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Fandom The Young Avengers CS (Reboot)

Kameron Esters-

Fear my godly wrath!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Appearance: (Pics and or Description if you choose)
Date of Birth:
Zodiac Sign:
Bio: (Optional)
Miscellaneous: (Anything extra you want to add in)
Name: Chas Mitchen
Alias: Recluse
Personality: keeps his emotions in check during combat, outside of combat he likes to make people laugh, and is a massive nerd.
Abilities: inventor, superhuman strength and agility, wall crawling, web-shooters, sword fighting expert, uses an electric stun sword he invented.
Background: self-taught, I’ll figure out the rest as I go.
Appearence: black hair, brown eyes
Age: 19

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Name: Jessica Santini
Nickname: Firestar
Age: 20

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthdate: June 20, 1996
Star Sign
Relatives: None shes an orphan
Height: 5’2”
Body type: Slim yet curvy
Body details
Hair: Long red hair with bangs

Eye colour: Blue
Skin colour: Ivory
Clothing preferences: Halter top with leather jacket and blue jeans with heels. Her suit is fire resistant and full leather with boots.
Accessories: Incandescence ring
Personality: She is sweet, loving and caring
Powers: Can control and shoot fire out of her hands. The ring she wears amplifies her fire abilities.
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Name: Anna Marie LeBeau
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 13th September
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Personality: Rogue was beautiful and smart with a great sense of humor, a heart of gold, an independent nature, and a lot of spirits, usually holding an attitude of good-natured irreverence. Rogue occasionally referred to everyone including even her enemies as “hon” and “sugar” and spoke in a sassy Southern accent. Her recent experiances and abandonment by her foster mother, however, have put a damper upon such with a mixture of both trauma and negative aspects of the absorbed personality causing conflict within her mind. She has a reluctance in allowing people too close despite how she appears as well as a great number of unresolved feelings in her role of a hero's death.

Rogue grew up in Caldecott County, near the banks of the Mississippi River to a drunken abusive father and complacent mother. During her adolescence, however, her mutant abilities would manifest while being romantically involved with a young boy, rendering him unconscious as well as a traumatic experience with the confusion of the encounter. Believed to have attacked the boy, it would not be long before the authorities were wishing to take her in for questioning resulting in her instead of heading out on the run away from the town. She would spend several months passing from town to town making her way on the streets through pickpocketing and other methods until a chance encounter with a ill-picked target brought her to the attention of the shapeshifter known as Mystique. Rather than face retribution, however, Mystique would take in Rogue and care for her regardless of her prior history, spending several years with both her and their companion known as Destiny.

It was through this involvement that she would eventually be groomed and directed towards more criminal elements, engaging in terrorist activities as a member of the Brotherhood of mutants, though despite all this she came to recognize Mystique as her true mother due to showing far more care than her own ever had. It was through this path that eventually led her into conflict with the Hero known as Captain Marvel after a vision of Destinys foretold her involvement in a great calamity. Mystique would manipulate the Hero into a trap at which point Rogue would pounce with plans to disable the hero, though prolonged exposure and a plasma burst resulted in the hands becoming fused to their target until such point they become nothing but dust with all the abilities and the assimilation of their psyche the end result.

Constantly assaulted by the former heroes memories and increasingly struggling to handle the strain, it would soon be revealed that Mystique had intended for the entire scenario to play out that way and never intended to merely capture the hero. Believing her Mother to have known this would be the outcome Rogue would flee once more. Holding great guilt over her actions and wishing to make something positive of her life, Rogue would eventually come to the attention of the Young Avengers initiative in her attempts to reform, joining the group recently despite her previous past.

Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 155lbs

  • Life Force Absorption: By making physical contact with an individual Rogue is able to absorb both memories and abilities. This process, however, is deeply draining on the individual target and can result in weakening, unconsciousness or even death should the contact be maintained long enough. The duration of the abilities drained is dependent mostly upon the length of time contact was established.
  • Ionic Energy Form: The tissue and bones of her entire body have now been augmented in strength and to a certain extent. She is now composed of organic matter that is permeated with this form of energy as well as other physiological changes that appear to be permanent following her murder of the late Captain Marvel. This has bestowed her with permanent versions of the hero's abilities that include a superhuman physical condition, energy absorption/emission, flight and more.
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Name: Terry Henderson
Age: 18
Appearance: Terry is tan, with blue eyes and short light brown hair, he has some freckles as well. a dark cyan jacket, with a white t-shirt, black pants and blue and white tennis shoes
Date of Birth: May 20th
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Personality: Nice, Full of energy, brave.
Bio: Terry was a normal high school student, till one day he was taken hostage and brought to a underground base in a old abondoned warehouse, where he was ingected with bio chips that fused with his blood giving him electric powers. He was kidnapped by the Taskmaster and there were 4 others who were taken as well and they were all brainwashed to be Hydra slaves. But Terry was freed and was woken up before he could by the Avengers, sadly Taskmaster got away with the other 4, soon he was were approached by the Director of S.H.I.L.E.D and told him , they will train him to be a hero, Terry wasn't sure, until he thought that he could save those kids who were pulled into this by the skull wearing villain Terry soon became the hero Bioshock.
Height: 6'2
Weight: 210
Hobby: Martial Arts and making/fixing machines
Miscellaneous: Hero Outfit 1583767856499.png
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Name: Felicia Hardy

Alias: Black Cat

Age: 22

Appearance: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net...8908079.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20160508202403

Costume: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/fa/6f/86/fa6f868476ee01ec2c492cf2146c351d.jpg

Height: 5' 7" (1.70 m) (as Felicia) 5'10" (as Black Cat)

Weight: 120 lbs (as Felicia) 130 lbs (as Black Cat)


Date of Birth: October 22

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Personality: Felicia Hardy is perhaps what everyone expects from a woman that has defined herself as a socialite after leaving university. At least, a socialite that proves she's not lacking in the intelligence department. She's smart, has a good sense of humor, and a perpetual flirt, despite always seemingly single. Perhaps surprisingly, she is more than willing to socialize outside of her social circle. Now, while all that really is Felicia, it also acts as a mask to disguise the fact that she is a thrill seeker deep down inside. The placid existence of everyday life is just not enough for her.

She has been known to crack wise as the Black Cat, especially when dealing with Spider-Girl, who is known to crack wise herself. Although with Spider-Girl, this tends towards flirtation, even if she knows she won't answer her. The goal here, of course, is to fluster her, even if she finds she is growing fond of the webhead. Felicia's costume as the Black Cat is designed in such a way to take advantage of her good looks, with the zipper on her catsuit pulled down enough to offer a generous view. She isn't ashamed that she's using her looks to do this.

Accessories: Extendable cable, grappling hooks, Knockout gas, claws, whip

Powers: Modified Super-Soldier Serum: Felicia can manifest her Black Cat physique, doing so activates her physical abilities. Consciously she can alter her physical appearance i.e. hair color to white and drastically increasing her height and muscle mass. According to Landon and herself, the process used in her creation allow her to do anything that Captain America can do; if not better.

History: Felicia was the well-bred, well-to-do daughter of businesswoman Anastasia Hardy, and had only vague memories of her father, a career jewel thief known as the "Cat", who had been in prison for years. She briefly dated Michael Morbius, who later became Morbius, the Living Vampire and then dated Jason Macendale Jr., who was discovered to be the Hobgoblin, both revelations left her devastated. During her relationship with Michael, she hated Spider-Girl because she believed that he kidnapped Morbius from the hospital, until she realized that Michael was the Living Vampire.

The Kingpin eventually learned where her father was imprisoned and why. The Kingpin had her father broken out because he knew the formula to Super-Soldier Serum that made Captain America. Felicia was kidnapped as leverage over her father to turn over the formula. An associate of the Kingpin, Herbert Landon upgraded the formula. To ensure that the formula they were given was the correct one they used it on Felicia. Her father was then used as leverage against Felicia to make her work for the Kingpin.

Eventually, Spider-Girl helped Black Cat free her father from the Kingpin, once her father was freed, she had to say goodbye to him as he returned to his imprisonment to protect the knowledge of the Super Soldier Serum. Eventually Felicia & Petra formed a partnership, which soon blossomed into a relationship after Spider-Girl realized that she had feelings for the Black Cat, who had been already been attracted to her for a long time.

When Morbius returned from she went to Whistler for help in curing Morbius. Before anything could be done, they were forced to team up with Spider-Girl, Blade, & Whistler to stop the Vampire Queen, Blade’s mom. After curing Morbius partially they left with Blade & Whistler to help him with eradicating the vampires.

She returned to attend the wedding of Petra Parker & MJ Watson. The wedding was attacked by the Green Goblin, Scorpion, and Alistair Smythe’s robots.

The Beyonder wanted to determine whether good or evil was more powerful he put the Spider duo in charge of the Superhero team, one of the first heroes they chose was the Black Cat. When they defeated the villains, she along with the rest of the heroes were returned with no memories of the Secret Wars, except the Spider duo they kept their memories.

After the Secret Wars Felicia returned to Morbius & Blade to continue eradicating the vampires. Eventually Morbius & Blade became to extreme for her liking, she left them and returned home and began working with S.H.I.E.L.D. on the condition she could see her father.

Name: Mark Cage

Alias: Powerboy

Age: 22


Skilled Hand-to-hand Combatant - Proficient in Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts
Reliable - Mark is stands by anyone who needs his help and will stick it out for anyone who'll needs a hand
Responsible - Due to his upbringing, Mark has a great sense of responsibility. If there's a task that needs to be done, he'll get it done

Mark's innate resilience severely hampers any effort of medical practitioners to treat internal injuries he might incur.
Can only sustain a certain amount of damage before it begins taking affect on him


  • Superhuman Strength: Mark's strength was enhanced to superhuman levels, and aside from being able to effortlessly overpower much larger men, he is capable of punching through a brick wall.
  • Superhuman Durability: His body tissues have become super elastic and energy absorbent making his skin practically impenetrable. Similarly, his internal soft tissue has proven impervious to cutting with steel scalpels.
  • Accelerated Healing: Mark's minor injuries heal quickly, and any extensive trauma can heal in a matter of hours, notably without leaving any visible scars.
  • Enhanced Speed: Mark's overall strength allows him to run at speeds superior to the average human. He was able to catch up to a car fairly easily, move across a street in seconds and claims to be able to run a mile in under four minutes.
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Name: Mark Cage

Alias: Powerboy

Age: 17


Skilled Hand-to-hand Combatant - Proficient in Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts
Reliable - Mark is stands by anyone who needs his help and will stick it out for anyone who'll needs a hand
Responsible - Due to his upbringing, Mark has a great sense of responsibility. If there's a task that needs to be done, he'll get it done

Mark's innate resilience severely hampers any effort of medical practitioners to treat internal injuries he might incur.
Can only sustain a certain amount of damage before it begins taking affect on him


  • Superhuman Strength: Mark's strength was enhanced to superhuman levels, and aside from being able to effortlessly overpower much larger men, he is capable of punching through a brick wall.
  • Superhuman Durability: His body tissues have become super elastic and energy absorbent making his skin practically impenetrable. Similarly, his internal soft tissue has proven impervious to cutting with steel scalpels.
  • Accelerated Healing: Mark's minor injuries heal quickly, and any extensive trauma can heal in a matter of hours, notably without leaving any visible scars.
  • Enhanced Speed: Mark's overall strength allows him to run at speeds superior to the average human. He was able to catch up to a car fairly easily, move across a street in seconds and claims to be able to run a mile in under four minutes.

Son of Luke Cage?
Name: Daisy Louise Johnson

Alias: Quake

Age: 32

Appearance: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/dc/01/b1/dc01b16664855909fd9a931eac2fdfbb.jpg

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 115 lbs


Date of Birth: July 2

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Personality: Skye was a confident woman obsessed with finding out who she was. She is edgy and can out-talk anyone with her unflappable nature. However, after the ordeal against Grant Ward, Skye became more aloof, taking her role as a member of Coulson's new S.H.I.E.L.D. more seriously.

Originally, Skye viewed S.H.I.E.L.D. as a "1984", Big Brother-style government organization filled with secrets. Skye eventually realized S.H.I.E.L.D.’s place in keeping order and law enforcement. Presently, she has expressed that S.H.I.E.L.D. is now her life.

Emotionally, Skye loves her friends deeply and worries for their wellbeing. She harbors deep resentment towards Grant Ward for his betrayal. When she discovered that Simmons was a mole for S.H.I.E.L.D. in HYDRA, Skye had to be reassured by May before believing that Simmons would be safe.

Escaping with Gordon and meeting Lincoln Campbell and Jiaying, Skye soon started to accept her new powers and she was shocked to discover her true heritage and her true name. However, she remains loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D..

Having gradually accepted her new state of being and her birth name, Daisy became committed to helping other awakened Inhumans come to terms with their new abilities and help make a difference with S.H.I.E.L.D. As such, she becomes greatly emotional when Inhumans are either put in stasis, treated like a disease, or persecuted. This seems to have caused her to develop a ruthless streak, such as when she interrogated a suspected Watchdog supporter by intimidating him with her powers, her reasoning being that the Watchdogs and their supporters gave up their civil rights by spewing hate and destruction.

Upon traveling to the year 2091, Daisy was at first in denial that she would destroy the world in the future. But after seeing Samuel Voss's apparent proof of her future self's last known actions, Daisy slowly began to fear the possibility, at which she refused to return to the present or even have her powers restored when the Kree implanted a power inhibitor but Sparkplug took the choice out of her hands.

A quality unique to her is that Daisy has an incredible amount of respect for an individual's autonomy. This is because throughout her life Daisy's autonomy was often disregarded even by those who she trusted greatly. As a result, regardless of circumstance Daisy will always try to avoid taking away an individual's ability to make their own choices even if others disagree. Daisy also has an immense care for children and their well-being and is surprisingly capable of handling them.

Accessories: Quake's Gauntlets, Backscatter Glasses, Night-Night Gun, I.C.E.R. pistol, other weapons as needed

Powers: Vibration Manipulation

History: Daisy was born in a small village in Hunan Province of China on July 2, 1988. She was the daughter of Jiaying, a local woman with extreme longevity and Cal Zabo, an American doctor. Cal delivered his daughter himself. Shortly after her birth, a group of Hydra agents under the orders of Daniel Whitehall raided the village and kidnapped the elders, including Daisy's mother. Whitehall vivisected the woman and used her blood and organs to regain some of his youth and left her remains to be found by Cal who swore revenge against Whitehall.

Daisy was discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents after they located an 0-8-4. After members of the team that found Daisy started to be killed off, agent Linda Avery sent the infant to Saint Agnes Orphanage. Unaware of her origins, Daisy took on the name of "Skye."

She bounced between different foster homes that never kept her around for long, saying that she "wasn't a good fit." When she was nine, she stayed with a family, called the Brodys, that Skye particularly wanted to like her, but they soon sent her back to the orphanage. Skye then became a member of the Rising Tide, an anonymous network of hacktivists Skye made it her personal mission to find out her origins and her search eventually led her to a redacted S.H.I.E.L.D. medical file.

She was eventually captured; she claims she allowed herself to be captured. Coulson who had carte balance (within reason) to recruit members of his team recruited Skye to be a consultant because she didn’t think like an agent. She began training with Grant Ward to become an agent then with Melinda May, The Cavalry after Ward was revealed to be a Hydra agent.

While investigating a mysterious temple beneath San Juan, Puerto Rico she discovered an ancient artifact known as a Diviner her partner Agent Triplett accidentally opened it, it killed him but for her it activated her dormant Inhuman genes.

While fighting Hydra her team became trapped and quickly overwhelmed, a blind Inhuman known as Gordon rescued her leaving the others behind to die. She was taken to Afterlife a safe haven for Inhumans. She met her mother and they trained for a time. She eventually discovered her mother’s evil side and how she was able to live as long as she did. She rebelled against her mother and was forced to kill her when the Inhumans attacked S.H.I.E.L.D. The Inhumans didn’t want to attack but they followed their leader, when she died at the hands of her daughter they surrendered.

She began using her birth name after defeating her mother. She was put in charge of Project Catepillars, a group of Inhumans she would personally recruit into S.H.I.E.L.D. and if successful would evolve into the Secret Warriors a strike force to hunt down and destroy Hydra facilities all over the world. On one mission the Secret Warriors were transported 2091, a future where she said to have destroyed the Earth and the Kree are enslaving the survivors. She refused to believe it at first but then she was shown proof, she lost faith in herself, became afraid of herself. She allowed herself to be captured by the Kree and be implanted with an inhibitor device that cut off her powers. Eventually the Secret Warriors rescued her and Sparkplug her second in command destroyed her inhibitor. They were eventually able to return to their time and stop the true Destroyer of Worlds. Her team numerous successes eventually led to S.H.I.E.L.D. putting Sparkplug in charge and put her in charge of training the Young Avengers.

Name: AR-C4DE
Alias: Arcade
Strength: (depends on inhabited machine)
Smarts: 9/10
Speed: (depends on inhabited machine)
Defense: (depends on inhabited machine)
Background: Unknown (for now)
Abilities: making death traps, accessing networks.
Appearance: a computer monitor two eyes and an evil grin
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Name: Dario Agger
Alias: Minotaur
Strength: 10/10
Smarts: 1/10
Defense: 9/10
Speed: 8/10
Background and appearance:
Arcades’ anti-avengers
Mr. Negative
Elaine Coll (Scorpion)
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Not sure who is for who (Since no idea Poundcakes is, Diamond back i think is a snake villian or something?)
Each person is fighting the hero in order of where they are in this page, pyro is fighting Randibauers character and so on, which reminds me I never got someone for my character, whoops!
So Rogue is going against a physical brawler with earthquake boots? (had to google quick)
Yeah especially because Rogue isn't Captain Murder like Carol.

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