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Realistic or Modern The Wulfbangers (Not Accepting)

Suzumaki Arakai


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L e T ' s

F u C k . S h I t


You May Post Once I Accept Your Character Sheet

The RP will start off with our characters hanging out in an underground bar. There is a total of about 21 people in the bar, and your character must already be in the bar when we start. Let's say they've been here for about...thirty minutes now, and everyone's doing whatever. Our cars are hidden outside, in a dark alley way behind the building in which the speakeasy lies beneath.



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♋ T a t s u r i .. A n n a ♋

B i g . B o s s

Height: 5'9

Time Of Day: 6:45 PM - 7:15 PM

Mood: Ready to fuck shit up

Location: New York - Speakeasy - Bar Stool

Interacting W/: Random Bartender

"Come on! Come on! Come on! Fill'er up fucker!" The loud hollers of a muscular woman with booty, booty, booty shorts could be seen beating on the solid surface of the bar of a small speakeasy in which only a few people actually seemed to loiter around in. "So, tell me! You ever had sex on this bar...Pacho? 'S 'at your name?" She seemingly poked the bar with a disgruntled look, staring straight at "Pacho" with an expression that could be mistaken for anger. The bartender just narrowed his eyes as he filled her shot glass for the...I don't even know teenth time. Anna and Pacho shared a brief moment of silence as they continued to stare each other in the eyes, but Pacho soon turned away. Why Pacho? Once he did so, Anna stood up and jut her finger towards him with a loud laugh, "Ha! You blinked first, bitch! You lil' bitch!" She then downed her shot before turning around, leaning back on the bar with her elbows, and staring out at all of the people with a smile. You know what would be good right now? A fight. A fight would be good as fuck right now, man.

Around her shoulders were two gun holsters holding twin pistols, and a large bag could also be seen on the floor beside the stool she sat in. What's in her bag? Does it really matter? I guess we'll just find out when the time comes for her to pull some random shit out of it. I mean, it's nothing important really. Looking over at the clock on the wall, Anna narrowed her eyes a little and shook her head,
"...Almost time to head out." She looked back out at a few of the people. Some seemed to act like they were the shit, like they were..top dogs or something. Luckily no one from The Wulfbangers have bounties yet, because no one's ever seen their face's during some of, what they call, their missions, and survived afterwards. We should fuck shit up...There it is...Anna's favorite catch phrase. Her thoughts could practically be seen written on her face; no one smiles like that unless they've just earned themselves a blow job from a porn star. A beautiful Mustang GT 1967 Fastback is hidden outside above the speakeasy, just calling her name, waiting for her to rev it up.
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LOCATION: Bar - Booth - Behind (@Suzumaki Arakai) Tatsuri and (@SenpaiKiri) Kogomi.

Across from (@SirBlazeALot) Kofi.

MOOD: Nachos - Frustrated

HEALTH: 100%

INTERACTING: Snooty Waitress

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/144341064814208.gif.631dc5cc58e00d9466bc318f7b0a2fe4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77246" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/144341064814208.gif.631dc5cc58e00d9466bc318f7b0a2fe4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Niina sat in a bright red booth directly behind Tatsuri who was spitting nonsense to "Pacho" the bartender. Niina was only nineteen so you can imagine she can't drink, but she blows up buildings and robs banks, why does she care about the law? Well, she usually doesn't get carded at bars because she looks well over nineteen (which she takes offense to), although she chooses not to drink either way.

I don't actually remember when we got to this bar or why we chose this one, I'm sure it was because of how off the map it was, our gang isn't too notorious yet but who knows just who is looking for us. Anyways, I am certain we have been here for at least half an hour, but once Tatsuri gets going drinking, there is no stopping.

Niina sat in the bar waiting for some nachos, hey, girls gotta eat. You may think "What kind of notorious gang member eats nachos?" or you know some of you are saying "How is eating nachos odd?" but everyone is different. Anyways I'll tell you something... in the batman movies they never show the parts where batman fills up the tank in the batmobile, and, well, Niina is filling up her batmobile. So find it weird or don't, I still felt like saying that.

Anyways, to Niina. A slim waitress with way too much red lipstick walked over to Niina and placed a steaming plate of corn chips and melted cheese right in the center of the table. It was like a plate of dynamite.

Niina looked up at the waitress who was smacking on some gum and smiled cockily. I'm not too sure why she did this but I don't really care.

The waitress raised her brow and walked away in a pretty rude way. Normally Niina would have started an argument with this hella rude waitress, but right now, nachos.

So here lil ol' Niina was right about to dig into her wonderful Nachos that she only dreamed were as hot as gunpowder.

She lifted the first nacho and boom there it was. The cheese rolled off of the chip like putty and landed right on her thigh. She was right, it was as hot as gunpowder, maybe hotter. Her first instinct was to fling the nacho into her mouth and swipe the cheese off at the same time but here is how it really went; she threw the nacho into her hair, touched the cheese, burnt her finger, and instinctively banged her knee underneath the booth table. It was kinda sad.

So there she sat with a bruised knee, burnt hand, burnt thigh, and no nachos *tear*.

Even explosives experts feel pain guys.

(I didn't know how to introduce her, so how about an extremely detailed passage about nachos! Yey!)



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-K O G O M I - Y U K A R I -

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Kogomi walks out of the bathroom and looks over at Tatsuri who's rambling on to the bartender, saying God knows what; he usually just ignores it since that's the only thing he can do. Walking over and taking a seat beside her as she downs her shots; Niina in the booth behind them, Kogomi raised a hand, allowing a seductive smile to slip across his expression as he stared intimately at "Pacho". "Excuse me, Bartender-chan. Would you please...Hmph...send one of those intoxicating, love juices my way?" Pacho's eyes land on him in a way that says he's completely done with this bar, and his job included. Kogomi's thoughts kicked in almost instantly upon seeing this, Gasp! He's interested in me... The bartender pours the shot and sets it in front of him with a silent sigh through his nostrils before suddenly realizing his hand was taken by someone else's. Turning around, Pacho glared down at Kogomi with a twitching eye as he took notice of Kogomi's hand, which was seemingly gripping his own; the shot glass included. The flirtatious male smiled up at Pacho with a small wink, much to his significant other's discomfort. Kogomi finished the "love juice" in one gulp before placing the glass back down on the solid surface of the bar, "You're a saint, Bartender-chan." Pacho was just...quiet.

@Suzumaki Arakai @TRASHLYN



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Kofi Khufu

Mood: Easiest trick in the book.

Kickin' It With: Random poolshark, poolshark's girlfriend, Niina

People need to stop falling for this shit, Kofi thought to himself, as he haphazardly struck the cue ball of a billiard's table. The ball rolled straight into a pocket. "Ah, fuck! Scratch again!" Kofi cursed. The man he was playing against smirked.

"All that tough talk for nothing huh? Corner pocket." The dude, we'll call him Gus, was down to the eight ball, while Kofi had only managed to sink three of his solids. Kofi took a hefty swig from his mug of beer.

"It would seem so my friend," the huge man admitted, folding his arms as he watched Gus make a show of lining up his shot. With a delicate peck against the cue, the ball tapped the eight ball into the corner pocket.

"That's game, big guy. Better luck next time," Gus said with a snide tone. Gus's girlfriend, let's call her Francine, rolled her eyes.

"Can we go now, Gus?" she whined from her seat.

"Sure, babe," Gus said, but Kofi stopped him.

"Perhaps, you'd like to spice up the game? 10 dollars per ball?" Gus smirked and gave his girlfriend a knowing look. She gave him a reluctant nod of approval.

"You sure about this, big guy?"

"Positive, I play better under pressure," Kofi assured the man as he rubbed chalk over his stick.

"Alright how about you break, this time?" Gus offered as he gathered up the balls.


When the balls were all ready to go, Kofi stood at the end of the table. The man wins one game and thinks he's the shit, a small smirk played on his lips as he struck the ball, landing two striped balls in two separate pockets. "It would seem that I am stripes this time, and that will be twenty dollars for me," he announced before he shot again. Gus didn't look too worried, but the man's facial expression changed as Kofi proceeded to pocket every shot all the way up to the eight ball. "Eight ball is worth twenty. Middle pocket." Kofi sunk the eight ball and turned to Gus with a blank expression. "Ninety dollars, please, my friend." Gus's look of shock became one of anger rather quickly.

"Hey man, you just hustled me!"

"Beginner's luck," Kofi refuted, but he didn't put a whole lot of work into making the lie sound convincing.

"You fucking liar, you che-" Kofi placed the back of his huge hand on Gus's shoulder near his neck gently.

"Are you calling me a cheater?" he asked in an eerily calm voice. Gus looked up at him and then away immediately.

"Look I--"

"Look at what? Look at your tiny dick? No, I refuse. You look at me," Kofi ordered in a more confrontational tone. Francine watched on in horror, as Gus lifted his head to meet Kofi's eyes. "What I want to know is, are you insinuating that I am a cheater?" His voice had returned to being calm, and low.


"Perhaps I am a cheater, perhaps I am not a cheater. Who cares? All I know is, we made a deal for ten dollars a ball."

"F-fine! You'll get your stinkin' money b-b-but I'm not giving you twenty for the eight ball! Ten dollars a ball is ten dollars a ball!" Gus reached in his pocket for his wallet, but Kofi only moved his hand closer to the smaller man's neck.

"But you will give me twenty for the eight ball. And you will also give me ten more if you do not want me to shove this stick up your ass in front of your gorgeous girlfriend." Francine put her hands over her mouth, and Gus stumbled for words."Do you think I am joking? No. This is not a joke. If I do not have one hundred dollars in my hand within the next five seconds, I will bend you over this table like the little bitch you are, remove your trousers as well as your unmentionables, and I will force this pool stick into your anus in front of your significant other. It will be very emasculating for you." Gus hurriedly took out his wallet and placed a one hundred dollar bill in Kofi's hand. The large brute smiled and stuffed it in his pocket. "Have a good evening my friend~" he said with a smile, giving the man a gruff pat on the back and watching the two scurry out of the speakeasy. "Pussy boy," Kofi grabbed his mug and walked over to the booth and sat directly across from Niina, post nacho incident.

"This must be the latest fashion trend. The cheesehead? I think I saw Rihanna doing it in Vogue," the giant commented heartlessly as he slipped his huge black blazer on over a dark blue tank top. He took a nacho from Niina's basket and crunched down on it, burning the roof of his mouth with the hot cheese. He let out a strained grunt and hurriedly took a swig of cooling beer to counteract the heat.


♋ T a t s u r i .. A n n a ♋

B i g . B o s s

Height: 5'9

Time Of Day: 6:45 PM - 7:15 PM

Mood: Nasty ass nachos

Location: New York - Speakeasy - Bar Stool

Interacting W/: Pacho - Chester - Niina - Tiny

As Anna's eyes circled around the bar, she managed to catch onto Niina who was sitting in the booth behind her; that is, before she turned around and leaned against the bar with her elbows. The Boss couldn't help but die laughing at the sight of her fellow gang member being beaten up by scalding hot cheese and corn chips. Practically dropping to the ground, Anna smacked at her knees, then stood back up to throw her head back in noticeable hilarity. "Aww shit....That's....That's ju-...That's great." Her attention was soon taken by another one of her gang members, Yukari, whom she has given the nickname of "Chester" because of his offbeat affection towards young boys. Still reflecting on the small Niina Vs. Nachos ordeal, Anna showed an amused smile as she turned around to, once more, lean against the bar; this time facing forward in which she could see Pacho responding nonchalantly to Chester's flirtatious request for...love juice? "Leave Pacho alone, Chester...don't nobody want you." She joking smile on her face indicated that she wasn't being serious.

The Wulfbangers sure are a sight to see. What with a giant black man who happens to turn into a raging teddy bear when drunk, and a small child who takes interest in dissecting the bodies of the dead...maybe even the living, you never know. Then, they've got a miniature boy who looks as though he just returned from his Boondocks audition; he got the part. Another strange member would be their fellow cyborg strategist who's limbs refuse to remain in tact; it's no surprise she lost them in the first place, you know? Chester just so happens to be exactly what his nickname states. A child molester. Yes, I know...it's sick. Next we've got our gun-crazed, alcoholic, and blood-thirsty boss; the one who gathered all of these little shits. And Niina. Niina, Niina, Niina...She's the gang's Cracker; Criminal Hacker. Enough with the introductions now, we all know who they are...

Anna's laughter had soon come to an end as she stuck her hand in the air, calling Pacho forward with an entertained grin across her face.
"I'll take another shot, Pacho." In case you're wondering; Pacho isn't his real name. No one knows the bartender's name because...well, this is a criminal crowded bar filled with nothing but thugs, drug dealers, high-class auctioneers, and probably worse. You don't want to let your name slip up in a place like this, which is what code names are for, right? Right. After doing as asked, Pacho placed a mug of rum in front of Anna, much to her approval. Grabbing it with one hand, she shot him an okay sign with her hand before chugging it down a little and turning to hop down from the stool she was sitting in. Her eyes glued onto the man who was seemingly up against Kofi in a game of pool; he was leaving with a slightly pissed off expression, his girlfriend following behind him. "Guess he's relying on fake checks for a while...Depending..." During this time, Anna was making her way towards Niina and Kofi with a big smile slapped across her face. She wasn't civilized enough to take a chair; no, she just plopped her ass down on the table they sat at, taking another swig of her drink and allowing a pleasured sigh to escape her lungs. "Tiny!...How much did you get? From Butthurt boy and his pretty, little girlfriend?" Looking over at Niina, Anna took one of the other's chips and ate it, giving a sour face afterwards. "Oh, damn...what the fuck is this shit, Fireworks? You were actually gonna eat this?...Hell no. Count me out." She then suddenly looked around in a speedy manner, brow furrowed, "WHERE'S CHOPPER!?"

@SirBlazeALot @Zero Gravity @SenpaiKiri @TRASHLYN
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Asuza Shinya

If I could end this post with two sentences, these are what the sentences should be. Shinya had only one arm as she was brooding on a couch. Yup. Okay, I'm totally kidding guys. The reason was that Shinya had given her right arm to Evan, the blind child in the bar. He needed some help entering, and she couldn't look like a total asshole. I mean, if giving a dangerous robotic arm to a blind 12 year old is considered a mental dilemma, while robbing banks and "fucking shit up" wasn't a big deal... you're a pretty weird person.

At least she didn't have to physically get too close, Shinya wasn't the biggest fan of children. Shinya, along with Evan, weren't drinkers. Yes, she was 21. Yes, she doesn't want to drink. Shinya was an emotional drunk... what if she accidentally killed someone with her superhuman strength? As a strategist, that would be horribly illogical. Out of habit, Shinya began to fidget with the one arm she did have ready, as she was wearing a large oversized trench coat and fake skin to hide the obvious gears running through her body. She leaned back on the sketchy ass couch in the most quietly arrogant motion ever, saying "I'm smarter than you" with her eyes. At least, everyone there that wasn't her gang was too drunk to even notice.

Being the antisocial person she was, the small girl looked around the room to spot her drunken gang members. Shinya said nothing to the scenes going on around her, not even a snicker could be heard as Kofi demanded the money from the sleazy poolshark. All she did was watch in the dimly lit area. Her light, icy blue eyes (not to mention, also artificial) made the action look even creepier.
Poor Pacho, she thought to herself apathetically. Honestly, she couldn't care less. Raising an eyebrow, she put her one hand on her hip and calmly walked over to where everyone was eating the nachos. "I helped him out." The blonde pointed to her detached arm. "Jack will find his way here." Shinya shrugged. Jack was short for Jack the Ripper, pretty explanatory. Sighing impatiently at her gang's drunken behavior, she took another chip and crushed it with her hands, immune to the temperature of the melted cheese. "Try to make sure none of you guys have a hangover for tomorrow. Wouldn't be a good idea to talk about it now." Shinya gave a side eye to the creepers that resided in every bar. The girl's curiosity got the better of her as she licked the cheese off her finger, scrunching her face together in a surprised disgust. "Ugh, you're right... This is disgusting. Does everything taste better when you're drunk?" Shinya, you can literally afford a bottle of champagne per day, just stop.

@Suzumaki Arakai @SenpaiKiri @Zero Gravity @SirBlazeALot @TRASHLYN

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LOCATION: Bar - Booth - Behind Anna - In front of Kofi - Near Asuza

MOOD: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/144342893881099.jpe.0ffbbd29a8fa2a565c59d90a32833453.jpe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/144342893881099.jpe.0ffbbd29a8fa2a565c59d90a32833453.jpe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

HEALTH: 100%

INTERACTING: Anna, Kofi, Asuza

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/144342893881099.gif.09ca452d17fc41f1503c79c58eec6bd0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77302" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/144342893881099.gif.09ca452d17fc41f1503c79c58eec6bd0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Here we are in this underground bar in Brooklyn, New York, surrounded by criminals. Felons. Robbers. Art Thieves. Assassins. Serial Killers. Or maybe just some guy who stole a balloon on national free balloon day.

My point is, these people are stone cold, vicious, evil, genius, terrifying criminals and not a single one can get their own damn nachos.

But before we get into that let's rewind.

Niina has just thrown a nacho on her head, burnt her thigh, burnt her finger, bumped her knee, and hasn't even gotten to taste one of her nachos.

After bumping her knee she was in a moment of shock before the pain really hit her. She put one hand on the place that hit the table and winced.

Although, after maybe a second she went straight for the nacho on her head to avoid any
further embarrassment. The nacho fell out next to her onto the bright red booth the instant she touched it but globs of cheese still remained.

While combing cheese out of her hair with a napkin Kofi plopped down directly in front of her and made a smart ass comment.

"Yeah, only Rihanna can't pull it off like I can." She said in response, jokingly.

Next thing ya' know he grabs a nacho and starts munchin' away like they're his.


Half a second later Anna turns around laughing and then rudely insults NIINA'S nacho's saying something about
"Count me out." as if Niina got these nachos just for her.

"Ok. My nachos anyways."



To be honest she kinda didn't. I mean Anna was right these chips look like plastic covered in melted plastic and if they were anything like Asuza said then I think we could all live without.

After snapping on the three who surround her she pushed the nachos closer towards Kofi and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket. Proceeding to remove one from the pack, place it between her lips, and light it. Don't worry she didn't pull a lighter out of thin air. Or did she? She
is an explosives expert, gotta keep those things close. No but really, she pulled it out with the pack of cigarettes.

With the cigarette in her mouth she grabbed a napkin from the tin container that was pressed up against the brick wall and cleaned the 'hair chip' off of the booth like the nachos never existed.

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel



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e v a n

r y o u m a


He was completely and utterly lost. Who's feet was he sitting on? Only people that weren't blind would know the answer to that question. He gripped one of Shinya's arms in his hand, blinking as he turned his head around to hear all the different voices. Really though, where in the world was he? He sat with his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms resting lightly on top of them. He could hear Anna screaming his name, probably looking for him too. The black-haired boy let out a slight huff; he could hear their voices, but he couldn't figure out where they all were due to the amount of other people located in the bar. "I'm over here! Wherever here is, anyway," Evan called back, blinking his sightless eyes a couple more times.

It sucked being blind. He had to have help with practically everything, and no one trusted him to do things on his own. I mean, he was good at stuff most of the time, but depending on the day and task, his strength varied. Driving a getaway car? Heeeellll no. First off, he was blind. Second off, he was twelve. I mean, many of his gang members had probably done that at his age, but none of them had been blind. He was an issue to himself, as well as a bit of a setback. He was like one of those make a wish children that people bought Christmas gifts for, and it sickened him to the core.

@every gang member lol



"the fuck you mean, 'no entry'? you let me in last night!" a particularly small young man stood making rather vivid hand movements in front of a particularly large bouncer, some of which were particularly vulgar and likely shouldn't be repeated. the bouncer simply continued to stand there, arms crossed on his ginormous barrel chest, shaking his head in a serious, though still amused kind of way. "no minors, kid." he said sternly, staring down at dong.

"what?? bitch, what did you just say to me????? you just let a twelve year old in! he went up to your, like, thigh!" he was turning a peculiar shade of cranberry, as if he were preparing to throw a temper tantrum. i mean, he was throwing a temper tantrum, but he's also a fucking baby so necessarily, the levels of tantrum are relative.

the man chuckled, shrugged. "but he's blind. we get questioned, he can't say he saw nothing. he can say he wandered in while we was on break or something. ain't no harm."

dong weighed the pros and cons of murdering the man on the spot. he'd be able to get into the bar real easy, yeah, but then his squad would probably be kicked out and they'd have to find a new spot and by then the boss lady would have his family jewels tossed into her treasure horde. he decided to keep the man alive, for the sake of his libido. "oh my god. ohhhhhh my god. if you weren't like three hundred feet tall and hard as a brick wall i would so cut your dick off right now. real human dildo. sell it on craig's list or ebay. just let me in, man! there are murders in that building; you're fucked left, right, upside down, and sideways regardless of the age of the poor squeeb who walks in that shithole! let! me! in!" he punctuated his last three words with sharp jabs to the bouncer's stomach, which was about all he could reach. he jumped back and fell onto his ass when the rock he was poking began to shake, eyes widening in genuine fear of his life. he rambled, stuttering, "aa–aah shit dude i'm sorry i din't know you had like trigger words and shit i just vomit what i say really there isn't no threat ohmyfuckinggoddon'tkILLM—" when he looked up, he found the man laughing, body shaking to the horrifyingly hearty noises of a giant man covered in tattoos littered in profanities laughing at your terrified form. "uhh...?"

"go in." the dude pointed to the door, and dong wasted no time. scrambling in desperately, he didn't stop until he reached the table filled with his companions. "ohmygod so like you guys have no fucking clue ho—oooo nachos." abruptly ceasing his story, he grabbed a handful and shoved them into his mouth, where his gag reflexes immediately ejected them out—and into his cousin's dreadlocks. "son of a bastard's smegma those were disgusting." he screeched, wiping desperately at his tongue with his hoodie sleeve.


@the rest of you party people

@me 'cause i'm on a roll like cottenelle

@two posts!!! two!!! congratulate me guys this monumental​

♋ T a t s u r i .. A n n a ♋

B i g . B o s s

Height: 5'9

Time Of Day: 6:45 PM - 7:15 PM

Mood: Nasty ass nachos

Location: New York - Speakeasy - Bar Stool

Interacting W/: Pacho - Chester - Niina - Tiny

I have eaten a lot of nachos in my life...and I don't think I've ever experienced nasty ones like there fellows right here. Still sitting on the table and looking around for Evan, Anna's eyes could be seen narrowed, her hands still around her mouth. Because of the chatter going on around the bar, she couldn't really hear her little companions response. "Choooppper~!" So, she made another futile attempt. A familiar voice rang out after the second cry for Evan. Looking over, Anna took notice of another one of her gang members...M.I.K.E! "What'd you do to help him out?" I'm sure most of then were wondering what the answer to this question was, but seeing as MIKE doesn't have her other arm, it's easy to deduce one yourself. As soon as the word hangover reached Anna's ear, she slapped her knee and hopped down from off the table, pointing a thumb towards the center of her chest, "P~lease~! Hangover?...I've got this." Just as she was about to throw herself over to the bar and order some more drinks from Pacho, Dong seemed to finally enter the bar. "Ah! Rev!" Retracing her steps, the boss wrapped her arms around the boy's head, him being short and all, and began twisting side-to-side, knowing very well that this would annoy him. "Would they not let the wittle baby in the bar!?" Upon saying this, she reared her head back in a laugh before finally letting go of her little info-chan, and wandering off towards the bar...AGAIN.

She had already begun waving her hand around for Pacho to prepare the drinks, but he hadn't quite done so until she already reached the island counter and leaned on it with her elbows.
"Hey, hey. Come on Pacho...You ain't gonna talk any?" Pacho remained quiet as he filled Anna's mug with the last bit of rum from the bottle he had open. There are more bottles, of course. This is a bar for criminals and fuckbois...so you know they're gonna be getting fucked up, right? Anna's brow instinctively furrowed as she began chugging down her drink, looking around the bar in search of Evan. Yes, still. He's just a little boy...I mean, what if someone like Chester got ahold of him? Sure, Evan would probably dissect them...somehow. He'd use his secret, hidden laser beams that only work when he commands them to. Did I mention they come from his eyes? This is why he's blind. Just kidding, of course, you knew that. "Hmm...Ne, Pacho." Turning around, Anna looked out at all of the people, taking in how many weapons each of them probably had. It's obvious that all of them have at least one weapon..."...." Pacho's brow raised when she got quiet, and he flinched lightly when she shot around and slammed her mug against the bar counter with a wide grin. "It's been nice knowin' ya." Whatever she means by that. Pacho just rolled his eyes and continued...cleaning glasses or whatever the fuck he does over here.

She began making her way back towards her group, and gave Tiny a knowing look; entertained.
"I say..." Stepping up onto the table, Anna stared around at the people in the bar, once again. She does that a lot. Looks like Anna's a bigger creep than Chester. "We get to planning our heist to rob J.C. Chase Bank." She purposefully spoke these words in a loud manner for everyone to hear, a large grin sliding up onto her face as she looked down at her gang members. "Oops..." From where she was standing on the table, Anna could see Evan, which made her even more excited. "Looks like...we've gotta fuck shit up." All in one motion, Anna jumped down from the table to avoid being an easy target, and immediately removed the twins from their holsters. Aiming over at two men who seemed to understand what was about to happen, pulling their weapons out as well; Anna place two bullets between their eyes, "That's two." As though they were waiting for something to happen from the inside, which it did, a large group of men, some women, barged straight into the bar with a variety of weapons. And, who was in front? Who was leading the group?...Well, it's Mr. Pool Loser who happened to lose 100 dollars in a game against Tiny not too long ago. "Ah!" Anna shot down another person who seemed to be running towards them as the others tended to their fights as well, because you know they ain't just sitting there by now...like...duh. "Haha! Tiny!....You've got....company!" Anna has probably taken out six men already, and was itching to feed Pacho one of her trusty bullets. Pacho was fighting too, however. And like most bartenders, he's got himself a shotgun.

@SirBlazeALot @Zero Gravity @mikko @theglassangel @SenpaiKiri @TRASHLYN
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Kofi Khufu

Mood: Fuckboi cousin/Murderin' Time

Kickin' It With: Boss, Brat, Pookie, Optimus, Father Chester, Osama, and bar crooks

Kay, so I'll be doing a lot of retro postage. Did I just break character? Fuck yeah I did, fuck're you gonna do about it, fight me? DO IT. I DARE YOU. Anyway. Kofi was actually regretting not playing more games with Gus the loser poolshark. If he had made himself seem even worse than he did during the first game, he probably could've gotten the man to bet a lot more money. Why didn't he try to get him to stick around? Well it just didn't seem likely. With a dime like the lady he was with, Kofi wasn't even sure why he was just chilling in a bar with her. If she were Kofi's lady he'd be home splitting her in half. He figured Gus would be in a rush to head home. Maybe his girlfriend had some kind of weird STD. His face twisted in disgust with thoughts of chlamydia, gonorrhea and other nasties that ya get from doin' the nasty.

His grotesque train of thought was broken by Anna's question. He grunted and replied,
"A measly one hundred," before he took another swig of his beer. The crew began to ask about the whereabouts of Brat, their blind youth. Kofi rolled his eyes and said, "This is why we can not have a dog. None of you take care of the pet Brat," with exasperation. When the Brat had been recruited into the gang, Kofi had explicitly stated that he did not want to be held responsible for him, due to his hatred of children, and his initial opinion was that the gang didn't have what it takes to care for the boy. Looks like he was right. The Brat had grown on him slightly, but it was becoming ever more apparent how irresponsible his gang members were if they had lost track of their blind twelve-year-old psychopath. And to his great joy, insert sarcastic tone here, Optimus Prime given the boy one of her totally-not-dangerous-at-all, insert more sarcasm here, robotic arms to protect himself. Again, he's blind. Who did they think this kid was? Daredevil? Actually, that'd be pretty badass. Maybe they could find someone to train him to become the man without fear. And Kofi could stitch him a cool devil ski mask with no eyes. That would freak motherfuckers out, man.

Kofi was interrupted again as his little cousin entered the bar. Ahh Pookie. A regular victim of Kofi's bullying. And what luck! Today the smol guy had invited a beat down! Now Kofi wouldn't even look like a dick! YAY! As the nachos flew into his dreadlocks Kofi's face became blank and flat.
Did he really just...? This piece of shit, "Pookie, my favorite giant pussy! How are you, cousin?!" It was a rhetorical question because right after he said the words, he'd flipped poor Dong over the seat on his back in the booth next to him. He elbowed the boy in the stomach and began using the kid's hood to scrape the nachos out of his hair.

Busy with the very important task of remedying his cousin's massive and gross fuck-up, he hadn't noticed the commotion until Anna started shooting.
"Shit on a stick!" he released the boy and shoved his way out of the booth. He turned his attention toward the door, where Gus had broken in with a few buddies. "Tsk, tsk, tsk," Kofi gave Gus a disappointing look. "You should have gone home and fucked your girlfriend, my friend. Looks like you'll be getting that pool stick up your a--"

"Shut. The. Fuck up, you giant prick!"

Kofi shrugged nonchalantly as he began to put on his knuckles.
"Have it your way. Beyonce, or Solange?" he asked as he equipped his tools. Gus cocked his head.

"What the f--"

"Solange it is," Kofi charged forward and the group began their descent upon the Wulfbangers. Shots rang out and blood boiled. Kofi couldn't be sure where all of the gunners were in the building so he kept a low and crouched position. As he reached Gus, he ducked and gave him a swift jab to the nuts and then raised his body into a sharp uppercut into the man's chin, effectively putting him on the ground. Gus had been holding a baseball bat, a classic and one of Kofi's favorites.

Two more of Gus's cronies engaged Kofi, one with a crowbar and another with a pistol. The giant African swung his forearm into the melee man's, disarming him of his crowbar and the lifting him to use as a shield to block the bullets from the pistol wielding chick. The man screamed as searing hot lead entered his back. Kofi tossed him into the pistol wielding chick and received the baseball bat. As another of Gus's dudes, this one armed with a knife jumped to stab him in the neck from behind, Kofi swung around with the bat and smacked the guy against his ribs and sent him flying deeper into the bar. Kofi went for a killshot against his downed opponents, the crowbar guy and the pistol chick. As he brought the baseball bat deep into crowbar guy's cranium and denting his skull, he noticed that the pistol chick was Gus's girlfriend.
"Ah, I want to keep you alive," he reminded himself as he crushed the woman's hands with the bat instead. He picked up the pistol and shot another of Gus's friends at point blank range who had been trying to sneak up on him. It wasn't a lethal shot, Kofi had only managed to hit the shoulder. So he emptied the clip into the poor guy and tossed the gun away.

He had special plans for Gus and his lady friend.

@Suzumaki Arakai @TRASHLYN @SenpaiKiri @Zero Gravity @mikko @theglassangel
Asuza Shinya

"Late again, info-chan." Asuza snickered into her hands as she watched the two cousins joke around. An even more malicious, yet sneaky smile emerged within Asuza's normally "soft" features as Anna exclaimed their motives for everyone in the bar to hear. Cute, she thought to herself. They don't believe us at all, do they? Little did they know, Asuza always had a plan, and if she didn't, she put on a pretty good show. "Sounds like a plan, boss... and you know that's what I do-- Fuck." Asuza didn't even get a chance to finish her little braggadocio as the horde of men and women with weapons suddenly barged in.

The girl smelled trouble. How was she going to plan this shit out? Trying to calm herself, she looked for means of escape. The blonde had decided to lay low, avoiding any bullets from hitting her vulnerable torso, one of the only places of Asuza's body that had not been replaced my bulletproof material... And it should stay that way too. Glaring at the sudden interruption and her preoccupied gang members,
did no one pay attention to the poor blind boy? Asuza had a habit of instinctively darting her eyes around the room whenever in danger, like a computer scanning through some sort of important document. Sighing in frustration, the girl laid low and covered her body around the boy. "I'll need these back for a sec." Asuza gently took back her robotic arms and attached them back to her body. The cyborg was ready now. She extended her hands, forming sharp black claws, yay for seamless design. In a split second, Asuza found a suitable enough victim. At least she wasn't wearing her synthetic skin today, that would've been awkward to clean up... not for her, but for Pacho. The suddenly frightening bartender had brought out a shotgun out of nowhere. Though he wasn't the only one. Asuza revealed a series of buttons on her upper arm, typing in some sort of advanced code triggered a sort of miniature machine gun. Thankfully, Asuza had it coincidentally equipped in her system. Who would've thought? Well, she was a strategist, she happened to have all of her weapons programmed into her body with varying degrees of skill and expertise. She was paranoid that way.

The miniature machine gun fired at random towards the numerous gang members, though Asuza succeeded at injuring most of them, the girl silently cursed herself. Everyone else was making such a large commotion.
Did they not realize there would be people that could hear them duking it out? "Jesus fucking Christ. This is stupid." The girl said in a terse matter. Crossing her arms, the gun seemed to have detected her movements, retracting back to her arm. Deciding to stick to something a bit quicker... and quieter, sharp edges formed in her wrists, becoming a sort of makeshift knife. You know what her nickname would have been? Macgyver. Nah, I'm just kidding with you guys, the acknowledgement goes to the doctor/mechanic. Now he would be the true Macgyver. Like a true tactician, Asuza effortlessly sliced through the horde. Her "good" mood was the only motivating reason for her not killing anyone today. Though, the blood told a different story, Asuza would just claim it was because "she was being gentle". Seeing a fellow gang member, the hullking Hulk a few meters away from her. At least she could appreciate he wasn't using something as loud as a gun, not that it mattered at this point. "None of these bodies look as fucked up as you." Asuza playfully jabbed at the extremely buff man, although what her "playful" voice was definitely expressionless and essentially deadpan. The two gang members did not hate each other by any means, Asuza respected him in terms of strengths and abilities. In fact, Kofi was probably the only person she knew that could almost dent her bulletproof arms. That was something to be proud about, even if Asuza couldn't feel pain on the amputated areas. Noticing the fearful woman cowering near him, Asuza raised an eyebrow, curious on why he would want to keep her. "Hmmm... I knew you would make a new friend in this place.."

@Zero Gravity @mikko @SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @TRASHLYN @SenpaiKiri
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