for the day and her teddy bear printed pajama bottems. Well...finishing getting dressed would be a good start.
Fletcher walked out of the bathroom dressed but still drying his hair. As he took the towel off his head he noticed Keith, who appeared to be half asleep, or even maybe completely asleep. Fletcher chuckled softly before walking over to his bed and sitting down. "Hey, Keith you alive over there buddy?"
Keith looked over and huffed, not really opening his eye as he started half-heartedly looking for socks. "I take showers...at night....mornings are stupid. I'm only getting up for breakfast." He explained before draggong out a pair and picking up the clothes he left out in a pile for today. "You must be excited or something right? I suck at school."
Fletcher smiled tossing the towel in the laundry hamper, "Well not really excited for the normal school stuff." He explained. "I'm more excited about training. We finally get to test are abilities out." He quickly rushed to the door, "Come on, let's go get something to eat."

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