The World We Live In [Inactive]

Jade had been standing outside waiting for the ship to land. Little did everyone know that she was just as excited as some of the kids, she was looking forwards to being able to meet newer people and not be the only child one the moon anymore. She was wearing one of the best outfits she had brought to the moon, it just turned out to be a pair of short blue shorts, a white tank top and a pair of monster blood shoes well wearing a beanie. She thought it looked pretty darn good for someone who has lived on the moon for quite a while. She had planned it all out, she would greet them when they got off the plane and show them to there rooms. The Sargent had requested it after all, because its easier to understand another kid then an adult.


Justin, had been smiling doubtfully well on the plane. He was not sure this was something he wanted t do, but if you either have no choice or need something to do he guessed this was a good option. He tried to make friends on the plane but he was pretty sure he was one of the only ones worried about stuff like that. After all there training for a war, well a war that may not need to happen if he could help it but a war. So who would want to get close to someone if they might die?
Ivy bit her lip and stared at the seat in front of her. She was finally getting off this wretched planet, away from most of her past. It was almost a relief. Almost because the ship hasn't even left the surface yet. She glanced down at the watch she had found a few days ago. It had a black strap made out of some kind of strong fabric,as well as a blue digital display,and a dark grey barrel.

It would help her keep track of time most of the flight and onward. She didn't know why she wanted to keep it so bad, she could only guess. Ivy looked up at the other teenagers on board. They seemed to be in their own worlds. No doubt they were thinking of their family they had left behind.

Sighing, Ivy looked back at the seat in front of her and let her own thoughts wander.
-guys, I told ya in the update that I would be the one starting..- 
The first thing Leah noticed was the gravity. She was floating, but sinking at the same time. Her mind was clogged with no sense of direction, not even up or down. The only thing keeping her bound to her seat was the black burlap strap that kept her, and many other new STI recruits safely contained. The feeling was almost euphoric, as if she had been drugged with morphine. In the corner of her eye, Leah could see through the porthole. A gigantic Earth was receding in the distance, as if all of the problems on her planet were simply waving goodbye.

Then, it was over. The grav-control clicked on, and reluctantly, Leah slumped back into her seat with a rather disappointed expression displayed across her face. Murmuring to herself, she looked around the cabin to the other recruits. Pretty young girls, small boys and people of multiple different ethnic backgrounds were lost in their own worlds. She tilted her head slightly, trying to imagine what kind of people they were and who they had left behind. Opening her mouth to speak to the one next to her, she was abruptly cut off by a clipped voice near the center of the cabin.

"Afternoon, dilettantes. Welcome to hell."
One of the more childish people on board was Juniper, and this little happy s*** was just laughing his you-know-what off... (I had to... It sounded funny in my thoughts )He was lucky enough to be seated just besides the window, and his more chipper personality was enjoying it ten-fold. Not to mention the brief moments of low gravity that had occurred, which made the situation better... All the while, Juniper kept his mind open to those around him, listening in as to what they were saying and or doing. The boy didn't especially want to make any friends, or even acquaintances for that matter, however only time would tell really...

He stopped laughing as the gravity turned on, and he placed his hand on the window... With a smirk on his face he thought about all that he was leaving behind, which wasn't actually much at all... Sure he would miss watching angry adults lose to him and his games, however he was on his way to conquer a game that was on a much larger scale....

June's attention was stolen away from the window as he heard someone speaking... It was a welcome to Hell, and how could this estranged boy not get even happier?

Ehehehe.... Welcome indeed.... He thought with joy, ready to face whatever was to come.

(Not to name, name's or anything but I see someone with pretttyyyy bad grammar... ^^,)
Jeremiah Whitnem

Jeremy couldn't help but think of his mother. When he had first boarded this ship, some people had told him that she would be in safe hands. There had been no familiar people for him to ask to take care of his mother, since a life of solitude didn't allow for much socialization at all, so he had handed her to a bunch of strangers. Not strangers, he fiercely scolded himself in his thoughts, Doctors. Yes, they had been doctors. Doctors that had stared at him with accusing eyes when he had told them of his mother's condition. Jeremy shook his head. His eyes and mind had to have tricked him. It's wasn't his fault, was it? Then why did he feel so guilty?

Someone was laughing. It snapped him out of his thoughts. Jeremiah looked over at another boy, noticing how he laughed without a care in the world. He turned his head away, not sure if that was normal or not. He just knew that he had never heard that sound in his entire life, until now that is. The teenager barely noticed when the gravity came back on. Though he had felt a bit weirder with the gravity off, it all felt the same to him. He stared at his lap, trying to not dive back into his thoughts by recapping all he had studied today, when he heard a voice. He jumped. Jeremy looked up, a troubled expression on his face. Welcome to hell? It sounded like his troubles were just beginning.
Elena watched the group through her dark lenses, how was she supposed to stay alive with this group. They were all so diverse, but she wondered if any of them had ever even been in a real fight. She braced herself for the lack of gravity then the gravity control, and didn't really pay much attention to it. She noticed there were some young kids, she tried to not let it bother her because when she was that age she was getting thrown around by trainers twice her age. She heard people laughing and saw some smiling and mingling, she really couldn't understand that. Did they realize what they were going to do, that death was a very real possibility? She heard the overhead voice say "Welcome to Hell"

"Ironic",she thought," I thought my life already was"She rolled her eyes behind her thick glasses and folded her arms, it was going to be a long trip.
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Bonnie had kept to herself for most of the trip. She was lost in her thoughts, thinking about her goodbyes with her brothers. Kian's tears haunted her, because he was usually a pretty stoic person. She couldn't believe she made him cry. Bonnie took a deep breath trying to focus on other things, and grinned slightly as she felt the lack of gravity make her lighter than a feather and nearly float around, if not for the seat belt. When they turned it off, her smile dimmed, and she felt like she lost her only distraction from what she was doing. She looked around at the other teens. Most of them were older than her, but there were a couple that appeared close to the same age, and maybe younger. She looked up at the person who had spoken. They confirmed her earlier thoughts. Yup. I really did leave a life for hell. She sighed softly and focused in on the speaker.
Steven sat completely upright, clutching his bag close to him. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Zero gravity made him feel sick. Suddenly, as if on cue, the gravity came on, and he felt himself being pulled slightly towards the floor. The boy glanced around curiously, tough trying not to make it obvious. The others seemed okay. Many of them were a lot older than he was, not to mention bigger and tougher-looking, but that was okay. That'd never stopped him before.

He suddenly heard a voice overhead crackle out the words, "Welcome to Hell." The boy made a face. He hated when people cussed, and while that may not be considered a cuss word, it was to him, but he never corrected people. After all, he wasn't their boss, and they were their own person. If they wanted to, well then they could go right ahead. But he sure wasn't going to. He took another deep breath and prepared for the worst.
Ivy was only just dozing off when she heard the words,"Welcome to hell." She frowned slightly. It couldn't be that bad, could it? Then again, it was training. Training that would lead to battling the Cranks.

Sighing, she glanced out the window. The sight was beautiful. Stars more than the eye could see,brighter than they were on Earth. Ivy let a tiny smile creep onto her face.

When she spotted her home planet, a wave of emotion hit her. Yes,it was beautiful but it reminded her of bunch of other depressing feelings. She ended up looking away.
Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, Blake had been lost in her own thoughts, only half paying attention to the rest of the teens, when the voice snapped her head up. After the words sunk in, she chuckled quietly. "Welcome to hell, huh? At least they don't sugar-coat it…"

Shifting again to try and make the chair more bearable, she glanced out a window and into the vast expanse of space. After a moment, she looked away. The idea of being in deep space -dark, cold, endless- made her stomach churn, but she tried not to think about it. Instead, she focused on the others. There was definitely some variety in people, but not a lot looked to be quiet the fighting type. There were even a few kids, not much older than 13 or so.

Sighing, Blake's mind wandered back into her own thoughts, though still half listening in case the voice came back.
Ivy scolded herself for being so anti-social. She was going to be training with these people,she might as well treat them like friends. She cleared her throat softly and tried to summon her courage to speak out. She hadn't realized how shy and nervous she felt. Finally after what seemed like 15 minutes, she said,"Hello, I'm Ivy, Ivy Perry."

Really Ivy? That's all you can manage to say? I must sound like such a dork! Ivy thought to herself. She groaned in her mind.
Bonnie looked over at the girl who said she was Ivy and smiled at her softly. "Hi Ivy... I'm Bonnie. It's nice to meet you." She looked around at the rest of them, "So... What's your guys' names?" She asked everyone hesitantly. Bonnie herself was a little bit shy, but she could blow past it if she had the will. Right now, she did. She wanted to get to know her fellow trainees.
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"You all should expect the toughest year in your life, and possibly the end of it."

Leah snapped her head up from her feet, facing this authoritative figure with a crazed look in her eyes. Despite the masculine bark that had been emitted- a woman was facing the teenagers with a stone face. Her cheekbones were high and angular, in sharp contrast to her dull grey hair pulled back into a tight knot at the nape of her neck. Leah looked at her with head tilted, thinking. I thought these people would be kind we were risking our lives to save humanity. Guess not. Sitting upright, she turned her head to the right slightly to view a girl speaking aloud.

Hello, Ivy, Bonnie. I'm Leah Caswald."

She gave a small smile with her full lips, then turned back to the man-woman in front of her. Leah's dark brown eyes darted towards the name tag on her pressed uniform, reading it as
Sgt. Cristina Blair. Blair continued on, pacing around the front of the plane.

"We will be docking on Luna in a matter of minutes. Upon arrival, you shall not ask any questions. Instead, follow the path promptly to the living quarters. From there, you may have thirty minutes of precious time to accustom to Luna and it's terrain. After that- a bell will sound signaling the placement simulation."

Ivy smiled shyly at Leah, trying to hide her surprise. She actually didn't get the You're-Akward Treatment!"Hey Leah. Nice meeting you." She turned to Bonnie and said,"Pleasure meeting you as well!"

This was turning out better than she thought. She was making friends and they were almost at Luna! She felt a small rush of excitement. Then she remembered the what the intercom had said,and the excited feeling was gone. It was replaced by a stone lying on the bottom of her stomach. The shivered and listened for more.
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For the most part Juniper completely ignored whatever the official woman was saying, and paid attention more towards his "peers," so to speak. The ladies were introducing themselves, seemingly without much thought or care...

"Gosh ladies, aren't we talkative on this fine trip... I bet half of you are actually trembling on the insides..... Please don't worry about battle's and the like and try to have fun as you are doing now..." The young boy said, being half sarcastic and dark for the first part of the sentence, and smiling-happy for the duration of the second. He wore an almost eerily bright smile now, and one could mistake him for some kind of daycare nanny... Those were always creepy to begin with anyway.

"Ah and I forgot to introduce myself..... My name is Juniper, and may you fair to call me June." He spoke again, this time bearing a smaller and friendlier smile... One thing was definitely for sure about June, and that was the fact that he was quite the interesting and unique character; especially when dealing with other individuals around his age range.
Bonnie smiled at both of the girls then listened to the supervisor speak. Her smile faltered and she was wondering what she was thinking by joining this. When June spoke, Bonnie eyed him warily. He seemed to be quite the odd person. His moods changed quickly, and she wondered if he was possibly Bipolar. She kept that thought to herself. "Hi June. You aren't unsettled about this at all?" She asked him curiously, and she kept her tone polite.
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Ivy caught herself staring at Juniper. She glanced away. Juniper,er June had confused her, and it had completely knocked her off balance. His mood and tone changed within seconds. She couldn't tell whether he was being friendly or extremely sarcastic. She tried to ignore the confusion and listened in to Bonnie.

Ivy stayed quiet. She suddenly felt distrustful as usual. She really wanted to trust in her fellow trainees, but it was a challenge. Especially with June's mood, that changed like a chameleon.
Albert ran into the station in a sheer panic, the shuttle was supposed to leave in 5 minutes! He knew as soon as the sliding glass doors opened to the lobby and the only people present were the officers assigned to help the new recruits and the janitors running around cleaning up litter left by those same recruits that he was in trouble.

He let out a deep sigh and started walking to the reception desk. Midway through his walk one of the officers stepped right in his path "Who are you?" asked the officer with a stern look on his face.

"M-my name is Albert Von Jaeger, I am to report to Colonel klink for admission into STI".

"Mr. Jaeger, I am Colonel Klink, And you are late, the shuttle has just taken off... It looks like your under my direct command now" he looked over at another soldier "Sergeant! Please escort Mr. Jaeger here to the on site conditioning platform, lets give him a head start on his class mates". and after that he clicked his heels, turned around and walked away... laughing an almost evil laugh.

Bert just stood there, dumbfound. He snapped to when the sergeant grabbed his shoulder and started taking him away. What am I supposed to do now? He thought to himself.

The sergeant stopped at the end of the hallway just in front of a door that looked as if it led outside. "Alright, about right now the other inductees are getting welcomed to hell. You my friend are about to go to hell dig your way through the bottom and land in the furnace heating the it. your training starts in two hours, and will last until the next shuttle leaves, and only God knows when that will be".

All Albert could do was nod, it was his own dumb fault anyways, he deserved to be punished. He turned to the direction the sergeant pointed and went to his temporary home, his barracks. The stress of being stuck in a room with total strangers began hitting Bert. I already cant wait to leave this place...
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Elena briskly grabbed her belongings and prepared to get off the shuttle.

Elena couldn't take these people serious, how can you sit and shake hands and mingle when the likelihood of any one of us dying was so high. She hardened her facial expressions and looked into the distance. She wondered about the battles and hoped she would turn out unscathed,but the truth of the matter was nothing was set in stone. Her death was just as likely as theirs, and that made her unsettled.
Steve glanced around as some of the girls and June (who made him uneasy, but whatever) made small talk, then flipped his head towards the woman, who barked out a few things he knew he ought to take note of. Once the lady finished he looked back at the others, who looked just as uneasy as he did about all of this.

He adjusted his backpack and started to prepare for exiting. It had been quite a ride, mostly in silence, and the words "Welcome to Hell," didn't exactly help his case. He watched the others silently; he had never been good with girls, always saying the wrong things and making himself look like an idiot. He brushed a shaky hand through his hair and sighed. What had he gotten himself into?
Justin just sat listening to all of them talking, he was amused by the fact that they all were getting along. After all they were going to spend a lot of time together. Justin's only concern was what it was going to be like during training. How is the moons gravity going to affect them? When will they be shipped out and how long till they landed? Justin willingly paid close attention to all the conversations going on, maybe he would catch some of the answers to his question.
Jeremiah Whitnem

Jeremy could hear the others talking. He kept his head turned away, mainly on the other side of the chatty group. For the most part, he was glad he wasn't around them. That would just give more of an awkward air, wouldn't it? He wasn't sure what to say at all, his tongue was tied and twisted into several knots. That's what it felt like. Most of the time, the teen was comfortable with not talking. Although now it seemed like he'd actually have to develop some social skills. The thought made him slightly wince.

He wasn't a good talker. He had ended up insulting one of the doctors that he left with his mother because of what he had said. Jeremy shook his head. He didn't want to think about that. Hopefully he wouldn't end up insulting anyone else. Jeremy's eyes were respectfully on the Sergeant as she talked. At least he knew to do that. It showed he was paying attention. He could pay attention, that he could do. He was a good listener, mostly because he didn't like to talk himself. No questions? Easy. He could easily keep his mouth shut. This would be a scary new adventure, but at least it would be an adventure. Jeremiah felt more antsy then excited, though he guessed it was to be expected. He nodded slightly as he listened to the Sergeant's words. They were important. He didn't want to ask questions, at all, or feel like a lost little kid, so he would remember. His mind was more than capable of recalling these words.
Ivy tightened the watch on her wrist. It sounded like they were about to land. Ivy searched all of her peers faces. They looked mainly solemn and nervous, but more than anything, they looked emotionless. Ivy zoned out on the talking and tightened the straps on her bag. It was packed with stuff that had sentimental value. That was very few.

She felt the shuttle shake, the shuttle had touched the surface of a landing strip. Ivy forced herself to look outside. She saw pale grey rocks and space in the distance. Shame she couldn't see the STI unit. Oh well, I'll be seeing it soon anyways, more like living in it for the next year!

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