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Fandom The X-Men Academy

Aaron looked up from his desk when he heard something crash. He looked at the floor and saw that she tripped because of one of the pencils. I thought I picked up all the pencils. Aaron looked around himself and realized that that wasn't true. There were enough pencils still on the floor to fill up a small cup.

He played with one of the pencils and looked at his bag. He looked at the desk from the teacher and smiled. Aaron gave the pencils that didn't fit in his pencil case to the teacher. Because what else was he supposed to do with them? Keep them? It probably wouldn't fit in his backpack anyway. Because when he gave the pencils to the teacher it took more space than two drawers could handle. He scribbled some doodles in his notebook and smiled. It was his special notebook. The notebook that didn't run out of paper. Or in other words the first thing that the didn't screw up.

The class although educational, it couldn't hold his interest. Especially since he still thought about the bubble of soup. When the class was finished he planned on asking Buckingham about it. Maybe she knew more about it. Aaron thought that they just broke the bubble and cleaned up the soup. It must suck to be the janitor here...
Helena walked out of her room and slowly made her way to the class. She didn't realize what time it was because the time she got there, Professor Hank had already started teaching. She just looked down and made her way to her seat. Upon walking there she saw the boy with the soup had his pencil case full of pencils. Little excessive. She thought to herself. When she took the only seat open which was by the girl who was sitting on the ceiling. She just didn't look at anyone and proceeded to write down notes though most people looked bored and were doodling.

I have to learn as much as I can if I am going to be able to control my powers. She thought of the events yesterday and how scared she was. Just thinking about it scared her even more. While thinking, Helena had failed to realize she was making the girl who sat on the ceiling's desk float in mid air. When she realized she had to be paying attention it fell and hit her in the legs. When Helena saw this she looked at the desk. "I am so sorry." Helena said to her. She put her head on the desk and blushed in embarrassment.
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Jeremy wasn't able to sleep that night as he hopped, his previous chose of lifestyle meant he had to be a light sleeper to keep alert from threats. It was trait difficult to shake of even in safety and the nightly noises of the mansion whether mechanical or living had kept him awake. He took the time of night to do an activity he could not do in the morning: Smoke. He had picked a spot in the mansion roof, sneaking past security with his ability to sense electrical devices and his skill in climbing buildings, were he sat to enjoy the silence and his cigarettes.

When the morning came, he sneaked back to his room before changing to a clean set of clothes before going to class. He took a seat right next to Alyssa, giving her a smile and wink while trying to change her mood regarding him after leaving her overnight. However, his lack of sleep shone through forcing him to catch some Zs through most of the class only waking up fully near the end of the class. Thanking his lucky stars that there was enough distraction by other classmates to divert attention from him. When the class ended, he turned to Alyssa:

"Hey, would like to apologies about yesterday. I know i tend to let my mouth ran off ahead of me especially is stressful situation, i didnt mean to cause offense just to bring some light in a bad situation."
Buckingham blinked in confusion when her desk suddenly floated and fell to the ground. A girl put it back up and apologized as she turned as red as a tomato. "No problem." Buck said, still half confused. She turned to the girl and placed her head in her hand as her elbow rested on the table. "The name's Buckingham, like the palace, but you can call me Buck if you want…" Buck's smile disappeared when the teacher cleared his throat.

"Sorry." Buck whispered innocently and turned back to the girl next to her. "So you're new here, huh?" She smiled. "You'll get your powers under control soon enough. It took me a while before I had my bubble shield under control. Professor Logan was stuck inside the bubble for an hour, repeated times, when I first got here-"

"Miss Free, is there a problem?" Hank asked as he looked at the girl with dreadlocks.

"Besides that you you the blues?" Buck smiled before her face dropped. "Sorry, bad joke. couldn't help it."

"One more time and I'll send you to Mrs. Monroe, am I clear?"

Buck rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue. Teachers always had to ruin her fun as always.
Alyssa & Alonzo Jackson

Their eyes watched as everyone was finally filing in for class. She saw the boy who had dropped his pencils and had budged to help him but when even more pencils came from nowhere - Alyssa stayed seated. Her eyes were stuck on him though as she wondered what his name was and his mutation. She was always curious about that type of stuff as she was just dying inside to know. "All of these look like they can't control their ability." Alyssa whispered towards her brother as she saw another girl with long dreadlocks come into the classroom - Not being to control what she just did.

Her eyes diverted from the display to another female walking into the classroom then after her was Jeremy, who decided to sit next to her. She scoffed and folded her arms and demanded that her brother trade seats with her but class had already started. "Shit." She cursed under her breath, glaring at her brother.

Hank started the first day of class as usual, introducing himself and what he taught. Biochemistry, Science and Mathematics. Alonzo thought that was a lot for one but someone had to fill in the ranks after three deaths of the Professors. Alonzo surprisingly remained quiet throughout the class, taking notes when needed. Hank had let out a chuckle as he forgot to let the students introduce themselves. Alyssa was the first one out of her seat. "Hello everyone, I'm Alyssa and I can control with weather patterns with my mind. I am very controllable of my mutation as..." Hank cleared his throat as Alyssa giggled then sat back down. Alonzo was next but he didn't stand. "Hey, uhm, my name is Alonzo and I can control anything dealing with plant matter."

That went on and on until she knew everybody's name and what they did. Some of their were cool but just not cool enough. Her eyes shot a look towards this Bucky, or Buck or whatever she wanted to herself girl as she got smart with Professor Hank. Outside of the window it seemed like a storm was brewing and Alonzo shot a look towards Alyssa. "Calm down, AJ." He whispered as she looked towards Hank with a smile. "Sorry." She leaned back in her chair and folded her arms over her chest.

Finally, class was over and they were free for the rest of the day and that there was no homework assigned to them. Jeremy had stopped her after class to apologize. She smirked at the thought of letting him suffer but then shrugged her shoulders about it while getting up out of her desk. "I accept your apology and I honestly think I overreacted." She admitted towards Jeremy. "Hey, since we have the rest of the day off, maybe we could go for a walk in the garden." She smiled while biting her lip nervously again. Alonzo was going to wait for his sister but kept on going as he went up to his room and plopped down on the bed. He had a lot on his mind and it was giving him a headache.

Alonzo wondered if Alyssa really liked Jeremy or not - Not that it was any of his business but he still wanted to know. He also wondered who the blonde chick was that came to the door earlier and what had happened to Pyro, where did they take him. Alonzo kicked his shoes off his feet before laying down in his bed.

"Sounds good."He said with a smile as he let out a sigh a relief, beginning the walk to the cards with her. "You nearly had my worried for a moment. i thought i would have to go to my knees and beg. And no its to late you already accepted my apology so ha!"He said in a cocky joking tone before giving a chuckle."Anyways... You're a local?"
Buck cracked her back when class was done and handed the pencil back towards Aaron. "Gloves didn't help?" She asked when she noticed his bag full of pencils. "Try duck taping your fingers. Duck tape can fix anything." She smiled and walked out with her backpack over her shoulder. She was bored. She wanted to go home, she missed her siblings and parents. She had been too busy with getting her powers under control during the summer and didn't go home for visit like most people.

Buck sighed and took a seat outside against the brick wall of the school. Her thoughts went back to yesterday. She wondered what was going on, she was so confused.
Aaron quickly grabbed his things and walked after her. ''Hey Buckingham'' He swallowed his spit. ''About yesterday. Do you know what they did with the soup? I mean, do you know if someone cleaned it up already?'' A second went by before he said ''Oh and no, gloves indeed didn't work'' he quickly said after he realized that she asked him something. Aaron really hoped they already cleaned up the soup. So he can forget about it and pretend that it never happened at all.

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Class ended and Helena had made her way to the door. She walked in the hallway with her head down still embarrassed by what happened. She kept walking to she realized she was lost. Then she walked some more hoping she would find something familiar. That in turn made her even more lost. She didn't want to ask anybody where she was because she didn't want to look stupid.

Helena kept walking till she came to a greenhouse. By that time she didn't care if she looked stupid she was hopelessly lost. "I have time, and maybe I will find someone in there to ask for help." She walked in the greenhouse and looked at all the beautiful plants. She came up to some flowers and smelled them. She walked around looking for someone, occasionally touching some plants that she didn't know and wanted to know how they felt.
James Praeter

For people that were particularly business oriented and punctual, his parents were terrible at planning, as he'd arrived a day late for class. They insisted on spending the last three months in Busan, where his dad’s sister was now living on beachfront property. They called it ‘luxury’, but James couldn’t bring himself to see the glamour of it all. Every night it was soju until his blasted liver decided to turn inside out and gag. He couldn’t tell if his dear old gomo was trying to culture him or get him addicted, but neither of her plans were working.

‘James,’ his mother scolded him one night, ‘This is your heritage, maybe you can learn a thing or two about it!’

He’d never felt further from home, and the fact that he couldn’t even speak the language was uncomfortable to say the least. His parents were so determined to Americanise him that they gave him an English name, and never bothered to teach him Korean. And now they wanted him to embrace it? Wasn’t happening.

He was relieved to finally be home- Xavier’s Academy, not NYC, and most definitely not Korea. He didn’t bother bringing much, since he generally travelled lightly, so most of his belongings were still in his dormitory at the academy. He was alright with that, so long as his roommate didn’t mess with any of it. He wasn’t entirely certain who his roommate was this year come to think of it, since the last one left midway through the term and never came back last time around. Sometimes, it kept him up at night wondering if the oddball fellow was plotting with the “bad guys”. Or, maybe scheming; plotting looks different. That guy was definitely scheming.

His dad sent him with one of his secretaries, claiming he had to meet with his staff as soon as possible, but James knew he was really just nervous about being around mutants. Both of his parents were. James knew they were trying their best to include their son, and while he did appreciate it, they were awfully adamant about him not using his abilities around them. Even the secretary, a no-nonsense type woman with her blonde hair up in a tight bun on her head, refused to drive him much closer than a mile or so out. He exited the silver Mercedes, hefting a backpack full of just his clothes and passport, before the woman took off down the dirt road, away from the school and without another word exchanged.

“Thanks for the ride!” he called after her, waving. She’d already disappeared beyond the foliage. He plugged some music into his ears and began his hike to the academy.

Of course, it was already well into the day, so he was certain he’d missed class already, and that was fine with him. He could use the day to get to know the new faces, and see who was still around. He decided to start in the gym, hoping he would see Bobby. Unfortunately, the gym was located in the basement, and there was a gigantic marble full of liquid blocking the gym door. It took him a moment to process this, but he’d seen stranger things in his time here, so he shrugged it off and turned around, back the way he came. His face morphed and he opened the door to Munroe’s office.

“Hey uh, there’s a giant ball of soup chilling in the basement,” he said, and the Professor glared at him.

“That’s getting old, Praeter,” she practically growled. She seemed quite upset. James lifted a brow at her.

“What? I’m not-”

“Logan would knock. Also, Logan is in my office with me.” James had no rebuke as he made some rather awkward eye contact with the man, and dropped the disguise.

“Well, like I said, there’s enough to feed Uganda in there and I-”

“Not. Now. Praeter.” There were sparks literally flying off of her body.

“Alright, sheesh.” He threw up his hands and left. He wondered what her problem was today. She had a history of not liking him much, but she really seemed irritated about something, and he wondered what had her so stormy today. He would probably find out later. The gym was now out of the equation, so he decided to get some dinner instead, now that soup was on his mind.

He wasn't familiar with any of the new students now in the dining hall, and they were all busy making their own acquaintances. He (of course) decided to make some soup, and seated himself near the window. He was within view of the gardens, and from where he sat he watched as a girl he didn’t recognise wandered into the greenhouse. A smile played at his lips as a blew on his soup to cool it. Alonzo wasn’t going to be pleased about that.
Alyssa & Alonzo Jackson

Her eyes fluttered up towards Jeremy with a smirk. "I can always take apologies back." She smiled softly while turning heel to face him fully now. "And I am no local. I'm from San Diego. But the garden is out around back." Alyssa said with a smile as she looked down at her clothing. "Uhm, let me go change first." She laughed nervously while racing up the stairs and into her room.

She took a quick shower then changed into a sunflower dress, with brown flat shoes as she even wore Sunday's dress hat on the top of her head. Alyssa stood at the top of the stairs with a smile as she posed for Jeremy. "Now, I am ready." She said while walking down the stairs and reaching the bottom step as she awaited Jeremy's response to her fashionable choice of clothing.

Alonzo stared up at the ceiling then jolted up as his eyes were widened like he had just seen a ghost. "Someone is touching my plants!" He growled as he raced out of his room, forgetting to put on a shirt and stumbling over a few people. He raced past Bobby and Rogue, who looked confused as to where he would rush off too.

He darted through the kitchen and would burst through the back door, eventually making it to his greenhouse. Alonzo raised his hands up as he seen a female, vines would soon be wrapped around her and her hands as his eyes were turning a pure green color. "Do! Not! Touch! My! Plants! Ever! Again! Got it?" He clenched his fists as the vines would get tighter around her before he lowered his hands and the vines would release their grip around the female and his eyes would go back to normal.

He had raised a brow up at her then walked over and grabbed his lab coat and goggles then proceeded to spray at the plants after they were touched. "What are you doing here anyway?" He questioned towards her while spraying his plants vigorously and talking to them in hushed tone.

"The soup?" Buck repeated and looked up at Aaron from her spot on the ground. "I think the must have rolled it over to somewhere, I don't really keep track of my things. We should find an answer for that though." She pointed at his hands. "I don't think they'll be happy if they have 20 soup balls rolling around in the basement." She smiled. "But about your hands... Have you tried stuffing your hands in your pants or not touching anything EVER? Maybe you should ask Rogue." Buckingham suggested. "She has the same problem.. Sort off... Well, not really, killing people and duplicating things aren't the same but you get the point." She said and grabbed her bottle from her bag, drowning the last bit of her water. She shot the empty bottle a glare and frowned not wanting to go back inside to get some more. Then she looked at Aaron's hands and at her bottle before turning back towards the hands. Buck shot Aaron a quick look and unexpectedly wrapped his hand around her bottle, filling it up again before taking a sip. "See." She smiled. "Your powers do come in handy. Cheers." She smiled and raised her bottle with a wink.
Aaron smiled at her and sighed. ''We probably should go check on the soup ball, or ask someone if they cleaned it up already'' That sounded weird. ''Also I don't think I can go threw life without touching anything. I mean how am I supposed to do things like eating and getting dressed if I can't touch anything?'' Thinking about the soup ball made him wanna face palm. They probably had to clean it up. And that probably would take them a long time.
Helena was feeling some of the plants when a shirtless boy burst through the door and vines wrapped around her arms. She started panicking and couldn't focus at all. He yelled at her to never touch her plants again and she became even more frightened. He clenched his fists and the vines seemed to get tighter around her and then they finally released her. The boy walked over, put on a lab coat, and sprayed where she had touched the plants. "What are you doing here anyway?" He asked. Helena was so shaken up she could barely speak. "I was... lost." She said with obvious terror in her voice. She didn't want to look him in the eye because she didn't want him to see how terrified she was and she was on the verge of tears.
"Oh..well you don't have..." Jeremy tried to say but Alyssa had already run off."...To...Ok, then whatever is comfortable for you!"He smiled and shook his head before walking off taking advantage of the opportunity given.


Pyro lay in a bid within the holding cells deep within the the mansion's basement, he was recovering from last nights fight and logan,s severe interrogation. So far he had told the xmen nothing of his leaders plans or reason for attack, in all honesty he didnt know anything more that it was big and that he was coming soon. A plan pyro wanted to see through, though he had to get out of here first. He looked around his cell, the room was big enough for him to stand a bed and toilet with a sink on top. The walls and door was made from tittanium steel, he could probably melt it given enough time but he neither had a fire source and camera was watching his every move, the camera had a red light on it as constant reminder of that fact. Things looked hopeless for him.

That changed when the lights suddenly began to flicker on and off for a few minutes, then the sounds of footstep coming closer to his cell. Pyro looked towards the camera to comment on this strange occurrence but the little red light on the camera was off. Noone was watching him. Suddenly the letch used by his wardens to give food and another items opened.

"Magnus sent his regards." A voice came from the latch before a hand appeared, in it a small lighter which was let go to fall on the floor."He expect you, dont keep him waiting."

Before Pyro could comment the latch closed and the footsteps echoed again this time becoming softer and softer. Pyro walked to the door and bend down to pick up the lighter. Once in his hand, pyro pushed down on the metal grinder and button. A spark was made and a flame was made.


"Oh...wow..."Jeremy almost said watching Alyssa coming down the stairs, an exaggerated but no less honest look of amazement in his face. He placed his hand near the side of his head were he shot a small arc of lightning, he jolted his head as if the current effected him. He then shook his head acting as if woken from a trance."Sorry...My brain just overloaded just took in too much cute then it could handle. Also can i ask if you mind your step, you might on my jaw before i am able to pick it up.....You didn't have to go in to all that trouble."
James Praeter

He inwardly guffawed as Alonzo basically materialised into the greenhouse half-naked. The girl must have touched his plants, and if he remembered anything about the time he'd touched them, she was certainly in for a treat. The first time he'd met the guy, he'd barely run his hands over the flora- to, you know, "expand his repertoire"- and was very nearly de-manned by a sentient cactus.

He'd finished his soup, and wasn't quite ready to call it a night, so instead he decided to greet the new girl in his own way. After cleaning his bowl and setting it aside to dry, he stored his backpack in his room, and hurried outside to catch her. As soon as he was within a safe distance, he morphed, looking like Professor Munroe, and opened the door of the greenhouse with as much urgency as he could invent.

"Young lady!" He called inside, with a tone of disbelief. "This greenhouse is off limits! Only Mr. Jackson has the authority to enter and exit, and... oh... dear... don't tell me... you didn't touch his plants... did you?" James thought he could win an award for resisting his laughter. Alonzo probably had it figured out by now, but the girl had no idea who he was, and was likely convinced she'd crossed a line. "This is a very serious offense, grounds for expulsion, even!"
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Alyssa & Alonzo Jackson

She smiled cutely when Jeremy said that she didn't have to go through this much trouble to get ready. "Oh, what? This old thing?" She slapped his arm softly then a light chuckle. Her eyes fluttered up towards him with a small smile. "So, you going to walk with me through the Garden or what?" She questioned towards him while standing there, arms folded over her chest as she lightly tapped her foot on the floor. Her eyes caught the glimpse of a blonde haired female. "Oh, hello. You must be Emma Frost? I'm Alyssa." She extended her hand and shook her hand.

Alonzo felt bad when the female stated that she was lost. He parted his lips to apologize only to see Headmistress Munroe enter his greenhouse. His eyes widened as he buttoned up his lab coat, to cover up his revealing upper body. Alonzo sat the spray bottle on the table then heard her words. A brow raised as Alonzo tried to hold back a chuckle of laughter but couldn't. "James, stop messing with the newbie." He couldn't help but to laugh.

"They left you back in after what you did last year?" Alonzo asked while leaning against one of the tables while folding his arms over his chest. James morphed himself into Magneto and threatened an attack on the mansion. Alonzo honestly thought it was funny but then almost got expelled because of it. "Anyways, I apologize, Helena, is it?" He questioned towards while trying to remember her name from class.

- & -

Emma Frost

She exited Storm's office with a sly smirk but before the door closed, you could see Storm's and Wolverine's body laying almost lifelessly on the ground. She walked around the corner then saw two students standing there. One of them recognized her immediately. "Nice to meet you, Alyssa." She smiled softly then looked up at the boy, trying to get inside of his mind but it was kind of hard. Emma ran her finger along the boy's features then looked towards Alyssa again before placing her glasses back over her eyes and walking outside and towards the grave site.

She wondered how she could turn the mansion upside down. Maybe with Storm and Wolverine being psychically disabled for a few minutes - That should shake things a little bit.

(Lying lifelessly on the ground?"

"Well that was...Something."Jeremy muttered watching as Emma Forest left, thinking it be best not to react they way he actually felt like reacting for the sake of his blossoming friendship with Allyssa. Despite that he couldn't help be a little unnerved at the sudden interest of her to him, as her eyes seemed to delving a little to much into him for his liking."So...Eh...We build up this walk to death, why don't we have it already?"
Helena just stood there in shock as the Headmistress came in and yelled at her, but then the boy had called the Headmistress "James." She was confused, but the boy apologized to her. "Yes, my name is Helena." She said answering his question. "I am sorry for touching your plants, Alonzo." She had remembered his name after he introduced himself in Professor Hanks class. Looking at Alonzo she had to admit he was handsome. She knew she probably shouldn't stay in his greenhouse any longer. "I'll just.... go. Sorry about your plants." She said softly and proceeded towards the door.
James Praeter

The amusement in his face shone true even as he shed the disguise. He bowed low, then offered a hand to Helena. "Alonzo spoiled it. You should have seen your face," he teased, then as she might accept his hand, he would mimic her likeness, his face then adopting a deer in headlights expression to illustrate his point. He would drop it quickly, however. Himself again, he answered Alonzo's question with his middle finger.

"It was funny! You'd think people around here could stand to take a joke, right? Besides, I doubt anyone truly thought Magneto was looney enough to refer to himself as 'Metalzor', do you?" He smiled. Turning back to Helena, he finally made to properly introduce himself, but she was already trying to leave.

"H-hang on now, it was just a joke!" He called after her. He shot a look at Alonzo that might as well have asked, Did I screw up? Women were hard to understand.
"As long as the bubble doesn't pop, then we should be fine." Buck smiled. Maybe some of the others have an idea, Alonzo is pretty smart... Sometimes... Anyways, maybe some others have an idea what to do." She said and stood up, starting to head towards the green house. "Let's go... A touch in the greenhouse is like an alarm bell, only allowed to use in emergencies and I think this is close enough."

Buck hurried to the greenhouse and entered loudly as always. "Ooh Alonzo!" She called in a sing along voice. "Are you in here?" She placed a shield around a rose and crushed it, knowing that that would get is attention within milliseconds. The boy was so protective of the plants that it was starting to get hilarious.
Aaron followed Buckingham to the greenhouse. When he heard something getting crushed he raised his eyebrow. He looked at the broken bubble and frowned. Okay... He doesn't really know anyone, except for Buckingham, so he didn't really know what that was good for. He started to balance on the heel of his feet and tried to make up ways to clean up the soup. Maybe they should place it in a container and than break the bubble? Or maybe they should freeze it and move it to Antarctica? Or maybe they should just freeze it and keep it? A frozen ball of soup, sounds like a pretty cool artwork. Or they should just eat it? No, that's probably too disgusting. Aaron never replicated soup. Gummy bears? Yes. Water? Yes. Candy in general? Yup. But soup? He never had a reason to duplicate his food. So he never trained in it.
Alyssa & Alonzo Jackson

Alyssa lead the way for herself and Jeremy to walk along the garden. She opened up one of the double doors and stopped on the top step, squinting her eyes and seeing that blonde haired female in the grave site area. She waved her hand for Jeremy to hurry up while whispering his name. When Jeremy would get closer to her, she would raise her finger up and pointed at the female. "Why is she out there?" She questioned while stepping down the steps and making her way to the grave area, looking back to see if Jeremy was going to follow her or not.

Alonzo shook his head at Helena. "You don't have to go. It was just a joke." He smiled softly while waving for her to come back. His eyes snapped towards James as he laughed. "Look at you. Always running off the newbies." His eyes looked back towards Helena with a smile. "So, what are you doing later today?" He asked towards Helena while looking up and seeing two other kids run towards the greenhouse. "What is this? Herbology class?" He joked while looking around to see if anyone was going to get his reference then turned to look towards James. "No funny business this time."

He heard something crush then looked towards Bucky. "Do! Not! Touch! The Plants!" His eyes snapped towards Aaron as well, raising up one of his eyebrows. "Got it?" His eyes then went back towards Bucky. "And please, don't shout, it disturbs the plants sleep." He raised a brow towards Bucky again. "What are you doing here anyway?" Alonzo snapped while looking up at Bucky and Aaron both.

He was madly curious as to why everyone wanted to come to the greenhouse anyways.

"I don't know, visiting an old friend i guess though nothing here would surprise me anymore." He said having trouble just keeping up with Alyssa, trailing behind her energetic walk. Despite that he enjoyed the walk so far taking in the mansion grounds."Sorry for trailing behind, my natural habitat is concrete not grass. Though i admit the view i am getting is great...Hehehe."
Alonzo waved for her to come back and she thought about still leaving, but she walked back towards him. He asked Helena what she was doing later. "I don't know, I wasn't really planning anything." She said truthfully. Two more people ran in the greenhouse and recognized Bucky. She crushed a plant to get Alonzo's attention and he yelled at her. Helena had to admit, it was kind of funny watching this. She turned to James. "Hello, my name is Helena, thought you should know." She said.

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