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The Xerian Frontier

"It's 5 grams a night." Said the lady at the desk.

"Here's 35 grams I'll take it for the whole week." Said Sam.

"Here's your key sir." The lady said passing the key.

"Thank you ma'am." Sam picked up the key. 115 grams still in the coffers. I'm going to need to get a side job till Scooter is paying me. I think I saw a job board in the bar. I'll take a look. Anderson rentered the bar. He walked past a Xerian and human couple. He walked up to the board. Hmm foraging for equipment could work. I'll take the job. Sam put his name down for the job. He's going to need some equipment to help with the job.

He found a machine stand selling tools. "Hello sir. Would you happen to sell a plasma cutter?

"Why yes I have one left for 50 grams." The man said.

"I'll will take it." Anderson payed the man. Grabbed the plasma cutter and made his way to the gate.
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Lewis stood up and said "Hey, if anyone's planning on leaving town to do one of those jobs, I'll be happy to accompany them. There are reports of wild animals-including velociraptors, gangs, tribal savages, and whatnot. So you might need some extra protection. It'd be best to stay in a group, too."

He takes his SMG out of his shoulder holster. "Rain's clearing up, too. It's a good time to leave".
Maxwell Teller

Stamina: 10 (+2)

Willpower: 4


Agility: 4



Charisma: 1

Stealth: 5

Perception: 7

Health: 120

MP: 40


Max stands up and looks at Lewis with a nod. "As a soldier and a good citizen, it is my job to help any city of ours in need. If this town needs defending, I'll always be available to help in any way I can."
Jason and Ny were walking around, preparing for both their jobs. Jason had most of the needed material's already, so he simply bought a length of wire for 10 grams. Ny was just following Jason around, to be honest. Once Jason bought the wire, he and Ny went back to the bar and signed their names next to the jobs they would preform. The two were about to leave when they heard Lewis offer his accompaniment to anyone who would possibly need it. Jason rose his hand and pointed to Ny, grinning. "She would!" Ny looked to Lewis and shook her head. "No, he'd just slow me down. I like to move fast. In and out.. No time to waste." Ny looked to Jason, who was blocking the doorway, a frown on his face. "Pwease......"

Ny grimaced and sighed before turning to Lewis. "Fine.... I'll go with him... Just don't blame me if he dies out there or something." Jason jumped up, celebrating, before turning to leave. "Take care of my Xerian!" He ran off before Ny can grab him. He made one more trip to the market to something that had caught his eye. "Hey, I'd like to buy this!" The vendor looked to him as he pointed at a oval shaped music player. "75 گرم." Jason pulled out the appropriate amount of grams and handed them to the man before running off while 'Centuries' by Fall Out Boy played. He mumbled the lyrics to himself as he cut pieces of wire, his trademark grin plaster onto his face.


Ny- 195 Grams

Jason- 115
Maxwell Teller

Stamina: 10 (+2)

Willpower: 4


Agility: 4



Charisma: 1

Stealth: 5

Perception: 7

Health: 120

MP: 40


Max looks to Ny and chuckles. "If it's any consolation to you," he says, "I'm part of the recon corps. Going in and out is basically in my job description. Though if stealth or speed is what you're looking for, unfortunately I'm not all that good. All that military training helps you shoot better, not run better. Well, for the most part anyway."
Anderson was walking to towards the gate and watched the spectacle unfold in front of him. The soilder looking guy from the mechanic shop was there to. He mentioned he was with the Recon Corps. Having someone from the Recon Corps in the wilderness would be nice and I could use the help during my job. I'll ask if I can tag along. He walked to the man. He noticed the Xerian talking to the man. Sam couldn't place her clothing with one of the tribes. She could be one of the Gizaians. Just in case he activated his helmet for cover and hid his identification mark. Sam began to talk. "I heard you were leaving the city for some hunting. I was going to do some scavenging in the same area. Mind if I come along?" Anderson asked the man.
Maxwell Teller

Stamina: 10 (+2)

Willpower: 4


Agility: 4



Charisma: 1

Stealth: 5

Perception: 7

Health: 120

MP: 40


Max shrugs as the man approaches him and asks about tagging along. "The more the merrier I suppose. I don't know what we'll be going after, so the more soldiers, er fighters, the better."
A truck drives over. There's no driver, it's driving itself. The truck fairly unimpressive looking (no paint job), but it has a large enough bed for all of us.

Lewis hops on and says "Is that everyone?".

He goes on "I'm thinking we'll go to the salvage sight, and then we'll see about those zombies. Hopefully, we can make it back in time before nightfall."

He hears the sound of a Fall Out Boy song. It's not a song he's heard before.

"What song is that?" he asks.
The guard from the gate seemed to be coming along to. Sam climbed aboard the truck. It drives itself? Interesting. Sam deactivated his helmet. "We should introduce our selfs to each other. My name is Sam. I was going for the salvage operation."
Ny climbed into the back of the truck and sat down, spinning her spear around in her hand. She looked up to Anderson when he suggested they introduce themselves. "Names Ny." She noticed his identification mark and sneered before looking over to Lewis. She heard the song as well. "It's Centuries. Jason's probably playing it whole he works on that fence."
Maxwell Teller

Stamina: 10 (+2)

Willpower: 4


Agility: 4



Charisma: 1

Stealth: 5

Perception: 7

Health: 120

MP: 40


Max hops in the back as well, seeing as there's no space. "I'm Max. As you can tell, Recon corps. I got stranded here after a failed operation. I need to gather supplies to get back home."
Lewis salutes everyone. "I'm Officer Lewis Gage. I'm Holon's excuse for a SWAT Team. Though, the city doesn't really need a lot of protection most of the time, so my job's pretty easy."

Since it's stopped raining, Lewis takes off his trenchcoat, revealing a blue, mad-max like suit of armor underneath.

He has a seat and says "Let's wait a few more minutes, see if anyone's going to show up soon."
Maxwell Teller

Stamina: 10 (+2)

Willpower: 4


Agility: 4



Charisma: 1

Stealth: 5

Perception: 7

Health: 120

MP: 40


Max salutes the officer back. As a soldier, he had learned to show proper respect for authority. Some people in the military had little respect for the police forces. They said they did nothing, especially these small town ones. Max knew better. He knew to show respect to these people, whether their work is difficult or not. The fact that this man was willing to go into combat showed he was a true man of honor, and Max could respect that.
After waiting for too damn long, Lewis closes the tailgate, and the car slowly starts to drive away down a dirt road.

We drive through a forest with purple leaves. Gunshots are heard far in the distance. But we can't see anything.

We then come across a foggy, swampy region. Our truck stops, when we come across a most peculiar sight: An armored Jeep, sunken into the mud. It's painted black, and on it is a logo painted in red of a Snake Skull. Written above the logo is: ENIGMA.

Lewis says "Alright. There's boots in the passenger seat if anyone needs them. We just need to toe that vehicle out of here, and we'll be good."

He tosses Sam a salvage cable and says "Why don't you go down there? I'll stay guard in case there's trouble."
Sam takes cable. "Thanks." He slips into the boots and jumps of the truck and wades his way to the car. Several vines and roots have grown onto the truck. Sam takes out the plasma cutter and destroyed the vines and roots. He takes a look in the car for anything of value. He only find metal parts and wires. He grabs them. He then attached the cable to the Jeep. "Hey! Lewis! Start the Jeep!" He says.
Suddenly, footsteps are heard.

Out in the fog, we start to make out shapes. Shambling figures moving towards us. About half a dozen, give or take a few.

Lewis shouts out to them. "Stop! Identify yourself!" He's simply making sure that the figures are, in fact, zombies.

The undead give no response.

"Everyone! To arms!" He crouches down, and prepares to fire into the crowd of zombies.


[For the sake of simplicity, the horde of zombies will be treated as one giant enemy. They are currently approaching everyone with an agility of 2. You need to roll your speed stat against the number 2]

The zombies march slowly.

Lewis prepares to fire his gun, and....


...His gun jams. He tries to clear the jam, but cannot. A Zombie's hand claws at him, twice.


[Lewis takes a total of 10 damage from the attack. He has 60 HP remaining].

[Zombie horde has 320 MP remaining]

They claw into Lewis's thigh, leaving very nasty claw marks. Lewis shouts out in pain, before finally managing to clear his gun and fire it at the enemy.


He aims wildly in fear, but nonetheless the burst of plasma manages to hit the zombie in the chest.

[The Zombie Horde takes 10 damage. Zombie Horde has 325 HP remaining]

[Lewis has 30 MP remaining]

The truck starts to drive away, but it's having a bit of trouble pulling out the Jeep. It'll keep trying its best, though. Sam might consider hopping onto it or the jeep it's pulling.
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Maxwell Teller

Stamina: 10 (+2)

Willpower: 4


Agility: 4



Charisma: 1

Stealth: 5

Perception: 7 (+2 weapon)

Health: 120 (-8)

MP: 40


Ammo: 40 (-5)

Ammo Cost: 5

Damage: x3

Zombie Horde

HP: 325 (-33)

Speed: 2

Damage Stat: 10

"Shit!" Max yells, jumping out of the car and down to defend.


Max quickly pulls out his gun and takes aim at the horde as it approaches. It's now or never. I reckon with this distance I'll be able to get two shots in before it reaches me.


Max opens fire, and gets good shots both times. No time to celebrate though, as the zombies finally reach him.


The zombies get a good hit in, wounding Max. He'll still be fighting though

Max HP: 112

Zombie HP: 292
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Anderson notices the zombies enter the swamp. The truck managed to pull the Jeep out of the mud. Maybe I could restart the car. That may help. He gets into the front seat. There's a little juice left in it. He begins to try to restart the car.


"I'm going to need some covering fire till I can restart the car!" He yells to the group.
Ny sat in the back of the truck, staring up at the sky before she heard Lewis scream. She grabbed her spear from beside her and jumped out of the truck. "Great.... Necro's...." Ny twirled her spear at her side as she ran out to face a few zombies who had strayed away from the horde.


Ny swung her spear diagonally, cutting a Necro's head in half, before whipping away to face a Necro who had gotten too close for comfort, her blade slicing it's throat before she jab at the zombies head, piercing it and destroying the brain.


The Xerian turned to attack the final Necro, but was caught off guard. The Necro swiped at her face, grazing it.


Ny's Health:38

Zombies Hordes Health: 261
Rivan attempts to jump over top and into the middle of the horde.


Rivan lands on one of the necro's head, and thrusts his hands to both aides casting minor air rend on the horde imploding one out right and crippling others. Doing 14 damage (If it's ok I'll determine spell damage by multiplying base dame by int roll)


The necro Rivan was standing on turned it's head up to bite him.


Rivan is bitten in his ankle taking 10 damage crippling his enviro suit, but his aura activates lowering the damage by 1 and reflecting 1 damage to the horde.


Rivan's Health: 11

Rivan's MP: 62

Horde's Health: 246
Though it'll cost Sam 20 MP to start the engine, it whirs to life, and suddenly, we're moving!


Albeit, not very quickly.

[All players should add 3 to their speed rolls]


Not that the zombies are doing much better. They can only barely keep up with the truck or the jeep.

Lewis quickly checks his leg. It's not too bad. He looks at the Zombie Horde, and then raises his weapon, and then prepares to open fire.



[Zombies take 250 Damage]

The air is suddenly filled with bolts of plasma from Lewis's submachine gun as he shouts "DEATH TO THE HEATHEN ZOMBIES! BY THE POWER OF METATRON, I SMITE THEE!!". It's truly impressive; the zombies are sitting ducks. They fall like winter wheat, and fall over, all dead.

The city is quite zombie-safe, now.
Given Rivan's postion he takes a large portion of damage crippling him (Thanks alot for letting me get clear)

Rivan's HP: 1
Meanwhile in Holon:

A slightly chubby man sits on a desk counting his gram coins.

He starts humming and then bursts into song:

"As I sit here, counting money....some might find it funny.

How it's always been my passion,

To try and make a cash-in!

But if there's one thing that I've learned,

It's to treasure the money that I've earned.

Plus it makes me overjoyed

Keeping this town employed!"

He walks outside, carrying a bag of cash.

He looks at some hobo and goes on:

"Are you feeling blue?

Well you can have some money, too!"

He tosses the bag to the hobo.

Someone shouts "Stop singing, Mr Price!"

Mr Price frowns and says "Oh, all right."

Lewis blinks twice, a little dumbfounded by what he just managed to do. Until Revan snaps him out of it. He says "Well, you shouldn't jump into the middle of zombie horde!" Indignantly.

We drive to the gates of the city and are let in. Mr Price stands there and says "is that the Jeep you were hired to tow?" He opens the hood. "Hm. It's in surprisingly good shape. We just need to repaint it. And then I can sell it to Zion's police. Grams! Grams for everyone!"

He pays us 50 Grams.
Rivan goes to say something to Lewis but only clicking can be heard, then Rivan starts typing on his wrist pad and a computerized voice says "You're a professional soldier don't act so dumbstruck, also I'm Rivan by the way." Rivan holds his hand out to Lewis.
Lewis shakes his head. "I'm not a soldier, I'm a police officer. From a town with a rather low crime rate...in fact, that's probably the most action I've seen in one day."

Rivan offers a hand, he shakes it and says "Officer Lewis."

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