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Fantasy The Wolves of Purgatory


Space Astronaut

The Wolves of Purgatory

Battle one another and mythological attorneys, and win big to advance in the new battle of Good vs. Evil! Indulge in the small but exclusive heaven run firm "Adam & Eve Co." Or turn your head to the other direction and progress in the elite demonic-firm of "Lucifer Dracaena Stone" where you'll invest in the stock market, climb the corporate ladder and score large to financial success in the game of what's black and what's white, that is - if you don't lose your own soul first.



1) No one liners, I will make sure Lucifer kicks you up the bum if you do.

2) Swearing and Violence is allowed, just not too much.

3) Romance and all the rest is allowed because.. blah. Just make sure to fade to black.

4) And lastly. Be active, please?

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