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Realistic or Modern The wrong side of the tracks





The events in the past few weeks were more than enough excitement for the students of Blue Water Heights. Within a week all of their lives came to a screeching halt when a fire caught in one of the science rooms and led to a mass explosion and left more than half of the school in flames and ruins. Luckily the science classes were all in an assembly for the upcoming science fair. No one was seriously injured in the fire. Although some students had minor cuts and bruising from the impact of the explosion. The rumors began to spread about the schools involvement in the fire. It seemed that people found it suspicious the school had just put in for a new grant and got denied, then the fire just so happen to break out when no students were near. In any case within a week the students fates were sealed. They were sent a packet in the mail explaining that due to the fire, they would be sent to the nearest school district to their house. Seeing as house Blue Water Heights was the only prep school in the area, and the school was home to around 100 students. The students were divided into 3 different schools, all of which were public and in a much lower part of town. The students closer to Ridgeland county were sent to Cane Ridge High School. Cane Ridge was mostly known for the violence circulating around the area. The area around were home to most families down on their luck. The families of gang members, low income parents, immigrants new to the country and just starting out. Past the violence, drugs, metal detectors and security guards, the heart of the school was a rich culture diversity. Everyone attending has managed to find their way in the crazy life they live one way or another. The new students from both schools are in for a big shock. Blue water students will have to learn to live with out the luxuries. They will go from a school that has money, proper student to teacher ratio, and having the power of money and parents to do the dirty work when something goes wrong. They will be thrown into a school that's under funded, over crowded class rooms, and no one really knows who they are. The drastic culture shock will be the biggest part of the students young lives. The students that grew up to have nothing will learn to strive for a better life, and rise above the hand they were dealt and they may be luckier than they think . The students that grew up with everything will learn to help others, to appreciate what they have and that sometimes money isn't everything. While some may thrive and learn, others will fall into the harsh reality around them. Friendships will be made, enemies will be made, things will be learned, and things will change. In the end lives won't be the same.


Kate sighed as she sat in the doctors office. She was waiting for the checkup as she passed into her second trimester. She had found out she was later along when she moved in with her aunt. At her aunts insistence, Kate began reading up on parenting books and attending her doctors appointments. While Kate hated herself and the situation, she found herself beginning to appreciate her aunt for taking control of everything.

As Kate sat waiting to be called, she glanced around the room, looking at the different people. It was pediatric doctors office so children were treated here as well. Picking up a pamphlet, she was reading about seasonal shots when she heard a child fussing. Looking up she saw a small child, looking uncomfortable and upset. Once upon a time Kate would have been annoyed at the disturbance but now?, her hand went to her stomach which was already showing. Shaking her head to herself, she got up when her name was called...

Once her appointment was over, she was confirmed to be progressing along just fine, which relieved her. Coming out of the doctors office, she decided to get a small treat. She had been watching her diet but was advised that sweets were ok from time to time. Going into the ice cream place, what was originally going to be an ice cream cone became a large sundae.

Sitting in a booth, she took the first spoonful and sighed in contentment. The ice cream place was busy, and it was then she saw a guy who looked around her age with a young child. If the child was 1/1 and a half it was a lot. Considering how packed it was, she put up her hand and waved to catch his attention to offer to share the booth, blaming it on mom brain she nodded and pointed to the booth to share it

lette lette
Ethan was strapped the shoes on his squirming child. "Carter you better get back here if you want to go get ice cream", Carter was now running down the hall way. Ethan rolled his eyes and stood up following behind him. A smile spread across his face as he rounded the corner and seen his mom hugging Carter. He took a seat at the table "your up early mom". His mom looked up from the now giggling baby boy, "I'm going in early today, how was school? ".Ethan began to fidget, he was only in school half the day, the other half he was running the city making money, some liget, most not. He stood up and grabbed Carter who cried in protest "it was ok, learned today that we will be sharing our school with the snobby prep schools kids starting tomorrow". His mom shook her head sipping her coffee "don't act like that, you know better" Ethan smiled and kissed his mom on the cheek before grabbing his keys off the counter and discreetly leaving a couple hundred in his moms purse.

He walked into the icecream shop and people were everywhere. He forgot this was the "hangout" spot for alot ot the younger clansmen. After waiting in line for what seemed like forever, he was finally making his way back in the crowd trying di find a table. With a baby on his hip and balancing a cone and cup in the other was not an easy task. He was looking around when he noticed a young girl waving at him. He looked around to make sure she wasn't talking to someone else. A bir confused he shrugged and walked over to her table. He couldn't help but notice her stomach starting to show. He smiled "uh hey" he said a bit confused sitting down.

Nightblade Nightblade
Kate gave a small smile as you sat down. "I noticed this place is a bit popular and it didnt seem fair to have a booth all to myself" She said by way of an explanation for her offer. "I'm Kate by the way" I say as i scoop up a bit of my sundae and eat it."I moved here recently with my aunt and found this place by accident" I say building up some conversation. Usually she would not be this open but being in a new place and seeing as he seemed to have a child of his own made her open up. "I decided to treat myself, I was given the greenlight at the doctors" I say explaining the subtle bump.

lette lette
"It's time to get up," A voice from the back of the room sounded. "You've been sleeping all day." A groan slipped passed Demo's lips as she flipped over on her bedsheets to look over at her open door. There was no one there when she looked at the door, but she was more annoyed at the fact that her door was left open and not closed. Probably one of them. She sat herself up and stood from her bed to walk out the door. It was around 5 pm when she rose from her deep slumber. You'd think it was quite late to be getting up but not for her. It was a norm for her to sleep in long hours and wake to the sounds of the night. Her family thought it unwise to waste the day like this, but Demo didn't care. Nothing she seemed to do at the moment pleased anyone so why should she worry.

She went into the bathroom, turning on the water to the sink and then splashing the water on her face. She stared into the mirror with a dead look in her eyes, but was able to finally see what she looked like. A mess like always. She wiped the water off the mirror and her face before leaving the room. Demo walked down the stairs and walked past her youngest brother on the couch watching television into the kitchen. It was getting harder and harder for her to notice whether or not she was hungry throughout the day. It was best to do so even if she didn't feel it, otherwise major consequences would take place thereafter. Not to her surprise there wasn't much in the cabinets to eat nor was there something small to snack on. Sighing heavily she grabbed a cup from off the counter and poured some water into it from the sink. At least she could stay hydrated until her mom decided to come back home. Annoyed.


Location: The Park | Interacting with: Her Pals | Mentions: Blue Ridge Students

"Can you fuckin' believe this shit?"

Florinda Castro took one more hit from the blunt before passing it to her left and resting her head in the palms of her hands. It was a quiet afternoon; she wouldn't have to go work the corner for another couple of hours, so she decided to spend a portion of her free time chilling with her friends. Since her mother was off from work that day, the crew couldn't smoke in their usual place on Tamera's front stairs. Instead, the small group of five sat in one of the local park playground areas; while she and her closest friend, Marie, sat on the swings, the other three sat on the bench directly across from them. "It's bad enough we gotta deal with the dumb fucks we already have running around here," Flow said as she rubbed her temples, "Now we gotta put up with a bunch of stuck up, private school kids?"

"Damn that's fucked up," Marie said as she blew a large puff of smoke into the air, "I'm glad I graduated early. I don't gotta put up with that bullshit no more." Flow simply rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth before snatching the blunt from the older girl's hand.

"Yo, who fucking asked you?" The young woman said jokingly, nudging her friend in the side. The older girl simply laughed and shook her head before turning back to face the rest of the group.

"So what y'all gonna do about them?" Marie asked them, and the four simply shrugged their shoulders.

"Man, I don't give a fuck," Lamar Davis said as he took the blunt from Florinda, "As long as none of them come at me sideways, I'm good. There won't be no reason to pop off." Florinda simply nodded her head in agreement. Although she wasn't happy about having to spend a part of the school year with a bunch of rich kids from around the way, she couldn't afford to get into anymore trouble. She wasn't just thinking about herself anymore, but her mother as well. Getting suspended or expelled from school yet again for some petty shit would push her mom over the edge.

"I'm just gonna ignore them," Florinda said as she began to swing her legs, "Act like they ain't even here. They're not worth the trouble."

code by Ri.a
Ethan was very confused about everything going on,but like the rest of his life he kind of just went with it. He managed to get a few licks of his ice cream cone in while struggling with Carter. He was quiet for a few minutes while giving Carter a couple licks of his ice cream. He didn't even know why he bothered buying him his own. "I'm Ethan, and this curly haired little devil is carter". Carter was now upside in the both trying to crawl under the table. Ethan eyed Kate for a moment. She didn't look like the type to be so far east. She seemed well enough, Ethan had to be careful who he talked to given the business he was in. "A little bit of sugar won't hurt" he smiled a bit "and welcome to the neighborhood". You could almost hear the sarcasm on his voice. This was no place for a girl like her especially if she was going to raise a child, hell he didn't like raising his child here. Ethan proceeded to pick Carter up by the top of his pants and put him back in the seat giving him a few more bites of ice cream. He grabbed out his phone to check the time, he had to meet florinda soon. He sent her a quick text *am I still good to come get my stuff?* he turned his attention back to Kate

Nightblade Nightblade Expel Expel
This is a pain. Demo walked over toward the window and peered out the blinds. The neighborhood rugrats ran with delight as they screeched and terrorized most of the good willed children that cared to even go outside at all. These are moments that tended to annoy her the most, but somehow today didn't seem like that. She felt a sense of...envy toward those kids. Having not completely grown up and being able to enjoy themselves without a care in the world. No stresses holding them down. No worries holding them back. She longed for those days once more, but they were far from over now. For she now was within her starting adult years and had been continuing to grow since then. Things she could do back then but never had the chance to would all seem to fade away with age. She loath having grown up this way, but she had no choice. 'It is what it is,' was her motto, and something regularly stated within her life.

With a heavy sigh, Demo pulled herself away from the blinded window and went back to the kitchen to rinse her cup out. She set the cup back on the counter and walked back into the living room; treading slowly back up the stairs. Once she was back in her room, she opened up her school bag to see what other missing assignments she had left to do for the day. Pulling them out and shuffling them onto the bed, the notification on her phone sounded and she looked at it. It was a message from her mom, telling them to open the door for her. And she couldn't seem to find the time to text them to open the door. Rolling her eyes she reluctantly went back down the stairs to unlock the door, before leaving once again to her room above.

-Adriana Gonzalez-

Just another life to the party

c l i c k
In the later afternoon after school she found out about the news of Blue Ridge coming to our school. She rolled her eyes at the fact that brats were going to come to our school. They beileve money is power and you can just buy your way into things that's just bull shit. Waiting for my twin sister to come out she was taking fucking forever and once she walked out the builidng I saw her little boyfriend. I rolled my eyes at her and says "YO, we got business to do leave him let's go".

She quickly comes by my side after she kissed her boyfriend goodbye and she says "Sorry got held up. Where's the next drop off?". Adriana laughed and says "Not until tonight but, did you hear about the shit that happened at Blue Ridge?". She nodded at me and says "Yea I got a couple friends there they told me about it.". Her twin sister used to go to hang around Blue Ridge because that's where her ex-boyfriend was at. I did disagree with the relationship but who am I to judge she is still my sister.

Adriana started walking towards the car and drops her bag in the car while, taking out 2 blunts from her bag and her lighter giving one to her sister and one for herself. She lit them up and took a puff, "Things will be different around here you know", I said looking at her. She nodded her head and agreement and takes another puff from her blunt.
code by pasta
Kate watched Ethan and Carter with a smile, would her own child be the same?. She found herself wondering if her child would lack anything for not having a father figure around. Answering Ethan's remark she explained "Thanks for the welcome" She gave a smile hearing the sarcasm and replying with her own"My parents thought if I went to my aunt it would somehow remove the fact that I am pregnant"She gave a sigh, not regretting her choice once. She didn't know why but seeing another in a similar situation of being a young parent made Kate want to share her experiences and learn whats to come. Seeing Ethan text someone briefly on the phone while Carter did his own thing, Kate smiled at the child before she saw Ethan looking at her. With a soft blush she cleared her throat."So anyone thats my little story of how I came to be here" She finished with a playful bow giving a smile.

lette lette

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