The Worst Field Trip Ever { Actual Rp }

"M-My name is Sophie." she said with a little smile as she started to put her stuff in the upper compartment, this girl was obviously the opposite of Sophie, she was energetic and social which Sophie was not, it sort of made her a bit nervous actually, she sat down next to Sydney and fiddled with her fingers. Alex smiled and shook her head at Graces request "Nope. If you didn't like this you wouldn't be blushing." Alexander said with a smirk "Face it, your stuck with me Gracey baby."

(( Sorry its so short. ))
"Its nice to meet you!" Sydney said and then turned back to the window. She had never been on a plane before and it amazed her. She had taken pills to keep her from getting sick and.she hoped they would work. She started to whistle until she got dirty looks from across the aisle. She stuck her tongue out at them and plugged her headphones into her mp3. She nodded her head to the music and mouthed the words to her favorite song.
Emily finished the friendly chit-chat and introductions. Upon hearing a voice from the intercom call the plane they were boarding in, she excitedly picked her luggage bag and followed the group of students towards the area. She handed her ticket to the lady who was collecting them, just like how her friends did, and quickly boarded the airplane. She slowly walked inside, and it seemed that Sophie already was seating with Sydney, and Alexander was with Grace, and Natasha seemed to be interested in sitting with Mark. With a sigh, Emily waddled onto one of the empty seats, close to the other students.
Grace felt her phone vibrate in her hand and she clicked it open, She sighed and replyed *Omg! I hate you! * she sat back and looked out the window, The plane jerked and she fell into Alex's lap. "I'm sorry " Grace started to blush and sat awkwardly back into her seat and wait for Nat to rpeply back.

@Blue Puppy @Neon Nyan
Sophie smiled and took a deep breath, well at least she wasn't as nervous anymore, Sydney seemed like a really nice person, energetic too. Sophie could never be that type of person, she was quite, shy and a book worm meanwhile her brother Alexander was loud social and also popular. Sophie shook off these thoughts and sighed, she shouldn't be dissing herself like that, maybe thats why she is always so paranoid. When Sophie saw Emily walk pass she waved at her with a smile. When Grace had fell on Alex lap he smiled "You were fine." he said grabbing Grace and laying her head against his chest "You know you just wanted daddy to sing you a lullaby." Alexander said with a smirk before the pilot had announced to buckle seat belts because they were about to fly off.
Grace put her hand ion his chest and pushed herself up "Yea.. Never in a millon years!" She says in digust and buckled her seatbelt and plugged in her earbuds to listen to her favorite kind of music and so she wont have to listen to Alex's stupid voice any more.

@Neon Nyan
As soon as the song ended, she took out her headphones and heard the announcement to buckle up, so she took out her magazine really quick and tucked it beside her before quickly buckling up. She was practically bouncing in her seat. "I am SO excited!" She said for like the fiftieth time. "I can't believe my mom let me go!" She squealed.
Natasha was lying comfortably in her seat when she say Emily pass and sit by herself, she was about to go sit with her when the announcement came on telling everybody to buckle up. She sighed and did. She quickly checked her new text before it had to be turned off, and she laughed at Grace, "You know you love it ;) I bet your cuddling up with him right now ;p" she quickly replied and turned her phone off. She turned her head to look out the window and saw the ground race past them, then the ground growing smaller and smaller. She smiled blissfully and laid her head back to rest.
Alexander laughed at Grace "God your such a kill joy." Alexander groaned as he turned off his own phone, This girl is just to hard to flirt with. Alexander thought as he played with his dog tag that was wrapped around his neck. Sophie looked to the girl when she had suddenly squealed with excitement, well she seemed really happy about this trip. Sophie was surprised that her parents let her go since apparently she is their baby girl. Sophie reached into her suitcase and grabbed her book then started to read her book. Ross had just came out of the bathroom putting his cigarettes back into his black back pack he had gotten from Spencers, he had tried to call Natasha to see where she was but they said that he had to turn off his phone which sucked. Ross found a empty seat near some other kids from school who had came to this trip, Ross was actually surprised he was picked to go on this thing but then again it was a lottery pick so they didn't have a choice.

(( Sorry this is late. ))
Being that she was alone and with no one to sit with, Emily just wrapped her scarf by her neck and black hair closer and opened her cell phone just to notify her parents that she was okay and to post a picture of her in her blog, saying that she would be leaving and not gonna post for probably a long time. Just a minute after, she saw a lot of likes and comments, most telling her to take care and all. She chuckled a bit and looked over by the window. None were boarding anymore and it was announced that they should buckle up already. Emily excitedly turned her cell phone off, took her backpack from the compartment above her, and stuffed it there. She also took a pack of jelly beans from her back and began chewing them happily as their airplane took off.
Alex got ready in the car quickly. She knew she was late and that's one thing about her that her school hated about her. She was always late form dealing with her drunk dad or mom. When she arrived Alex ran through the airport running and screaming "stop the plane!!" . When she got to the dock , she quickly explained the delay and ran unto the plane. She looked at the kids on the plane and decide to sit beside an familiar girl. " um can I sit with you" she asked Emily. @L u n a
Grace turned off her phone and looked at Alexander "Thanks " She says sarcastically and graved her gum pack and chewed a piece "Want some?" She says and hands him a piece, Before he can ansewer " What's that?" She asked him gesturing to his dog tag "Who's is it?" She asks him and waited for him to ansewer

@Neon Nyan
Alexander turned to Grace when she had asked him if he wanted to gum then just gave it to him before he could answer, he was probably going to take some anyway since it was practically a natural teen-age instinct. Alexander unwraped the gum and started to chew on it, when Grace asked about the dog tag he looked down at it then back to Grace "Whaat? Grace is showing interest in me?" Alexander said dramatically with a nice smile "Its my uncle's, he passed away and gave it to me when I was like eleven." Alex said with a slight shrug "So. Grace. Got a boyfriend?" Alexander asked just to get Grace blushing.
" Oh shut up " she says and playfully shoves him.. " Hey what?!" She starts blushing,, The truth was she never had a boyfriend ever and the fact that she liked Alexander...was so new for her ".. Yeas.. Maybe you could be it " she says and trails her hand down to his torso.. Trying to make him nervous.

@Neon Nyan
Natasha had waited for the plane to steady before she even thought of moving even crossed her mind. Once the announcement came on that they were free to move about their seats, she immediately thought about Ross and started looking above the seats, in front and behind her. He was a couple rows ahead of her. She quickly grabbed Grace's purse and moved over to where he was sitting, "Hey." she smiled, plopping down beside him, putting Grace's purse in between her leg and the arm rest, "What's up?"
Alexander raised an eyebrow at Grace's actione before smirking and grabbing her hand, leaving it at his chest "Really now?" Alexander said unbuckling his seat belt and Graces then picking her up "We're gonna go get foolish~" Alexander said as he leaded Grace to the bathroom making the fellow students on the plane laugh and whistle at the two though Alexander was only joking and trying to embarrass Grace. Ross looked away from the window when heard a familiar voice behind him saying hey, he smiled at the sight of Natasha sitting next to him, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close "And where were you?" he asked.
Grace tried to act surprised when she really wasn't, So, She went along with it and they headed to the bathroom. " What do you wanna do?" She asked him, The Airplane had air tutrbulance and she fell on top of him '"Sh*t. I'm sorry.. " and which she knows that he probably loved it, She helped her self up and sat on the toliet seat.

@Neon Nyan
Emily was quite surprised when a few students continued on with their mischievousness, which only made her laugh. What shocked her was the plane stopping from it's tracks again. From the window, Emily almost bit her lip while eating jelly beans when she saw a familiar student run to the plane just to stop it. That exact student approached Emily and asked her if she could sit with her, and Emily nodded. "Sure." She said with a smile. "Feel free."
When Grace had fallen ontop of Alexander he jokingly gasped and sat up "Grace! You ARE trying to get foolish!" he said jokingly "Not in the plane baby, not in the plane." Alexander said as he leaned against the sink "What? You not going to take a selfy like most girls do?" Alexander questioned as started to mess with the dog tag again, it was just a force of habit, he always played with the thing. "So.. Grace do you actually have a boyfriend?" Alexander asked seriously.

(I am going to make the plane crash soon. )
Grace look and scoffed "H*ll.. no.. I'm not like that. I mean I would if I had someone to do it with " she says and pulls her hair into a ponytail, She was wondering why he was always playing with that Dog tag. "No.. Actually ive never had a boyfriend " she says unsteadily and plays with her hair and looks down ahamed

@Neon Nyan
Sydney was oblivious to everything. She was so concentrated on her magazine, she didn't even realize they had lifted off. She was inturrupted when she heard little gasps from the other passengers and looked out the window to see they were above the clouds. It was so pretty and she took out her phone to take a picture.
Natasha smiled when Ross put his arm around her then leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder, "I was just a couple rows back." she smiled. She had heard some of the passengers , which were mostly all students of the school, start whistling and whooping. She peaked her head over the seat and saw her best friend being taken into the bathroom by Alex. She started giggling and sat back down in her seat, putting her hands over her mouth to cover up the laughter, "Guess it was best I left those two alone." she smiled, still giggling.
(( Sorry I hadn't replied, I been having a fever all week =__= ))

Alexander smiled to himself a bit when Gace had said she never had a boyfriend before "Oh really now." he said looking down at Grace "Interesting..." Now he was beginning to think "Well we should get out of here before the flight attendents think we're getting foolish and messin up the bathroom. " Alexander said as he grabbed Graces arm and walked out the bathroom, one student had asked what had happened, Alexander just shook his head "She wasn't ready for all of this." Alexander said doing a small dance before bumping Grace into her seat and sitting down next to her. Ross laughed a bit at Natasha and Alexander "He is a retard.." he said as he started to stroke through Natasha's hair sweetly.

(Im going to time skip to night soon for when the plane crashes )
Grace laughed and walked back their seat and sat down " How do you know I'm not ready?" She asked him before getting bumped back into their seat and now she stuck with him Again. She sighs and waits for Alex to ansewer her question, Grace starts to lightly tap the food tray. Rather to think of she was really hungry. 
@Neon Nyan
(can alex and alexander be child hood friends? @Neon Nyan )

Alex sat down and looked around. She slightly pushed in her headphones and looked for a certain person a friend that knew her very well. "Maybe he just wasn't on" she thought. She sat back relaxed thinking about the trip and what to expect. Alex had never ridden a plane before so her nervous to the best of her. " help me relax anyone?" she thought and mutter.

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