Story The World. A Joke.

Insanity VS Sanity

  • Bravo. Bravo senior. You think I'm crazy. I see you calling me a psychopath, and the sad thing is that asking the question means you've already decided I am. And I don't blame you. Anyone thinking this way would be seen as a freak, but somewhere in there, you know I'm right. Or maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am crazy. My mind must have grown legs and run away with a cuckoo bird poking it's head out and playing it's music without a care in the world. Now that's funny!

    But you see, the thing about sanity is, those who have it, don't know if they do, and those who think they do, don't. Sanity is an illusion-- like selflessness. Insanity is a label that is very much related to the word evil. Everybody is content to just slap the insanity label on any person who's mind they don't understand, and believe me, there's plenty of people deserving of that beautiful word out there. Just watch Dr Phil. You'll get the idea.

    It's not my fault if you think I'm crazy. It's understandable. But now I think you're crazy. Maybe. Somewhere in there. Who knows, maybe it'll take just one bad day to bring out that little monster you have hiding under your bed.

    Sanity is a mindset that means you follow the rules. But you're following the rules that we created for our tiny world. You see, before life existed, there were no rules. But then a dynamic developed once everything started moving around eating itself and fucking. Survival of the fittest became the one rule, and it hasn't changed, buddy. We still eat eachother and fuck, just in a different "more dignified" manner. But I bet even the pope is hammering away at some young girl while she screams "Thank you Daddy!". Yeah, we're just as sick on the inside now as we've always been.​

    I'm a rare breed. Why? Because the rules mean nothing to me. Why should they? Oh because these rules are what keep everyone alive and safe? No buddy. No matter what rules you write down or nail into someone's head, you will always be in danger.

    I may be crazy, but at least I question it. What about you?
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