The World of Tomorrow

POV: Logan Frost.

It was had been a while since the slaughter. The soldiers from the Empire of Texas had been carrying a disease within themselves. Luckily, one of our medical professionals found the sickness before it could be a threat. Then we slaughtered them and destroyed their airship. We scavenged what we could but most of it was inferior technologies that we could easily replicate. Then we tried to make contact with our southern friends. When they didn't respond, we sent scouts, only for them to come back with chilling tails of cannibalism, flesh falling off walking corpses and blood-soaked streets.

I mused this as I was sipping a can of water in my office. I had scavenged a desk from an old bombed-out house, an office chair from another and assembled a meager office on the surface. Of course, parliament, recommended that I not but I countered by saying that it would be easier to be in contact with neighboring countries.

My silence was interrupted by a tall, lanky man with milk-chocolate skin in a ragged suit knocking on the door-frame. I spun in my chair, hand resting on my helmet in my lap, right next to my handgun.

“Yes?” I grumbled.

“Mr. Prime Minister, I'm Jordan... J-Jordan Fitts.”

I stood up, plonking my huge head-covering on the desk. “Yep. Something you need, Mr. Fitts?”

“No sir. I just came to tell you that the factories that were discovered recently are now operational and running at full tilt.”

“Good. Anything else?”

“No Mr. Prime Minister.”

“ALright. Oh, and could you find me a runner.”

“Yes sir.” He turned and very nearly ran out of the building.

I sat down again and resumed drinking my water.


Project Lightning Strike - 20%

Project Armored Fist - 40%

Project Baskerville - 10%

Project Patriot - 5%
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The Unexpected Guest

After waiting for many days for a reply from the The IV Republic of Poland Artyom took it to himself to visit the country personally to discuss politics and world current events. He boarded his private jet alongside with the beautiful Sizova Yurievna and several government agents to escort them throughout their visit. An transmission was sent ahead notifying their incoming arrival.

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"As you wish, i will guide you back to the airport. Inside there a shall grab you some water." The High Minister then walked the two towards the airport (i just realized that this guy needs a name lol, cause he is actually sort of important).

[Yep lol, I imagine him like a Mr Smith type guy for some reason. That and the pun I made was milk, kek. To keep the joke intact, you can attempt figuing that out yourself.].

Victor and Natasha walked with the minister.
RedLine said:
The Unexpected Guest

After waiting for many days for a reply from the The IV Republic of Poland Artyom took it to himself to visit the country personally to discuss politics and world current events. He boarded his private jet alongside with the beautiful Sizova Yurievna and several government agents to escort them throughout their visit. An transmission was spent ahead notifying their incoming arrival.

Polish scanners picked up a signal of a civilian jet entering Polish territory from East. They were notified that the Siberian Principality's head of state was going to visit them, and after the bourder was crossed, two jets appeared next to the airplane's wings, guiding it towards the Swidnik's Airport

"Well well, welcome to Poland. Allow us to escort you to our main airport, where our leader awaits you. Witamy w Polsce" One of the pilots greeted the pilot of the jet.
The Unexpected Guest

The Siberian pilot received the transmission from the two polish jets that just pulled up.

"Roger, thank you for the personal escort. We will follow you towards the airport. Over." returned the pilot giving the jets the thumbs up.

RedLine said:
The Unexpected Guest

The Siberian pilot received the transmission from the two polish jets that just pulled up.

"Roger, thank you for the personal escort. We will follow you towards the airport. Over." returned the pilot giving the jets the thumbs up.

"Roger that" Pilot shut down the connection, and after a 30-minute flight, they arrived safely in Swidnik. After making sure no one was making any threat towards their incomers, the two pilots split off towards Okecie Military Airport.

"Good luck"

Polish President was waiting in the terminal for the guests, with the press outside of it, documenting the Jet's landing, and the new nation's whereabouts
The Unexpected Guest

After the long 30 minute flight to the Swidnik airport. Artyom and Sizova stepped out of the aircraft to be greeted by a number of media outlets and the polish president himself. Government agents got ahead of them and helped push back the ever hungry press from over running them. Artyom looked to the president and gave a warmful smile. Both Artyom and Sizova walked down the path to officially greet the nations leader. Artyom took out one of his hands to shake.

"Good day Mr. President. Thank you for the honor of taking us in on such a short notice. My name is Prince Artyom Yurchenko, current leader of the Siberian Principality. And this here is the lovely Sizova Yurievna, she is my minster of innovation, science and economic development."

RedLine said:
The Unexpected Guest
After the long 30 minute flight to the Swidnik airport. Artyom and Sizova stepped out of the aircraft to be greeted by a number of media outlets and the polish president himself. Government agents got ahead of them and helped push back the ever hungry press from over running them. Artyom looked to the president and gave a warmful smile. Both Artyom and Sizova walked down the path to officially greet the nations leader. Artyom took out one of his hands to shake.

"Good day Mr. President. Thank you for the honor of taking us in on such a short notice. My name is Prince Artyom Yurchenko, current leader of the Siberian Principality. And this here is the lovely Sizova Yurievna, she is my minster of innovation, science and economic development."

Jacob smiled, as he took the Prince's hand, and shook it gently, then switching his look at the Sizova

"Welcome aboard the Polish lands. Allow me to introduce myself. Polish President, Jacob Ślązki. Really nice to meet you. Let's go to my office, and we'll continue our topic" He exclaimed, leading them towards his limousine, by which two jeeps were standing, with military in it, ready to defend it's head of state.

As soon as they got on, they began their way towards the Presidential Palace.
The Unexpected Guest

During the ride to the Presidential Palace, Artyom looked out the windows to observe the city. The city looked well off with the decorated buildings and tons of people walking through the streets. Out of the corner of his eye, Sizova politely was taking notes on her digital pad as the rode and hardly took any notice of the outside world. He then faced to the polish president.

"I am quite sorry about Sizova, she had to do some work-related papers that cannot be held back any further before we came here. But I must say, you must be doing rather well for your nation. How long has the republic been around?" asked Artyom.

RedLine said:
The Unexpected Guest
During the ride to the Presidential Palace, Artyom looked out the windows to observe the city. The city looked well off with the decorated buildings and tons of people walking through the streets. Out of the corner of his eye, Sizova politely was taking notes on her digital pad as the rode and hardly took any notice of the outside world. He then faced to the polish president.

"I am quite sorry about Sizova, she had to do some work-related papers that cannot be held back any further before we came here. But I must say, you must be doing rather well for your nation. How long has the republic been around?" asked Artyom.

"We've started establishing our country at around... hmmm... 3220 AD, and I was born 5 years later. Originally, we only had Greater and Smaller Poland Provinces. After that, we gained access to Danzig, reunified our lands from 2020, and made our land at least 10 times bigger. Or so it feels. So about... hmmm... 40 years?" President exclaimed, looking briefly at the assistant, before looking back at the Artyom.

"And now we have Sweden, Finland and Norway under our controll, yet we're ready to release them as soon as their minority begins demanding their independent country" He assured, the trip taking a bit longer than usual, due to the traffic.
The Unexpected Guest

"Ah, that explains a lot then. As of us, we started to become known in the last couple of months. Before than we had been under civil war by a previous prince who saw nothing but bloodshed. The war lasted about 7 years with me leading the rebellion at young ripe age of 20. haha.... Those days felt like hell back then. After I took power I needed to make massive reforms to all departments in order to get things under control. We only just started to move westward in colonizing the ruined cities. At the same time we have been in contact with a few of the other nations such as 'The Rising Empire' and 'The Kingdom of the Hamuis'." said Artyom.

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RedLine said:
The Unexpected Guest
"Ah, that explains a lot then. As of us, we started to become known in the last couple of months. Before than we had been under civil war by a previous prince who saw nothing but bloodshed. The war lasted about 7 years with me leading the rebellion at young ripe age of 20. haha.... Those days felt like hell back then. After I took power I needed to make massive reforms to all departments in order to get things under control. We only just started to move westward in colonizing the ruined cities. At the same time we have been in contact with a few of the other nations such as 'The Rising Empire' and 'The Kingdom of the Hamuis'." said Artyom.

"Yeah, we just met the Rising Empire's diplomats, but... Kingdom of Hamuis... I never heard of them... That or I don't remember meeting them"

"Either way, we're almost there, so brace yourselfes." The Polish president then looked over at the lady, and smiled gently

"You too, lady" He said, bowing his head lightly at her. She was indeed beautifull
The Unexpected Guest

Sizova took a second to look up to see the president bowing his head towards her. She blushed and gave a smile back.

"You are too kind Mr. President." responded Sizova.

She then got back to finishing up her work before they would make it to the palace.

"I suppose we can discuss it another time once we reach our destination." said Artyom.

As the limo begun to slow down for the stop, both Artyom and Sizova braced themselves.

RedLine said:
The Unexpected Guest
Sizova took a second to look up to see the president bowing his head towards her. She blushed and gave a smile back.

"You are too kind Mr. President." responded Sizova.

She then got back to finishing up her work before they would make it to the palace.

"I suppose we can discuss it another time once we reach our destination." said Artyom.

As the limo begun to slow down for the stop, both Artyom and Sizova braced themselves.

After the limo stopped, the President opened his side door, and soon walked over to the door where Sizova was located. He opened the door for her, and gestured for her to exit, smiling gently.

"Madame, if I can? We're in our destination" He exclaimed.
The Unexpected Guest

She stepped out of the limo and smiled back.

"Thank you for holding the door for me. You are quite the gentlemen."

Artyom exited right after her. The five men government agents caught up in a separate vehicle of the convoy. They exited and surrounded the party. Artyom looked up to see the palace with all it's glory.

"You have a nice place here." uttered Artyom.

"Shall we go inside?"

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Garden by the Bay - Singapore

The admiral would wait. He had never tasted Singaporean food - the Hamuis don't travel much. He looked at the time, and gazed back at his escort.

"Thank you for escorting me here. I am Goren, admiral of the fourth fleet. Well, ship, in this case. I must ask, what is your name?"


Chesapeake Bay - Hamuis Colony

The men had already started working. Byris looked at the 1000 men from his binoculars, sweat pouring down his forehead. He had ordered his subcommanders to begin restoration efforts of the buildings in the area, and, in case of bandit actions, fortified the town. They had some military arms (composed of backup weaponry from the naval officers), but not enough for any medium-scale assault. There were some people already in the buildings, but they only spoke of a broken government devastated by civil war, as well as another nation coming to take the lands. Some of them had left at the sight of them, but, as the border area of a former recovering nation, most of them stayed for food and supplies. Byris look at the men, working, and thought about the hard years that would follow.

He was already far from them with the remaining groups of colonists. Byris had taken them a few miles away, but there was a call from an officer of his asking for immediate assistance. Apparently, they had settled among the ruins of another nation, and that nation had come with military arms. As the commander spoke of the size of the army, Byris grew worried. He had understood the people there to be the offshoots of another nation, but as offshoots or exiles. He responded back, quietly into the the mic. "Send enough men to man the ship. Prepare, and attempt for a peaceful solution. And, for god's sake, Brittany, be nice." Byris shouted for his subcommanders, and they listened to his commands. They would return to the colony.

Byris' commander was special, as their marriage occurred just a day before they landed. She was gathered around with his officials, ready to greet his neighbors. They had set up a defensive position (or perhaps, a siege position) around her men. Her face was stone hard. Some diplomats had spat some garbage about this graveyard being the territory of another nation, and they now threatened her with large guns and tanks. She had sent a brave soul to count them, and his news was not good. It was now that she realized that the diplomat had sat there, waiting for a response.

"Greetings, Simmons. Welcome to New Cairo. We are here as travelers. I have never heard of the Republic of Cascadia, may you please tell me about whom you represent?"

She had sent word to the capital, as well. She hoped they would come soon.

President nodded, and walked the pair into the palace, and towards his guest/business room

"So. What does bring you here, if I may ask? I have been notified of your visit, yet I didn't receive the information as to why"

RedLine said:
She stepped out of the limo and smiled back.
"Thank you for holding the door for me. You are quite the gentlemen."

Artyom exited right after her. The five men government agents caught up in a separate vehicle of the convoy. They exited and surrounded the party. Artyom looked up to see the palace with all it's glory.

"You have a nice place here." uttered Artyom.

"Shall we go inside?"

The Unexpected Guest

"I came here to deliver a proposition that could benefit our two nations. And to see where you stand in the global community." answered Artyom.

"Another reason was to see what your people were like. The nuclear bombs have torn the old world apart and laid waste ruining hundreds of nations around the globe. As part of the human race, it is our duty that we rebuild all that was lost and remake society again. We see it as a natural disaster."

Radium Hot Springs

The King was looking over a map. "Hmmm... Based on the radio transmissions we pick up, this area is unclaimed." The king pointed to the northern areas of Canada. "We shall claim all of it and attempt communications with the other nation once more."



"Apologies. The king has business in the Capitol and so I was sent instead." Prince Jeremy was a distant cousin of the royal family who had been trained in diplomacy. "We have noticed that you have claimed all of former Texas. We had interest in the Great Lakes province, and are wondering if it is possible to negotiate for it."




Claimed all of northern unclaimed Canada.
RedLine said:
The Unexpected Guest
"I came here to deliver a proposition that could benefit our two nations. And to see where you stand in the global community." answered Artyom.

"Another reason was to see what your people were like. The nuclear bombs have torn the old world apart and laid waste ruining hundreds of nations around the globe. As part of the human race, it is our duty that we rebuild all that was lost and remake society again. We see it as a natural disaster."

"Huh. I was astonished, when I came up from the bunker, and first thing I saw was our Old Town basically intact. Man, I hoped Warsaw was okay, but.. After expedition was sent... We managed to find ruins of it... Only... Entire population wiped out.... Belveder, Old Presidential Palace.. Old Sejm on Wiejska... Everything gone..." President said, with a sigh.

"Yet we still have pretty large population. Last survey showed about 45 million citizients, with 25 million in our home lands."

"And I would like to listen to your propositions, now that... You know our story" He smiled lightly.

Republic of Cascadia


Chesapeake Bay, Cascadian Outlands

The CDF commanding officer of the small force sent to investigate the drone's report, a Lieutenant by the name of Derek Lanled looked over towards the somewhat large community and the sizeable amount of people. A sargeant jogging up behind him. "You called for me, sir?" The Sargeant questioned curiously, the Lieutenant nodded. "Contact Command, tell them we've got a rather large amount of immigrants here, might need some backup if they don't want to cooperate." The Sargent nodded, jogging off in direction of his Humvee, which was kitted out with communication equipment as per usual in a Cascadian military vehicle. Meanwhile the two Black Hawk helicopters that were still hovering over the area begun to lower their altitude, giving the crew a better view of the community below them.

The nearest CDF outpost was only a short distance away, due to Cascadian expansion westwards into areas that the Texans hadn't bothered rebuilding or populating. And so within another few minutes, ten at most. An additional convoy had arrived, an extra 150 men and 5 Abrams tanks had arrived, adding to the defensive positions that surrounded the colony of immigrants. The CDF command had been informed of these immigrants and had contacted the Civil Affairs Department in regards to whether or not the people were immigrants, colonists, settlers, invaders or refugees. The CDF lieutenant had then recieved orders to find out more about the unknown group and their intentions.

Simmons gave a calm, polite smile to the woman that had spoken to him. Presumably the 2nd in command of the colony, perhaps even the leader. But he doubted it, being a diplomat he could tell these things about groups of people. It was his job after all. He fixed his suit and replied to her. Saying, "New Cairo? Interesting name, but unfortunately that won't be officially recognized as this is Cascadian soverign territory. The Republic of Cascadia is a federal, liberal and democratic republic based under the principals of the former United States with one or two things changed. We represent free trade, environmental values, harmony and defense of our way of life. We aren't a new nation and we are very well developed and established. However we have only just begun expanding into these regions which is why you haven't bumped into any major cities yet." He politely informed her.

The CDF Lieutenant stood in the background of it all, behind the Cascadian defensive position. He'd requested satellite surveillance of the area in-case the unknown travellers attempted anything that would cause harm. The CDF command had approved this and were now doing routine scans of the surrounding areas. Two unmanned drones had been deployed from the nearest CADF airbase to watch over the situation and relay it back to the CDF Texan Command. Simmons on the otherhand kept his cool and was very formal to the travellers.

"As my government wishes, I will have to inform you of the decision you will have to make. And we will have to put it bluntly unfortunately, you may either become Cascadian citizens and live under our laws, pay taxes to our government and support our nation. Or you can leave, that's how it has to be unfortunately. You do seem like a nice, reliable group of people but my government has a isolationist policy to protect our soverignity." He added on.


Portland, Cascadia

The government, under approval of President Jefferson and strong support from the CDF ordered the colonization and territorial claim of all unclaimed portions of the former United States, including Kansas, Missouri and all former Heartland America, along with North and South Carolina. To have no gaps disconnecting Cascadian territory in the North to Cascadian territory in the South. With this colonization the population of Cascadia has increased drastically, along with the resources the nation has to provide itself with. Los Angeles' reconstruction is still going strong and the order has been given to begin the reconstruction of Denver in the Colorado Province. Former Texan citizens will be used to populate Denver once it is fully reconstructed.

Seattle, Cascadia

"That's quite alright." The Governor of Washington Province stated. "Our President is also very busy with internal affairs and whatnot. You know how it is." He chuckled, nodding as he took a seat behind his desk. "Indeed we have, a rather wise choice on behalf of the Cascadian Senate if I do say so myself." He smiled. "Unfortunately given our awkward situation internally, with the Defense Force needing more resources for it's defense projects and having to rebuild many of America's old cities for our use, we do need the land, resources and manpower of these territories to help us. I'm afraid for the time being the Great Lakes are not for sale or dealing. However we are more than happy to begin economic cooperation, a trade deal perhaps? And a Non-Aggression Treaty of course."

@Fishman Lord

Territory Gains:

All Remaining US Territory


Los Angeles Reconstruction: 15%

Denver Reconstruction: 5%

Project Newway: 10%​
I was pouring over the maps of the area, colored and marked with all the new nations. The old maps were rolled up and stuffed into a corner.

The Lieutenant-General was having my ear about the plans to take the north. “-Why I believe, and have full confidence, that I, and my soldiers, will be able to take the entire north stretch of Canada, all the way to Greenland with minimal losses.”

I poked the eastern side of Canada, covered by a large black blob of territory, labeled Kingdom of the Rockies. “What about the KOR, Lieutenant-General? I doubt that they will take kindly to us knocking on their doors. Doubly so if we're trying to take the same land. I've already lost nine troopers to their artillery, I don't intend to loose more.”

He nodded solemnly. “I understand, Sir. Their loss weighs heavily on us all but I know, for a fact, that this land is ours.”

I held my hand up. “I have no doubts that you can take all the land I would let you Lieutenant-General. The fact remains that I would rather not have Canada torn in two.”

He placed both his hands flat on the wooden table. “Then what are your orders, Sir?”

I set my finger down on the land to the north. “Take everything you can. Use the fastest vehicles and land planes as far forward as you can. I want a nice buffer-zone if things go south. If they're trying to take that land and we meet in the middle, I'll try and get us to keep what we've gained. If not...” I trailed off.

“Sir?” He asked.

I looked up, right in to his eyes. They were smoldering with the want of battle. “If not. Wipe them out.”

He pulled his lips back in a grin that would rival a wolf. “Yes sir!”

I watched him leave, shouting orders and calling for runners all the way across the field from the bunker 15 exit point.

@Fishman Lord
The Unexpected Guest

"I'm sorry for your losses. Most of our population was safe due to the isolation and low level military threats. Though as we move more to the west we find more cities evaporated and packs of mutants wandering the wastelands killing anyone in site. I consider us lucky than most." signed Artyom.

"But with this proposition, I would want to personally establish a non-aggression pact with a trade agreement in hand. As well as installing embassies within both capitals. This will allow our nations to collaborate in trade and prevent any future wars that may occur."

RedLine said:
The Unexpected Guest
"I'm sorry for your losses. Most of our population was safe due to the isolation and low level military threats. Though as we move more to the west we find more cities evaporated and packs of mutants wandering the wastelands killing anyone in site. I consider us lucky than most." signed Artyom.

"But with this proposition, I would want to personally establish a non-aggression pact with a trade agreement in hand. As well as installing embassies within both capitals. This will allow our nations to collaborate in trade and prevent any future wars that may occur."

"Alright then. Since our Sejm decided to not inger in non-agression pacts and trade routes too much, I agree. The trade route and the NAP will be set. Ambassy will be built in Lublin as soon as possible." Jacob stood up, smiling in a friendly manner at Artyom.

"Thank you for visiting Poland. I hope we satisified you" He exclaimed, extending his hand again for a handshake
Pavle was concluding the date-setup at exhibition. He hid the lights, and moved the tables back and allowed it to be used again.


[Gonna have to do this with someone else since loyal is keeping my leadership at bay.]

The train returned to the station. Alexander gently removed her arm from Janet, and then stood up. Pavle walked up to the station. "Welcome back general Alexander. Err.. where's Janet?" Alexander put her arm around pavle and walked with him. "Ignore her for now... I have something to preoccupy you, something Janet asked me to make you do." Alexander thought to herself. *How do I get rid of him for awhile?...* she had a idea. "Pavle, if you do this task Janet set forth for you. You will get a promotion as well, and I'll let you torture me a bit.” pavle stared at her. "And what is it then?" Alexander took him into a room with a map, and pointed east. "I want you to scout the east for me." Pavle believed it to be a trap. "But there are mutants there?" Alexander stabbed her finger through the map. "GO FUCKING EAST PAVLE, EXPLORE PAVLE." Pavle was surprised because the map was made with not easy to break materials. "Alright, alright." He ran out of the room. He went to the barracks to his squad. "Hey! I need a sniper and a radioman." Everyone in the large-as-fuck-room stopped and was looking at pavle. "I'm going to the surface by Alexanders orders, does anyone wish to volunteer?" Jennifer stood up "And what did she say?" Pavle reenacted the event but pretending to stab something with his finger. "'GO FUCKING EAST PAVLE, EXPLORE PAVLE.'". Jennifer sighed and turned around. "Crazy bitch. Alright, any volunteers?"

Only one soldier stood up.

"Aye captain." Said one of them. Pavle went over a quick basis. "Age, name, rank, current profession, gender, what you'd like to be written on your tombstone if you die?" The soldier responded. "37, Vanessa O'hara wulfstan, Specialist, sniper, female, 'Gods gardener.' " Pavle nodded, and took a photo of her. "Anyone else?"


pavle looked at Jennifer. "Why are they wearing old American uniforms?" Jennifer shrugged. "They made he uniforms themselves with some help of Janet and victor, I just let them go with it." Pavle then motioned for them to follow him. "Alright, come on." *Oh god, this looks like some weird comedy skit. The uniforms don't match at all... might as well wear a fucking rainbow.* Thought by both pavle and Kevin. They left up to the surface, and after leaving allied lines they remained stealthy due to the demons and mutants. They begin their journey exploring east.


After nearly being eaten alive, clawed to death, the environment trying to kill them in general, and the radiation. They were on a cliff side, the sniper saw some movement, and pavle had Kevin on the radio send out a randomized broadcast. "If anyone is to the east and alive, respond."

@RedLine [sorry, I just don't wanna do alot of self story at the moment.].

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