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Realistic or Modern The Woods.




sexual orientation:




appearance (realistic fcs - pictures highly recommended):

equipment (in their bag):

anything else?


Name: Thia Mase

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female

Ethinicity: British

Personality: Thia is a low maintenance girl with care for only her hair and her status, as well as a few close friends that are with her almost all the time. She likes to go out at night, drink, smoke and make trouble. She holds the status of the girl you don't want to mess with, yet she's actually kind as a kitten once you get to know her. But to keep herself safe from getting hurt, she puts up a hard barrier to maintain her sanity and popularity (something that she cherishes).

Bio: She had a rough childhood and ended up in care at a young age. Once she hit 13 she was adopted by a lovely family and grew up from there just fine, but she was bullied in school for 2 years and never told anyone, which changed her drastically. Her adoptive parents started arguing every day after just over a year and become rather verbally abusive towards Thia. She spends most days and nights over her friends houses and can't wait to head off to university.

Equipment: Her phone, hairbrush, mascara, foundation, spare change of clothes, flashlight, three bottles of water, bag of popcorn and an apple.

Extras: She's a smoker and drinker and prefers to be called "Theo".

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Sexual orientation: pan

Ethnicity: Cacasian

Personality: is a complete nerd. Very enthusiastic and is constantly moving around. A bit too hotheaded will get into things she can't finish. Says you want to fight even though she couldn't fight off a fly if her life depended on it.

Appearance: Short with freckles. Short brown hair. Brown eyes.
Name: Stefan Andersson

Age: Eighteen; March 15th, 1998

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: Swedish (Paternal), British (Maternal)

Personality: Stephan is a hard person to get along with. Generally, he is an asshole to everyone and picks fun at anything he sees. He uses responds with sarcastic smartass comments, and tends to stray away from social norms. His friends, however, find him charming and funny; when he wants to be.

Biography: He was born to wealthy parents as the only child. He was given relatively whatever he wanted. He is a bit distant to his parents.

appearance (realistic fcs): Blonde hair (died brown) cut medium length and styled in a comb over. Blue eyes, with grayish brown rings in the center of the pupil. Lean build, and tall frame. 6'1'' in height. 165 lbs in weight.

equipment (in their bag): Iphone 6s plus.. Apple charger... Extra clothes... a bag of Family sized Doritoes and a water bottle.

anything else?

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