The World


The Kitty Soldier

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  • Modern Day World is Twisted: We are in an advanced Earth based in the year 2050. Everyone has been brought to DC, the Capital, in an underground secret laboratory. Government is still extremely pertinent in this world and people have become so accustom to its control that they have started to see weak folk, young folk, and the poor and sick as a disease. The rich flourish, great inventors and strategists rule, and scientists are praised as almighty heroes. Those people previously mentioned are not worth breathing life, so when a young person begins to reject the world in which she lives, becoming a tyrant and destroying the world, people shun her and all alike, and see her as a liability that no one wants around anymore. "Let them die...let them waste away..."

  • Prosthetics: The most intimidating of technology, prosthetic body parts have come a long way. Doctors and scientists have teamed up to move far away from the rubbery flesh colored parts that replaced empty sockets and missing pieces. Now, they are comfortable yet hideous metallic pieces with a heft that must be trained with in order to avoid tiring of the new weight. However, they are agile, powerful, intelligent, and mysterious. Each prosthetic body part is given a different ability/function to best support the soldier in which is saves. Prosthetics literally have been called the Saviors of the Lost and Worthless. Without them, those that had no purpose or worth in life would be useless and helpless. That is why scientists, of all the people directly involved, have been glorified and continuously so from these inventions. In order to not kill a person during or after the operation, scientists have finalized that only a couple prosthetics and abilities can be added to each person. They have created the most unique and successful of soldiers, and this new army must be intelligent, agile, strong, and quick to be of any use. Failure is not an option.
  • Culture: Culture is fluid and free but crime is still very punishable. However, plenty of crime is seen as acceptable or forgivable without consequence(s) for those with high power. This is an advanced world with plenty of options for food, clothing, transportation, weaponry, and the like. School is mandatory for all in order to keep kids off the streets. Language is vast but English is still the main language. Men and women alike are given equal power now, especially if they are scientists or doctors.
  • Technology: Scientists and inventors, doctors and politicians have created amazing machines, weaponry, vehicles, and other technology to benefit the cause in which they represent. Most ignore the fact it would have been scary and controlling decades past - since the world has accepted the governments control. However, scientists have brought Prosthetics, therefore they are in high power in this era, being able to control even the most influential of politicians and leaders. Advanced technology definitely means power and control.
  • Special Note: Anyone directly related to the creation and advancement of the Prosthetics Soldier Project, are glorified and given the most control over how the army is ordered, people are controlled, and government procedures. Let's just say they are a trusted group, more than anyone.

But maybe we do not trust them...The world we live in has become so strange.
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