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The World of Ioria

Diana Winry Faria

During the whole confrontation with the High Wizard, Diana had shifted into a fighting stance and in the distance if anyone had bothered to looked outside her linklin had followed in suit, edging a bit closer. It had taken her a while to slowly ease up, and as much as she hated it she knew that arguing would not help anyone. Galandor made some fair points on everyone's accounts, even hers and she would not respond to this act of staying neutral . . . at least not now.

Speaking in a much softer tone than before she acknowledged Galandor once again, "You're right, we should respect their customs . . . Although I still believe there should be caution when handling their bodies. If this is the plague from the cultist, there are theories that suggest the diseases persist even through death unlike viral diseases."
Raising a curled finger to her lip pondering she turned her attention to the corpses, "Of course that hasn't been confirmed quite yet, and that is also assuming that this is the same plague from the cultists rather-- Minos relax." With a another hand she waved it dismissively in the general direction of where Minos was, which she could since without looking around due to their link with each other.

Although she had cut off her own murmurings, she did not continue from it. Diana forced a smile at Wizard and his entourage as she stepped away from them, "I have no qualms with Galandor handling the burial rites, do you?" At first her smiled had shifted into a bit of a challenging expression but then at random looked as if she was a parent getting embarrassed from their child's outburst. She turned her attention over to the corpses trying to get a good read on them while she could and if anyone was trained well would notice that despite her relaxed stance she was in a position in which she could transition to a fighting stance easily.

Diana also noticeably refused to address Bellatrix. Unbeknownst to the others, she was having a side conversation with Minos about what he could get from their 'auras' . . . It wasn't his notes on Bellatrix or even the Queen's frightening outburst, it was the extra comments Minos had made that made looking over at the 'Succubus of Death' kind of embarrassing now.

Minos Demoore

In the instant Diana seemed to be in danger, her linklin had edged closer with his card in hand, ready to toss it like a dagger to disarm any threats to his queen. He did shiver slightly, once Bellatrix spoke, and this was only because he had activated his eye and her aura was very menacing. Something different about it, but he wasn't sure what it was since he had never seen anything like it before which limited his already limited intake of the information since he lacked the comprehension of it. Not that he could retain much more than names, his eye kept drying out.

"You could order me to get them out of your way." Minos started suggesting via mind, his bladed cards still ready to be sent flying. "I can get those samples, we don't need them."
"Yes, and as we study the samples every kingdom will be barging in through our borders trying to get our heads in revenge."
". . . Lets at least explore our options here."
1 . . . 2 . . . 3--
"Relax Minos"

She had responded aloud without thinking it, but had also sent the message through her mind. Minos sighed, deflating slightly as he sat down in a meditation position with his cards being tucked away. He stared at them as much as his eye would let him from this distance, although his attentions quickly shifted over to Bellatrix.
"I wouldn't mind fighting the other rulers . . . But she . . . The Succubus of Death would be scary."
"The Succubus of Death? You mean Queen Bellatrix? Minos, why would you even call her that?"
"Well . . . I find her to be very alluring in a sexual way yet at the same time, something about her is nefarious."

". . . . . "
Five whole seconds passed,
"Does it bother you that your young Linklin has had a sexual awakening just now?"
"Minos this isn't really a good time, nor do I ever want there to be a good time for you to go on about your hormonal urges."

The linklin grinned inwardly as he sent another thought before digging through his bag for some eye drops so he could continue to get a good reading on things.
"I wanna give her a card reading . . . Do you think she'll believe that I'll see more by placing my hands on her bosom?"
"Minos please-- Behave yourself."

This banter would amuse Minos for now, and while he wasn't really (well not completely at least) raging with sex hormones at the sight of Bellatrix, he did enjoy messing around with the aspect of that being the case just to toy with his Master . . . Even if she was dealing with serious stuff.

KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa , Gabe Gabe , DeathValley105 DeathValley105
Last edited:


Arkos' hand glided over the parchment in front of him, the quill's scratching filling the small study as he filled out his reports or notated reports sent in from various outpost or regional governors. Thankless work, the kind that most people didn't bother to see or think about, and it was why Arkos tended to be stuck with it. Someone had to do it and it might as well have been him.

"Come in," Arkos said without looking up as someone knocked on his door, he lifted his skull for but a moment to take in the guard and was a bit annoyed that he was being disturbed for such a thing. The guard captain should be the one he was disturbing, or in the case of an emergency, the princess who was ruling in her mother's stead. Not him.

"We caught a man who was fighting one of our citizens, a demon," The guard explained, between breaths as, for some reason, he had decided to run here.

"And?" Arkos said, his hand still gliding across the paper, he hoped there was a point to all this.

"He is a half-dragon from Ragnavar," the guard said, his tone implying that it should mean something..

"And?" Arkos said again, fighting the impulse to rub his 'temples' a phantom headache, not truly real as he lacked the ability to develop those again, but it was a familiar sensation his body remembered.

"He could be a Ragnavar spy!" The guard said in a huff as if such a thing were an obvious explanation or logical conclusion.

Arkos set down his quill, slowly and deliberate and crossed his bone fingers before him, "Do you know what makes a good spy? The ability to not be noticed. You don't send a special spy. You send a worthless individual that no one would notice. So, either Ragnavar is filled with a bunch of fools, in which case, we need not worry, or this spy is the single worst spy to have ever walk the land, in which case, we need not worry. Now, if this had been a spy, you would have gone to the Princess, who is ruling in her Mother's stead. Not to me. I did not think I would have to explain that to a well-trained man of Quanni, but it seems disappointment is rife today."

"W-What do we do with him?" The guard asked after a few moments of silence, his face flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and anger and being spoken down to.

"I do not care," Arkos said, waving it off, "If you think he is a spy, report to the Princess. If you have anything in that empty space between your ears, you will treat him as a common criminal. He fought in bar brawl, therefor he is susceptible to the punishment of such. Bring him to an arbiter and let the decision for his guilt, or innocence, be down and over with, now leave me."

Arkos returned back to work, pausing only for a moment to idly wonder about his queen and her well being, a foolish thing as she was strong enough to watch over herself, but one couldn't stop wandering thoughts.

Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof

Something odd happened when Bellatrix's magic flared up. No this time..it was different. Her magic seemed to waver away from Galandor and his chest was..glowing. Was it possible his core resonated with her magic? It would be..surprising if it did. Bellatrix would have to test it with him at a later date. As if turning off a switch, Bellatrix's fire went out and she listened to Galadndor's speech. His words were the much..nicer version of her's, or so it seemed. Regardless, he agreed and that was what mattered. When he turned to ask her about him taking the rites, she had no objections. "The rites are all yours. You are by far more fitted to do so than I." She admitted, no shame at all as she nodded with her words, then turned her attention back to Diana, the wizard, and Fenrir. Diana was refusing to acknowledge her, or even look at her. Curious. But why? Did she feel foolish for her actions? Perhaps she felt like a child who had been scolded. Either way, Bellatrix smirked slightly. Never did she think she would get such a reaction from someone who was considered to be her equal. Now if only Arkos was here to see it. That..would make things much more fun for her. She could almost hear him in her thoughts, giving her a 'pat' on the back while stifling his laughter. the thought brought her a small smile.

If only he was here. She thought, not thinking about whether or not Arkos could hear it via their connection or not. Mentally shaking herself she let out a sigh, and turned back to the boy's body she was investigating, wondering just how much rigor mortis had set in..and if they could move them without harming the corpses. She also wondered if what Diane had said was true, if the disease surpassed even Death. If so..that would mean she was at danger of catching it, as well as Arkos and the rest of her kingdom. Bellatrix had assumed she was immune..given the fact that she was no longer a living, breathing, human being anymore..but instead a lifeless corpse that kept her beauty alive by..other means. If she could truly be affected by it..she would have to be more careful. Then the thought struck her, what about now? Were they all at risk by being around these bodies? Could..they be infected? Her brows furrowed as she looked around the room at all the bodies and their oozing liquids and foul smell. What..had happened here? What was going to happen to them?

Once more Bellatrix turned toward Diana, caring not if the girl was going to be a smart-ass or embarrassed to talk to her, she had a question that desperately needed an answer. "If you have done lots of research on this..disease, then..tell me..are we truly safe to be standing in a quarantine zone? Is it even safe to bring these bodies out and bury them?" She asked as her arms folded themselves under her bosom, causing her cleavage to get far more worse than before.
Gabe Gabe
August August (Last part is for Minos c; )
DeathValley105 DeathValley105
Cosmo Cosmo
The guard bowed and left Arkos to his paperwork and promptly returned to Alexander to explain the situation. "Ok Alexander here's what's going to happen, it is very unlikely that you're a spy so we will drop that accusation." Alexander sighed relief, "However, you are still in hot water over brawling with that demon so we need to take you to an arbiter. The problem is though that no Arbiters are available today so we will have to schedule one for tomorrow or the day after that. There is a backlog of people being tried as cultists."
"Why are you telling me this?" Alexander questioned.
"Because I don't think you're a spy and I think you can keep your mouth shut. Now go back to your tavern and we'll come get you when there is an opening for an arbiter." Alexander nodded and walked out of the dungeon and proceeded to go back. Upon entering nobody said anything and he simply got back on his barstool.
Galandor Thurion

Galandor bowed. "Thank you, Bellatrix." He crouched down, studying the bodies. "This is absolutely terrifying, wiping a whole city as silently as this..." Druth approached the door, firstly surveying the situation, then entered the place. "I've got some people to help, Gal. They're ready to round up the bodies." Galandor nodded, getting to his feet. "Great. We're going to do this on the border of town. It's a good place for the amount of people. Have you seen anymore residents?" Druth shook his head. "Negative. The houses were the same thing: Dead bodies on the beds, floors and kitchens, the same appearance." Galandor grimaced. "I understand. Make sure to get those as well." Druth nodded and was about to leave, when Galandor stopped him again. "And Druth? Please treat then with the utmost respect." Druth looked at a body on the floor and nodded grimly. Galandor then turned to the other rulers. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to request you to resume your discussion outside. I don't want to risk an accident, see." Galandor placed his hands on the floor, and slowly, mounds of earth rose below the bodies. The shifting land started to move the bodies outside, careful to not damage the bodies.

KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa August August DeathValley105 DeathValley105
(This is also a shout out to anyone left behind. If you still want to RP, join Galandor's task force!)
Diana Winry Faria

Shaking certain thoughts from her head, the queen slowly thawed back into her inquisitive nature as she watched Galandor relocate the corpses for a moment before finally letting her attention shift over to Bellatrix's. Nodding her head in response to Bellatrix's question, she merely glanced over at her with a contemplative eye, "What gave you the impression that we were safe at all? I'm sorry to be the reminder here, but we're surrounded by corpses that have a 94% chance of being victims of the Auric Plague, or whatever it is that the green cultists are spreading. If all theories hold true and the spirits aren't in favor of our 6% chance, then we are all most likely going to be infected."

Falling silent (possibly sending a mental message), Diana stepped away from the others to pick up the notebook she had discarded in her little fit. She flipped through a few pages before she turned her attention back over to them, "Just being in range of a carrier will get you infected, and before I left we had reasons to believe that the disease closely resembles a bacterial one rather than a viral one . . ." She paused to look at them, mentally debating if they would understand the importance of this only for a few seconds before deciding to spell it out, ". . . Which means the disease would survive even after the host has died. Viruses need a living host, bacteria does not need a living host to exist which allows them to persist even past the death of it's host, so in other words being by the bodies could in theory be just as dangerous as being by a living victim."

With a sigh, Diana pulled out a pencil from her bag to take some notes based off what she had observed thus far. Confirming the disease and their possible infection was difficult for Diana since this was the first time she had seen the cultist's work at this distance.

KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa , DeathValley105 DeathValley105
Minos Demoore

The linklin wasn't doing much more than leering at the infamous Succubus of Death, until he had to get up and relocate himself to a further distance since bodies were being moved and Diana had instructed him to steer clear of them avoid any possible contamination. He wasn't exactly sure why he still had to keep his distance since it seemed like they had already walked into a death trap, he might as well spend his last moments at least trying to enjoy the joys of being in a human body.

Now that he thought about it . . . Was he going to die without ever understanding the sensation of being excited? Although those things never even crossed his mind much in the past since he had little interest in exploring the cravings of the flesh, he felt like he had somehow failed himself as a growing male.

While sending some simple messages to Diana, Minos turned his attention over to Galandor since he was now too far away to look in on the group inside. Backing away as instructed earlier, the linklin started to observe this ruler and their magic usage to move the bodies . . . In a way, it was obvious Galandor would be the neutral party in the group he was after all . . . a down to earth type of guy.

Gabe Gabe (since Minos is now lowkey stalking him now)
The Fleet of the Burning Dragon
Chieftain Movli Ngugerak stared into the vast blue sea as his fleet slowly moved towards a landmass, probably(and hopefully) Mesalin. The fleet is consisted of 5 Boshans, which are lavishly decorated and are indeed majestic, but in return, they are slow as hell, and that is what mattered for the Chieftain.

"All this time spent for this unnecessary meeting, valuable time that could be spent for more pressing matters. I hoped that I never boarded this ship." The chieftain grumbled as the fleet had finally gotten close enough to the island for it's port to be visible, and it is indeed Mesalin. Movli could see the various ships of the other rulers already docked in the ports, which could only mean one thing: He was late.

Cursing once again at the speed of the ships, Movli returned to the cabin of the ship he was aboard, packing the necessary files and documents into his bag, which of course would not be carried by himself, he's the chieftain after all. The guin once again tidied his attire, trying his best so that the wrinkles on his delicate silk clothing are removed, or at least made not so obvious. He then proceeded to spray perfume all over himself, including the insides of his mouth, and was barely finished with his grooming as the ship reached the docks.

Movli stepped out of the cabin to take a look at the ports of Mesalin, since it was his first time here. There are people unloading their stuff off the ships, but something still feels not right about this island. It's way too empty for a port city, and the thought of Mesalin trickery crossed the mind of the ruler.

Movli summoned his captain with a slight wave, and whispered to him. "Get the men prepared, something's wrong with this island. Worst case scenario is that we'll have to siege the island." The captain nodded slightly at the command, before leaving to issue the chieftain's orders.

With a hint of suspicion in his mind, Movli Ngugerak stepped off his ship onto the island, heavily guarded by his Pstaza regiment.​

Bellatrix nodded at Galandor, she would leave as soon as she got her answer from Diana, which came shortly after. Her answer sent Bellatrix into a small sense of shock, as she didn't expect her to be able to catch a disease..she was..well..dead, but so where these corpses and here they were..infected. Shit. She swore to herself as she gripped her elbows tight, her knuckles turning white. That would be the only give away that the news Diana gave her made her slightly..unsettled. She was going to speak, say something about the fact that she was dead and that it was preposterous that such a thing could affect her, but again..the evidence was real. The dead could just as easily get infects as a human. Bellatrix had made a huge mistake in stepping into this room. Perhaps she had finally sealed her fate..and she was going to finally die. Maybe? Would the disease affect her phylactery? Could..Arkos..be affected through her? Troubling questions, but she had nothing to say back to Diana. Bellatrix's jaw clenched and her mouth set into a thin line as she exited the building, not a word to Galandor or Diana as she left. She needed air. She needed a moment to think about this news.

Bellatrix found herself wandering back down the to the beach, doing her best to settle her rising anxieties about this..sickness that had a 6% chance to skip her. Six percent. That was not good..not at all. Normally this is where Arkos would make a sly comment and she would forget all about i as he distracted her unending thoughts, but again...he was not here to make everything better. Or so..she thought. A flash of black ran across her vision, raising an alarm in her as she stopped on the path and looked around. "Who goes there?" She called out threateningly, her voice angry as her eyes darted around looking for whatever was there. Another flash of color before her eyes, this time her hands began to smoke once more as her temper rose. She was tired of whatever game was going on, tired of bad news, tired of everything! "I'll ask once more. Who is out there?!" She seemed to yell, but this time there was an answer. A soft chuckle came from behind her, one she was very familiar with. One she had not heard in decades. Bellatrix's smoke dissipated as she turned around and came to face the chuckle. Before her..was..it..no..this..was not..possible.

Demitri. Her lover. Bellatrix blinked several times as she looked the man in the face, the same face from years ago. The angular curves of his face, his long dark hair with eyes that matched, his pale skin..and the familiar smell of him. He was..there..in the flesh. Tears welled in her eyes as she shook her head. "You..You aren't real..this..is not possible!" She screamed at him, but he caught her face within his hands and cupped her cheeks as tears rolled down her face. "My dearest Bella..If I am not real..then why can I hold you? Touch you?" His voice..his ever so familiar deep voice was like music to her ears. Gingerly her hands reached up and held his. He was cold, but Demitri always was since he was a vampire, something she had missed about him. Hell..she missed all of him, and the fact that he was real..he was..standing here before her..caressing her face like he once used to, wiping away her tears..he was..alive. The shock on her face was indescribable as she pulled his hands from her face and held him tightly as though he might disappear in an instant. Demitri murmured something to her, but she couldn't hear him..all that mattered was that he was here. He was alive. Bellatrix breathed in his scent before he pulled away from her and gave her his signature smile; it made her heart ache. "Come on darling, I have something to show you." He said and took her hand, leading her away from wherever she was and into a deep darkness.

Bellatrix was not sure where he had lead her, but wherever it was..it smelled..so familiar. Looking around, she discovered where she was. Back at the castle, in..their room..the way it used to be before Bellatrix had to redecorate. Memories flooded her, as Demitri was no longer there, it was only her in her nightgown. The same nightgown she had worn..that night.. Her heart raced within her chest as she ripped open the door. Panic was spreading through her. Why had Demitri lead her here? And how? Wasn't she..no..she was here. Bellatrix had just been sleeping, waiting for Demitri to come to bed with her. That's right. She was having an odd nightmare with people who didn't know in it. Some strange man with a glowing chest, a woman who spoke gibberish, and a crazed mage. Very odd dreams indeed, but it was late. Later than usual..as by now Demitri would of already been in bed with her. Perhaps..he has extra paperwork? Or maybe Arkos has kept him up. She giggled at the thought. Those two..they were the best of friends..and she loved them both so dearly. Coming back to where she was, a guard stood before her with bewildered eyes before speaking, "Ma'am..is there..an issue?" He asked in a shocked voice before Bellatrix shook her head and pushed past him before speaking, "No, I just simply wish to find my husband is all~" She called to him in playful tone as she headed for Demitri's study.

She wondered down the halls, her bare feet making a soft pitter patter as she walked. If he was not in his study, then she would find him with Arkos for sure. As she walked, her stomach suddenly lurched and she pressed herself against the cool obsidian walls of the castle, her vision going in and out of focus. What..what was happening? She tried to blink away the blurriness but to no avail. She had..to continue. She had to get to Demitri's study. It was a pressing feeling, one she felt that she desperately had to do. Just..a bit..farther. She told herself as she used the wall to support her as she half stumbled, the sick feeling in her gut growing worse as she neared the study. Once she was at the door, she was so sure that she might pass out from whatever had taken over her body, but she didn't, instead..her vision seemed to clear just enough so that only the edges were slightly blurred. As She reached for the door, her stomach rolled and a pain lanced through her, but she would make it! All she had to do was open that door..and then Demitri would pick her up..and cart her away, scolding her like a child for getting out of bed when she was clearly very sick. Bellatrix's hand grasped the doorknob and she twisted it open. Inside, it was pitch black, but the smell hit her first. Blood. She rushed forward only to fall flat on her face right next to..Demitri. He was..lying down on his back, his eyes lightly glazing over as he looked over at her. He was pale..paler than usual, and the smell of blood that radiated off him made her nearly retch. "Dem..itri..?" She called weakly to him, but all he did was smile and reach out, wincing in pain as his hand came to gently caress her cheek. "Sh..darling.." He responded weakly, his voice so soft she had to really concentrate on what he was saying. "Don't..worry..we..will be together..soon.." His words sounded so far off as Bellatrix's mind swam with feverish thoughts. What..what had he said? Be together? They..were already together? But wait..what was wrong with her? Why was she so sick? Was she..dead? That's right. She was lich. Liches didn't get sick..right? Panic settled in her body, as she worried for both her and Demitri's health. They would be okay. Someone would come by. Arkos! Arkos would come save them! That's right! He was on patrol. He would walk by this room..see them passed out on the floor and smell the blood. He would rescue them! Now..if only she could call out to him. She tried to open her mouth and shout for him, but nothing came..just an empty squeak. Fuck. This was bad. He could be far off..but she would just had to hope. Arkos! Please! Come save us..wherever you are..help me! She called frantically in her thoughts, unaware that she was sending him telepathic thoughts in the real world.

The real world..What was going on there? Well. Let me tell you.

While Bellatrix had been making her way to the beach to be alone..she never truly made it. Whatever trap or disease had lay within that shed..she had caught it. It didn't take her long before she had began to hallucinate..and then she collapsed. Her body frozen in terror as whatever hellish nightmares played on in her hallucination. A sickly green was spreading over her body as her eyes lulled back into her head, her entire body growing warm as she lay on the ground and longer she did the more green she became as the veins in her body turned a deep black color. The same happening to everyone else that had entered the room. Soon they would all be sucked into a dream..one that had many outcomes. But would they ever wake up?
Gabe Gabe
August August
DeathValley105 DeathValley105
Cosmo Cosmo
(More info on the event will be posted shortly after this in the OOC!)
Movli Ngugerak
Immediately after exiting the safety of his ship, Movli had his hand pressed on the hilt of his sword. He looked around his surroundings as if he and his escorts would be attacked by the enemy the very next second.

His captain has already dispatched scouts to scout the island. Lightly armed Pstazas broke off from the main army to scout out the island, making sure that the land was truly safe before their ruler ventures further into it. However, they didn't come back with good news. According to what they saw, the entire island was infected by a plague, and probably all of it's denizens died. When asked for more information, the scouts said that they didn't see much as they didn't get close enough in fear of infection.

'Knew it, it was a trap, we have been deceived by the foul Mesalins!' That was the first thought that came to the mind of Movli, who began barking orders for the army to get back to the ships. Those who had been on the island, including himself, are to stay on the ship Movli was aboard previously to be quarantined, while the rest are to stay on their ships. A portion of the army stay behind with torches and started burning down as many buildings as they can to eradicate the infection.

Meanwhile, on the ships, preparations were made to leave the port, which will be done when the rest of the army returns to the ship.


The quill in his hand snapped, ink spreading across the parchment as the worlds crawled through his skull, 'if only he was here', a simple phrase, one likely said without intent or will to be heard, but still, it drove a dagger into the place where his heart once rested. Yes, even after all this time, it seemed she wished for the return of her fallen king, perhaps seeing the other royal families had created a longing in her for a return of her own, either way, it was a painful experience, but pain was something he was accustomed to. Pain kept the senses sharp and reminded someone they were still alive, well, in his case, a mockery of life but it changed nothing.

Arkos shoved the sullied parchment away, nearly knocking over the numerous tomes on his desk in his anger as he tore another scroll from his stack and grabbed a new quill and started again. It was going to be a long period until her return, and someone had to keep the realm together as he created new patrol dispatches in the ever losing battle against the bands of cultist, no matter what he did, they seemed to appear in another spot, no matter how many were crushed, more rose. It was maddening, but it was not the first time he had been tasked with chasing down dissidents that would never engage in a proper battle.


Arkos walked through the corridors, already having sent the dispatches off for the new patrols to their officers who, no doubt, would have preferred more leave, then it hit him. A plea, from Bellatrix. It was full of pain and desperation. The words hit him like a hammer and staggered him, the wight leaned against a nearby wall, as his senses slowly came back to him through the haze of the mental command given. He had never heard such a plea in her voice, not in ages, one that held such.. pain.

While his mind recovered, his body moved, compelled by the order 'help me'. He could no more resist it then a man could resist breathing, he was compelled, by his nature and link to the Lich to not disobey, but even if he had the will to resist, he would not have. He had nothing else in his accursed existence besides her, but how was he supposed to get there in time for.. whatever was happening? A ship would not be fast enough, but.. his steed. It would be an exhausting trip, it might not survive the journey, but it was his only chance, and a tiny part of him wanted to rebel at the contorl over his body and mind, the manticore was one of the few 'friends' he had, but he could not resist it as he made his way towards the castle dungeons, his heavy boots hammering against the stone as the magical compulsion forced his body to dance to its tune.

KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa
Diana Winry Faria

Raising an eyebrow at how tightly Bellatrix gripped her elbows, Diana watched the questionable queen take off on her own before turning back to her notes. She found herself a spot to sit, an area that had its corpses cleared by Galandor already since she was starting to feel unsettled.
"Minos, if you're done checking out Queen Bellatrix in such a lewd way, maybe you could do a scan of her and tell me what you see from her." She sent the thought mentally and continued to scribble in her notebook as she waited for a reply.

4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . .
Her pencil snapped.

8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . .
Not even a sarcastic response. Diana got up quickly, starting to make her way to the entrance,
"Minos! Where are you?"

"Diana-- stay away from me!" Finally a response, but something in Minos's voice was different. He was way too close to the building, she could hear him all to clearly even though she had ordered him to stay far away from it. Diana rushed outside to the front, skidding to a stop when she heard a cough just off to the side.
"No!" Another shout from him just as he turned away trying to cover something on the right side of his face. Why would he do that? It didn't take long for her to spot some discarded bandages, but this still didn't answer her question . . . She had already seen the damage to his right side, so there was no need to hide it from her.

Diana stiffened slightly as she stepped closer towards him, "Minos, what are you doing over here? I told you to stay away . . . What are you trying to hide?" Reaching out to him cautiously, her finger tips had just barely touched the tips of a few strands before he snapped to attention at her,
"Don't! I'm infected, don't touch me!" He yelled at her, and in her shock she had stumbled backwards. The right side of his face had been completely transformed with blisters taking over his right side, a green substance leaking out.

"Minos no-" She quickly clamped a hand over her mouth, pushing the emotions that had started to bubble up down. This wasn't right . . . She ordered him to stay far from the building, and he couldn't go against her order . . . And the infection couldn't be this rapid which could only mean-
"This isn't real . . . I'm infected, damn it!" She shouted in frustration, clutching her head as she tried to steady herself as a wave of nausea hit her.

"Diana . . . Am I going to die?" She knew shouldn't have looked, but by some unknown force she looked up at the ground, regretting her choice to do so. "It hurts . . . Diana, please . . . Make it stop!" It was fake, but the words still pierced her chest, her vision blurring from the water forming in her eyes. She cleared them away only to find a younger version of Minos in his place, begging for her to make everything better again.

Clamping her hands over her eyes she turned away in rush to leave the vision. "This isn't real!" She kept telling herself, "I have to snap out of this, I have to-" Her foot had gotten caught on something in her hurry to leave, and she closed her eyes ready to fall. She was falling, but the impact never came.

A weightless feeling took over, and she was no longer connected. Spectating helplessly, she watched my body move on its own. I'm walking down the halls . . . descending . . . To the depths of the castle, where the white stones darkened to a a haunting grey, sterile. There are steps behind me, I'm leading the way.
I know where I'm going . . .

In my arms is an important being bundled up. We're heading to my lab.
Here I go again . . .

"Why isn't she moving?" Her voice . . . She started to weep from behind me . . .
And again . . .

"How could she get infected? You said it was safe." His voice . . . behind me, it trembled in disbelief.

I'm sorry . . .

"Please, save her. Not my baby, she can't be dead."
I failed you, please forgive me Thalia . . .

"You can save her, can't you?"
I promise, i'll make things right . . .

"Why are you laughing?" The voice had grabbed Diana and slammed her right back into her reality. She was real again. Looking around as herself again, she was at home. The room's light made things feel like a far off dream, but the Minos in front of her was sitting with papers scattered around him and a small chalk board waiting on her . . . They were in the teaching quarters of the castle, and . . . they were in the middle of class?
"Diana!" Minos shoved his chalkboard up to her face again impatiently. He was smaller than she last remembered. "You're a terrible teacher to be crushing your student's aspirations like that." He pulled the chalkboard close to his chest, and despite his blank expression she could somehow see his pout.

It was a math lesson . . . Minos had made a doodle out of the number, and she was laughing? Blinking the fogginess clear from her mind, she looked at the doodle again. She quickly covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing. The answer Minos had made a doodle out of was 69 . . .
"Its just two people sleeping together . . . geez, you're so weird." He mumbled quietly, not understanding the dirty correlation of the number, or the fact he had actually made the 6 and 9 into people.

"You'll understand when you're older, trust me." Diana wiped her eyes, tears had formed from her laughing.
Minos muttered something under his breath as he wiped his chalkboard clean and looked up at her, "I'm hungry."
"We're almost done." She assured him as she turned back to the bigger chalkboard in the room and picked up some chalk to begin writing something down, "Lets go through that last equation and see if you can find out where you went wrong . . ." The message to start writing was being sent, but her body wasn't responding to her brain.

She was frozen, and she didn't know why. Before Diana could figure it out, a force grabbed her from behind and sucked her away, back into the falling. Everything around her shifted, the weightless feeling overwhelming her senses as she watched from the eyes of someone else in a nursery room.

I shouldn't be here, no. Everything is all wrong. The formula didn't work out as I had intended, i'm still infected . . .

The crib in the room had stopped rocking, but the baby wasn't asleep yet. She was crying, but her mother had left me in charge of tending to her while she addressed the matters of the plague.

No, don't. We'll infect her, stop.

Walking over to the crib, peering over the crying infant.
"Shh, Diana its late. You must get your rest if you're going to grow up to be a strong leader." The shushing words came out of my mouth without my consent.

Don't touch her, you'll kill her.
I shouldn't have been here, I should be in my lab . . . I was so close to finding the right formula, I was going to save us from the plague . . . Why am I here with the princess?

Reaching down, my cursed hands picked up the crying baby to hold her close, bouncing her gently. "Shhh, its okay." My voice betrayed me again. Watching helplessly as my body held the infant, its crying grew louder. A sickening blackness traveled from my fingers, seeping onto the princess.

No, you're infecting her.
You didn't cure yourself, you've made yourself a living carrier of the disease.
You idiot . . .
The crying stopped, the lights in the room dimmed. It was cold, everything had gotten so cold. We set her down back into her crib as if she was asleep, but the part of me who had lost control already knew she wasn't going to ever wake up again. I already knew what would happen, the plague would take her.

It was me.
In a flash, the nursery was gone. My body was walking through the city. People around me begging me to save them, but when they reached out their bodies had started to decay, starting from the hand outstretched to me and spreading all over before they crumpled to the ground. I was a walking disease.

Stop. Finish the cure. You'll infect everyone like this . . .

My body wasn't listening, and the world around me was being corrupted with each step I took . . .

With her mind in complete turmoil, in the real world Diana remained inside of the building, laying there in a deep slumber. Parts of her drifting on and off as another presence took dominance in her endless dreaming.

Minos Demoore

From his spot, the linklin had seen the Succubus of Death leave the building,
"The Queen is on the move, should I follow her?" He asked via mind. He remained sitting down as he waited for his Master to answer him.
"Minos, if you're done checking out Queen Bellatrix in such a lewd way, maybe you could do a scan of her and tell me what you see from her."
Minos tilted his head slightly at that second response. A long message like that couldn't have been sent that quickly . . .
"I'm going to go follow her, something seems ever more off with her."
1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . .
Watching the Queen head off in the direction of the beach, Minos held his eye open with his hand to keep it open while he activated his power. It was blurry, but he could see a speck of something in her aura, something that was spreading . . . Or something like that, it was definitely different from what had first saw--
His eye lids closed against his finger's best attempts, his eye was dry.
"I think Queen Bellatrix is infected . . . " He said this quietly to himself, but also sent it to Diana.
17 . . . 18 . . . 19 . . .
Still no response.

"Diana?" Minos rubbed the water that had filled his irritated eye and looked over at the building. A conclusion slowly starting to dawn onto him. A part of him was ready to use his eye again and look closely inside, but the other part already knew the answer. That building really was a death trap, and his Master as well as all the other Rulers had walked right into it.
Getting up from his spot, he took a few steps forward, wanting to go to Diana but was halted by an invisible force . . . She ordered him to stay away.
He could not go to her until she gave a new order.

"Stupid master!" He raised his voice as he kicked out the ground, frustrated but his apathetic nature didn't allow it to show in his voice or expression. If he couldn't go to her, how would he do the sacrifice to give her new life? Was she just going to die in there, and leave him as a linkless linklin? Minos's shoulders drooped in defeat as he looked at the building helplessly out of reach of his own Queen . . . Why did she have to order him to stay away?
Didn't she know that without her, his life was nothing . . .

This feeling . . . He was sad. He couldn't recall the last time he was sad, but one thing he knew for sure, he didn't like the feeling. It was suffocating. Forcing himself to shake these thoughts from his head, he turned his attention to where Bellatrix had gone off too. He'll go to her, and maybe he could use his youthful appearance to convince the queen to help his Master?

Minos almost made a face in reaction to the thought, and didn't think the Succubus was likely to do anything of that sort . . . It was still the only other option he had, plus her sinful body would distract his mind. He didn't really have to walk that far to find her since . . . she didn't even make to the beach, she had collapsed.

A groan of defeat escaped Minos's lips as he plopped down on the ground next to her, the feeling of defeat washing over him, "Well, I guess that means the world is gonna end now. All the rulers are gone, my Master is probably gonna die, and the Succubus is--"
He paused as his eyes landed over Bellatrix's limp body laid out on the ground . . . He looked around to see if anyone else was around before returning his attention to her. A sickly green had started to form on her body, but . . .
Her bosom was still clear.

Taking a deep breath, for the first time in forever Minos looked up to the heavens and clasped his hands together to pray.
"To the spirits that can hear me, I accept my fate and acknowledge that we are all going to die. Despite this cruel reality, I will humbly accept this parting gift you have bestowed me and if I am to find a way to reach my master I will gladly give her my life to thank you for this." Still in praying position, Minos looked back down at Bellatrix and the cleavage that was showing more than ever now . . . He scooted closer.
"Thank you spirits watching over me, I can now in peace knowing my sexual urges have finally been acknowledged." And with that Minos did the most unthinkable thing you could ever think of doing to a passed out Queen.

Minos had reached underneath her dress and placed his hands on top of her . . . Undead funbags. A shiver traveled through his body as his eyes widened, a gasping expression overtaking his typically dull state. "They're squishy!" He exclaimed to no one in particular, "If this is how I die, then I would gladly die a hundred more times."
In a state of childish glee, Minos's hands started to act on their own, groping the chest of Queen Bellatrix, an adventure he knew deep down he would live to tell (or at least longer than he thought he was going to at this point). "They're super squishy, I wanna do the stuff with them!" Without a second thought about the infection, Minos pushed his face against Bellatrix's chest and sighed in content . . . still squeezing them with his hands. Something inside of him had broke as the new sensations and the looming sense of death had overwhelmed him, causing him to break character in a fit of laughter and crying.
"We're all going to die still, but at least I can die as a man!"
KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa
[and Cosmo Cosmo if Arkos gets there during this . . . stuff]
Galandor Thurion

Galandor, with the help of his peers and some of the other nation's volunteers, started cleaning up the city. Galandor and Dhrom were carefully carrying the bodies with their power, while the others were wrapping them in clothes, a rather nonchalant start of the burial rites. Galandor and Dhrom were hard at work, the earth slowly and gently shaping and turning at Galandor's fingertips, eager to serve its master. Dhrom comandeered the sands like a maestro, the small grains easily being shaped into forms or shifted out of way. The two were like artists, mastering their craft in the very own land. Galandor however, felt something else in the earth. "One moment Dhrom, there's somet..." The emperor was cut short when he didn't see his brother. Without paying much attention, he burrowed underground, seeking the anomaly. The closer he went, however, more familiar this energy felt. He reached a dark cavern. Was it a cavern? It was damp and cold, but why did it remind him so much about...

A hand snapped him out of his thought. When he turned, he saw a tired looking Riall looking back. "What are you doing, Galandor? The enemy are at our doorstep!" Galandor looked around him once again, the ruins of the Silver Tower behind him. Looking forward, the nomads were advancing fast, his brothers and sisters were fighting them as hard as they could. Galandor remembered. Of course. They were claiming their land. Galandor pulled his sword But something was wrong. He remembered that fight. The Silver Tower was already built, and he was at the thick of the battle, the nomads focusing their efforts to deal with the traitors first. Ashae sprouted vines, trapping their enemies, While Dhrom finished off with sand. Riall drawing energy and blasting the ragged troops of nomads, and Galandor was sure that something he was supposed to do but at the time he couldn't remember where he was, it was so dangerous for their brothers to fight like that. He drew his own power, making a wall built off of himself between the coming warriors, waving his hand on the ground, killing several attackers, while their arrows and axes bounced off of him like it was nothing. Galandor shook his head, he shouldn't be there but the warriors kept on coming but it already happened and


Galandor looked around once again, and he was alone. In fact, there was nothing around him.
"Who's talking?"
He could only hear the sound of his ragged breath, as he frantically looked for the source of the mysterious voice.
"You at least know what you are. Show yourself!"
Galandor drew his sword and
"Stop narrating what's happening and face me!"
you will W̸̩A҉̡̫͇̼͕̭͟I̞̼͟T͚̼́ ̴͉͖F̘̳̘͟͡Ọ͈̮̳Ŕ̡͎̮̣̣̳̬̮͘ͅ ̵̸̝͎Y̖̻ͅO̸̢̩͖̳͙̰U̵ͅR̢̥͡ ͚̪̦̲̫T̙̩̬͈̣͟͠U̸̬͙̱͎̥͞R̥̼̖̫͍N̨̮͉̫͙ ̳̬͖͕̲̙̲̞G̙̙͇͟A̶̬͍̬͠L̛̟͚̗̲ͅͅÀ̷̤̫̹̮̩̭͇͍N̛̼̟͕͎̩͓͘ͅͅD̶͍̪͖̫O͏̨͓͔̣̦͉̗Ŗ͙͈̗͘

"I'm sick of those games! What have you done with me?"
Oh, you think I have done anything with you? Figures. You're so naive, little Gal. Don't you realize that you have done this with yourself?
"What do you mean by th... The bodies..."
Yes, yes, the bodies. Finally. It's incredible why Adaman hasn't collapsed with you in control.
"Why are you doing this? Who are you?"
I'm nobody important.As for the why...

You'll never know.

"Coward. It's always like that with your kind. No honor, no glory."
Glory doesn't keep you alive.
But that doesn't matter now. You'll stay here and wait for me to reach your little core. And then...
á̰͔̳̩n̘d͔ ̠͚͈ṯ̢̞̪̹͇͕h͈͖͘ͅe̴̞̯͔n̴͉͉ ͈̻͇͈͇̺̠n̠̯̦͜o̢̗̫t̲ẖ̷i̴̤̭͉̞̘ṇ̴̰̼̻ǵ̯̮̟̘̟..͖.̷̳̯͍̗
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Bellatrix could feel her life being drained away rapidly as Demitri's hand came to rest upon her face and he gave her a weak smile. Her hand came up and rested upon his, it was then that she realized she had been crying. Her biggest far had come true..Demitri was dying right before her eyes..and she was completely helpless. Paralyzed by whatever had taken over her body..all she could do..was be there..hold his hand..and maybe..just maybe..die with him. Bellatrix had always feared death, but in this moment..when it was live or die without him..she would rather die. Then..perhaps..in another life..their souls would reunite..and they could be together once again. Yes. That would be nice. Bellatrix gave him a weak smile as she tightened her grip on his hand.
"I love you."
"I..love you..more."
This last words she heard from him, before the world around them seemed to fade away into darkness. It was a comforting darkness, one Bellatrix felt she knew well. The world seemed to lull and sway as she felt like she was..floating. Weightless in a timeless oblivion. Was this what death was like? Your consciousness endlessly fluttering about in a pool of emptiness? A curious thought, but not one that Bellatrix got to keep for long before she saw a small light. The light taunted her off in the distance, making her move toward it, thus causing it to grow and grow until it expanded across her vision and sent her into another world, a land she never thought existed.

Bellatrix stood in front of a mirror, her long lilac hair pinned up and styled, her face lightly covered in make-up, and as her eyes traveled further down, she gasped at what she wore. Around her figure was a black ballgown that seemed to glitter in the candle light, as the corset fit sung to her torso. At the back was a giant purple bow with the strings that ran all the down the dress and along the train at the back of her dress, which..speaking of..was incredibly long. It didn't take Bellatrix long to figure out what she was wearing..as this was very clearly a wedding gown. Black for unity, purple for royalty. But who was she marrying? Her mind seemed to be fuzzy when she came to that thought, and the more she concentrated on it, the more of a headache she got until it became so over bearing she nearly fell. Swaying as though she was going to, a pair of strong arms caught her. Blushing she looked up to see who it was, and the face in the mirror behind her made her gasp. Arkos.

Arkos gave her a gentle smile before speaking, "Always falling for me, hm?" He teased and Bellatrix just giggled and shook her head. That's when it hit her. Arkos. She was getting married to..Arkos? He pulled her against him the best he could, though her poofy dress stifled his attempt a bit. She couldn't..quite recall how she had gotten here or how this happened..but she could care less. The man in the mirror looked at her with the utmost love and desire in his beautiful green eyes as his hands came to rest around her waist. He looked..so handsome. His long brown hair seemed to frame his face as his tailcoat matched her dress perfectly. He looked breathtaking. Bringing a hand up, Bellatrix lightly caressed his cheek, a motion he leaned into. Clean shaven, a nice smooth face, despite the few bits of scruff that always refused to be shaved off. Idly she wondered why he shaved at all, as he looked so adorable with a beard, but she didn't question it. Beard or no beard, she loved him for who he was.

Arkos pulled away, and her hand fell back to her side as she turned away from the mirror and looked to her soon-to be-husband. He was grinning ear to ear, a sight she would always remember. "Mmm..you know..in other places of Ioria..its sinful for the man to see his bride before the wedding~" She teased, which in response got her pinned against a cool obsidian wall as he looked down at her, the grin never faltering as he dipped his head down to whisper in her ear, "If only they knew the things I would do to you later~" His words sent a chill down her spine as she giggled softly and kissed him deeply before he could pull away. "Keep talking like that and we'll break more rules~" She teased back at him.


In the real world, Bellatrix's body remained completely still as Minos seemed to..have his way with her. Bellatrix would mumble something, but honestly..it sounded a lot more like a moan than her talking in her sleep. Something her defiler would likely love and find immensely satisfying. If he paid any attention to it at all.
Cosmo Cosmo
August August
(Would of wrote more..but..I kinda got lazy x3)
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Commonwealth Troops
A few elite Pstazas roamed the island of Mesalin with their torches, lighting any building, and the occasional corpse they came across with fire. Smoke fumed across the island as dozens of buildings are burnt down by the troops.

A few of these troopers headed down a path leading to more buildings, only to see a band of weirdly dressed people gathering around a boy joyfully playing with who is probably playing with his mother.

'What kid could still play like that when the entire island is fucking dead?' thought the leader of these troops as they yelled out:"Everyone, listen! The entire fucking island is dead, and Chieftain Movli has declared this island as a quarantined zone. All survivors are to head towards the port and be quarantined, or be subjected to lethal force, and the fucking kid over there, how the fuck are you still so happy when everyone's dead!"

The band watched as a man kicked and forcefully dragged the kid away from the woman. 'Kid-beaters, I see.' thought the soldier in distaste as he and his entire band drew their weapons. Some positioned their blade in front of them, ready to slash their enemies apart should the need arise, while the others aimed their repeating crossbows at the man currently dragging the kid. The sound naturally drew the attention of the weirdly dressed men, if the leader's command didn't already.

"You over there, halt your actions immediately, or we will open fire!" yelled the leader as he slowly approached the group, only to find that the kid's 'mother' is an infected corpse. The kid has to be put down, and by extension, the man currently dragging him away from the corpse also must die. He cringed at the thought at putting down a kid like that, but at least that would prevent the spread of the plague.

"They are all infected, open fire!" yelled the leader as he took a few steps back to his own group. The crossbowmen immediately pulling their triggers as the swordsman grouped together in a defensive formation.
KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa
August August
OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu
Minos Demoore

Being pulled away from the sleeping queen seemed to have snapped him out of his mini fit of insanity as he would later on refer to it. "We'll all be dead before you can even tie the knot . . ." He had started to mumbled, reverting back to normal, as well as getting his senses back. The linklin activated his eyes as he glanced up at . . . Tygo, as the man's aura revealed . . . It also lacked the same corruption on Bellatrix's aura, which could only mean.

Although he heard voices in the distance, he took a second to blink (dry eye is very irritating), then glance down at himself to see what would be his fate. In the glimpse he had at himself, he could foretell that he wasn't going to join Diana and the other rulers in their infected slumber (at least not any time soon) . . . His cards were highlighted though, and despite the headache that would come he took a peek as to why they were being highlighted.

Arrows? Why would they be shot by arrows--
Suddenly, the voice that Minos had pushed back to think became much clearer when he heard "They're all infected," before the second part even came out, Minos pulled out his deck, casting out some cards the second the arrows had been fired. Since he had made the last second decision to also deflect the arrows that would have hit the Prince, some of the tips may have scratched the royal's face . . . Not anything the young linklin noticed since one of the arrows actually did hit him.

Nothing serious, unless you consider an arrow sticking out of the right side of your face no big deal. The arrow's tip had barely pierced his skin, the momentum was killed when he redirected it but it just barely hit him on the side. Stepping away from prince, and the cards he had been able to stick some of his magic on, Minos turned his attention to the leader. With his apathetic expression returned, he simply pulled the arrow out with his free hand.
"At least I have bandages on already." The linklin said quietly since he had automatically sent a thought to Diana.

Minos kept his eyes on the group as he reached into his bag to pull out a certain tarot card, as well as a thick pencil. If Tygo looked down, he would have just gotten a sneak preview of it. Using his mouth, Minos marked the card then spat the pencil out of his mouth. He held it up for the group to see, then sent it flying over to the leader.

Admittedly it was supposed to hit the leader (or at least in reach of the leader to catch it), but it hand landed at his feet instead. The tarot card Minos had sent was the 'sick' card, and he had simply marked an X on it, leaving it for the leader to figure it out since the linklin didn't feel like raising his voice to talk to them.
If anything, he left it up to the Prince to start speaking up about how they were just assaulted. He didn't block the arrows for the prince out of kindness, he simply needed him to go check on his master since he was unable to get past the order.

OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu , Nyq Nyq
(meanwhile KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa , Bellatrix's body has just been left alone)​
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Commonwealth Troops
"Foul mages!" yelled the leader as the arrows from the squad are mostly blocked by the 'infected' mages on the other side. "Light a signal fire, we'll need support from the others!"

The kid then sent a card flying at him, with an 'X' marked on it. Not willing to risk infection, he dodged the card, causing the card to land at his feet. "Burn the card." he said as the squad lit up a signal fire, the red smoke would automatically summon the other Pstazas around the island, hopefully some with more experience fighting mages.

The soldier watched as the armed guards on the other side tensed up at the signs of battle, and merely snickered at the sight. They are not the Chieftain's elite guard without a reason after all. Then, the leader of the soldiers shouted at them, and he sounded far more civilized than the other bunch.

"So, the kid's a prostitute? Interesting." mused the soldier as the man finished his speech. He then shouted back at the man. "Considering the fact that you have decided to open negotiations, we shall cease hostilities. However, if you do not head to the quarantine zone immediately, we'll have to utilize lethal force."​
August August
OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu
Minos Demoore

The linklin didn't answer the prince right away since he was staring at the man in the distance. What's a prostitute? He instinctively asked the question to Diana, her silence reminding him that she was out of commission. He tilted his head a little in question, then tried to do a scan of him from where he was. From the blurs he saw, didn't seem like he was infected, or at least it wasn't visible to Minos from this far.

He could see that they burned his card, which caused his shoulders to slacken a bit, "I'll have to make a new card now . . ." He pouted quietly, although nothing in his voice really matched how he was on the inside. Nothing Minos could do about it now, so he looked up at Tygo, "You left to get your daughter, so you missed it . . . I came with my master, Queen of Faria." He paused momentary, not really rushing himself despite the things that were happening.

"The succubus-- the queen over there is infected, I was checking on her but . . . It doesn't appear that I am infected." Minos shuffled his deck of cards, looking over at the group with the sense of dismay. They were what Diana would call 'wolf-brained idiot", acting seemingly on impulse . . . Whatever infected them was something of the mental kind, but it wasn't his concern. "You don't appear to be infected either." He gestured at his uncovered eye like that was all the explanation needed, and simply continued. "I can't check on my master, she ordered me to keep a distance. Her and the other two must be sharing the same fate as Bellatrix. We can't go to whatever poor excuse of a quarantine those men are setting up, we must check on the others . . . Those men are idiots."

Nyq Nyq
OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu
Commonwealth Troops
As the Commonwealth patrol negotiated with the group in front of them, more of the Pstazas across the island rushed to the area in response to the signal fire lit by the patrol earlier. The newcomers aimed their crossbows at the perceived enemy, before the leader ordered them to stand down with a slight gesture.

"If you want to die, prince. That's your business. Just remember that I will personally end your life if you come back infected." The leader warned as the prince and the kid moved towards the now dead city. He would have shot the man had he not be a prince, as a war is the last thing needed by the Commonwealth considering current circumstances. However, it seems that the other band of more sensible folk, and also the prince's family are willing to head towards the quarantine zone.

"The quarantine zone is at the port, and Chieftain Movli is currently on-board of the Burning Dragon. We will lead the way."
August August
OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu
Minos Demoore

The linklin breathed a quiet sigh of relief then took a step over to Queen Bellatrix. He didn't need his eye to tell him that he wouldn't be able to carry her, so he simply looked over at the prince and gesture at her, leaving it to the prince to figure out how to handle the sleeping succubus. Giving only a few seconds for Tygo to figure it out, Minos already turned to lead the way, regardless of whether or not Tygo sorted what to do with Bellatrix or now.

"My master is in the building, I think another ruler is there . . . The goofy one left to do burials . . ." He paused for a moment, as if hearing something a sound that could not be heard. It was actually a drifting thought from Diana, he was starting to catch bits of it but it seemed like she was off in some other time. Minos pushed those thoughts and continued his 'explanation', "He is infected, or at least that is my guess."

Minos didn't really show much urgency other than the pace he was setting. If it wasn't for his fast walking, he would have just appeared to be on a casual stroll, lost in thought or something. The linklin didn't exactly check behind him often to see if Tygo was keeping up, which made it clear he wasn't exactly use to escorting royalty, but formalities weren't exactly priority at the moment. They didn't have to walk far from where they had met up since the gifted body of the queen had collapsed not to far from the building they had gotten infected in.
The linklin only got into a range of 50 feet of the building before being stopped by some invisible force. If his shoulders could slacken anymore than they already were, they would have. This was the range that was set, and until Diana woke up and dispelled the order, he couldn't get any closer.
"My master is in there, and possible the other ruler . . ." He pointed at the building plainly, looking around as he did so. For a while he had watched Galandor move the bodies, but at some point they got out of his view so he wasn't completely sure where he passed out at. "The other one should be dying somewhere else . . . I can see if there are any traces of his trail remaining." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small bottle and started to drop some sort of clear liquid into his eye, letting his eye soak it up before blinking. "It'll be easier to keep track of them if they're all together."

OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu , KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa (if her body ended up being carried along, if not RIP) , Gabe Gabe (cause you were mentioned, so why not?)

Commonwealth Troops

The band of Commonwealth soldiers stared at the foreign princess with disdain as they silently cursed among themselves. "What a bitch, can't she at least show some courtesy towards us, we are trying to protect her here." muttered a disgruntled soldier as the band escorts the large group of foreigners to the port. You can't really blame them for the cursing, as the Commonwealth treats it's soldiers with utmost respect to the point that not even the Chieftain dares to show a little bit of disrespect towards them. The fact that the military often launches coups against any Chieftain who dares to threaten their position might helped in that, but they mostly don't care about the Chieftain's policies unless it threatens their dominant status in the Commonwealth. Not to mention that the princess is a noble, and behaves like one. Such an act would had gotten your head on a pike back in the Commonwealth.

The other band of foreigners however are slightly more tolerable, at least they aren't total bitches. As a result, the Commonwealth soldiers stayed closer to the said band. Not long after, the band had finally reached the docks, with the Fleet of the Burning Dragon already prepared to leave the docks.

"Chieftain Movli, we had brought survivors to the quarantine zone, and one of them wishes to speak with you!" yelled the leader towards the Burning Dragon.

Meanwhile, on the ship

Chieftain Movli stared at the reports sent to him by the various bands of soldiers currently scouting and cleansing the island of Mesalin, and most of them don't look good. Thousands of dead citizens were found and dealt with, with no survivors found yet. Not to mention that a large chunk of his forces haven't reported back in quite a while. 'They might had gotten infected already.' assumed the Chieftain as he thought about the current situation of the island. With his initial shock and paranoia gone, the leader is now able to realize the grave consequences of this incident. The leaders of the world's other nations, those who did come, are probably dead, and it would most likely end up in a massive power vacuum that would only further profit the Chaos cults. If this is any other period in history, Movli would had smiled at the thought, as it would probably get him in the history books with the guin leading a conquest against the world's weakened nations and establishing the Commonwealth as the sole dominant power in the world. However, it's not. Instead, Chaos cults would probably destroy the other nations, before turning their attention to the Commonwealth to finish the deed.

"Awwwww, can the situation be anymore fucked up than this!" yelled the Chieftain in frustration. The mere thought of the fucked-up state of the world's political state gave him a massive headache, not to mention the financial depression that would follow as the other nations which they can trade with slowly fall into the hands of the Chaos cults. At this very moment, his thoughts were interrupted by a voice from below the ship.

"Chieftain Movli, we had brought survivors to the quarantine zone, and one of them wishes to speak with you!"

"Oh, thank the gods! Finally a survivor among this mess!" Chieftain Movli immediately rushed out of the cabin after hearing the news.

OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu
King Fenrir

After the Dead Queens words Fenrir closed his eyes and brought in a deep breath prepared to give them his little rant he was quickly conjuring up when the sound of swords clashing, horses screaming out as they were perched by bolt, arrow, or lance, men screaming there last scream, and the movement of his carriage being thrown to the ground upon its side. Opening his eyes with a moan Fenrir clutched his head and stood up from his sprawled position now upon the grassy floor. Taking his hadn't away from his head he saw that it was nearly covered with blood. From the top of the carriage formally the side two pairs of hands reached in and hoisted the prince out of the fallen vehicle. Viktor and Scorn two of the Royal Guard started to yell out orders. Viktor screamed something along the lines of "Protect the prince! Let none of those bastards get to him!" While Scorn crouched down to the princes height and looked into his eyes his face a mask of concern and fury, "M'lord are you alright?!" Looking over the field he noticed that the three of them were on whatever room was left on the carriage while the other 12 guardsmen formed a small circle around the fallen carriage. All around Animal Humanoids and men from the States Army and whatever nobles forces engaged in bloody combat. Already blood were being spilled and the sea drilling up as the two sides tore each other apart. Waving away his protector he jumped down to the back of the carriage where a crate was, opening it he pulled out his armor and weapon saying "Yes, Yes, i'm fine Scorn. Help me get my armor on and then lets head into the fray."

"But sir-"

"Theres no time for alternatives! Were caught in the middle of the battlefield and if i was seen running away from the fray i would not be seen as future king in the eyes of my citizens! Now get your ass down here and help me before we go and kill some bastards eh?" Fenrir responded arm and some of his leg armor already put on as Scorn nodded and jumped down himself helping get the armor on. Once finished Fenrir pushed his helms visor down and grasped his Warhammer in his two hands, his duel hammers were already at his side in case he needed to duel wield. "Into the fray soldiers! Brave mens shall not be sacrificed today for we shall succeed! Foul Lion and Terrible Animal shall not gain victory here today. Now fight, FIGHT! FOR YOUR KING AND YOUR PEOPLE!" He yelled to the royal guard and soldiers around him as he bashed the skull in of his first enemy ever and transformed into his Gargoyle Form, also the first time ever. The disease had looked into his deepest and most kept hidden memories in his mind and soul and brought them to life. One of the bloodiest battles of The Great Animal Humanoid and Human war ever seen excluding the final battle.

In the normal world the king had fallen on the table behind him shaking as if in a seizure skin slowly turning gray, claws and teeth forming, and wings coming from his armored back easily sliding out from the armor that shifted and enabled him to transform into the large beast.

King Leon

Leon has been prepared to become a neutral accountant when he blinked and was transported to a place filled of darkness and blue tinted mist, whats this? Place mow darkness and familiar scent yet foreign to my eye and unknown to my senses all except smell. Sheathing the traditional weapon of the Lion Leon would walk forward sniffing the air and following the scent, how is it that i have no memory of what this place is or why it smells so familiar but i am yet drawn to it? He wondered all the while getting closer to his target and the scent getting stronger and stronger. Finally he came across a strange symbol in the ground, walking forward he noticed it was his families crest. Strange, i have not used this for years nor my family except when delivering messages to fellow family or in upmost importance. He wondered again when a roar that shook the room caused Leon to drop on one knee in a bowing position. Lifting his head he prepare duo roar out a challenge and engage in combat when the space grew bright with white light and armored, or sometimes robed forms formed a circle around him. Looking past the forms he saw many more stretching out into the distance in similar outfits. Halting his hand he realized with a dreaded conclusion as he put in the people, scent, and house sigil. He was facing his ancestors and former kings of his people. Before he could open his mouth the form directly in front of him took off its helmet and looked him dead in the eyes snarling as he said "You have failed your people and your ancestors. You are not fit to be a lion or a ruler." The words hit him hard, coming from his own father he lowered his head in shame "I'm sorry, i've tried to uphold our legacy but with the disease, infighting, and-" but he was stopped bosom to his right "SILENCE YOU MUMBLING FOOL!" A robed lion said, his great (Times Plenty) Grandfather, leader twenty years after the end of The Great War of Thalien, "You have cursed our lineage and our legacy! What is your defense upon the matter?" He said. With another realization Leon realized it was not that he was meeting all of his ancestors but he was standing on trial before them also.

He, The Wizard, and Tiagria were all still and had fallen to the floor not shaking or throwing a fit like there king but just laying there as if paralyzed. The Wizard however was slumped in a pile on the ground, Tiagra as if he was about to pounce, and Leon in a similar position as he was in during his intoxicated dream.

General Tiagria

Here he was getting ready to pounce on the bandit group and save the human family from being robbed and possibly killed when he heard crashing in the distance. Clutching his stone daggers harder the young cub only ten at the time snarled impatiently as more bandits this time on horseback and trailing a wagon with more families in them came into the small clearing in the woods. He noticed that there were only fathers and boys inside. "Is this all you could find?" One of them on horseback said, at his side was a nasty looking iron mace already flaked with rust, no, blood. Moving his form he silently jumped to another tree to get a better look. In return birds flew into the sky squaking and causing for a few of the bandits to look in his direction. Luckily the densely populated leaves hid his orange and black stripped pelt. "No one travels through this part of the woods unless there madmen, us, or looking for a place to get away from civilization. So yes we didn't get as much as you or other groups." The leader of the ground party said to the man on horseback. Leading the horse forward he made a strange sound with his mouth and the wagon was brought forward and opened. Two men with rusty swords and axes stood at the entrance to both put whomever was about to go in from actually going in and keeping the inhabitants still inside. "The women and girl are yours to keep, we get the boy and father as promised." The leader said before turning away and leading his horse to the edge of the clearing "Take a small break men! he said before going and releasing himself. Snickering and smiling the bandits started to pull the women and girl into them whispering in there ears and grouping them. The girl mortified slapped one in the face leaving a small scratch in his cheek. Punching her in the gut she fell to the ground with a cry the men started to pull off her dress. The father meanwhile was getting beat into submission and the boy already in the jail wagon. Having enough Tiagria roared jumping out of his spot within the trees. Two massive daggers the size of short swords had already found there way into the guts of the rapistis of the other while another three were sailing to the girls captors and one of the onlookers. Now without throwing knives she took out his regular knives and started to rip apart the bandits, with his surprise attack gone and now twelve of the possibly thirty man party dead his upper hand was gone. Soon he Tiagria had suffered a few injuries with blood poring into his eye. now surrounded and the family locked in the wagons with the other males and boys Tiagria prepared to fight his last fight. Throwing the knives he sucesfily managed to get them into the hearts and chests of two more bandits. Opening his paws he let his shortened and still slightly sensitive claws shine in the sun that had snow managed to come in through the hole he created in the leave and branches. Opening his mouth to yell a challenge the sound of trumpets came and battle cries of others on horseback and armor came. Arrows flew and sword or axe found there targets, a patrol from a nearby town or castle has came to rescue the people. Wavering Tiagria fell into a deep and troubled sleep as exhaustion from the fight and the pain from the wounds overcame him.

Sadly the magic had brought the wizards doom and he was cast into the magic dimension. What he is seeing currently cannot be projected. Just think of the Gandalf vs Balrog scene excepted its is a swamp with the water being pus, it was raining blood, dismembered limbs resembled logs, Large clumps of diseased and smelling skin were boulders, and the trees were made of burned bodies with the bone showing and moaning in pain. All the while the wizard is fighting this:


The Oceanian Army and Navy

After coming around the entirety of the island to patrol it and see if there was anything to report the two armies noticed the five ships, army putting everyone in what appeared to me some sort of zone, and smoke coming from across the island two thins were concluded. A: this was an invasion force, and B: they better be prepared to fight. Rushing forward weaponry on the many warships were loaded and sailors were sharpening the weapons ready to rush onshore to join there comrades already there from Leon and Fenirs ship and there current comrades. Along with this the army from Oceanian had left upon shore weapons ranging from swords, axes, and other melee weapons some used by people world wide others fit for the use of the species or ranged weaponry of similar status were readied ran up the shore and somewhat made a half of a circle, most of the force was around the quarantine zone ready to fight while the rest was ready to fight any reinforcements. Meanwhile the Commonwealth Navy was surrounded by the Thalien Navy and were locked onto target from the varies weapons both aimed to hit the Commonwealth Soldiers and Ships. The Admiral of the navy and Officer from the state army of Oceanian both walked forward together after the admiral ran out of the quarantine sone with the sailors from Thalien to join the State Army. Calling out to the Commonwealth soldiers they said "Hail invaders and possibly enemies of the multiple kingdoms here, unless you all wish to die and have our nations go to war i would recommend you follow out there three things. Number one you leader and an armed guard of ten must come here to meet us. Two, you are to drop all weapons and surrender to our forces, and Three call back any groups you have on further inland and make sure they know the first to. Any sign of attack or not following suit will result in the immidiet attack of both the army and navy leaving you all dead no mercy what-so-ever." The two waited for the Commonwealth to follow orders. If the soldiers were to look at the sailors and Oceanian Army they would see pure war hardened warriors armed with ferocious weaponry with many being as long as limbs. They also saw how between the large navy and large amount of soldiers they were outnumbered as Fenrir had literally brought an invasion force (even though the army isn't big enough to do that)

Nyq Nyq OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu ( August August KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa Gabe Gabe cause why not?)
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Fleet of the Burning Dragon"Hail invaders and possibly enemies of the multiple kingdoms here, unless you all wish to die and have our nations go to war i would recommend you follow out there three things. Number one you leader and an armed guard of ten must come here to meet us. Two, you are to drop all weapons and surrender to our forces, and Three call back any groups you have on further inland and make sure they know the first to. Any sign of attack or not following suit will result in the immediate attack of both the army and navy leaving you all dead no mercy what-so-ever."

After the figure finished his speech, Chieftain Movli's blood was drained of his face as his mind had finally came to the conclusion that this is all a plot against the world's nation. "Cursed Chaos cults! It's a trap, it's a trap! They killed all world leaders with the plague, and surrounded us with their navy, just to frame us as the perpetrators of the attack! All soldiers prepare to engage, this is a COSAWPI 8* scenario!"

As the Chieftain barked around his orders, the sailors on the fleet rushed to their positions, while signal fires are lit to summon reinforcements inland. The fleet then immediately formed a V-shaped formation, with the Burning Dragon flanked by the four other ships of the navy.

Then Chieftain Movli stepped up and yelled:"We would rather die than to walk into the arms of you foul cultists! To war, my brethren! This day, we crush the forces of Chaos, or we die trying! Let the foul Chaos cultists know the strength of the Commonwealth!"

"Oorah, death to Chaos, death to the enemies of the Commonwealth!" The sailors of the Commonwealth shouted in unison, as they aimed their weapons at the Chaos ships. Ballistae were loaded and ready, while hundreds of the Commonwealth's finest inspect their gear in case they need to board the enemy ships.

Meanwhile, on the docks

The leader of the Commonwealth band drew his weapon and told the more tolerable foreigner."I'm sorry, but anything would have to wait. We'll have to fend off the foul Chaos cultists on those ships." As he finished his words he pointed at the Chaos navy surrounding the Commonwealth fleet.

"Death to Chaos, death to the enemies of the Commonwealth!" The leader cheered at the same moment as the navy, with his sword raised up high. "Let this day be known in history as the proof of the Commonwealth's strength, we fight, or we die!"

The Commonwealth forces on the docks cheered at the speech, ready to face off the cultists that threatened their chieftain.

Meanwhile, the Commonwealth soldiers across the island rushed towards the port at the sight of the signal fires from the docks.​
DeathValley105 DeathValley105
OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu

*COSAWPI: Abbreviation for the Commonwealth Safety and War Preparation Index, a scale devised by TISA to prepare the nation for various scenarios that could pose a threat towards the nation and it's citizens. The higher the scale, the more dangerous a threat is perceived as. For example, Nakruu raids are considered as COSAWPI 1, while raids from Chaos cults are considered as COSAWPI 3. A full on war would be generally considered as COSAWPI 5 and above, depending on the scale of the war.​
The Oceanian Army and Navy

Right as the Chieftain was seen yelling orders and the signal fires were lit the first volley had been shot. Around 90 Boulders were shot, 400 ballista and scorpion bolts were shot (200 each)withe the scorpions having 100 being equipped with magic that let them explode upon impact, and a ten scattershot from ten of the 100 catapults were let loose. The scatter shots were thousands of species of spare metal, sharpened and spiked coral, and the occasional small throwing weapon all in a large bundle when shot forward would open up and let the shrapnel fly. It was a tactic used against ships that would have important people on it so naturally seven of these were aimed for the command ship while the rest went for the other four ships. Ballista, Scorpion, and Catapult shots went for each ship somewhat evenly. After the speech was ended the second volley was already going through the air, the first had connected, and the third was getting ready.

On land it was somewhat similar drawing his sword and Warhammer/Great Axe combination weapon the Whale Humanoid Officer and Admiral ran back to the lines "The bastards declare war! Archers! Skirmishers! fire! Aim for these invaders and not for any of the other nations guards, we don't wan tot be fighting more than one war eh?" The Admiral yelled to his men as they laughed at the joke. "To war my brethren! TO WAR!" The Officer said earning a battle cry from the 5060 soldiers. Stepping forward Humanoids armed with bows and arrows, crossbows, throwing axes, knives, and javelins stepped forward and shot at the groups. Projectiles rained down upon the two separate groups while the rest of the forces lead by the Officer charged forward pike and spearmen (with shields) at the front filled up behind with axemen, swordsmen, and other one handed weaponry/duel weaponry men with two handers at the flanks and along the back. This was filled up similarly by the group that went to attack The Commonwealth at the docks. Hopefully the other nations guards and sailors would help Thalien forces in attacking The Commonwealth.

Troop Movement:
Navy: First and Second Volley fired with third being readied. Scattershot majority aimed at Chieftain Ship.
Army: 2000 Projectile/Skirmisher Units. 1000 went for the group at the Quarantine Zone while the other 1000 for the group heading to the zone.
3060 melee units. 2060 charged to the people coming to the zone with Projectile/Skirmisher Support. 1000 charged to the men already at the docks also with Archer/Skirmisher support.

*Two Volley from the ship could have been shot because of the following reasons. A: We already had all of the catapults and etc loaded, B: we were ready to attack if they declined, and C: With the speech being somewhat long and the first volley being shot before the speech it would be easy for all the weaponry to be loaded and shot again soon or right after the speech. Any problems i can and will work out with either you or the DMs*

OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu Nyq Nyq ( KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa August August Gabe Gabe you guys can choose if your men will remain neutral or choose a side i guess?)


'Faster my friend' Arkos urged Dro'khan, the massive manticore responded with a tired roar as it pushed its body to the limit. With each beat of its mighty wings, Arkos could feel the muscles straining under his legs. He had pushed the beast for everything it had and then demanded more. The island was hours away, and they were pushing one. An impossible feat, but Dro'khan was doing everything in its power to get its master to its destination, and a tiny part of Arkos, that was not consumed with his Queen's plea, felt sorrow for his actions, at how hard he was pushing the mighty creature that was defying its own limitations out of loyalty to him.

Her emotions, normally kept guarded and masked, were spilling out and it left Arkos lost and confused. One moment, she was blissfully happy then... she was terrified, he had never felt her so terrified before and then happy again and, well, another state of being that was better left unmentioned for his own sanity. Whatever was happening was.. wrong, the fact she had called out to him made it even worse and he did not want to dwell on the situation that would force her to cry out to him like that. Something she had never done before, at least, not like that.

His dark eyes fell on the island and the two fleets preparing to engage, neither were particularly large, and he could make out their own nation's ship at the dock that hadn't done anything, for lack of order or just in normal confusion was up for debate, a debate he didn't have time for nor did he have time for the battle, the sailors lives on board his nation's ship were all expendable compared to her's, although he doubted they would see it that way. Arkos reached out to her but, just as before, it was as if he was seeing her through a fog, distorted and blurred but he was just able to make out 'enough' to gather her general location. Casting one final dead gaze at the naval fleets beneath him, he turned his manticore towards the 'pull' of his queen.

As he covered the deserted island, he spotted a large group of armed people, and from the looks of it, from numerous other nations, but that isn't what grabbed his attention, what did was the crude stretcher and the figure that was on it, Bellatrix. Arkos urged Dro'Khan down, in his rush, Dro'khan tucked his wings in and shot down like a missile only slowing down at the last second, springing out his wings and stopping his descent, kicking up dust and sending it flying in all directions, Arkos dropped down from the great manticore, and promptly ignored the group as he shoved his way towards his queen, "Bella," Arkos growled, his voice a metallic ghostly whisper, just as dead as his body.

He knelt next to her and reached out a gauntleted hand towards her face but stopped as he noticed the slight discoloration but that wasn't possible. She was a lich, she wasn't a living being, how could she be sick? It wasn't possible. Arkos let his hand caress her cheek, disease or not this... was bad, "What happened to you?" He asked softly to no one in particular.

KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu August August
Minos Demoore

It had been a simple matter of following the fading trail of Galandor's magic residue and having some of the prince's men carry the stone-headed oaf with the other rulers. Once they were generally in the same area, Minos has found himself a spot he could start using his eye to see if he could figure out what he could do to wake them up.

Before doing so, had to douse his poor eye with some solution to ease the dry eye effects. His master was right, it was possible to track someone and the only thing holding him back was the physical limits of his eye. With a sigh, the linklin got up from where he was sitting to get closer in the group to get a good line of sight of the two they had together. Holding his eye open once more, he activated his vision. The same infecting green aura cloaking their bodies, but now that they were in the same area something about--

Minos's visionary powers were cut short with Arkos's suddenly arrival, snapping him out of his focus, the hidden world only his Spiritually gifted eye could see was gone. His eye stubbornly stayed closed, blinding him for a temporary since his other eye was bandaged. Hearing the man ask what had happened to 'you', most likely referring to the sleeping succubus since he had so rudely pushed past them to get to her.

"She got infected." He replied bluntly, despite the question not really being asked to him particularly. Minos hadn't gotten a good look at him yet, but he came to the conclusion this lover of Bellatrix's needed the obvious to be pointed out to him.

Finally his eye would open, and after a quick wipe to his eye he was finally able to see. Shocking, but not enough to stop him from subconsciously sling his bag over his shoulder and dig through it. The Undead love of the Mistress of Sex Appeal. Already Minos was jumping to conclusions, pulling out a rather inappropriate card to share with the newcomer while he reactivated his eye.

Noticeably they two shared a similar sense with each other, but not the infected kind of sense . . . The infection sense caught his attention more than the queen's dead fucktoy over did. With the infected rulers close together, he could now see hints of wispy figures, a feeling tugging him toward a direction but it wasn't strong enough to be clear--
Once again, the linklin had to blink but this time it felt as if he had just resurfaced for air while swimming under the water. Deep breaths . . . He reminded himself, glancing down at his hand.
Even while seeing through all that, he had gotten the card he was searching for:

The Dead Fuckboy

Long ago, Diana had read him a story and he jokingly summarized the character into one simple tarot card, but as to why he actually had it in his deck was beyond him. Was it really the time for this? He started to wonder as he shoved it back into his bag, tilting his head slightly towards where the pull had came from. He stared off silently in thought before mumbling, "Undead Lover would have been more appropriate . . ."

Cosmo Cosmo , OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu , DeathValley105 DeathValley105 (since I assume your characters who got infected didn't really leave the building which means that Tygo's people would have gotten them out while being directed to Minos's master) , KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa , Gabe Gabe
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