The World of Eon

are you still excepting?

Name: Draugur

Age: 20

Gender: male

Race: human/cyborg

Ability: night vision (robotic eye) super straight up to 1 ton (robotic mussels) super speed 60 Km (robotic mussels)

Power: can shock people and things with a built in teaser (range touch)

Personality: playful, nice, rash, esaely exactable, tech wizard.

Weapon: teaser



Bio: his dad was the owner of a cybernetics company Cybro.

It wasn't one of the biggest but it was still well known. Draugur was born in Iceland Earth and his name in old Icelandic was apparently ghost.

He never new his mom she died in a car accident, so it had always just been him and his dad.

Extra: He knows Icelandic.

Name: Echo Harlock

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race: Human(you can be a human or some alien you made up)

Ability:Genius, Endurance, Stealthy. ( such as Speed,Endurance,Strength.ect you are limited to three)

Power:Mind Manipulation AND Growth (once you're on the planet long enough you mutate some limited to two but you can get others later on for good Rp)

Personality:A bubbly, kind, young girl.

Weapon: A crude, handmade bow and arrow.(when you start you will be lucky if start with a Knife, meaning keep it low tech like stone, maybe a metal pole from the ship,)

Appearance:Blue hair, blue eyes. Ha slong hair that is typically bundled into pigtails.




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